Sameem Abdul Kareem is an academic at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. She started her career as a Lecturer in the Insititute of Preparatory Studies, ITM (now known as UiTM) in 1986 after  graduating with a B. Sc.(Hons.) in  Mathematics from the University of Malaya, in the same year. Sameem obtained her M.Sc. in Computing from the University of Wales, Cardiff (now known as the University of Cardiff) in 1992. She subsequently embarked on a career in the University of Malaya from 1993 onwards. She obtained her PhD in 2002; her current research interests include Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Machine Learning, Data Analytics/Mining, Image Processing and Biomedical Informatics. She was the Deputy Dean (Undergraduate) at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya,  from 2001 to 2008 and the Deputy Dean (Postgraduate) from 2014 to 2016. Sameem has successfully supervised a number of Master and PhD candidates and acted as Internal and External Examiners both in and outside Malaysia.

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Dr Muzalwana is a senior lecturer in the department of Decision Science, Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) (formerly Faculty of Economics and Administration (FEA)) where she has been a faculty member since 2011. Muzalwana is a Ph.D. holder in Applied Statistics from FEA specializing in Statistical Quality Control (SQC). Prior to her doctoral studies, she received her Master Applied Statistics degree also, from FEA, and BA(Hons) Business Management from Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Being an applied statistician, her research is rigorously interdisciplinary and primarily situated in the domains of statistical quality control, survey research and efficiency studies. Her research interest lies in extending statistical quality control applications in non-manufacturing like environmental studies, efficiency measurement and other social science studies. Some of her significant research work: Achievement of the Malaysian Ambient Air Quality Standards,  Higher Education Institutions Efficiency Measurement, Retirement Financial Planning Among the Civil Servants and Household Income and Life Satisfaction of Single Mothers in Malaysia. Having more than 20 years of teaching experience, her areas of teaching include statistical methods for quality management and marketing research techniques statistics at graduate level; statistics and management decision making at undergraduate levels. She has supervised more than 50 masters and 14 PhD students during the past 10 years as part of her work with UM.

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  Dr Yasmin Mohd Adnan is currently with the Department of Real Estate, Faculty of Built Environment. During her term at the university, she was also the Head of the Department of Estate Management from 2004 to 2007, from 2015 to 2018, and was the Deputy Dean (Undergraduate Studies) from 2019-2021. Prior to joining the University of Malaya, she has worked in a property consultancy firm, a bank, the property subsidiary of PETRONAS, the national oil company, and KLCC Urusharta. Her career spans over 25 years in the areas of valuation, property, and facilities management within the real estate practice and academic sectors. A valuer and property manager by training and professionally registered, Dr Yasmin has been involved in a number of major research projects in real estate focusing on commercial real estate studies, real estate sustainability (management & development) as well as real estate economics and has published in a number of international journals. She is also currently a member of professional organisations which include the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, UK (RICS) as well have held various positions in the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) which includes as a council member, examination board member, editorial board member, education and accreditation board as well as past Secretary of the Property Surveying Division. In addition, she was a board member of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) from 2011 to 2017. She is currently the chief editor of the International Journal of Property Services, a journal of the Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya. She has also chaired international conferences which include the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society conferences that were held twice (jointly with the Royal Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia - partnering universities committee) in Kuala Lumpur.    

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