Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Dean's Office
    Faculty of Law
  • tiefh
  • +603-79676538


  • S.J.D., (Law)
    Bond University, Queensland
  • LL.M, (Law)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • CLP, (Law)
    Malaysia Qualifying Board
  • LL.B (Hons), (Law)
    University of London, UK
  • M.Ed (PhyEdu), (Health and Physical Education)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • Dip.Ed, (PENDIDIKAN)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • BA (Hons)(Geog), (GEOGRAFI)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • 02 Jan 2013-
    Fakulti Undang-Undang


  • Member, Higher Degree Committee, Faculty of Law
    11 Nov 2015 - 28 Mar 2018 (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Member, Curriculum Committee
    11 Nov 2015 - 28 Mar 2018 (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Member, Research Committee, Faculty of Law
    11 Nov 2015 - 11 Nov 2017 (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Committee Member, Board of Studies, Faculty of Law
    11 Nov 2015 - 11 Nov 2017 (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Committee Member for the Evaluation of Research Grant Application
    01 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for Students' Exchange Programme 2014/2015
    07 Nov 2014 - 07 Nov 2015 (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Committee Member for the Teaching/Undergraduate Degree/Time table/Programme Review 2014/2015
    07 Nov 2014 - 07 Nov 2015 (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Committee Member for the Faculty of Law Curriculum 2014/2015
    07 Nov 2014 - 07 Nov 2015 (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Committee Member for Research and Conference 2014/2015
    07 Nov 2014 - 07 Nov 2015 (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Committee Member for Research and Conference 2014/2015
    07 Nov 2014 - 07 Nov 2015 (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Editorial Board Journal of Malaysian and Comaparative Law 2014/2015
    07 Nov 2014 - 07 Jan 2015 (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Acting Director
    01 Jul 2012 - 24 Sep 2012 (Institute of Educational Leadership, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
  • Acting Director, Institute of Educational Leadership
    01 Jul 2012 - 24 Sep 2012 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Director
    01 Sep 2009 - 30 Jun 2011 (Institute of Educational Leadership, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
  • Deputy Director
    01 Sep 2008 - 31 Aug 2009 (Institute of Educational Leadership, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
  • Deputy Director, Institute of Principalship Studies
    14 Feb 2008 - 31 Aug 2009 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Director
    14 Feb 2008 - 31 Aug 2009 (Institute of Educational Leadership, Chancellory)
  • Deputy Director
    14 Feb 2008 - 31 Aug 2008 (Institute of Educational Leadership, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
  • Coordinator for the planning, preparation, and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Educational Leadership, College of Education, Florida Atlantic University, Florida, USA
    01 Jan 2006 - 30 Jun 2007 (University Malaya)
  • Coordinator for the visit of Visiting Professor Tony Townsend from the Department of Educational Leadership, College of Education, Florida Atlantic University, Florida, USA
    01 Mar 2006 - 30 May 2007 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member for the establishment of the University of Malaya website
    02 Jan 2006 - 02 Mar 2007 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member of the Doctor of Philoshpy coursework programme
    01 Jan 2002 - 31 Dec 2002 (Faculty)
  • Committee member of the ISO Commercialisation and Management Section
    25 May 2001 - 25 May 2002 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member for the 2001/2002 academic year Orientation Week
    01 May 2001 - 31 Jul 2001 (Faculty)
  • Secretary of the University of Malaya Academic Staff Club
    01 Jan 2001 - 31 Jan 2001 (University Malaya)
  • Supervisor of the Faculty of Education Television studio
    01 Jan 1996 - 01 Jan 2000 (Faculty)
  • Committee member for the Board of Examiners for the Bachelor of Education, Masters of Education, and Diploma in Education programmes
    04 Jan 1995 - 31 Dec 1999 (Department of Educational Management, Planning and Policy, Faculty of Education)
  • Member of the Master of Education Vetting Committee
    01 Jan 1995 - 31 Dec 1999 (Department of Educational Management, Planning and Policy, Faculty of Education)
  • Committee member of the Teaching Practice Committee
    01 Jan 1996 - 31 Dec 1997 (Department of Educational Management, Planning and Policy, Faculty of Education)
  • Committee member of the Bachelor of Education curriculum development and restructuring
    01 Jan 1996 - 31 Dec 1996 (Department of Educational Management, Planning and Policy, Faculty of Education)


    Since 2016 (International)
    Since 2008 (International)
    Since 2008 (International)
    2014 to 2017 (International)
    2007 to 2008 (National)
    2007 to 2007 (International)
    2007 to present (International)
    2007 to present (National)


  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2015, Universiti Malaya
  • Anugerah Perkhidmatan Setia 20 Tahun
    2015, University Malaya,  (University)
  • Elected to The International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement Board January 2011 - January 2013 in Cyprus
    2011, International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2009, Universiti Malaya
  • University of Malaya Excellent Service Award
    2009, University of Malaya,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • University of Malaya Excellent Service Award
    2008, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Kappa Delta Pi
    2008, International Honor Society in Education,  (International)
  • Bronze Medal,University of Malaya Research, Invention, and Innovation Expo 2007
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Bronze Medal, University of Malaya Research, Invention, and Innovation Expo 2007
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Silver Medal,University of Malaya Research, Invention, and Innovation Expo 2007
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Silver Medal, University of Malaya Research, Invention, and Innovation Expo 2006
    2006, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Bronze Medal, University of Malaya Research, Invention, and Innovation Expo 2005
    2005, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Bond University Partial Scholarship
    2000, Faculty of Law, Bond University, Queensland, Australia,  (International)
  • Young Scientist Fellowship of The 13th Asian Games Scientific Congress
    1998, 13th Asian Games Scientific Congress Organising Committee,  (International)


Article in Journal
  1. Kanageswary, S., Tie, Fatt-Hee, Mohd Yusoff, J.Z. (2022).The need for a legal definition of stateless children in Malaysian national law and policy: The perspective from international human rights law, UUM Journal of Legal Studies, 13(1), 345-380,.
  2. Kanageswary, S., Tie, F.H., & Jal, Z.M.Y. (2020). Legal perspectives on the right to education for stateless children in selected ASEAN countries, Pertanika, JSSH 28(1).
  3. Tie, Fatt-Hee, , Loo, Fung-Ying. (2020). The challenges of disruption to education in the case of Malaysian schools, 16, 185-193.
  4. Priscilla, S.D., & Tie, F.H. (2019). Relational contract as a backdrop for employment relationships in Malaysia. Malayan Law Journal, 3 MLJ ixxx.
  5. Priscilla, S.D., Tie, F.H. , & Sharifah Suhanah, S.A. (2019). Employment relationship in Malaysia A classical contract or a contractual hybrid, Malayan Law Journal, 4 MLJ xxvii
  6. Choong, YC, Tie F H & Chrsitina Ooi, S.S. (2017). Training judges to mediate: A case of piscem natare doces? The Law Review, 3, 293-319.
