Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Mathematics and Science Education
    Faculty of Education
  • chuayp
  • +603-22463359


Chua Yan Piaw is a professor at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at the University of Malaya. In 2019, he was a visiting professor at the School of Social Work and Education, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, and in 2014, he was a visiting professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. 
His series of books, "Research Methods and Statistics", books 1 to 5 with 62 chapters, are among McGraw Hill's Top 10 Bestselling Titles in Malaysia. In addition, his book "Mastering Research Methods, 2nd Edition" was awarded the 2018 Book Publication Award by the University of Malaya. 
As a result of his contributions to reviewing articles for the Elsevier's Web-of-Science journal Computers in Human Behavior, he received the 2016 “Excellent Reviewer Award”, and the 2017 to 2019 "Outstanding in Reviewing" award from Elsevier. His inventions and innovations have won six gold medals at international invention and innovation expos, as well as five gold medals at the world peace painting and calligraphy exhibitions. 
He has been an invited speaker for more than a hundred AMOS, SPSS, and SmartPLS workshops. In 2015 to 2017, he was invited by the Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya to conduct 38 workshops (14 hours each) for postgraduate students at the university to enhance their data analysis skills under the upskill program. Between 2015 and 2016, he was invited by the National Sports Institute of Malaysia to conduct 12 statistics workshops for bio-mechanists, nutritionists, and psychologists at the institute to enhance their data analysis skills.
The number of PhD students graduated under his supervision between 2008-2018 is 22.


    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
  • Dip.Education, (Chemistry/mathematics)
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
  • BSc (Hons)(Chem&Maths), (KIMIA / MATEMATIK)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
  • Cert of Art (MIA), (Commercial Art and Graphic Design)
    Malaysia Institute of Art


  • Journal Editorial board member
    02 Jan 2014 - 24 Apr 2022 (International)
  • Editorial Board Member
    02 Jan 2017 - 01 Apr 2022 (International)
  • Senate representative
    24 Nov 2021 - 24 Nov 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Senate representative
    24 Nov 2021 - 24 Nov 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Senate representative
    02 Nov 2021 - 02 Nov 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Senate representative
    23 Sep 2021 - 23 Sep 2021 (University Malaya)
  • senate representative
    27 Aug 2021 - 27 Aug 2021 (University Malaya)
  • senate representative
    09 Aug 2021 - 09 Aug 2021 (University Malaya)
  • AJK Ijazah tinggi Fakuti Pendidikan - Wakil profesor
    01 Jul 2020 - 30 Jun 2021 (Faculty)
  • External Assessor for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education
    02 Jan 2018 - 01 Jan 2021 (International)
  • Head
    01 Jan 2018 - 09 Feb 2019 (Institute of Educational Leadership, Faculty of Education)
  • Ahli jawatankuasa bagi penapisan kenaikan pangkat Fakulti (committee member for evaluation of academic staffs' promotion - Faculty of Education)
    04 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member of Management meeting Jan - December 2018 - Faculty of Education
    01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019 (Institute of Educational Leadership, Faculty of Education)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli jawatan kuasa pengajian ijazah tinggi fakulti pendidikan
    01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019 (Institute of Educational Leadership, Faculty of Education)
  • Host for visiting scholar
    31 Jul 2018 - 16 Apr 2019 (International)
  • Chair for Viva Voce PhD thesis examination committee meeting. Candidate: Norainee Kamaruddin (PHB080008)
    23 Jan 2019 - 23 Jan 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member: Proposal defense meeting (Seminar 1) for PhD candidate Nithiananthini A/P Kumarawel (PVA170030)
    18 Jan 2019 - 18 Jan 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member: Mesyuarat Haluan Siswa Semester II, 2018-2019
    17 Jan 2019 - 17 Jan 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member: Mesyuarat Fakulti Khas Bil. 1 Tahun 2019. Fakulti Pendidikan.
    16 Jan 2019 - 16 Jan 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member: Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pengajian Ijazah Tinggi Bil. 1 Tahun 2019
    16 Jan 2019 - 16 Jan 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for 2019 strategic planing meeting. Port Dickson
    07 Jan 2019 - 09 Jan 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member: Management meeting, Faculty of Education, UM. 3 January 2019,
    03 Jan 2019 - 03 Jan 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Senate member
    26 Jan 2017 - 25 Oct 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for viva voce (thesis examination committee meeting) for a PhD candidate on 16 July 2018
    16 Jul 2018 - 16 Jul 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for viva voce (thesis examination committee meeting) for a PhD candidate on 10 July 2018
    10 Jul 2018 - 10 Jul 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman for Doctoral Degree Candidature Defense (Institute of Educational leadership) on 12 June 2018
    12 Jun 2018 - 12 Jun 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for viva voce (thesis examination committee meeting) for a PhD candidate - 12 June 2018
    12 Jun 2018 - 12 Jun 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman for Doctoral Degree Candidature Defense (Institute of Educational leadership) on 12 June 2018
    12 Jun 2018 - 12 Jun 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for viva voce (thesis examination committee meeting) for a PhD candidate - 1 June 2018
    01 Jun 2018 - 01 Jun 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for viva voce (thesis examination committee meeting) for a PhD candidate - 15 May 2018
    15 May 2018 - 15 May 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for viva voce (thesis examination committee meeting) for a PhD candidate - 19 April 2018
    19 Apr 2018 - 19 Apr 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for viva voce (thesis examination committee meeting) for a PhD candidate (19 April 2018)
    19 Apr 2018 - 19 Apr 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for viva voce (thesis examination committee meeting) for a PhD candidate on 13 February 2018
    13 Feb 2018 - 13 Feb 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman for PhD Proposal Defense committee meeting- 6 February 2018
    06 Feb 2018 - 06 Feb 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for viva voce (thesis examination committee meeting) for a PhD candidate - 18 January 2018
    08 Jan 2018 - 08 Jan 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Chair for Doctoral Degree Viva Voce (Pengerusi jawatankuasa pemeriksaan Doktor Falsafah) 8 January 2018
    08 Jan 2018 - 08 Jan 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Director
    16 Dec 2016 - 31 Dec 2017 (Institute of Educational Leadership, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
  • Supervisor
    01 Jan 2017 - 31 Dec 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman
    01 Jan 2017 - 31 Dec 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member
    15 Nov 2017 - 15 Nov 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman
    02 Nov 2017 - 02 Nov 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Director
    01 Jan 2017 - 15 Sep 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Committee of examiners
    07 Sep 2017 - 07 Sep 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Jawatkuasa Pemeriksa PhD
    30 Aug 2017 - 30 Aug 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member
    15 Aug 2017 - 15 Aug 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Head Coordinator
    10 Aug 2017 - 13 Aug 2017 (International)
