Department of Syariah dan Law
Academy of Islamic Studies
hafiz_usulum.edu.myView CV | |
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Biography | |
Mohd Hafiz Jamaludin is a senior lecturer in the Department of Shariah and Law, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. He is a graduate of Al-Azhar University, Egypt, in 2007, with a degree in Shariah Islamiah. In 2009, he pursued postgraduate studies in the Department of Shariah and Law, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, specializing in the Law of Fatwa. He completed his postgraduate studies in 2011. Subsequently, he received sponsorship from the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia under the Bumiputera Academic Training Scheme (SLAB) to pursue his doctoral studies in Shariah Law in 2012 at the same university. Throughout his doctoral studies, he had the opportunity to attend courses in Arabic language and Islamic Studies Methodology at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, in 2013, and the Student Exchange Program at The Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture, Turkey, in 2014. He completed his doctoral studies in 2016. He has been involved in various research projects led by his supervisor, Professor Dato’ Dr Ahmad Hidayat Buang, in the fields of fatwa and Islamic finance. Furthermore, he led a research project in the field of Islamic finance funded by the Ministry of Education, University of Malaya, and INCEIF in 2017. He has published several articles in the fields of Shariah, fatwa, and Islamic finance in local and international journals, as well as presented at national and international conferences. He is the first of three siblings, is married to Norlaila Md Yusof and is blessed with three children. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Konsep Menjaga Harta (Hifzu Al-Mal) Menurut Perspektif Maqasid Syariah: Analisis Kritikal Terhadap Penyimpanan Harta Melalui Pelaburan Bitcoin |
on going |
The Granting of Inheritance to Non-Muslims Through Mandatory Wills (Wasiyat Wajibah): A Study in Indonesian and Malaysian Religious Court |
end |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Influence of customer intention on patronizing halal logo in the food premises of Malaysia
Talfīq as A Method for Legal Solutions in Contemporary Islamic Law
Mukafahah al-Fasad al-Mali fi al-Qanun al-Libi
The Legal System For The Supervision Of Libyan Islamic Commercial Banks
Pengantar Hukum Syarak: Teori dan Aplikasi
Cabaran Jemaah Haji Wanita dalam Menunaikan Haji
Wasiat Wajibah dalam Enakmen Wasiat Orang Islam (Selangor) 1999: Kes-Kes Terpilih
Istihsan di dalam Penghakiman Mahkamah Syariah: Analisis Kes-kes Kekeluargaan Terpilih