  7. Choong YC, Tie FH & Christina Ooi SS (2016). Court-annexed mediation practice in Malaysia: What the future holds. 1(2) 271-308
  8. Tie, Fatt Hee.2016.Changing the corporate landscape: Enhancement of corporate governance in Malaysia. Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law.
  9. Chua Yan Piaw, Tie Fatt Hee, Nik Rashid Ismail & Lu Huong Ying. 2014. Factors of leadership skills of secondary school principals. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 116(2014):5125-5129.
  10. Mabel Tan, H.J., Chua, Y. P. & Tie, F. H. (2014). Leadership orientations of an educational leader in a private university in Malaysia. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 114, 681 - 686. (WoS CPCI Index)
  11. Chew, F.P,Teong, M.H. & Tie, F.H. (2013). School homework and student academic achievement in Chinese national type primary schools in Malaysia.Pensee 75(9), 29-40.
  12. Loo Fung Ying, Ling Chia Lung, Loo Fung Chiat & Tie Fatt Hee (2013). Preferences in musical instruments in ringtone selection: Comparison between music and non- music undergraduate student. International Journal of Asian Social Science 3(4):913-920.
  13. Lu, H. Y., Tie, F. H., Chua, Y. P. (2013). Technology Integration Practices in Higher Education Institution. Technics Technologies Education Management, 8(1): 728-735,
  14. Tie, F. H., Noriah, A. M.,Chua, Y. P., Chew, F. P., Loo, F. Y. (2013). Organizational Control System in Community Colleges and Its Relationship with Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Pensee. 75(9): 110-118.Published: Sep 2013. (ISI-Cited Publication)
  15. Fatt Hee Tie (2012). A Study on the Legal Literacy of Urban Public School Administrators Education and Urban Society (published online 11 June 2012) DOI: 10.1177/0013124512446220
  16. Fatt Hee Tie. (2012). Research publication as a strategy to improve international academic ranking. International Journal of Leadership in Education.1-14.
  17. Chua, Y. P., Tie, F. H. & Don, Z. M. 2011. Creating an Education Research Acculturation Theory for Research Implementation in School, 45(4): 506-526. Education and Urban Society.
  18. Fatt Hee, Tie. & Yan Piaw, Chua. 2011. Citizenship literacy among 16-year-old secondary school students in Malaysia. Education and Urban Society 43(3):296- 312.
  19. Fatt Hee, Tie. 2011. Malaysia: Education Law. The International Journal for Education Law and Policy 7 (1): 157-164. Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publications.
  20. Yan Piaw, Chua, Fatt Hee, Tie & Zuraidah Mohd. Don.2011.Creating an education research acculturation theory for research implementation in school. Education and Urban Society (First published online 29 July 2011 - 0013124511413124).
  21. Moy, F.M., Johari, S., Ismail, Y. Mahad, R., Tie, F.H. & Wan Ismail,W.M.A. (2009). Breakfast Skipping and Its Associated Factors among Undergraduates in a Public University in Kuala Lumpur.Mal. J. Nutr. 15(2),165-174.
  22. Pisapia, J., Pang, N.S.K., Tie, Fatt Hee., Lin, Y., Morris, J.D. (2009). A comparison of the use of strategic thinking skills of aspiring school leaders in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Shanghai, and the United States: An exploratory study. International Education Studies.Journal of the Canadian Center for Science and Education 2(2)46-58.
  23. Tie Fatt Hee & Abu Hasmadi. 2009. Principals' leadership style and teachers' commitment in a secondary school. Leadership: Journal of the Institute of Principalship Studies UM 9: 15-30
  24. Tie Fatt Hee & Mohd Zabidi bin Abdullah. 2009. Relationship between transformational leadership and teachers' job satisfaction. Leadership: Journal of the Institute of Principalship Studies UM 9: 39-46
  25. Russo, C J & Tie Fatt Hee. 2008. The right of students to wear religious garb in public schools: A comparative analysis of the United States and Malaysia. Education and Law Journal (Thomson Carswell Canada) 18 (1), 1- 19.
  26. Tie Fatt Hee. 2008. Constitutional challenge to freedom of religion in schools in Malaysia. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Law and Education, 13(2),89- 100.
  27. Tie Fatt Hee. 2008. Teachers' right to be heard in Malaysia. Education Law Journal 9(3), 196- 202. Bristol,UK: Jordan Publishing
  28. Tie Fatt Hee. 2008. The law on student discipline in Malaysia. International Journal of Educational Reform. (Maryland USA). 17(2), 107-119.
  29. Tie Fatt Hee.2007. Knowledge and perceptions of 18 year old Malaysian adolescents on citizenship and individual rights. Journal of Educational Research,Faculty of Education, U.M. 27(2), 139-146.
  30. Tie Fatt Hee and Khor Kong You. 2005. Awareness of issues related to the rights of students. Journal of Educational Research,Faculty of Education, U.M. 25, 215-222.
  31. Tie Fatt Hee. 2005. The legal duty in the implementation of outdoor school activities. Leader: Journal of the Institute of Principalship Studies UM 5:23-28.
  32. Tie Fatt Hee. 2005. The legal rights of students and teachers in Malaysia. International Journal for Education Law and Policy 1(1-2): 20-27. Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers.
  33. Sasidharan, V. & Tie Fatt Hee. 2004. Teachers' choice of participation in the decision making process. Journal of Educational Research, Faculty of Education, U.M. 24,41-48.
  34. Tie Fatt Hee. 2004. Liability and legal duty in classroom supervision. Leader: Journal of the Institute of Principalship Studies UM 4:51-54.
  35. Tie Fatt Hee. 2003. The influence of modernity, modernisation, and postmodernism on company law reform in Malaysia, 15 Bond Law Review, Faculty of Law, Bond University, Queensland, Australia, 260-287
  36. Tie Fatt Hee. 2002. Judicial control of students' constitutional right to freedom of speech and expression. Issues in Education Journal, Faculty of Education,U.M. 25: 129-141.
  37. Tie Fatt Hee. 2002. Modernisation and reform of corporate law amidst the influence of globalisation and the development of information technology. 29 Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, U.M. 1-2, 159-176.
  38. Tie Fatt Hee. 2001. The duty of care in educational legislation. Journal of Educational Research, Faculty of Education, UM 21: 41-54.
  39. Tie Fatt Heee. 2001. Evolution of a new financial architecture through the liberalisation of financial services. 28 Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, U.M. 1-2, 9-28.
  40. Tie Fatt Hee. 2000. Theoretical approaches in research on sports and personality. Issues in Education Journal, Faculty of Education, U.M 23:151-164.
  41. Tie Fatt Hee. 1998. Centralisation of Ministerial power and the Education Act of 1996. Issues in Education Journal, Faculty of Education, U.M 21:51-61.