  • Jawatkuasa Pemeriksa PhD
    09 Aug 2017 - 09 Aug 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Committee of examiners
    02 Aug 2017 - 02 Aug 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Committee of Examiners
    15 May 2017 - 15 May 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Jawatkuasa Pemeriksa PhD
    25 Apr 2017 - 25 Apr 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman
    31 Mar 2017 - 31 Mar 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Committee of examiners for PhD Viva Voce
    31 Mar 2017 - 31 Mar 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Committee of examiners
    30 Mar 2017 - 30 Mar 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Committee of examiners
    27 Mar 2017 - 27 Mar 2017 (National)
  • Committee Member
    09 Mar 2017 - 09 Mar 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Director
    04 Oct 2016 - 16 Dec 2016 (Institute of Educational Leadership, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
  • Acting Director
    20 Jun 2015 - 19 Jun 2016 (Unit Lonjakan Pencapaian Akademik (Ulpa), Vice-Chancellor)
  • Deputy Head
    21 Oct 2014 - 20 Jun 2015 (Unit Lonjakan Pencapaian Akademik (Ulpa), Vice-Chancellor)
  • Deputy Head
    01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2014 (Unit Lonjakan Pencapaian Akademik (Ulpa), Vice-Chancellor)
  • Deputy Head of unit ULPAUM (Unit Lonjakan Pencapaian Akademik UM)
    15 Jul 2010 - 30 Jun 2014 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Head
    15 Jul 2010 - 31 Dec 2011 (Unit Lonjakan Pencapaian Akademik (Ulpa), Vice-Chancellor)


    Since 2013 (National)
    Since 2012 (University)
    Since 2010 (International)
    Since 2008 (University)
    Since 2008 (University)
    2021 to 2022 (International)
    2016 to 2022 (International)
    2021 to 2022 (National)
  • UM SENATOR - FROM 26-1-2011 TO 16-12-2021, COMMITTEE MEMBER
    2021 to 2021 (University)
    2021 to 2021 (University)
    2021 to 2021 (University)
    2021 to 2021 (University)
    2020 to 2021 (University)
    2020 to 2021 (University)
    2020 to 2020 (University)
    2020 to 2020 (University)
    2018 to 2018 (International)
    2012 to 2018 (National)
    2017 to 2017 (International)
    2016 to 2016 (International)
    2015 to 2015 (International)
    2014 to 2014 (International)
    2014 to 2014 (International)
    2013 to 2013 (International)
    2012 to present (International)
    Since 2008 (International)


  • Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing - Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International
    2021, Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International , International
  • Pakar Validasi Soalan Kajian Projek Penambahbaikan Pembangunan Staf UM (7.2.2020)
    2020, UM,  (University)
  • Certificate of Reviewing Journal - Awarded by Elsevier, Netherlands
    2020, Elsevier,  (International)
  • University of Malaya Excellence Award 2018 (Book Publication - Mastering Research Methods - 2nd Edition)
    2018, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Silver Award - International Research Innovation Invention Solution Exposition (Iriise) 2018. Loo Fung Chiat, Loo Fung Ying & Chua Yan Piaw (2018). Project Name: Music Model to Transform Visual Perception of Sports Routine.
    2018, Ministry of Education Malaysia,  (International)
  • Expert Panel - Recognition Letter (22 May 2018) by The Institute of Research Management & Monitoring (Ippp UM) for Evaluated Six Fundamental Research Grant (Frgs Phase 1/2018) Applications.
    2018, The Institute of Research Management & Monitoring (IPPP UM),  (University)
  • 2018 Recognized Reviewer Award - Awarded by Elsevier (for Contribution in Reviewing The Journal Computers in Human Behavior, Impact Factor: 3.435)
    2018, Elsevier,  (International)
  • 2018 Recognised Reviewer Award - Awarded by Elsevier for The of Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Impact Factor: 1.158)
    2018, Elsevier,  (International)
  • 2018 Outstanding Reviewer Award - Awarded by Elsevier (Ranked as The Top 10th Percentile of Reviewers for The Journal Computers in Human Behavior, Impact Factor: 3.88) .
    2018, Elsevier,  (International)
  • 2017 Recognized Reviewer Award - Awarded by Elsevier (for Contribution in Reviewing The Journal Computers & Education, Impact Factor: 3.882)
    2017, Elsevier,  (International)
  • 2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award - Awarded by Elsevier (Ranked as The Top 10th Percentile of Reviewers for The Journal Computers in Human Behavior, Impact Factor: 3.88) .
    2017, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Expert Panel - Contribute as Panel Reviewer for Evaluation for Bkp Proposal "Student Readiness for Blended Learning in Malaysian Public Higher Education Institutions" (2017 Bkp Fund) , (University), 22/03/2017 Until 23/03/2017
    2017, IPPP,  (University)
  • Expert Panel / Consultation Service - Serve as Advisory Board Member for UiTM Journal - The Asian Journal of University Education (Indexed by Malaysian Citation (Mycite)
    2017, Faculty of Education, UiTM,  (National)
  • School Fund Raising/ /Culture Activities With Prof. Chua Yan Piaw Calligraphy Writing Activities ? January - February 2017.
    2017, (1) Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ilmu Khas (RM14,000), (2) SMJK Katholik Petaling Jaya, (3) SRJK(C) Yoke Kuan, Sekinchan, Selangor.,  (Community)
  • Panel Expert & Consultation Service - Editorial Board Member for An Isi Web of Science (Ssci) Journal - The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
    2017, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher / Springer,  (International)
  • 2016 Excellence Reviewer Award - Awarded by Elsevier - Certificate of Excellence Reviewing (Computers in Human Behavior Journal, Impact Factor 2.880)
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Recognised Journal Reviewer Award - by The Elsevier for Contribution in Reviewing Journal Articles for a Tier 1 Isi Journal (Social Science Citation Index) - The Computers in Human Behaviour Journal
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • 2015 Outstanding Reviewer Award - (in Top 10 Percentile) Awarded by The Elsevier for Contribution in Reviewing Journal Articles of a Tier 1 Isi Journal in Thomson Reuters Social Science Citation Index, The Computers in Human Behaviour Journal
    2015, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Gold Medal Award, Pecipta 2013. Inventors: Zahra Naimie, Norasmatul Akma , Erkan Sabanovic, Noor Hayaty Abu Kasim, Zeti Adura Che Ab Aziz, Azwatee Abdul Aziz, Chua Yan Piaw. Title: a-Ez Prosthodontics (Creating a Virtual Environment to Facilitate The Learning of Crown Constructions for Dental Students)
    2013, Pecipta Malaysia,  (International)
  • Gold Medal Award, 24th International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition - for The Project "Building a Game to Enhance Creativity: The Creativity Game"
    2013, The Minds,  (International)
  • Gold Medal Award, Invention & Innovation Award for The Invention "The Creativity Game", Malaysia Technology Expo 2013.
    2013, Malaysian Association of Research Scientists,  (International)
  • Gold Medal Award (Facilitator) - The 2012 Japan World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition.
    2012, The World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Japan Hua Gong Calligraphy Institute,  (International)
  • Gold Medal Award (Facilitator) - - The 2011 Taiwan World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition.
    2011, The World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Taiwan Youths Intercommunication Enhancement Asscociation,  (International)
  • Bronze Medal Award - 22nd International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition
    2011, Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS),  (International)
  • Gold Medal Award (Facilitator) - The 2010 Singapore World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. Awarded by: The World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Singapore Bukit Timah Community Club.
