Dr. Nasnoor Juzaily Bin Mohd Nasiruddin aka Dr. Samba was born in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. He completed his elementary school education at St.Thomas Elementary School, Kuantan, Pahang and continued his high school at one of the elite boarding schools in Malaysia: Sekolah Dato’ Razak (SDAR), Seremban. Upon completed his school-education level, he pursued his first degree in Exercise Physiology at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and completed his Master degree in M.A Physical Education (Pedagogy) at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo-Michigan, USA. In 2019, Dr. Nasnoor obtained his doctoral degree in Kinesiology (Sport Pedagogy) at Texas A&M University, College Station-Texas, USA. Pertaining his sport background. Dr Nasnoor was a former national elite athlete in rugby and was appointed as a national team captain during the Asia Rugby Cup tournament, 2003. His fields of interest are physical education, measurement & evaluation, survey development, physical activity & motivation, curriculum & instruction, and sport performance analysis  

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Rizal was part of the very first batch of Sport Science students that graduated from University of Malaya in 1999. In year 2000, he went on to pursue an MSc (Human Movement) at the University of Western Australia, graduated the following year and started to teach in UM in 2001. He formally completed his Phd from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Malaya in 2012; investigating the critical parameters of the ten-pin bowling delivery. Rizal’s primary focus is in on technical performance enhancement of various sport skills. More recent research include studying the reliability of the taekwondo scoring system, designing an apparatus to help the visually impaired exercise and; looking at the effects of leg length discrepancies on gait. He has also done work related in anthropometry and talent identification. Moreover, Rizal has a particularly keen interest in investigating and finding solutions for applied problems in an array of different fields. He was the Deputy Director of Undergraduate Studies & Development at the Centre for Sport & Exercise Sciences, UM from 2016 to 2019. He has also lead the transformation of UM sports facilities, which has seen a near ten fold increase in fixed monthly income in the last two years. At the same time he was instrumental in establishing the UM Sports Science Support Services (UM4S) which is the current commercial arm of the sports science labs.  On the sporting side, Rizal is an accomplished floorball and hockey player that played at all age group levels for KL hockey up to national junior’s team. Now an active coach, recently winning the 2018 National U14 gold with the KL ladies hockey team. The highlight of his coaching career thus far is being the assistant coach for the national mens hockey team in 2008/09. He was also the coach cum player for the Malaysian Floorball Team and won a bronze medal at the 2015, 2019 & 2023 SEA Games, and currently serves as the president of the Malaysian Floorball Association.

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Professor Dr Che Wan Jasimah bt Wan Mohamed Radzi received her B.Sc. (Hons) in Food Science and Nutrition (1988) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Master of Science in Philosophy and History of Science (1993) and Ph.D. in Food Policy (2009) both from Universiti Malaya. She was appointed as a lecturer in 1997. In 2022 she was promoted as Professor and in 1997 as Associate Professor. She was a Former Head Department of Science and Technology Studies (Oct 2014-Jan 2020); Research coordinator for Universiti Malaya Halal Research Centre (2018-2020); associate member (UMHRC) (2021- 2023) and associate member for civilizational Dialogue Center (2020-2023). She has to-date published more than 40 papers in journals, books and chapter of books, conference proceedings, both locally and internationally. She manages to publish in the area of food science & technology, genetic modified food, halal food and culture, health and management and in halal cosmetics. Her research interest is in Food and Culture (food intake, traditional food); Food and Religion (Halal, Policy, Health); Food Technology and Health (Obesity, malnutrition, innovation, medicinal food); Food Security and Safety (food chain, food management, labelling, food bone disease). She has supervised more than 30 PhD and master students by research and coursework, of which 20 of them have already graduated. With her research expertise and extensive experience, thus she has been appointed as a leader for Task Force Penyemakan Dokumen Kualiti SPK Universiti Malaya (2022); task force for National Codex Alimentarius Commission Committee on Contaminants in Foods under Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia (2021-2025); UPM External Assessor Panel Audit Master's Program in Halal Food Manufacturing Management (2021-2022). She also participated in various discussions, such as course content development in Philosophy & Current Issue and Ethics & Civilization, includes courses under Division of Academic Excellence, Department of Higher Education and Ministry of Education Malaysia; invited as Expert Panel for Focus Group Discussion in the development of indicators for Ethical Principles on Modern Biotechnology in Malaysia; Mapping Committee for Research in Al-Quran and Science, Expert Committee in Islamic Studies Integration: Towards an Integration of Religion and Science, Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM); Committee in Technical Analysis Halal, JAKIM, and Technical Committee for Environmental Health Indicators Development, Institute for Medical Research. Furthermore, she also collaborated with researchers in other disciplines, particularly in Halal studies, Halal cosmetics, innovation in food, food management, Al-Quran & Science, Religion & Science. Besides annually giving papers at various conferences locally and abroad, she is also regularly invited to give inputs through local radio at radio IKIM and television programs such as at Astro Awani and TV1 Selamat Pagi Malaysia regarding current issues connected to her areas of specialisation. At NGOs level, she has been appointed as Secretary (2023-2025) and Assistant Secretary (2021-2023) under Islamic Intellectual Group on Policy and Good Governance (IITQAN) and as a Committee member for Sekretariat Wanita Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur (SALWA WP) 2021-2023. She also actively involve as a trainer for MADANI Certification Programmes (IITQAN)      

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