  42. Tie Fatt Hee. 1995. Negligence and risk management practices. Issues in Education Journal, Faculty of Education,U.M. 19:123-133.
  43. Nor Laily Aziz, NP Tey and O.Ramli. Malaysia, in (J. Jarrett Clinton and Jean Baker ed.) East Asia Review 1978-1979. Studies in Family Planning, Volumne 11, Number 11, November 1980.
  1. Tie, F.H. (2023). A Legal Guide for Foreign Investors in Malaysia. 132 pages. To be published by the Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Chongqing, China in both English and Mandarin version.
  2. Tie Fatt Hee. 2014. Undang-undang pendidikan di Malaysia Sweet and Maxwell. Selangor D.E.: Sweet and Maxwell
  3. Tie Fatt Hee. 2011. Education law in Malaysia: Principles and Practice. Selangor: Sweet and Maxwell Asia, Thomson Reuters.
  4. Rahimah, A., Tie Fatt Hee & Fatanah, M. (eds.). 2006. Pengetua dan pengurusan pembangunan murid. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Pengajian Kepengetuaan, Universiti Malaya.
  5. Rahimah A., & Tie Fatt Hee.(eds.). 2004. Kepengetuaan dan kepemimpinan sekolah: Perspektif pengamal. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Pengetua, Universiti Malaya
  6. Rahimah, A. & Tie Fatt Hee (eds.). 2004. Principalship and school management. Kuala Lumpur: Principals' Institute, University of Malaya
  7. Tie Fatt Hee & Rahimah, A.(eds.). 2004. Perundangan dalam pengurusan sekolah. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Pengetua, Universiti Malaya.
  8. Tie Fatt Hee. 2004. Liabiliti dalam pengurusan pendidikan.Kuala Lumpur:Utusan Publications.
  9. Tie Fatt Hee. 2003. Corporate governance and corporate law reform in Malaysia: The impact of modernisation, globalisation, and the communications revolution. Selangor: Thomson, Sweet and Maxwell.
  10. Tie Fatt Hee. 2002. Undang-undang pendidikan di Malaysia. Shah Alam: Fajar Bakti
Chapter in Books
  1. Fatt-Hee Tie (2024). The law and the development of the education system in Malaysia . In Russo, C.J., & Leijun, Ma (eds).A comparative analysis of systems of education law, 207-221, Springer and Educational Science Publishing House
  2. Tie, F.H. (2023). Legal education in Malaysia.In Biddulph S. & T aylor, K. (2023). (Eds.). Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Asian Law, Asian Law Centre, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, Australia.
  3. Tie, F.H. (2023). The law and the development of the education system in Malaysia. In. Ma. L.J. (2023). A comparative analysis of systems of education law. Educational Science Publishing House, China. (Chinese version)
  4. Tie, F.H. (2023). The law and the development of the education system in Malaysia. In. Russo, C.J. (2023). International Research on Education Legal System, Springer. (English version)
  5. Tie, F.H. (2023). Trade and investment law in Malaysia. In Biddulph S. & Taylor, K. (2023). (Eds.) Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Asian Law, Asian Law Centre, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, Australia
  6. Tie. F.H. (2022) . Law, education, and the place of religion in public schools in Malaysia. In Russo, C. (Ed.).. Law, education, and the place of religion in public schools: International perspectives. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
  7. Tie Fatt Hee .(2019). Malaysia in Glenn, L., De Groof, J., & Candal, C.S. (Eds.). Balancing freedom, autonomy and accountability in education. Baltimore, Maryland: John Hopkins University.
  8. Tie Fatt Hee. 2016. A comparative analysis of the law on elementary and secondary education in Malaysia. In Russo, CJ (ed.). A comparative analysis of the rights of students in elementary and secondary schools.Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
  9. Fatt Hee Tie. 2015. The law regulating student discipline in Malaysia. In. Russo, C.J., Oosthuizen, I. & Wolhuter, C.C. (eds.). International perspectives on student behavior:what we can learn. pp. 35-50. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
  10. Fatt Hee Tie. 2014. Freedom of religion and religious practices in school: The judicial approach in Malaysia. In. Russo, C.J. (ed.). International perspectives on education, religion and law. 169-180. New York: Routledge
  11. Fong Peng Chew & Fatt Hee Tie. 2014. The transition from the traditional to the new social media network in Malaysia. In. Cui Litang & Michael H. Prosser. (eds.). Social media in Asia. Dignity Press: World Dignity University Press.
  12. Fatt Hee Tie. 2013. Regulating student discipline in Malaysia. In. Russo,C.J., Wolhuter, C.,& Oosthuizen, I. (eds.). Student discipline around the world.Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
  13. Fatt Hee Tie.2013. Higher education law in Malaysia. In Russo, C.J. (ed.). Handbook of comparative higher education law. pp. 177-189. Plymouth, UK: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
  14. Fatt Hee, Tie & Fong Peng, Chew. 2012. Overview: Asia. in Glenn, C.L. & De Groof, J. (eds.). Balancing freedom, autonomy and accountability in education. Volume 1.Wolf Legal Publishers.
  15. Fatt Hee, Tie. (2012). Balancing freedom, autonomy, and accountability in education in Malaysia. In. Glenn, C.L., Groof, J.D., & Candal, C.S. (eds.). Balancing freedom, autonoy and accountability in education.Volume 4. The Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers.
  16. Noriah A. Malek & Fatt Hee Tie. 2012. Relationship between demographic variables and organizational citizenship behavior among community college lecturers. In Duyar, I. & Normore,A.H. (eds.). Discretionary behavior and performance in educational organization. Advances in educational administration volume 13. United Kingdom: Emerald Publications.p.117-138
  17. Fatt Hee Tie. 2011. Leadership for learning in Malaysian schools. In. Townsend, T., & MacBeath, J. (eds.). International handbook of leadership for learning. International handbook of education volume 25.pp. 419-430. London: Springer.
  18. Fatt Hee Tie. 2011. The legal rights of students with disabilities in Malaysia. In. Russo, C.J.(ed.). The legal rights of students with disabilities: International perspectives.pp.143-156. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
  19. Tie Fatt Hee. 2010. Principals and the legal aspects of education. In. Shahril, M., Rahimah, A., & Hussein, A. (2010). Principals' leadership, pp. 79-94. Selangor:PTS Professional Publishing.
  20. Tie Fatt Hee. 2008. Equality in education and dropouts in compulsory education in Malaysia. In. De Groof, J., Fussel, H.P. & Lauwers, G. (eds). Inequality in education. p.183-194. Antwerp: Wolf Legal Publishers.
  21. Tie Fatt Hee. 2008. The employment rights of teachers in Malaysia. In Russo, C J & DeGroof, J. (eds.).The employment rights of teachers: Exploring education law worldwide. pp. 123-138. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield
  22. Tie Fatt Hee. 2007. Citizenship literacy of Malaysian adolescents. In Fatimah, H. & Lihanna, B. (eds.). A statistical snapshot of the 18-year-old Malaysian adolescents. pp. 91-99. Research Monograph Series No. 4, Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia Institute of Social Research.