    2010, The World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Singapore Bukit Timah Community Club,  (International)
  • Gold Medal Award, 21st International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition - for The Project "The Yanpiaw Brain Style Test"
    2010, Malaysian Invention & Design Society and Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (ITEX),  (International)
  • Gold Medal Award, Umexpo 2010 for The Research "Understanding Leadership and Thinking Styles Through a Computer-Based Leader Style Test"
    2010, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Gold Medal Award, Umexpo 2010 for The Research "Building a Learining and Thinking Style Test - The Ybrains Test"
    2010, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Research Expert Award - Teacher Training Division, Ministry of Education, Malaysia (Pakar Penyelidik Bahagian Pendidikan Guru, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia)
    2007, Teacher Training Division, Ministry of Education, Malaysia,  (National)
  • Gold Medal Award (Facilitator) - The 2006 Paris World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. Organiser: The World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Paris Painting and Sculpture Association.
    2006, The World Peace Painting and calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Paris painting and Sculpture Association,  (International)
  • Gold Medal Award(Facilitator)
    2002, The World Peace Painting & Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Japan Hua Gong Panting & Calligraphy Institute,  (International)
  • 1988 Excellent Service Award. Ministry of Education.
    1998, Ministry of Education,  (Government)


Article in Journal
  1. Ahmed, J., Wong, L. P., Chua, Y. P., Channa, N., Memon, U. U. R., Garn, J. V., . . . VanDerslice, J. A. (2021). Heavy metals drinking water contamination and health risk assessment among primary school children of Pakistan. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part a-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 56(6), 667-679. doi: 10.1080/10934529.2021.1915653
  2. Ahmed, J., Wong, L. P., Chua, Y. P., Channa, N., Yasmin, A., Rizwan, M., . . . VanDerslice, J. A. (2021). DISTRIBUTION AND HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT OF FLUOROSIS IN UNDERNOURISHED PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN PAKISTAN. Fluoride, 54(1), 58-76.
  3. Loh, S. Y., Sapihis, M., Danaee, M., & Chua, Y. P. (2021). The role of occupational-participation, meaningful-activity and quality-of-life of colorectal cancer survivors: findings from path-modelling. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(19), 2729-2738. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1715492
  4. Ahmed, J., Wong, L. P., Chua, Y. P., & Channa, N. (2020). Drinking Water Quality Mapping Using Water Quality Index and Geospatial Analysis in Primary Schools of Pakistan. Water, 12(12), 18. doi: 10.3390/w12123382
  5. Ahmed, J., Wong, L., Chua, Y. P., Channa, N., Mahar, R. B., Yasmin, A., . . . Garn, J. V. (2020). Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of Drinking Water Quality to Predict the Risk of Waterborne Diseases in Primary-School Children. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(8), 16. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17082774
  6. Ahmed, J., Wong, L., Chua, Y. P., Yasmin, A., Channa, N., & VanDerslice, J. A. (2020). Estimation of Hepatitis A Virus Infection Prevalence Through Drinking Water Supply of Primary Schools of Sindh, Pakistan. Hepatitis Monthly, 20(5), 10. doi: 10.5812/hepatmon.98412
  7. Chew, C. S., Wu, W. C. V., Idris, N., Loh, E. F., Chua, Y. P. (2020). Enhancing Summary Writing of ESL Learners via a Theory-Based Online Tool: System Development and Evaluation. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(2), 398-432. doi: 10.1177/0735633119837765
  8. Chew, C. S., Idris, N., Loh, E. F., Wu, W. C. V., Chua, Y. P., Bimba, A. T. (2019). The effects of a theory-based summary writing tool on students summary writing. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(3), 435-449. doi:10.1111/jcal.12349
  9. Liao, S. J., Chong, M. C., Tan, M. P., Chua, Y. P. (2019). Tai Chi with music improves quality of life among community-dwelling older persons with mild to moderate depressive symptoms: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Geriatric Nursing, 40(2), 154-159. doi:10.1016/j.gerinurse.2018.08.001
  10. Loo, F. C., Loo, F. Y., Chua, Y. P. (2019). Congruence in Music and Movement Enhances the Perception of Sports Routine Quality. Musica Hodie, 19, 19.
  11. Perera, C. J., Zainuddin, Z., Piaw, C. Y., Cheah, K. S. L., & Asirvatham, D. (2020). The Pedagogical Frontiers of Urban Higher Education: Blended Learning and Co-Lecturing. Education and Urban Society, 52(9), 1305-1329. doi: 10.1177/0013124519894966
  12. Tang, Y. H., Chong, M. C., Chua, Y. P., Chui, P. L., Tang, L. Y., Rahmat, N. (2018). The effect of mobile messaging apps on cardiac patient knowledge of coronary artery disease risk factors and adherence to a healthy lifestyle. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(23-24), 4311-4320. doi:10.1111/jocn.14538
  13. Chua, Y. P., Don, Z. M. (2013). Effects of computer-based educational achievement test on test performance and test takers motivation, Computers in Human Behavior. 29(5), 1889-1895
  14. Chua, Y. P., Tie, F. H., Don, Z. M. (2013). Creating an Education Research Acculturation Theory for Research Implementation in School, Education and Urban Society. 45(4), 506-526
  15. Ramoo, V., Abdullah, K. L., Piaw, C. Y. (2013). The relationship between job satisfaction and intention to leave current employment among registered nurses in a teaching hospital, Journal of Clinical Nursing. 22(21-22), 3141-3152
  16. Chua, Y. P. (2012). Effects of computer-based testing on test performance and testing motivation, Computers in Human Behavior. 28(5), 1580-1586
  17. Tie, F. H., Chua, Y. P. (2011). Citizenship Literacy Among 16-Year Old Secondary School Students in Malaysia, Education and Urban Society. 433(296-312), Article
  18. Piaw, C. Y. (2010). The use of the concept test study in writing a series of bestselling academic books, International Journal of Market Research. 52(6), 715-729
  19. Piaw, C. Y. (2009). Writing a Series of Best-Selling Research Reference Books, Journal of Scholarly Publishing. 40(4), 408-419
  1. J Ahmed, LP Wong, YP Chua, N Channa, UR Memon, JV Garn, A Yasmin, et al. Heavy metals drinking water contamination and health risk assessment among primary school children of Pakistan. J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng . 2021;56(6):667-679. doi: 10.1080/10934529.2021.1915653. Epub 2021 Apr 28.
  2. Abdulaziz, M. A., Chong, M. C., Tang, L. Y., Chua, Y. P., & Latifa, Y. A. A. (2020). Quality of Life Among School Children With Asthma in Malaysia. Iranian Journal of Public Health. Science Citation Index Expanded & Social Sciences Citation Index Accepted: December 29, 2019.
  3. Chiew C. H; Norisma, I.; Wu, W. V. & Chua, Y. P. (2020). Enhancing Summary Writing of ESL Learners via a Theory-based Online Tool: System Development and Evaluation. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 58(2) 398 432. Social Science Citation Index. Impact factor: 1.543. DOI: 10.1177/0735633119837765.
  4. Corinne Jacqueline Perera, Zamzami Zainuddin, Chua Yan Piaw, Kenny Cheah, and David Asirvatham. (2020). The Pedagogical Frontiers of Urban Higher Education: Blended Learning and Co-Lecturing. Education and Urban Society. Social Sciences Citation Index. DOI: 10.1177/0013124519894966.
