Mohd Zaidi Daud, PhD, is a senior lecturer at the University of Malaya's (UM,) Academy of Islamic Studies', Department of Syariah and Law. He has been appointed as the Head of the Department of Syariah and Law from 2019 to 2024. He received a bachelor in Syariah (Islamic Law) with honours from the University of Malaya, a master's degree in Syariah and law from the University of Malaya, and a PhD in Syariah and law also from the University of Malaya. Islamic Estate Planning (Law on Hibah, Wakaf, Islamic Inheritance, and Islamic Wills), Administration of Islamic Law, and Contemporary of Islamic Law are all areas of specialisation. He is currently the Principal Investigator for a Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education-funded Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) project named Individual Behaviour in Dealing with Property Distribution Issues: A Study of Muslim Estate Planning (FP017-2020). Previously involved in research as an Investigator in collaboration with other researchers on works such as FB063-2018A-Formation Model for Islamic Inheritance Management in Contemporary Muslim Society; RP007D-11HNE-Islamic Law in Practice in Malaysia-State, Society, Fatwa, Shariah Courts, and Islamic Finance; LRGS2013-Wakaf Instruments for Financing, Investment, and Development of Higher Education Institutions; and RG282/11HNE-The Development RG374-12HNE- The Role of Muslim Women's Non-Governmental Organizations in Promoting Gender Equality in Islamic Family Law in Malaysia and Other Asean Countries. He has participated several academic programmes in other countries, most previously the Postgraduate International Workshop held at the Istanbul Foundation for Social and Sciences in Turkey from March 24 to April 4, 2014. He has been appointed a Visiting Scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations for one semester in 2013 (August 2013-December 2013). Besides this, he completed a three-month research fellowship at Cairo University's Kuliyyah Darul Ulum in 2010. (May 2010-August 2010). He has presented papers and been invited to speak as a guest speaker both at the national and international levels. Among them are a guest lecture at UNIMMA, Indonesia via online platform in 2021, an International Seminar on Islamic Law in Southeast Asia at UIN Sunan Kalijaga in Indonesia in 2017, an International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) International Conference in Barcelona, Spain in 2015 and an International End of Year Multidisciplinary Conference in Bad Hofgastein, Austria in 2011. He has also published numerous articles in national and international journals on Islamic law.        

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Victor S Selvanayagam completed his degree in Sports Science and Master’s in Medical Science at the University of Malaya (UM). He received his PhD from The University of Queensland in the area of Neuroscience where he focused on identifying early neural responses to strength training. Victor, who is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning specialist (CSCS), is currently a Senior Lecturer and was the Deputy Director (Research and Development) with the Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Malaya. He played a pivotal role in developing and is currently the coordinator for the first Master of Strength and Condtioning Program in Malaysia. His main research focuses on the contribution of the nervous system to strength by incorporating well-explored motor learning paradigms to strength training. He also plays a consultative role in the area of exercise physiology and exercise testing and prescription. Ultimately, Victor is keen to explore and share his expertise pertaining to the science and fundamentals of human movement, so that movements can be safe, effective and efficient.  Updated 3 January 2023 Total Articles in Publication List  16 Articles With Citation Data  13 Sum of the Times Cited   240 h-index   6

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Dr. Woon Kai Lin obtained his PhD in University of Hull in photonic liquid crystal. After graduation, he worked as a postdoc in electroluminescent liquid crystalline light emitting display capable of producing 3D image funded by a start-up company and venture capitalists. He also spent a year as a Postdoc in Oxford University to study whether photonic crystals in nature can be adopted for industrial application. Later, he returned to Malaysia to work as OLED (organic light emitting diode) materials and device specialist under OSRAM. The project initially focussed in passive matrix OLED display and then later in OLED lighting using solution processable techniques. The works involved co-operation with well-known multinational companies such as Mercks, Sumitomo and Philips.  Later he joined University Malaya working in the field of organic electronics specializing in organic light emitting diode. The works including leading cost effective  synthesis of organic semiconducting materials for lighting application, interfacial physics and fundamental mechanism of high performance OLED, accurate computation of OLED materials, organic field effect transistors and phototransistors.  Some of the works carried out in the University of Malaya involves co-operating with various universities in the world, domestic and overseas start-ups and local SMEs. He is actively filing patents in the field of organic electronics.The ultimate aim is to enhance the performance to price ratio for organic electronics by investigating and optimizing critical parameters and mechanism in organic devices using various analytical and processing tools available domestically and internationally including the use of synchrotron facilities.He is also the  material science program co-ordinator setting new undergraduate Material science lab and program. Material Science under Physics department has been ranked the best in Malaysia and Faculty of Science.

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