  23. Tie Fatt Hee. 2007. Teachers and the law. In Sufean, H. et. al. (eds.). Whirlwind in educational management and policy.pp. 337-345. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  24. Tie Fatt Hee. 2007. The educational rights of students in Malaysia. In Russo, C J, Stewart, D J , & Groof, J D. (eds.). 2007. The educational rights of students: International perspectives on demystifying the legal issues, 113-127. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
  25. Tie Fatt Hee. 2005. Copyright on course materials and the rights of academicians. In Sufean, H. et al.(ed.) Administration in educational development. pp.309-315. Bentong,Pahang: PTS Publishers.
  26. Tie Fatt Hee. 2005. Education law in Malaysia.In Russo, C J (ed). The Yearbook of Education Law 2005. pp. 308-318.Ohio: Education Law Association.
  27. Tie Fatt Hee. 2005. Strategic tri-partite alliance in establishing a safe school programme in Malaysia. In School safety and security: Lessons in danger. pp.118- 215. Paris: OECD
  28. Tie Fatt Hee. 2004. The safe school progamme in the United States and OECD countries. In. Tie, F H. & Rahimah, A.(ed.). The law in school management. pp 1- 14. Kuala Lumpur: Principals' Institute, University Malaya.
  29. Tie Fatt Hee.2004. The legalisation of education and professional preparedness: A perspective from scondary school administrators. In. Tie Fatt Hee & Rahimah,A. (eds.). 2004. Principalship and School Management. pp. 117-132. Kuala Lumpur: Principals' Institute, University Malaya.
  30. Tie Fatt Hee. 2002. Formal authority in the context of education law. In Sufean H. (ed.). Progressive education policy: Macro and micro perspectives.pp. 183- 193. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications.
  31. Tie Fatt Hee. 2002. Natural justice and the termination of the services of an education officer. In Sufean H.(ed.). Innovative education policy: System and organisational perspectives. pp. 213-227.Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press.
  32. Tie Fatt Hee. 1999. Code of ethics and teacher education. In. Marohaini Yusoff (eds). Teacher education for effective schools.p.467-474. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
Article in Proceeding
  1. Tie Fatt Hee. 2004. Legislative and collaborative strategies to enhance students' fundemental right to school safety. Proceedings of the 13th Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association Annual Conference,pp. 327-332.
  2. Tie F H. 1998. Statutory sports governance. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Commonwealth Games Scientific Congress, 275-278, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
Other Publications
  1. Tie Fatt Hee, Muralidharan, N.,Zulkifli, A.M., Leo, A M.,Shahrir, J., & Zainun, I. 1997. Evaluation of the Achievement of the Health and Physical Education Objectives in the Secondary School Integrated Curriculum for Lower Secondary School.167 pgs. A report submitted to the Ministry of Education on 8 September 1997. - Technical Report


  • Company law
  • Corporate governance


  1. 2012 - 2013, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    Technology integration, organisation and faculty's beliefs, and pedagogical innovations in higher education. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Legal Literacy of School Leaders ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2007 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    School effectiveness and leadership standards ( Consultant)
  4. 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    School effectiveness and leadership standards ( Consultant)
  5. 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Secondary school teachers' knowledge of selected court decisions affecting school management ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2004 - 2007, MOSTI (IRPA)
    Cognitive and psycho-social profile of the Malaysian adolescents ( Consultant)
  7. 2006 - 2007, Fundamental research
    Indicators of school crime and safety ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  8. 2002 - 2006, IRPA
    Assessment of Intellectual, Psychosocial and Physical Characteristics of Malaysian Secondary School Students : Towards Establishing National Norms ( Consultant)
  9. 2004 - 2005, Fundamental research
    Leadership practices of secondary school principals ( Coordinator)
  10. 2003 - 2004, University of Malaya Vote F Research
    The regulatory framework governing public universities in Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  11. 2002 - 2002, University of Malaya Vote F research
    Relationship between school management practices and education law ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  12. 1996 - 1999, PIER and World Bank
    Government and private secondary schools: A comparison of academic achievements and educational equity ( Research assistant in data collection )
  13. 1995 - 1997, Ministry of Education, Malaysia
    An evaluation of the achievement of the objectives of the Integrated Secondary School Curriculum for Health and Physical Education at the Lower Secondary Level ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2008 - 2008
    A comparison of the use of strategic thinking skills of aspiring school leaders in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Shanghai, and the United States: An exploratory study ( Consultant)


  • National Coaching Accreditation Scheme, The National Sports Council of Malaysia
    01 Nov 1995 - 01 Nov 2008 (National)


  1. The legal responsibility of teachers , Seminar on Education Law, University of Malaya (National) (25 Mar 2010)
  2. School Law , National Conference on Education Management, Faculty of Education, University Technology Malaysia (National) (03 Dec 2008 - 03 Dec 2008)
  1. Participant, World Innovation Summit for Education, Qatar Foundation (International) (01 Nov 2011 - 03 Nov 2011)
  1. Legal issues in Education, Conference on Educational Managament, Malaysian School Principals Council, Selangor (National) (03 Aug 2016 - 03 Aug 2016)
  2. Legal Issues in Education, Seminar on Legal Issues in Education, Faculty of Education, University Technology Malaysia and Johore State Education Department (National) (07 Dec 2014 - 07 Dec 2014)
  3. Issues and challenges in education law, Seminar on Leadership and Organisational Excellence, Klang District Education Office (Others) (30 Sep 2013 - 30 Sep 2013)
  4. School Law, Forum for Pre-Service Teach for Malaysia Fellows, Institut Aminuddin Baki (National) (05 Dec 2011 - 05 Dec 2011)
  5. Decentralisation of education and autonomy of schools in Malaysia, International Seminar on the Decentralisation of Education and Autonomy of Schools, European Association for Education Law and Policy (International) (13 Dec 2007 - 15 Dec 2007)
  6. Education in Malaysia: School Leadership and Issues, Department of Educational Leadership, College of Education,Florida Atlantic University International Committee Seminar , Department of Educational Leadership, College of Education, Florida Atlantic University (International) (28 Nov 2007 - 28 Nov 2007)
  1. Participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: The Cost and Benefits, 12th Annual Asian Law and Economics Association Conference, Asian Law and Economics Association (International) (24 Jun 2016 - 25 Jun 2016)
  2. ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement, International Seminar on ASEAN Community and Beyond: Member Countries Legal and Regulatory Readiness and ASEAN External Relations, Atma Jaya Catholic University (International) (06 Apr 2016 - 08 Apr 2016)
