Department of Mathematics and Science Education
Faculty of Education
chuaypum.edu.myView CV | |
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Biography | |
Chua Yan
Piaw is a professor at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at
the University of Malaya. In 2019, he was a visiting professor at the School of
Social Work and Education, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, and in 2014, he
was a visiting professor at the Department of Sociology, University of
Washington, Seattle, USA.
His series of
books, "Research Methods and Statistics", books 1 to 5 with 62
chapters, are among McGraw Hill's Top 10 Bestselling Titles in Malaysia. In
addition, his book "Mastering Research Methods, 2nd Edition" was
awarded the 2018 Book Publication Award by the University of Malaya. As a
result of his contributions to reviewing articles for the Elsevier's
Web-of-Science journal Computers in Human Behavior, he received the 2016 “Excellent
Reviewer Award”, and the 2017 to 2019 "Outstanding in Reviewing"
award from Elsevier. His inventions and innovations have won six gold medals at
international invention and innovation expos, as well as five gold medals at
the world peace painting and calligraphy exhibitions. He has been an invited
speaker for more than a hundred AMOS, SPSS, and SmartPLS workshops. In 2015 to
2017, he was invited by the Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
to conduct 38 workshops (14 hours each) for postgraduate students at the university
to enhance their data analysis skills under the upskill program. Between 2015
and 2016, he was invited by the National Sports Institute of Malaysia to
conduct 12 statistics workshops for bio-mechanists, nutritionists, and
psychologists at the institute to enhance their data analysis skills. The number of PhD students graduated under his supervision between 2008-2018 is 22. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Developing a grounded theory of e-leadership in enhancing the implementation of e-learning programmes in schools |
end |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Heavy metals drinking water contamination and health risk assessment among primary school children of Pakistan.
The role of occupational-participation, meaningful-activity and quality-of-life of colorectal cancer survivors: findings from path-modelling
Distribution and Health Risk Assessment of Fluorosis in undernourished primary school children in Pakistan
Heavy metals drinking water contamination and health risk assessment among primary school children of Pakistan
A Step By Step Guide PLS-SEM Data Analysis Using SmartPLS 4 (Partial least squares structural equation modeling)
Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices.
Buku 2: Statistik penyelidikan (Edisi ke-4)
Buku 1: Kaedah penyelidikan (Edisi ke-4)
The Mediating Effect of Teacher Distributed Leadership Practices on the Relationship between Principal Distributed Leadership and Teacher Self-Efficacy in Secondary Schools at the Central Zone in Malaysia
Sathiyabama Suprammaniam & Chua Yan Piaw (2021). Can Leadership Talent Predict School Leadership and Direction among School Leaders in Malaysia? In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp.145-168). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
Principals’ E-Leadership and Teachers’ Attitude: Mediating role of Teachers Computer-Mediated Communication Competencies
An introduction to application of structural equation modeling in research