  5. Ibrahim Alzamel, L.G., Abdullah, K.L., Chong, M.C., & Chua, Y. P. (2020). The quality of work life and turnover intentions among Malaysian nurses: the mediating role of organizational commitment. Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association. 95, 20. WoS (ESCI),
  6. Jamil Ahmed, Li Ping Wong, Yan Piaw Chua, Najeebullah Channa, Rasool Bux Mahar, Aneela Yasmin, James A VanDerslice, Joshua V Garn. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of Drinking Water Quality to Predict the Risk of Waterborne Diseases in Primary-School Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17082774
  7. Jamil Ahmed, Li Ping Wong, Yan Piaw Chua, Najeebullah Channa. Drinking Water Quality Mapping Using Water Quality Index and Geospatial Analysis in Primary Schools of Pakistan. Water 2020, 12(12), 3382;
  8. Loh, S.Y., Sapihis, M., Danaee, M., & Chua, Y. P. (2020). The role of Occupational participation, Meaningful activity and Quality of life of colorectal cancer survivors: findings from path-modeling. Disability and Rehabilitation. Science Citation Index Expanded & Social Sciences Citation Index. DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1715492.
  9. Luma, Z., Khatijah, L., Chong, M. C., & Chua, Y. P. (2020). Factors Influencing Nurses' Intention to Leave and Intention to Stay: An Integrative Review. Home Health Care Management & Practice.Published June 6, 2020. Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)/SCOPUS.
  10. Chew, C.S., Idris, N., Loh, E.F., Wu, Wen Chi Vivian, Chua, Y.P., Bimba, A.T. (2019). The effects of a theory-based summary writing tool on students' summary writing. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(3), 435-449.
  11. Chiew C. H; Norisma, I.; Wu, W. V.; Chua. Y. P.; & Bimba, A. T. (2019). The Effect of a Theory-Based Computer Assisted Learning Environment on ESL Students Summary Writing Performance. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2019;35:435 449. DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12349. Impact factor:1.859. Ranking: 2017:66/239 (Education & Educational Research) (Tier 2 ISI journal).
  12. Law Foong Li, Nicholas Chia Jin-An, Zarinah Mohd Kasirun, Chua Yan Piaw, An Empirical Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification of Software Requirements, IJACSA, 10(11), 258-263. WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index.
  13. Liao S. J., Chong, M. C., Tan, M. P., & Chua, Y. P. (2019). Tai Chi with music improves quality of life among community-dwelling older persons with mild to moderate depressive symptoms: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Geriatric Nursing, 40 (2), 154-159. 2018 Impact Factor: 1.541, WoS-SSCI Ranking: Nursing 32/115 (Q2).
  14. Suhaili Jaya & Chua Yan Piaw (2019). Kesan dimensi pengetahuan, kemahiran dan tingkah laku bimbingan rakan peningkatan sekolah terhadap kompetensi kepimpinan pemimpin sekolah (Impact of knowledge, skills and behavior of school improvement partners on school leaders' leadership competencies). Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan. 6(3): 32 - 45
  15. Suhaili, J., & Chua, Y. P. (2019). Tahap Kompetensi Dan Hubungan Bimbingan Rakan Peningkatan Sekolah Terhadap Kompetensi Kepimpinan Pemimpin Sekolah Di Negeri Sarawak. Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan. 6(2), 16-43. Cited in MyJurnal.
  16. Abayomi Ibiyemi, Yasmin Mohd Adnan, Md Nasir Daud & Chua Yan Piaw (2018). The relationships between valuers support systems for capturing property sustainability in Nigeria and their knowledge perceptions. Property Management. WoS (Emerging Sources Citation Index) & SCOPUS.
  17. Folorunso, O, T. O., Santha, C. R., & Chua, Y. P. (2018). Education inequality in West African countries: Does investment in education matter? Accepted to be published in Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management (MOJEM), October /2018 (Vol 6/Issue 4).
  18. Liao S. J., Chong, M. C., TAN, M. P., & Chua, Y. P. (2018). Tai Chi with music improves quality of life among community-dwelling older persons with mild to moderate depressive symptoms: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Geriatric Nursing, 2017 Impact Factor: 1.541, WoC SSCI Ranking: Nursing 32/115 (Q2). Available online 31 August 2018
  19. Liao, S. J., Tan, M. P., Chong, M. C., & Chua Y. P. (2018). The Impact of Combined Music and Tai Chi on Depressive Symptoms Among Community-Dwelling Older Persons: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 39(5):398-402. Impact Factor: 0.867.
  20. Oh, S., & Chua, Y. P. (2018). An Explorative Review of E-Leadership Studies. International Online Journal Of Educational Leadership, 2(1), 4-20. MyJurnal.
  21. Tang, Y. H., Chong, M. C., Chua, Y. P., Chui , P. T., Tang, L. Y, & Rahmat, N. (2018). The Effect of Mobile Messaging Apps on Cardiac Patient Knowledge of CAD Risk Factors and Adherence to a Healthy Lifestyle. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2018: 1-10. Impact factor:1.214 (tier 2). doi:10.1111/jocn.14538.
  22. A. Maulod, S., Chua, Y. P., Ahmad, H., Mei Wei, L., & Alias, S. (2017). Multiple intelligences of school principals and its relationship with self-efficacy of secondary school teachers (Kecerdasan emosi pengetua dan hubungannya dengan efikasi kendiri guru sekolah menengah). JuPiDi: Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan, 3(3), 54-75. Indexed in MyJurnal.
  23. Chua Yan Piaw & Chua Yee Pei (2017). Developing a Grounded Model for Educational Technology Leadership Practices. Egitim ve Bilim Education and Science, 42, 73-84. (ISI Social Science Citation Index, Impact Factor: 0.264).
  24. Chua Yan Piaw & Chua Yee Pei (2017). E itim Teknolojisi Liderlik Uygulamalar na Y nelik Temellendirilmi Bir Model Geli tirme. Egitim ve Bilim, 42(189), 73-84. Impact Factor: 0.254.
  25. Chua Yan Piaw & Chua Yee Pei (2017). How are e-leadership practices in implementing a school virtual learning environment enhanced? A grounded model study. Computers & Education. Volume 109, Pages 109-121. Impact Factor: 4.538 (Tier 1 WoS SSCI). This article was nominated by UM for the journal article category of the 12th National Academic Award (Anugerah Akademik Negara).
  26. Chua, Y. P. & Chua, Y. P. (2017). Do computer-mediated communication skill, knowledge and motivation mediate the relationships between personality traits and attitude toward Facebook? Computers in Human Behaviors, 70:51-59, DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.12.034 (Impact Factor: 3.435, Tier 1 journal - ISI Social Science Citation Index).
  27. Dua'a Fayiz Al Maghaireh, Khatijah Lim Abdullah, Mei Chan Chong, Yan Piaw Chua (2017). Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Sleep Disturbance among Jordanian Mothers and Fathers of Infants Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Volume 36, 132 140. Impact factor: 1.158 (Rank 58/230 in Nursing, Tier 2 journal).
  28. Jeyasushma Veeriah, Chua Yan Piaw, Siaw Yan Li & Kazi Enamul Hoque (2017). Teachers perception on the relationships between transformational leadership and school culture in primary cluster schools. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management, 5 (4): 18-34. SCOPUS.
