Department of Mathematics and Science Education
Faculty of Education
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Modeling The Factors That Influence Learning Of Integrated Stem Among Lower Secondary School Students In Malaysia |
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The Effect Of Nanoscience Activities On Secondary School Students? Motivation And Attitude Towards Leaning Chemistry Lessons |
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This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Providing inclusive education through virtual classrooms: a study of the experiences of secondary science teachers in Malaysia during the pandemic
Ethnobiology of plants and animals used as ubarampe in the Kepungan tradition of the Javanese Community of Somongari, Purworejo District, Indonesia
A Comparative Analysis of Lower Secondary Chemistry Textbook Components: A Study Involving the Chinese Communities of China and Malaysia
A Comparative Analysis of Lower Secondary Chemistry Textbook Components: A Study Involving the Chinese Communities of China and Malaysia
Kimia Tingkatan 4
International Handbook on Education in Southeast Asia
Basic Education in Malaysia
Opportunities and Challenges of Postgraduate Entrance Examination Preparation Within an Inclusive Education Context in China
Influences of gender and school location on science learning environment in Malaysian lower secondary schools