  3. The Economic Property of Property Law, University of Malaya-Universitas Indonesia Law Academic Seminar, University of Malaya and Universitas Indonesia Faculties of Law (International) (23 Mar 2016 - 23 Mar 2016)
  4. Development of a legal risk management training module for school leaders, Education Law Association 60th Annual Conference, Education Law Association, USA (International) (12 Nov 2014 - 15 Nov 2014)
  5. Changing the corporate landscape: Towards improved corporate governance, The 2014 Annual Conference of Asian Law and Economics Association , National Taiwan University  (International) (20 Jun 2014 - 21 Jun 2014)
  6. Educational reform and the case of the Malaysian "Cluster School" policy for school effectivenees and improvement, The 2nd International Conference on School Effectiveness and School Improvement , Shenyang Normal University, China (International) (22 Oct 2010 - 23 Oct 2010)
  7. Teacher dismissal in public schools, Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association 19th Annual Conference, Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association (International) (29 Sep 2010 - 01 Oct 2010)
  8. Dynamics of change: Centralised decentralisation of education in Malaysia, 23rd International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement , University of Malaya (International) (07 Jan 2010)
  9. Understanding school leadership skill dimensions across cultures: Malaysian and Unites States of America perspectives, 23rd International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, University of Malaya (International) (06 Jan 2010)
  10. A Comparison of the Use of Strategic Thinking Skills of Aspiring School Leaders in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Shanghai, and the United States: An Exploratory Study, Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management, Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (International) (08 Sep 2008 - 12 Sep 2008)
  11. Building principals' capacity: A consideration of the aftermath of the Federal Courts decision in Meor Atiqulrahman v Fatimah Sihi , The Third International Conference on Principalship and School Management, Instiute of Principalship Studies, Universty of Malaya (International) (10 Mar 2008 - 13 Mar 2008)
  12. International partnerships: A case study, The 21st International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement 2008, International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (International) (06 Jan 2008 - 09 Jan 2008)
  13. The shifting politics of religion and public schooling, The 21st University Council for Educational Administration Convention 2007, University Council for Educational Administration, The University of Texas at Austin (International) (15 Nov 2007 - 18 Nov 2007)
  14. International partnerships: A case study, The 21st University Council for Educational Administration Convention 2007, University Council for Educational Administration Convention (International) (15 Nov 2007 - 18 Nov 2007)
  15. The new federalism in Australia: Education and law at the crossroads, Australiand New Zealand Education Law Conference 2007, Australiand New Zealand Education Law Association (International) (28 Sep 2007 - 28 Sep 2007)
  16. The right to wear a religious turban to school, Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association Conference 2007, Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association (International) (27 Sep 2007 - 28 Sep 2007)
  17. The legal aspects of developing leadership capacity , The Fourteenth National Seminar on Educational Management and Leadership, Aminuddin Baki Institute,Ministry of Education (National) (25 Jun 2007 - 27 Jun 2007)
  18. Equality in education and drop-out in compulsory education in Malaysia, International Conference on Equality in Educational Opportunities: A Challenge for Education Law and Educational Policy , European Association for Education Law and Policy (International) (11 May 2007 - 12 May 2007)
  19. Educational leadership and the legal aspects of educational development , Fifht National Seminar on Principalship, Institute of Principalship Studies, University of Malaya (National) (13 Mar 2007 - 15 Mar 2007)
  20. The right to a safe learning environment, The Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association Fourteenth Annual Conference , The Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association  (International) (04 Oct 2006 - 06 Oct 2006)
  21. Participant, International Conference on Assessment , Ministry of Eucation Examination Syndicate  (National) (16 May 2006 - 19 May 2006)
  22. Educators' liability for negligent teaching , The Second International Conference on School Principalship and Management, Institute of Principalship,University of Malaya (International) (14 Mar 2006 - 16 Mar 2006)
  23. Quality-driven initiatives in higher education: A case study , OECD Conference on Trends in the Management of Human Resourcs in Higher Education , OECD Paris (International) (25 Aug 2005 - 26 Aug 2005)
  24. The right to education in Malaysia, World Conference on the Right to and Rights in Education, The European Education Law Association  (International) (25 Nov 2004 - 30 Nov 2004)
  25. Legislative and collaborative strategies to enhance students' fundamental right to school safety , The Australia and New Zealand Law Association Thirteenth Annual Conference , The Australia and New Zealand Law Association  (International) (22 Sep 2004 - 24 Sep 2004)
  26. The new regulations on special education in developing countries , National Seminar on Managing Educational Organisations, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (National) (10 Jul 2004 - 10 Jul 2004)
  27. The safe school programme in the United States and OECD countries: The legal implications , Third National Seminar on Principalship , Institut Pengajian Kepengetuaan, Universiti Malaya (National) (16 Mar 2004 - 17 Mar 2004)
  28. Strategic tri-partite alliance in establishing a safe school programme in Malaysia, OECD International Conference on School Safety and Security, OECD Paris (International) (12 Nov 2003 - 14 Nov 2003)
  29. Education law and educational innovation in Malaysia, The Ninth UNESCO-APEID International Conference on Education, UNESCO and APEID (International) (04 Nov 2003 - 07 Nov 2003)
  30. Educational negligence and legal remedies, National Seminar on Teacher Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia (National) (19 May 2002 - 20 May 2002)
  31. Natural justice and dismissal in the education service, National Seminar on Educational Management, Planning, and Policy, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (National) (10 Nov 2001 - 10 Nov 2001)
  32. Emerging issues in electronic commerce and its implications towards sports management, The Third International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, Asia Congress, Malaysia Association for Physical Education, Sports Science, and Fitness (International) (23 Nov 2000 - 26 Nov 2000)
  33. Formal authority in the context of education law, National Seminar on Educational Management, Planning, and Policy, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (National) (08 Sep 2000 - 08 Sep 2000)
  34. Utilising legislation to improve sport management in Malaysia, The Third International Sport Management Alliance Conference, University Technology of Sydney (International) (06 Jan 2000 - 09 Jan 2000)