  29. Saleh Hamood, N. A.S., Chua, Y. P., & Abdul Rahman, I. (2017). Developing a model of work performance system and institutional performance for strategic human resource management in the Ministry of Education, Oman. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management, 4 (4), 1-16. SCOPUS.
  30. Shafinaz A. Maulod, Chua Yan Piaw, Shahrin Alias & Leong Mei Wei (2017). Relationship between principals emotional intelligence and instructional leadership practices in Malaysian secondary schools. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(3) 2017, 122-129. WoS (Emerging Sources Citation Index).
  31. Veeriah, J., Piaw, C.Y., Li, S.Y. & Hoque, K.E. (2017). Teachers perception on the relationships between transformational leadership and school culture in primary cluster schools. Malaysian Online Journal of Education Management. 5 (4): 18-34. SCOPUS.
  32. Vimala R, Khatijah L. A., Tan, P. S. K., Wong, L. P. & Chua, Y. P. & Tang, L. Y. (2017). Sedation scoring and managing abilities among intensive care nurses post educational intervention. Nursing in Critical Care, 22 (3), 141 - 149. doi/10.1111/nicc.12180/full. Impact Factor: 1.492. ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking: 2016: 28/114 - Tier 1 in Nursing (Social Science).
  33. Al Maghaireh, D. F., Khatijah, L. A., Chong, M. C., Chua, Y. Pi., Al Kawafha, M. M. 2016. Systematic review of qualitative studies exploring parental experiences in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Clinical Nursing. (Impact Factor: 1.384 Tier 2 WoS)
  34. Leong, M. W., Chua, Y. P., & Sathiamoorthy, K. (2016). Relationship between principal technology leadership practices and teacher ICT competency. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management, 4 (3), 13-36. SCOPUS.
  35. Leong, M. W., Chua, Y. P., Sathiamoorthy, K., Shafinaz, A. M. (2016). Relationship Between Teacher ICT Competency and Teacher Acceptance and Use of School Management System (SMS). Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4 (4), 37-52. (indexed in MyJurnal & Eric).
  36. Shafinaz, A, M. Chua, Y. P., Leong, M. Y., Shahrin, A. (2016). Instructional leadership of school principals and its relationship with self-efficacy of secondary school teachers (in Malays Language). Jurnal Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan, 30 (2), 73-92
  37. Mabel Tan, H. J., Tie, F. H., & Chua, Y. P. (2015). A Qualitative Analysis of the Leadership Style of a Vice- Chancellor in a Private University in Malaysia. SAGE Open, January-March 2015: 1-11. WoS Social Science Citation Index.
  38. Saleh AL-Sinawi, Chua Yan Piaw, Abdul Rahman Idris. (2015). Factors Influencing the Employees Service Performance in Ministry of Education in Sultanate of Oman. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 197(25),23-30.
  39. Tam, J. E., Chua, Y. P., Loo, F. Y. (2015). The Effect of Rhythmic Pattern in Recalling 10 Digit Numbers. Procedia Social and Behavioural sciences, 185, 400-404. .
  40. Cheong, K. W., Chua, Y. P., & Pan, K. C. (2014). Effects of aural-imitative and aural-motivic analysis on higher-order thinking skills and creative musical product in music improvisation. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 5130 - 5134. (WoS CPCI Index)
  41. Chua Yan Piaw & Ling Lay Ting (2014). Are school leaders born or made? Examining factors of leadership styles of Malaysian school leaders. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 5120 - 5124. (WoS CPCI Index).
  42. Chua Yan Piaw (2014). Effects of gender and thinking style on students creative thinking ability. Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, 116, 5135 5139. (WoS CPCI Index)
  43. Chua Yan Piaw (2014). Relationship between thinking styles and ability to pay attention of Malaysian male and female student teachers. Procedia Social and Bahavioral Sciences, 116, 4839-4843. (WoS CPCI Index)
  44. Chua Yan Piaw (2014). The effects of humor cartoons in a series of bestselling academic books. Humor - International Journal of Humor Research. 27(3), 499 520, Impact factor: 0.655.
  45. Chua Yan Piaw, Aribah Ishak, Nor Asmadi Yaacob, Haslina Said, Lee Eng Pee & Zulkifli Abdul Kadir (2014). Can multiple intelligence abilities predict work motivation, communication, creativity, and management skills of school leaders? Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 4870-4874. (WoS CPCI Index)
  46. Chua Yan Piaw, Tie Fatt Hee, Nik Rashid Ismail & Lu Huong Ying (2014). Factors of leadership skills of secondary school principals. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 5125- 5129. (WoS CPCI Index).
  47. Chua, Y. P. & Zuraidah, M. D. 2014. Predictors of multiple intelligence abilities for Malaysian school leaders. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 5164-5168. (WoS CPCI Index)
  48. Mabel Tan, H.J., Chua, Y. P. & Tie, F. H. (2014). Leadership orientations of an educational leader in a private university in Malaysia. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 114, 681 - 686. (WoS CPCI Index)
  49. Vimala Ramoo, Khatijah L. Abdullah, Patrick S. K. Tan, Li P. Wong and Piaw Y, Chua (2014).Intervention to improve intensive care nurses' knowledge of sedation assessment and management. Nursing in Critical Care, 1 OCT 2014. Impact factor: 1.492.
  50. Chua Y. P., Cheong, K. W., Nik Rashid, I., Lim, Z. C., Ibrahim, J. (2013). Internal Factors of Gender Imbalance in the Malaysian Higher Educational Institutions. Technique Technologies Education Management, 8(1) 707 - 711 (Special issue).
  51. Chua Y. P., Mabel Tan, H. J., Christine Wong, S. K., Sakthi, V. N., Lu H. Y., Dharmalingam, V., Noor Azzam, S.M. (2013).Effects of Book Illustrations on Reading. Technics Technologies Education Management, 8(1): 722-727.
  52. Chua Yan Piaw & Zuraidah Mohd Don (2013). Effects of computer-based educational achievement test on test performance and test takers' motivation. Computers in Human Behaviors.29 (5), 1889-1895. Impact factor: 3.435 (Tier 1 WoS).
  53. Lim Zek Chew, Pan Kok Chang & Chua Yan Piaw (2013). A Relationship Between Creativity and Musical Achievement: A survey of music major trainee teachers in a teacher education institution. Malaysian Music Journal, 1(2) 59- 71. (Listed in MyJurnal).
  54. Loo Fung Chiat, Loo Fung Ying, Chua Yan Piaw (2013). Perception of congruence between music and movement in a rhythmic gymnastics routine. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 3(11), 259-268.
  55. Lu, H. Y., Tie, F. H., Chua, Y. P. (2013). Technology Integration Practices in Higher Education Institution. Technics Technologies Education Management, 8(1): 728-735,
  56. Siti Nur Syahirah Binti Mohd Adnan, Sumiani Yusoff, Chua Yan piaw (2013). Soil chemistry and pollution study of a closed landfill site at Ampar Tenang, Selangor, Malaysia. Waste Management & Research, 31 (5), 599-612. Impact Factor:1.297.
  57. Siti Nur Syahirah, M. A.; Yusoff. S, Chua, Y. P. (2013). Soil Pollution Study based on Statistical Analysis of Ampar Tenang Landfill Site, Selangor, Malaysia. Technics Technologies Education Management, 8(1): 683-688.
