Gender Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Wanderlust: The Amazing Ida Pfeiffer
The State of Gender Studies and Gender Policy in Malaysia
Against the Current: Fixing Economic Systems, Advancing the Public Interest An Interview with Jomo Kwame Sundram
The Life and Contributions of a Pioneering Social Scientist and Public Intellectual in Malaya/Malaysia:Interview with Syed Husin Ali.
Final Report: Baseline Study on the Working Conditions of Male and Female Lawyers in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor
The Rape Report: An Overview Of Rape In Malaysia, AWAM and Strategic Infor Research Development
Sexism and Xenophobia Towards Rohingyas' in Online Spaces During COVID-19
The Envisioned Sexual Harassment Act: Just and Victim-Centered
Action Research, Feminist pedagogy and Blended Learning: Towards a Holistic and Practical Approach
Recent Trends and Themes in Malaysian Children's Fiction