  35. Educational challenge in Malaysia:Enhancing the quality of education through a legal framework , The Third ASEAN/Asian Symposium on Educational Management and Leadership, Universiti Utara Malaysia (International) (06 Dec 1999 - 08 Dec 1999)
  36. Re-evaluating the affective domain in physical education, National Seminar on Educational Development , Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (National) (12 Nov 1999 - 13 Nov 1999)
  37. Modern way of sports: Sports development through legislation, The Thirteenth Asian Games Scientific Congress , The South East Asia Games Scientific Committee (International) (30 Nov 1998 - 03 Dec 1998)
  38. The code of ethics and teacher education , National Seminar on Teacher Education , Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (National) (26 Oct 1998 - 28 Oct 1998)
  39. Statutory sports governance, The Eleventh Commonwealth and International Scientific Congress, University of Malaya (International) (03 Aug 1998 - 08 Sep 1998)
  40. Knowledge of physical fitness and level of physical fitness: A study of Diploma in Education students at the University of Malaya, World Conference on Teaching, Coaching, and Fitness Needs in Physical Education and the Sport Sciences, National Institute of Education, Singapore (International) (04 Dec 1997 - 06 Dec 1997)
  41. Performance enhancement through ergoenic aids , The 35th Malaysian Physical Education, Sports Science, and Fitness Convention, The Malaysian Physical Education, Sports Science, and Fitness Association (National) (27 Nov 1997 - 29 Nov 1997)
  42. Assessment of the achievement of the Health and Physical Education objectives among lower secondary schools , National Seminar on Educational Research , Ministry of Education, Malaysia (National) (18 Dec 1996 - 21 Dec 1996)
  43. Success in sport: Does organisational climate make a difference?, The Eighth International Conference of the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration , Institute Aminuddin Baki, Minsitry of Education and The Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration  (International) (19 Aug 1996 - 24 Aug 1996)
  1. Participant, Second Conference of the EU Asia Corporate Governance Dialogue Series, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (International) (24 Feb 2015 - 24 Feb 2015)
  2. Leading change: What leaders really do by Professor John P.Kotter, Professor of Leadership, Harvard Business School, Seminar on Leading Change: What Leaders Really Do. Higher Education Leadership Academy, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, Higher Education Leadership Academy, Minsitry of Higher Education, Malaysia (15 Mar 2009 - 15 Mar 2009)
  3. Teachers' role as supervisors, Workshop on School Teachers as Supervisors for Teacher Trainees during Teaching Practice: Collaboration between Institution of Higher Learning with Schools , Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (University) (06 Oct 1997 - 08 Oct 1997)


  1. (2017) Helped the University of Leuven, Belgium to review an application to obtain research funding from the university. , (Reviewer)
  2. (2011) Education and Urban Society Journal: From scratch to notch: Undertsanding private tutoring metamorphosis in the Philippines from the perspectives of cram and formal school administrators, (Reviewer)
  3. (2010) Education and Urban Society Journal: An inconvenient identity: Paradox, complexity and strategies in a social foundations classroom , (Reviewer)
  4. (2010) International Journal of Educational Reform: Managing ELT change with a journey of learning , (Reviewer)
  5. (2010) The Educational Forum: The relationship between elementary principals' visionary leadership and students' reading performance, (Reviewer)
  6. (2010) The Educational Forum : Educators as serving leaders in the classroom and on campus, (Reviewer)
  7. (2009) The Educational Forum: The journey of educational leaders toward cultural competence, (Reviewer)
  8. (2009) The Educational Forum: Promoted despite failure, (Reviewer)
  9. (2009) The Educational Forum: What not to wear: School uniform issues for educators. , (Reviewer)
  10. (2009) The Educational Forum: Distressed future educators ignite implications for the No Child Left Behind Act's reauthorization , (Reviewer)
  11. (2008) Examination of a doctoral dissertation from University of Southern Queensland, Australia: Schools and the law: Emerging legal issues internationally with implications for school leaders in Singapore , (External Examiner)
  12. The Canadian charter and democracy: The interaction of the individual and the collective , (Reviewer)
  13. From tourist to learner: Language study, international study, and cultural encounters as a lens for educational administration , (Reviewer)
  14. Education and Urban Sociey Journal: Transformation in reverse: Naive assumptions of an urban educator , (Reviewer)
  15. Education and Urban Society Journal: Organizational routines in flux: A case study of recording and monitoring student attendance , (Reviewer)
  16. The Educational Forum: Keys to successful leadership: High support to capable and versatile principals , (Reviewer)
  17. The Educational Forum:Intelligent design in the scoial stduies curriculum: Public support for teaching and strategies for presentation , (Reviewer)
  18. Journal of Research in Christian Education: Comparing Christian School and Public School Classroom Environments , (Reviewer)
  19. Multi-cultural, cross-country, global context, comparative studies- so what is so great about internationalism anyway? , (Reviewer)
  20. Teachers' perception on the effectiveness of the Teachers' Activity Center in Petaling District , (External Examiner)
  21. Globalization and the cross-national attraction of education law: The case of China , (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2019) Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Hainan University, China, International
  2. (2018) Visiting Professor , Faculty of Law, South West University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing, China, International
  3. (2017) Global Education Law Forum Scientific Committee, Global Education Law Forum, International
  4. (2007) Visiting Scholar, Department of Educational Leadership, School of Education and Allied Profession, University of Dayton, Ohio, USA, International
  5. (2007) Visiting Professor, Department of Educational Leadership, College of Education, Florida Atlantic University, USA, International
  6. (2000) Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law, Bond University, Queensland, Australia, International


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2002) Bachelor of Science with Education. (Teaching Practice:Mathematics)
  2. (1998) Diploma in Education PSFD5126: Teaching practice (Geography)
  3. (1998) Bachelor of Education (TESL) with minor in Physical Education(Teaching Practice)
  4. (1997) Diploma in Education PSFD5126: Teaching practice (Geography)
  5. (1997) Bachelor of Education (TESL) with minor in Physical Education (Teaching Practice)
  6. (1996) PT 400: Bachelor of Education (Teaching Practice: Physical Education)
  7. (1996) Diploma in Education PSFD5182: Teaching practice (Physical Education)
  8. (1995) PT 400: Bachelor of Education (Teaching Practice:Physical Education)
  9. (1995) Diploma in Education PSFD5183: Teaching practice (History)
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2024) The Regulation of Chinese Investment in the Belt and Road – Investigating the Issues and Challenges in the ASEAN, LU YAN
  2. (2024) A Critical Examination of the Intergovernmental Framework for the Protection of Human Rights in ASEAN, FERLYN LEONG PHUI MUN