  58. Chua Yan Piaw (2012). Replacing Paper-based Testing with Computer-based Testing in Assessment: Are we Doing Wrong? Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 64, 655-664. (ScienceDirect)
  59. Chua Yan Piaw (2012). Using Content-based Humorous Cartoons in Learning Materials to Improve Students Reading Rate, Comprehension and Motivation: It is a Wrong Technique? Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 64, 352-361. (ScienceDirect)
  60. Chua, Y. P., Tie, F. H. & Zuraidah, M. D. (2012). Creating an Education Research Acculturation Theory for Research Implementation in School. Education and Urban Society, 45: 506-526. Impact factor: 0.465.
  61. Tie, F. H. & Chua, Y. P. (2012). Citizenship literacy among 16 year-old secondary school students in Malaysia. Education and Urban Society, 43(3), 296-312. Impact factor: 0.465.
  62. Chua Yan Piaw & Zuraidah Mohd Don (2011). A Grounded theory for Research Implementation in Schools. Applied Social Sciences, 2, 413-417.
  63. Chua Yan Piaw (2011). Establishing a Brain Styles Test: The YBRAINS Test. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 4019-4027. (ScienceDirect).
  64. Chua, Y. P. (2011) Brain Hemisphericity and Language Learning Style of the Malaysian Chinese. Applied Social Sciences, 4, 27-32.
  65. Chua, Y. P. (2011). Building a Thinking and Learning Styles Test. Applied Social Sciences, 2, 19-23.
  66. Chua, Y. P. (2011). Hindrances to Internal Creative Thinking and Thinking Styles of Malaysian Teacher Trainees in the Specialist Teachers Training Institute. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 4013-4018. (ScienceDirect).
  67. Chua Yan Piaw (2010). Building a test to assess creative and critical thinking simultaneously. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 551-559.
  68. Chua Yan Piaw (2010). The Use of Concept Test Study in Writing a Series of Bestselling Academic Books. International Journal of Market Research, 52(6), 1-15. Impact factor: 0.921.
  69. Zahra Naimie, Saedah Siraj, Chua Yang Piaw, Reihaneh Shaghoi, Rana Ahmed Abuzaid. (2010). Do you think your match is made in heaven? Teaching styles/learning styles match and mismatch revisited. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 349-353.
  70. Chua Y. P. (2009). Writing a series of bestselling research reference books. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 40(4),408-414. Impact factor: 0.38.
  71. Chua, Y,. P. (2008). Teori pembudayaan penyelidikan: Teori beralas bagi pelaksanaan penyelidikan pendidikan di sekolah (Research culture theory: Grounded theory of implementing educational research in schools). Tempawan. 24, 1-19. (This journal is listed in MyJurnal).
  72. Chua, Y. P. (2009) Effects of gender and brain hemisphericity on thinking skill of a group pf lower sixth students (Kesan jantina dan hemisferisiti otak terhadap k4emahiran berfikir sekumpulan pelajar tingkatan enam rendah). Jurnal Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Research), 28(1), 25-38. (MyJurnal)
  73. Chua Yan Piaw (2004). Perhubungan antara tahap penumpuan perhatian ke atas pelajaran dan stail kemahiran berfikir (Relationship between paying attention level and thinking style), Tempawan, 21, 32-38. (listed in MyJurnal).
  74. Chua, Y. P., Komari Hussein, Amiruddin Zainuddin, Rorlinda Yusof (2004). Stail pemikiran minda dan stail kemahiran berfikir guru pelatih semester 3 MPIK (Brain style and thinking style of a group of teacher training institute student teachers). Tempawan, 21, 7-11. (Listed in Myjurnal)
  75. Tan, H. L., Roshinah, M, Chua, Y. P. (2004). Penyelidikan di maktab perguruan: Perspektif MPIK (Research culture in a teacher training college). Tempawan, 21, 1- 6. (Listed in MyJurnal).
  76. Chua, Y. P., Sharifah Md. Noor, Naim b. Mohd & Wan Zah Wan Ali (2003). Creativity of arts education teachers in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities. 11 (1): 11-17. (WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index).
  77. Chua Yan Piaw (2002). Halangan pemikiran kreatif guru pelatih KDPM Semester 2 (Inner blockages of creativity of KDPM SEM 2 student teachers). Tempawan, 20, 1-9. (the journal is indexed in MyJurnal).
  78. Chua, Y. P., Yap, K. F., Tan, H. L. & Jeswant, K (2002). Pemilihan profesion keguruan - dari kaca mata guru pelatih (Choosing the teaching profession as a career: form the perspective of student teachers). Tempawan, 20, 27-45. (indexed in MyJurnal)
  1. Chua Yan Piaw (2023). A Step By Step Guide PLS-SEM Data Analysis Using SmartPLS 4 (Partial least squares structural equation modeling). Researchtree. ISBN: 9798790562594
  2. Chua Yan Piaw (2021). Buku 1: Kaedah penyelidikan (Edisi ke-4). [Book 1: Research Methods, 4th Edition] McGraw-Hill. (In Press) - 2 bab baru ditambah. Click the icon for book content.
  3. Chua Yan Piaw (2021). Buku 2: Statistik penyelidikan (Edisi ke-4). [Book 2: Research Statistics, 4th Edition] McGraw-Hill. (In Press) - 2 new chapters will be added. Click the icon for book content.
  4. Chua, Y. P. (Editor). (2021). Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices. UM Press. DOI: 10.14425/978967488. ISBN: 978-967-488-175-7
  5. Chua Yan Piaw. (2020). Mastering Research Methods, 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-967-0761-43-5. Number of pages: 575.
  6. Chua Yan Piaw. (2020). Mastering Research Statistics, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-967-0761-44-2. Number of pages: 531.
  7. Chua Yan Piaw (2017). Writing a series of bestselling academic books. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya. ISBN: 978-983-41645-7-7.
  8. Chua, Y. P. (2016). Mastering research methods (2nd Edition). McGraw-Hill education. Number of pages: 402. ISBN: 978-867-5771-41-5.
  9. Chua, Y. P. (2015). Book 1 - Research Methods. 3nd Edition. Shah Alam: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978- 967-0761-04-6. Published: January 2015. This book is available at MPHOnline.
  10. Chua, Y. P. (2015). Book 2 - Research Statistics. 3nd Edition. Shah Alam: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978- 967-0761-05-3. Published: January 2015. This book is available at MPHOnline.
  11. Chua, Y. P. (2014). Multiple Intelligence of Educational Leaders: Theories, Practices and Research (editor) [This book is in Malay language: Kecerdasan Pelbagai Pemimpin Pendidikan: Teori, Amalan dan Penyelidikan]. University of Malaya Press, ISBN: 978-983-100-729-7. Publication date: March 19, 2014. Number of pages: 190. Available at UM Press e-book.
