Clinical, Cosmetic, and Patient-Reported Outcomes of Intraoperative Radiotherapy Therapy in Early Breast Cancer: a Multicentre Prospective Study
Influence of Oral Health Literacy On Oral Healthcare Utilisation and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Among Low-Income Adult Populations in Kuala Lumpur
Rrangers Ar (Resilience Rangers Augmented Reality): Development and Implementation of Augmented Reality Games for Mobile Devices in Preventing of E-Cigarette/Vape Use Initiation Among Adolescents in Malaysia
Turning Waste to Gold: Developing Human Platelet Lysate (Hpl) from Expired Allogenic Platelets as a Protelah Tamat Tempoh, Sebagai Produk Untuk Penyiasatan dan Aplikasi Terapeutik Dalam Perubatan Regeneratif dan Kejuruteraan Tisu.
Impact of Intermittent Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (Cgm) in Improving Diabetes Self-Care and Control in Adolescents On Regular Insulin Therapy
Development of Temperature Responsive Beads for Topical Delivery of Turmeric: An Approadh to Enhanced Skin Therapeutics
Development of Stem Learning Module for Underprivileged (B40) Secondary School Students to Foster Students' Interest in Stem and Stem Literacy