Dean'S Office
Faculty of Law
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Technology Intergration, Organisation And Faculty'S Beliefs, And Pedagogical Innovations In Higher Education Institutions |
end |
Development Of A Legal Risk Management Training Module For Educational Leaders |
end |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
The need for a legal definition of stateless children in Malaysian national law and policy: The perspective from international human rights law
Legal perspectives on the right to education for stateless children in selected ASEAN countries
The challenges of disruption to education in the case of Malaysian schools
Employment relationship in Malaysia A classical contract or a contractual hybrid
Tie, F.H. (2023). A Legal Guide for Foreign Investors in Malaysia. 132 pages. To be published by the Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Chongqing, China in both English and Mandarin version.
Undang-undang pendidikan di Malaysia Sweet and Maxwell
Education law in Malaysia: Principles and Practice
Pengetua dan pengurusan pembangunan murid
The law and the development of the education system in Malaysia
Tie, F.H. (2023). Trade and investment law in Malaysia. In Biddulph S. & Taylor, K. (2023). (Eds.) Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Asian Law, Asian Law Centre, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, Australia
Tie, F.H. (2023). The law and the development of the education system in Malaysia. In. Russo, C.J. (2023). International Research on Education Legal System, Springer. (English version)
Tie, F.H. (2023). Legal education in Malaysia.In Biddulph S. & T aylor, K. (2023). (Eds.). Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Asian Law, Asian Law Centre, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, Australia.