Siti Fairus was graduated from the University of Surrey, UK for both undergraduates and postgraduates, specialization in Radiation and Medical Physics field. On this academic journey (started in 2016) throughout she has produced 106 published papers, working extensively with Malaysian and UK authors with 16 h-index and over 800 citations. In working with Universiti Malaya (UM), she has made contributions in teaching, training, coaching, and mentoring from the undergraduate all the way through to postgraduate education, as well as in industry. She was the Deputy Head of Radiation Protection Services Unit, UM from 2016-2017 and has also passed the Certificate for Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) in 2017. Her research program concerns the radiation development of physical methods in medicine, industry, and the environment. In this, she has involved 12 PhD (7 graduated), 4 MSc (3 graduated) and 40 FYP students in research into disease, particular issues including the metabolite characterization of EMT, FDFT1, amyloid, endometriosis; passive form dosimeters; radiation sterilization; natural radioactivity concentration; optical characterization of radiation damage and, medical and nuclear reactor of Monte Carlo (MCNPX) simulation studies. Since 2014, she has presented her work at international conferences, including in Prague, Crete, Bologna, Beijing, Mexico, Sydney, India and Indonesia as an invited speaker, oral and poster presentations. Siti Fairus's early professional network was expanded when she was shortlisted to participate the TYAN-YSN International Thematic Workshop on Cancer Research in 2018. She has also been recently selected as a Participant in the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2023 taking place on 17-20 January 2023 in Singapore. In addition to that, she has been nominated by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia for participation in 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, dedicated to Physiology and Medicine on 25-30 June 2023. Her academic career has taken off after working together with a Distinguished Professor from the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, UM; Datuk Prof. Dr. Looi Lai Meng, obtaining research grant from the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) of amount RM63,200. Following to the completion of the work, she has then expanded the interdisciplinary scientific horizons by securing several other research grants as personal investigator and co-investigator from local fundings of amount RM350,463 and RM439,500, respectively. She has also collaborated with an international university, Princess Nourah University, Saudi Arabia in securing RM400,000 research grant from 2018-2022. In 2016, she spearheaded a presentation at the Malaysian Technology Exposition (MTE) that later followed by International Invention & Innovation Exhibition (ITEX), winning Gold Medals. She has also received “The Best Innovator for Academician” and “Platinum Award” for International Summit on Innovation and Design Exposition (InSIDE) as well as two “Gold Awards” in Material Technology Challenges (MTC) 4.0 in 2020. In the successive year, 2021, she obtained a “Gold Award” in 4th Advanced Innovation & Engineering Exhibition (AiNEX). Siti Fairus has lead the Radiation Laboratory, Department of Physics for 7 years since 2017 and has been awarded a certificate of excellence platinum, being a Top Final Year Project Student’s Supervisor in 2019 from the Department of Physics. One of the memorable moments in her life was when IKIM radio invited her to be interviewed for the special section of “inspirasiku” and also featured in extraordinary muslims blog for her successful PhD journey back in 2016. She has also been recently promoted to Associate Professor in April 2023 within 5 years of academic journey in UM (upon starting of service from 2017 to 2022).

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Dr Song Sze Looi is a Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Universiti Malaya. She obtained her PhD in 2013 from the Universiti Malaya in the field of Algal Biotechnology. She later received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Westminster International College. Currently, she is the Coordinator for the Degree Stacking and Mixed Mode programmes. Dr Song has gained expertise in genomics, bioinformatics, molecular phylogenetics, systematics and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) such as NextSeq, MiSeq, HiSeq and Ion Torrent. Her research includes seaweeds, oysters, nematode parasites of public health importance, insects of agricultural importance and microbiomes. She has published more than 50 papers in ISI journals for example Scientific Reports, PLoS ONE, Acta Tropica, Genetica, Phycologia, Journal of Applied Phycology and Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. Her current H-index is 13 in Publons and 14 in Scopus. Dr Song has also established research collaborations with local and international researchers. Aside from academic achievement, she is also active in sports. She won second prize in the Isometrik Challenge organized by UM's Sport Centre in 2021. She has also achieved podium finish in several marathon events such as the Brooks Kuantan Run (Champion in 10 km Women's Open) and Taiping Cross Country Run (Second Runner-up in 7 km Women's Open).

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Dr. Bala Murali Sundram is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Occupational and Environmental Health Unit, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. He completed his Masters (MPH) and Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) from University Malaya. His areas of research interest are in Public Health, mainly in Occupational Health,  Environmental Health ,  Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Disease Surveillance, Predictive analytics in Public Health, Mental health and psycho-social biomarkers at the workplace. He has headed various critical and important posts in the Public Health Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) as a Public Health Medicine Specialist prior to joining University Malaya as a Senior Lecturer. Some of his notable positions in the Ministry of Health were as District Health Officer in Kunak, Sabah, Head of Occupational Health Unit and Biomedical Epidemiology Unit in the Institute for Medical Research (IMR)- National Institute of Health (NIH) and Head of Disease Surveillance and Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC),  Johor State Health Department. He had played a significant role and contributed immensely during the Covid-19 pandemic in disease surveillance, translational and impactful research for the relevant stakeholders, quarantine and isolation strategies, international health regulation and border health policies and state vaccination strategies during his tenure in MOH. Following this he had received recognition and the Exemplary Service Award  (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Awam) from the Johor State Health Department, Ministry of Health Malaysia. He has headed several internal and external research collaborations in the Ministry of Health Malaysia, University Malaya, United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) and other external research institutes like National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia and Malaysian Meteorological Department.  He had obtained various research grants such as MOH research grants and UNDP research grants as Primary Investigator and was involved as co-investigator in some external research grants like FRGS grants. His research work has been presented in local and international conferences and has been published and cited in some high impact and peer-reviewed ISI journals in the field of public health. His work has also been accepted as a book publication in one of the international publishing groups. He was involved in the Public Health Subgroup in the Technical Working Group for the Vulnerability and Adaptation as well as Research and Systematic Observation for the 3rd National Communication and Biennial Update Report in which Malaysia is a signatory to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). He was a member of the Thematic Working Group 6 for Contingency, Preparedness and Response Plan for Environmental Health Disaster, National Environmental Health Action Plan (NEHAP), Ministry of Health. He was a member of the SCHEMA Working Group for United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health and Institutional Biosafety and Biosecurity Committee (IBBC). His technical skills and knowledge allowed him being chosen as a Medical Coordinator, Lead Evaluator and Controller in various Disease Surveillance and CBNRe (chemical, biological,nuclear, radiological and explosives) field simulation exercises and activities involving MOH, STRIDE-MinDEF, ASEAN Regional Capacity on Disaster Health Management (ARCH) and  WHO. He has also mentored and supervised numerous candidates in the Mentor-Mentee Program for the Public Health Medicine Speciality, MOH Malaysia. He is also attached to professional bodies like Malaysian Medical Association, Malaysian Society of Occupational Health Doctor and a scientific committee member in the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH).

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