Department of Fiqh and Usul
Academy of Islamic Studies CV | |
Publons | |
Scopus Link | |
Biography | |
Mohd Anuar Ramli. He was born and raised in Kampong Air Putih, Junjong, Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia on 26th November 1976. The ninth children of almarhum Haji Ramli Ismail and almarhumah Hajah Sofiah Ariffin. Mohd Anuar received early education in Sekolah Kebangsaan Junjong (1982-1988), then continued secondary education in Sekolah Menengah Agama Tarbiyah Diniah, Kulim, Kedah (1989-1994), pre-university in Nilam Puri (1995-1997), subsequently earned his bachelor’s degree in Syariah (Fiqh & Usul) (1997-2000), master’s degree (2001-2004) and doctorate degree (2005-2010) in Universiti Malaya. He has been serving in Jabatan Fiqh & Usul (Department of Fiqh and Usul), Akademi Pengajian Islam (Academy of Islamic Studies) Universiti Malaya as a temporary lecturer since 2004 and now as a senior lecturer after finishing his doctorate study under Skim Latihan Akademik IPTA (SLAI) in 2010. Mohd Anuar’s areas of expertise are Fiqh of Culture, Fiqh of Gender, Fiqh of Consumerism and other related fields in Islamic studies. He has been teaching Introduction to Shariah, Fiqh of Culture, Fiqh of Consumerism, Fiqh of Worship (Ibadah), Maktabah Shariah and Research Methodology. He produced almost 40 postgraduate master’s and doctorate students and received numerous research grants from both internal university and external fund. Mohd Anuar has published almost 200 articles, chapters in books and conference papers in various categories either in the international or local level. The published writings cover diverse areas, such as custom and culture, gender, halal and consumerism, religious extremism and terrorism, contemporary fiqh and Malaysian society. He is always enthusiastic to serve as a versatile scholar that masters numerous fields and learns to explore new research area in Islamic studies framework. Mohd Anuar loves travelling to appreciate the beauty of panoramic nature and cultures of society as well as to enhance life experience and perseverance. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Model Mitigasi Sekuriti Makanan Halal Berdasarkan Prinsip Kesetaraan Gender Untuk Kelestarian Keluarga Madani Di Malaysia |
on going |
Pembangunan Model Reka Bentuk Pertahanan Makanan Halalan Tayyiban Bagi Pengusaha Indsustri Makanan Di Malaysia |
end |
Konsep dan Rawatan Badi Mayat dalam Masyarakat Melayu daripada Perspektif Hukum Islam |
end |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Consideration of Local Wisdom Elements in The Concept of Fiqh Sabahi: A Literature Review
Kearifan Tempatan Dalam Penggunaan Air Sembilan Ketika Proses Memandikan Jenazah Masyarakat Melayu
Pengambilkiraan Fiqh Realiti (Waqi’) Dalam Penentuan Hukum Islam Kontemporari: Analisis Pendekatan Shaykh Abdullah Ben Bayyah
Analisis Keperluan Bagi Pembinaan Model Fiqh Taharah Masyarakat Islam Orang Asli
Budaya Popular Dalam Masyarakat Melayu: Analisis Perspektif Hukum Islam
Konsep Dan Panduan Syariah Terhadap Pengubahan Ciptaan Allah SWT
Tali Pusat & Plasenta: Perspektif Perubatan, Lotus birth, Adat Melayu dan Hukum Islam
Daging Kultur: Isu Etika dan Pandangan Islam
Analisis Keperluan Pembangunan Model Patuh Syariah Untuk Teknologi Percetakan Bio Tiga Dimensi (3D)
Ijtihad Fiqh Dalam Perkembangan Sains Dan Teknologi: Analisis Terhadap Tempoh Maksimum Kehamilan Dan Darah Haid Perempuan Mengandung
Teknologi Pengilangan Aditif Bagi Penghasilan Produk Makanan 3D