  12. Chua, Y. P. (2014). Research Methods and Statistics (Book 4): Univariate and Multivariate Tests (2nd Edition). McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978-967-5771- 94-1. Published: March 2014. Number of pages: 408.ISBN- 10: 9675771941; ISBN-13: 978-9675771941 (Available at Amazon)
  13. Chua, Y. P. (2014). Research Methods and Statistics (Book 5): Multiple Regression, Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling Analysis (2nd Edition). McGraw-Hill Education.ISBN: 978-967-5771-95-8. Publication date: March 2014. Number of pages: 450.ISBN-10: 967577195X; ISBN-13: 978-9675771958. (Available at Amazon)
  14. Chua, Y. P. (2013). Mastering research statistics. Shah Alam: Mcgraw-Hill Education. (Published - April 2013) ISBN: 978-967-5771-69-9, number of pages: 383
  15. Chua, Y. P. (2013). Research Statistics: Data analysis for survey research, book 3 (2nd edition). Shah Alam: McGraw-Hill Education (Published - March 2013) ISBN: 978- 967-5771-70-5, number of pages: 373
  16. Chua, Y. P. (2012). Book 2-Research Methods, 2nd edition. Shah Alam: McGraw-Hill Education. (Published 18 January, 2012) ISBN: 978-967-5771-37-8, number of pages: 329
  17. Chua, Y. P. (2012). Mastering research methods. Shah Alam: Mcgraw-Hill Education (Published date: 15 June 2012). ISBN: 978-967-5771-41-5, number of pages: 372
  18. Chua, Y. P. (2011). Book 1 - Research Methods. 2nd Edition. Shah Alam: McGraw-Hill Education. (Published- 16 June 2011) ISBN: 978-967-5771-31-6, number of pages: 346
  19. Chua, Y. P. (2011). Essential Visual Art Education (2nd Edition). Petaling Jaya: Pearson Longman. ISBN: 978-967- 360-400-5, number of pages: 314
  20. Chua, Y. P. (2009). Essential visual art education. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Longman. ISBN: 978-967-300-822-3, number of pages: 312
  21. Chua, Y.P. (2009). Advanced research statistics: Regression test, factor analysis and SEM analysis. Shah Alam: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978-983-3850-51-8, Number of pages: 405. (This book was listed as McGraw- Hill Education's Top 10 Bestselling in Malaysia 2010- 2012)
  22. Chua, Y.P. (2009). Advanced research statistics: Univariate and multivariate tests. Shah Alam: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978-983-3850-50-1, number of page: 329(This book was listed as McGraw-Hill Education's Top 10 Bestselling title in Malaysia 2010)
  23. Chua, Y. P. (2008). Research Statistics: Data Analyses for Ordinal and Nominal Scales. Shah Alam: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978-983-3850-32-7, Number of pages: 373. (This book was listed as McGraw-Hill Education's Top 10 Bestselling in Malaysia for 2009-2010)
  24. Chua, Y. P. (2006). Research Methods. Shah Alam: McGraw-Hill Education.(This book was listed as McGraw-Hill Education's Top 10 Bestselling Title in Malaysia for 2007-2010). ISBN: 983-3219-53-5, number of page2: 325
  25. Chua, Y. P. (2006). Research Statistics. Shah Alam: McGraw-Hill Education.(This book was listed as McGraw-Hill Education's Top 10 Bestselling Title in Malaysia for 2007-2010) ISBN: 983-3219-48-9, number of pages: 221
  26. Chua, Y. P. (2004). Creative and Critical Thinking Styles. Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.ISBN: 983-2871-47-6.
Chapter in Books
  1. Al Maghaireh, D.F., Abdulah, K.L., Chong, M.C. Chua, Y.P. (2021).Translation and Validation of the Arabic Version PROMIS Short Form Scales in Jordan. Contemporary Research Approach Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research And Practices. 499-519. University Press, UM. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  2. Al Raimi, A.M, Chong, M.C., Tang, L.Y., Al Ajeel, L.Y., Chua, Y.P. (2001). Using mHealth Apps in Health Education of Schoolchildren with Chronic Disease During COVID-l9 Pandemic Era. Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-t9 Pandemic, Studies in System, Decision and Control305-316. Springer Nature Switzerland. 0. 1007/978-3-030-67716-9 I 9
  3. Can Leadership Talent Predict School Leadership and Direction among School Leaders in Malaysia?
  4. Chua Yan Piaw & Chua Yee Pei (2021). Does CMC Competence Moderate the Relationship between Personality Traits and Attitude towards Facebook? In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp.413-448). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
  5. Chua Yan Piaw. (2021). An introduction to application of structural equation modeling in research. In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp. 3 36). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
  6. Chua Yan Piaw. (2021). Recommendations for Future Structural Equation Modeling Research. In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp.591-606). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
  7. Dua a Fayiz Al Maghaireh, Khatijah Lim Abdullah, Chong Mei Chan, Chua Yan Piaw & Mariam Mofleh Al Kawafha (2021). Translation and Validation of the Arabic Version PROMIS Short-Form Scales in Jordan. In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp.541-556). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
  8. Law Foong Li, Zarinah Binti Mohd Kasirun & Chua Yan Piaw (2021). Rethinking Stakeholder Assessment Criteria in Stakeholder Identification Process in Requirements Elicitation. In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp. 51-84). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
  9. Liao, S.J., Chong, M.C., Tan, M.P., Chua, Y.P. (2021). Assessing the Predictors of Quality of Life of Community-Dwelling Older People in South-West China. Contemporary Research Approach Application of Structural Equation Modeling In Research And Practices. 123-142
  10. Niaz Ali, Chua Yan Piaw, & Michelle Suzette Johns (2021). Establishing a Mediation Model of Instructional Leadership, School Culture and School Effectiveness for Implementation in Pakistani Schools. In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp.313-336). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
  11. Oh Siew Pei & Chua Yan Piaw (2021). Principals E-Leadership and Teachers Attitude: Mediating role of Teachers Computer-Mediated Communication Competencies. In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp.265-292). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
  12. Rosnarizah Abdul Halim & Chua Yan Piaw (2021). The Mediating Effect of Teacher Distributed Leadership Practices on the Relationship between Principal Distributed Leadership and Teacher Self-Efficacy in Secondary Schools at the Central Zone in Malaysia. In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp.361-380). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
  13. Saleh Hamood Naseer Al-Sinawi & Chua Yan Piaw. (2021). Causal Relationship between Work Performance System and Institutional Performance in the Context of Strategic Human Resource Management in the Ministry of Education, Oman. In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp.431-480). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
  14. Chua Yan Piaw (2014). A chapter "Kecerdasan Pelbagai Pemimpin Sekolah" in the book "Kecerdasan Pelbagai Pemimpin Pendidikan: Teori, Amalan dan Penyelidikan". Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press. Page 1-32.
  15. Chua Yan Piaw (2014). A chapter "Rumusan berkaitan kecerdasan pelbagai sekolah dan kaitannya dengan amalan di sekolah" in the book "Kecerdasan Pelbagai Pemimpin Pendidikan: Teori, Amalan dan Penyelidikan". Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press, Page 148-159.
  16. Chua, Y. P. & Chew, F. P. (2013). Language Learning, Thinking Trends and the Left-right Brain Theory among Malaysia Chinese. Collection Writings of Asia-Pacific Studies, Volume 9. Beijing: Peking University Press. p245-256. ISBN: 978-7-301-21769-6.