  4. (2024) The Impact of Right-To-Know on Creative Education: A Mixed Methods Study in China’s Public Universities, WANG WENQING
  5. (2023) Research on China-ASEAN Intellectual Property Regional Legal System, YANG LIU
  6. (2023) The Dispute Settlement Mechanism under the “Belt and Road Initiative” and the China-Malaysia Bilateral Investment Treat, LI YUJIE
  7. (2023) Right to Education for Stateless Children in Malaysia : A Legal Analysis From A Human Rights Perspective, KANAGESWARY @ SANGGITHA A/P K. SELVAKUMARAN
  8. (2020) The unification of ASEAN Human Rights Law through the creation of ASEAN Court of Human Rights and a supranational organization in ASEAN, Ferlyn Leong Phui Mun
  9. (2019) International Trade Law -Iran's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), MEHRNOOSH SADATSHARIFI
  10. (2018) Dispute Settlement Mechanism under the Belt and Road Initiative From the Perspective of China-Malaysia Bilateral Investment Treaty, Li Yu Jie
  11. (2018) Creative education management of university students based on the Right-to-Know in teaching, Wang Wenqing
  12. (2016) Challenges of Iran's Accession to the World Trade Organisation from the Perspectives of Trade in Goods, Mehrnoosh Sadatsharifi
  13. (2015) The Right to Education for Stateless Children- A Comparative Analysis Between Malaysia and the United Kingdom, Kanageswary @ Sangitha K Sevakumaran
  14. (2015) The Employment Contract In Malaysia-Truly Relational or Contractual Hybrid?, Priscilla Shasha Devi a/p Seyapalan
  15. (2015) Directors' Duties to Creditors, Yeo Shu Pin
  16. (2014) A legal and policy perspective of corporate takeovers in Malaysia, Soh She Ji
  17. (2013) The Influence of Multi-Frame Leadership Style on Organizational Climate in a Private University in Malaysia: A Case Study, MABEL TAN HWEE JOO
  18. (2012) Technology Integration and Pedagogical Innovations in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions, LU HUONG YING
  19. (2011) The impact of multi-frame leadership on organisational climate in a private university in Malaysia, Mabel Tan
  20. (2011) The effects of the Peer Assisted Study Sessions programme on students' growth in a private university in Malaysia, Christine Wong Siew Kuan
  21. (2011) Technology integration and pedagogical innovations in higher education institutions in Malaysia, Lu Huong Ying
  22. (2010) Mediation and the courts on settlement of disputes: An analysis on the need to legislate court-directed mediation in Malaysia, `Christina Ooi Su Siang
  24. (2006) The relationship between organizational citizenship behaviour, organizational control ssytems and job performance among community college lecturers in Malaysia, Noriah binti Abdul Malek@Malek
  25. (2002) The effect of a physical fitness intervention programme on health-related fitness components among Malaysian Form Four students, S Shabeshan s/o M Rengasamy (University of Malaya (UM))
  1. (2020) Study on the development path of trade cooperation between Hainan Free Trade Zone and ASEAN countries, Liu Xinqi
  2. (2020) Evolution of contingency fee, Liew Shu Xian
  3. (2020) Coronavirus, force majeure and impact on commercial contracts, Lawrence Boey Kah Wei
  4. (2020) Anti-bribery and corruption law in Malaysia, Loo Hui Jun
  5. (2019) Significance of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance, TAN YEE SIAN
  6. (2018) An economic analysis of crime and punishment, Leong Phui Mun
  7. (2013) Institutional investors role in corporate governance in Malaysia, Tan Yee Sian
  8. (2010) Instructional leadership of a NPQH principal in a secondary school in Kuala Lumpur, Hii Siew Leng
  9. (2008) Relationship between principals' transformational leadership and teachers' job satisfaction, Mohamad Zabidi bin Abdullah
  10. (2008) Relationship between principal's leadership style and teachers' commitment in a secondary school in Terengganu, Abu Hasmadi bin A Bakar
  11. (2008) Principals' leadership and teachers' job stress in a school in Pahang, Shaharin bin Abdullah
  12. (2007) The principal as a leader in the enforcement of school safety regulations, Norazlida Shamsuri (University of Malaya (UM))
  13. (2007) Role of the principal in staff development in a secondary school, Awet bin Gapor (University of Malaya (UM))
  14. (2007) Role of the principal as a co-curricular leader, Mukhtar bin Mansor (University of Malaya (UM))
  15. (2007) Impact of instructional supervision on enhancing teachers' capacity, Mislinah bt Makin
  16. (2006) Teachers' knowledge of the procedure on students' disciplinary action, Mohd Sopian bin Salleh (University of Malaya (UM))
  17. (2006) Absenteism Problems among students in a secondary school in Ipoh, Perak, Salleh bin Hj Yusuf (University of Malaya (UM))
  18. (2005) The school principal's practices in the management of school safety: A case study, Siti Aisyah Sandra bt Abdullah (University of Malaya (UM))
  19. (2005) Teachers' perception towards educational regulations in a secondary school in Gopeng, Perak, Lee Tuck Keen (University of Malaya (UM))
  20. (2005) Perception of teachers on the rights of students in a secondary school, Susila a/p Pavadai (University of Malaya (UM))
  21. (2004) The principal's style of communication in a secondary school in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Rashida bt Mohd Ali (University of Malaya (UM))
  22. (2004) The assessment of teachers' performance in a secondary school, Chai Sai Hon (University of Malaya (UM))
  23. (2004) Relationship between a principal's communication style and teachers' job satisfaction, Mohd Razali b Sidek (University of Malaya (UM))
  24. (2004) Management of teachers' welfare in a secondary school in Kuala Lumpur, Norhana bt Mustapha (University of Malaya (UM))
  25. (2004) Management of student discipline in a school in Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Kamsiah bt Salleh@Yong (University of Malaya (UM))
  26. (2004) Evaluation of teachers' performance in a school in Malacca, Hazmi b Ali (University of Malaya (UM))
  27. (2004) A study on bullying in a secondary school in Malacca, Juariah bt Yunus (University of Malaya (UM))
  28. (2003) The principal's leadership practices towards academic performance: A study of a secondary school in Klang, Low Lai Khuan (University of Malaya (UM))
  29. (2003) Teachers' perception towards regulations on school discipline, Ammar bin Che Soh (University of Malaya (UM))
  30. (2003) Students' perception towards school safety: A study of five schools in Shah Alam, Selangor DE., Rusmin bt Yunus (University of Malaya (UM))
  31. (2003) Stress management among teachers in a secondary school in Selangor D.E., Raudah bt Mustafa (University of Malaya (UM))
  32. (2003) Principal's communication style and teachers' job satisfaction in two secondary schools in Segamat, Johore, Ahmad Hourmain b Sulaiman (University of Malaya (UM))
  33. (2003) Participation of teachers in decision making in a secondary school in Malacca, Sasiharan Vasuthevan (University of Malaya (UM))
  34. (2003) Management of young offenders in two secondary schools in Petaling District, Zaidah bt Mustafa (University of Malaya (UM))
  35. (2003) Effectiveness of co-curriculum activities in developing students' leadership in a secondary school, Ooi Bok Teik (University of Malaya (UM))
  36. (2003) Awareness of student rights in a secondary school in Selangor D.E., Khor Kong You (University of Malaya (UM))
  37. (2002) Teachers' stress in a secondary school in Klang, Selangor, Deraman Abdullah (University of Malaya (UM))
