Department of Syariah dan Law
Academy of Islamic Studies CV | |
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Mohd Norhusairi Bin Mat Hussin, PhD, is a Associate Professor at the Universiti Malaya's (UM) Academy of Islamic Studies, Department of Syariah and Law. He is also a registered Shari’ah lawyer and a member of the Association of Shariah Lawyers, Malaysia. He received a bachelor's in Syariah (Islamic Law) with Distinction from the Universiti Malaya in 2006 and a Fast track PhD in Syariah and law also from the same university in 2014. He has been awarded as Tokoh Maal Hijrah Kebangsaan 2002-Ministry of Education, Malaysia, Shell Special Excellent Award 2002, Special Award His Royal Highness Sultan of Kelantan in 2002, and Excellent Student Award both state and national level in 2002. His areas of expertise are Islamic Family Law, Moot/ Court Procedure, Islamic Civil Law Procedure, and also Islamic Law and Society. He is currently the Principal Investigator for a Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education-funded Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) project named “Prosedur Pembubaran Perkahwinan Dalam Undang-undang Keluarga Islam: Kajian Penambahbaikannya Di Mahkamah Syariah Malaysia” (FP015-2020). Previously involved in research as a project leader such as (BK080-2017) Pematuhan Arahan Amalan Jksm: Kajian Terhadap Isu-isu Pentadbiran Di Mahkamah Syariah Malaysia and (BK032-2015) Amalan Pembahagian Harta Sepencarian : Asas Dan Perkembangannya Di Malaysia. Recognized for his expertise with over a decade of experience in Islamic Family Law, he has been invited by UIN Malang, Indonesia to share his insights as a keynote speaker. His notable contributions include presentations titled "Family Resilience In Recession Era: Empowering Women Through The Practice of Harta Sepencarian In Malaysia" (ICOLESS, 6 Sep 2023 - 07 Sep 2023) and "Islamic Family Law as a Protection For Women and Family Institutions in Malaysia" (05 Sep 2023). He also has participated in several academic programmes both domestically and internationally, most recently as an invited speaker for the paper titled "Development of Islamic Finance in Family Context in Malaysia" at the ICIEF/ULIFAM in Ankara, Turkey, which took place from September 25 to October 7, 2023. Besides that, he has also been invited as a keynote speaker for the paper titled “Zakat As Islamic Philanthropy In Malaysia: An Overview From Legal Perspective” at the University of Karabuk, Turkiye on 29 Sep 2022.He has contributed to the external organization as a Modul Enhancer and Facilitator for Post-Graduate students at Open Universiti Malaysia (OUM) from 2019 to 2023. Besides this, he has also presented papers and been invited to speak as a guest speaker both at the national and international levels. Among them are a guest lecture at UNIMMA, Indonesia via an online platform in 2021, Invited Speaker at Universitas Sunan Kalijaga, Surabaya, Indonesia in 2020 and Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel, Surabaya in 2020, presenter at International Conference on Economics, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences at Barcelona, Spain in 2023, presenter at International Seminar on Islamic Law in Southeast Asia at UIN Sunan Kalijaga in Indonesia in 2017, an International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) International Conference in Barcelona, Spain in 2015 and an International End of Year Multidisciplinary Conference in Bad Hofgastein, Austria in 2011. He has also appointed as advisor for NGO Ikatan Muslim Prihatin Kebangsaan (IMPAK) from 2017 until 2023. He has also published numerous articles in national and international journals on Islamic law in general and specifically, the law on Islamic Family Law and Islamic Law and Society. He has also published reference book series on Islamic Family Law in Malaysia and "Quranic Group 1-5". |