  38. (2002) Teachers' perception towards the principal's instructional supervision in a secondary school in Segamat, Johore, Othman Md Nor (University of Malaya (UM))
  39. (2002) Students' perception towards commitment in school, Abibah Harun (University of Malaya (UM))
  40. (2002) Relationship between a principal's leadership style and teachers' job satisfaction in a secondary school in Keningau, Sabah, Vasuthevan Palanivalu (University of Malaya (UM))
  41. (2002) Management of co-curriculum: A comparison between a premier and a normal secondary school, Hassan Jaafar (University of Malaya (UM))
  42. (2002) Instructional supervision and staff development in a secondary school in Semporna district, Sabah, Khalid Panggagah (University of Malaya (UM))
  43. (2002) Effectiveness of the Form Four Basic Economics textbook on the teaching and learning process in school, S Bhavani Sivapathasundram (University of Malaya (UM))
  44. (2002) Culture and symbol theory: A study of a secondary school in Malacca, Ho Kam Pui (University of Malaya (UM))
  45. (2001) Teachers' job staisfaction in a private school in Kuala Lumpur, Mohamed Bakarudeen b Abdul Kader (University of Malaya (UM))
  46. (2001) Problems of the enforcement of co-curricular activities in a secondary school, Ganapathy Bass (University of Malaya (UM))
  47. (2001) Perception of teachers on the role of principals in co-curricular activities, Mohd Razak bin Che Yaacob (University of Malaya (UM))
  48. (2001) Perception of teachers on the effectiveness of principals in co-curriculum management, Zaliha bt Ismail (University of Malaya (UM))
  49. (2001) Awareness of principals on legal issues in school management, V Malathy a/p V Vasuthevan (University of Malaya (UM))
  50. (1999) Use of electronic mail among Assistant Registrars, Ummu Aiman bt Abd Karim (University of Malaya (UM))
  51. (1999) Perceptions of upper secondary students on the teaching profession: A case study of a private school in Subang Jaya, Roland Abeysekera (University of Malaya (UM))
  52. (1999) Perceptions of secondary school teachers on job satisfaction, Sooriamoorthy s/o Appanah (University of Malaya (UM))
  53. (1999) Headmasters' leadership style and teachers' commitment in primary school, Sivagami Kandasamy (University of Malaya (UM))
  54. (1996) Sport participation motives of school hockey players in Penang, Heng Aun Suah (University of Malaya (UM))
  55. (1996) Pre-competition anxiety level, Omar bin Md Salleh (University of Malaya (UM))
  1. (2001) Enforcement of school safety regulations in a secondary school, Puniran bin Denan (University of Malaya (UM))


  1. (2023) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  2. (2022) LQB7017 - Asean Economic Community Law
  3. (2022) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  4. (2021) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  5. (2021) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  6. (2021) LQB7017 - Asean Economic Community Law
  7. (2021) LQB7017 - Asean Economic Community Law
  8. (2020) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  9. (2020) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  10. (2020) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  11. (2020) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  12. (2020) LQB7016 - International Trade Law : Selected Issues
  13. (2020) LQB7016 - International Trade Law : Selected Issues
  14. (2020) LQB7016 - International Trade Law: Selected Issues
  15. (2020) LQB7017 - Asean Economic Community Law
  16. (2019) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  17. (2019) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  18. (2019) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  19. (2019) LQB7016 - International Trade Law : Selected Issues
  20. (2019) LQB7016 - International Trade Law : Selected Issues
  21. (2019) LQB7016 - International Trade Law:Selected Issues
  22. (2018) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  23. (2018) LQB7016 - International Trade Law: Selected Issues
  24. (2017) LQB7002 - Law and Economics
  25. (2017) LQB7017 - Asean Economic Community Law
  26. (2017) LXGA6330 - Law and Economics
  27. (2017) LXGA6330 - Law and Economics
  28. (2017) LXGA6332 - International Trade Law: Selected Issues
  29. (2016) LXGA6330 - Law and Economics
  30. (2016) LXGA6330 - Law and Economics
  31. (2016) LXGA6332 - International Trade Law: Selected Issues
  32. (2016) LXHA7100 - Research Methodology
  33. (2016) LXHA7100 - Research Methodology
  34. (2014) LXGA6183 - Research Methodology
  35. (2014) LXGA6330 - Law and Economics
  36. (2014) LXGA6332 - International Trade Law: Selected Issues
  37. (2014) LXHA7100 - Research Methodology
  38. (2013) LXGA6183 - Research Methodogy
  39. (2013) LXGA6330 - Law & Economics
  40. (2011) YXGA6101 - School Governance and Management
  41. (2011) YXGA6110 - School Management and The Law
  42. (2010) YXGA6103 - Research and Statistics for Principals
  43. (2010) YXGA6110 - School Management and The Law
  44. (2009) YXGA6101 - School Governance and Management
  45. (2009) YXGA6103 - Research Method and Statistics for Principals
  46. (2009) YXGA6110 - School Management and The Law
  47. (2009) YXGA6110 - School Management and Law
  48. (2008) YXGA6110 - School Management and The Law
  49. (2008) YXGA6110 - School Management and The Law
  50. (2007) YXGA6110 - School Management and The Law
  51. (2007) YXGA6180 - Management Project Ii: Research Report
  52. (2006) PDGM6107 - Legal Aspects in Education
  53. (2006) PDGS6301 - Education Law in Malaysia
  54. (2006) PXGP6110 - Legal Aspects in Education and School Management
  55. (2006) YXGA6101 - School Governance and Management
  56. (2006) YXGA6110 - School Management and The Law
  57. (2006) YXGA6113 - Management Project I: School-Based Research
  58. (2005) PDGM6107 - Legal Aspects in Education
  59. (2005) YXGA6103 - Research and Statistics for Principals
  1. (2022) LXEC3314 - Employment Law
  2. (2021) LXEC3314 - Employment Law
  3. (2020) LXEC3314 - Employment Law
  4. (2020) LXEC3314 - Employment Law
  5. (2020) LXEC3314 - Employment Law
  6. (2019) LXEC3304 - Employment Law
  7. (2019) LXEC3304 - Employment Law


  • Appointed as a Reviewer for Taylor'S University'S Conference, (01 Nov 2016 - 31 Dec 2016)
  • Conduct a Course On Education Law and Legal Risk Management for MARA, (26 Oct 2016 - 28 Oct 2016)
  • Appointed as a Member of The Technical Committee of 2017 6th International Conference On Government, Law and Culture, January 5-7, 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia., International Economics Development and Research Center, Hong Kong., (01 Jun 2016 - 28 Jan 2017)
  • Appointment as Evaluation Panel of Newton Advanced Fellowship and Newton Mobility Grants, Academy of Sciences, Malaysia, (01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2016)
  • Invited by The Faculty of Education, University Technology Malaysia to Conduct a Seminar On Legal Issues in Education in Collaboration With The Johore State Education Department and Teachers' Union, (07 Dec 2014 - 07 Dec 2014)
  • Conduct Courses On Education Law for Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), (05 Apr 2006 - 07 Apr 2006)
  • Conduct Courses On Education Law for Secondary Schools, Ministry of Education, (15 Jan 2006 - 15 Jan 2007)
  • Member of The Disciplinary Committee, Royal Lake Club, Kuala Lumpur, (08 Nov 2002)
  • Lecturer for Sports Science Courses At The National Sports Council of Malaysia, (02 Apr 1998)