  17. Chua, Y. P. (2011). A chapter entitled "Establishing a brain style oriented leadership theory" in an academic book (This book is in Malay language: Pembentukan teori kepimpinan pengetua berorientasikan stail otak. Dalam buku Shahril, M. Kepimpinan pengetua: Menjana modal insan di sekolah berkesan. Batu Caves, selangor: PTS Professional, 281-304
  18. Chua, Y. P. (2001). Brain hemisphericity and language learning ability. In Ang, L. F. A collection of selected papers presented at the first Chinese conference in Malaysia. 65-74. Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press. ISBN: 983-2373-27-1
  19. Chua, Y. P. (2000). A chapter entitled "Evaluation of arts education teachers on creativity in students' paintings" in an academic book (This book is in Malay language: Penilaian guru pendidikan seni terhadap kreativiti catan pelajar. Dalam Arshad Abdul Samad et al. (2000). Penjanaan Ilmu melalui Penyelidikan siswazah. Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, 105- 121.
Article in Proceeding
  1. Chua Yan Piaw & Zuraidah Mohd Don. 2011. A Grounded theory for Research Implementation in Schools. Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Social Sciences ICASS 2011. Volume 2, pp413- 417, 19-21 March, Changsha, China.
  2. Chua Yan piaw (2009). The functions of Need study in scholarly publishing. Proceedings of the Scholarly Publishing Conference, Hotel Seri pPcific, Kuala Lumpur, 18-19 April 2009. pp1-12.
  3. Tony Townsend, Tie Fatt Hee, Rahimah Ahmad, Chua Yan Piaw (2009). Thinking locally and globally: principal development in USA and Malaysia. Proceeding of the 22nd Annual World ICSEI Congress 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 4-8 Januari 2009.(In CD format)
  4. Chua Yan Piaw (July, 2003). Learning and thinking styles of Malaysian language major and fine arts students. Paper presented at the 2nd International Seminar on Learning and Motivation (ISLM 2003). Penang, Malaysia. (In CD format)
  5. Chua Yan Piaw; Sharifah Md. Nor; Othman Mohamed; and Rohani Tarmizi. (October, 2001). In two minds science and arts differences in brain hemisphericity and factors that motivate their learning and thinking styles. Paper presented at the International Seminar on Learning and Motivation (ISLM 2001): Insight from multiple perspectives, Penang, Malaysia. (In CD format)
Other Publications
  1. Appointed as a Editorial Board for a Canadian journal - Computer Communication & Collaboration, beginning May 1, 2013. - Review
  2. Appointed as a reviewer for the journal of Educational Studies (an ISI-cited journal)- April 16, 2013 - Review
  3. Review 3 papers for the Open Journal of Social Science Research in 2013. - Review
  4. Review a paper for the Computer Communication & Collaboration journal - Review
  5. Reviewer for a full length article for the Asia-Pacific Journal for Education Researcher (TAPER) (ISI-cited journal) in 2013. - Review
  6. Reviewer for two full length articles for the Computers in human Behavior journal (ISI-cited journal) in 2013 (January - April) - Review
  7. Review a paper CHB-D-12-00007R1 for Computers in Human Behavior. Review report submitted - Apr 17, 2012 - Review
  8. Review a paper CHB-D-12-00200 for the journal Computers in Human Behavior. Review report submitted on Jun 04, 2012 - Review
  9. Reviewer for the Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH)(A SCOPUS-cited journal) in 2012. - Review
  10. Reviewer for two full length articles for the Asia- Pacific Journal for Education Researcher (TAPER) (ISI- cited journal) in 2012. - Review
  11. Reviewer for two full length articles for the Computers in human Behavior journal (ISI-cited journal) in 2012 - Review
  12. Work as a news papers cartoonist for the New Daily Thong Pau, Sin Chew Jit Poh & NanYan Siang Pau - 1985 until 1995 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  13. Solo Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy Exhibition at the Chin Woo Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur (1994) - -Art Exhibition
  14. Solo Paintings & Calligraphy Exhibition at Chin Woo Gallery, Kuala Lumpur (1992) - -Art Exhibition


  1. 2018 - 2020, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Develop a grounded model for enhancing creative and critical thinking of students in the e-learning platform of Malaysian secondary schools ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2016 - 2018, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Developing a sports routine model with multi-visual perceptions using different music accompaniments. FRGS Grant. ( Consultant)
  3. 2018 - 2018, Others MOHE
    Kajian Instrumen Penarafan Kecemerlangan Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PKPPD) Di Bawah Program Transformasi Daerah (DTP) ( Co-Researcher)
  4. 2011 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    A Comparison of Conventional Training (CT) versus Virtual Reality Simulation (VRS) Amongst Junior Dental Students ( Consultant)
  5. 2011 - 2012, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Building a self assess multiple intelligence test (in ICT format) for education leaders ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2009 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Instructional leadership of primary school headmasters (Kepimpinan Pengajaran pengetuaan sekolah rendah) ( Consultant)
  7. 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Leading ICT integration: Principals' Concerns and Their Strategies. ( Consultant)
  8. 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    School leadership attributes of school principals ( Consultant)
  9. 2008 - 2010, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Building a leadership style self-assessment ICT- format instrument ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  10. 2007 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    School effectiveness and leadership standards ( Consultant)


  • Mygrants - Evaluation Panel for Frgs Grant 2020 (Ucsi 3) Ministry of Higher Education, KPTM
    01 Dec 2020 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
  • Panel Penilai for Geran Penyelidikan Khas Pasca Covid-19 (Application 1 2020), KPTM
    01 Dec 2020 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
  • Pelantikan Sebagai Pakar Validasi Soalan Kajian Bagi Projek Penambahbaikan Pembangunan Staf UM (7.2.2020), Sumber manusia UM
    01 Dec 2020 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
  • Mygrants -Lrgs Evaluation Panel (6) (Sociology) Ministry of Higher Education, KPTM
    01 Dec 2020 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
  • Mygrants -Lrgs Evaluation Panel (2) (Arts and Applied Arts) Ministry of Higher Education, KPTM
    01 Dec 2020 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
  • Mygrants -Lrgs Evaluation Panel (4) (Mental Health) Ministry of Higher Education, KPTM
    01 Dec 2020 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
  • Mygrants - Lrgs Evaluation Panel (1) (Social Science - Anthropology) Ministry of Higher Education, KPTM
    01 Jan 2020 - 01 Jan 2020 (National)
  • Mygrants -Lrgs Evaluation Panel (3) (Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Entrepreneurship) Ministry of Higher Education, KPTM
    01 Jan 2020 - 01 Jan 2020 (National)
  • Mygrants - Evaluation Panel for Frgs Grant 2020 (Ucsi 2) Ministry of Higher Education, KPTM
    01 Jan 2020 - 01 Jan 2020 (National)
  • Mygrants -Lrgs Evaluation Panel (5) (Education) Ministry of Higher Education, KPTM
    01 Jan 2020 - 01 Jan 2020 (National)
  • Mygrants - Evaluation Panel for Frgs Grant 2020 (Ucsi 1) Ministry of Higher Education, KPTM
    01 Jan 2020 - 01 Jan 2020 (National)
  • Advisory Board Member for The Asian Journal of University Education, UiTM
    01 Dec 2017 - 01 Dec 2019 (International)
  • Consultant for Education District Evaluation Instrument 2018 (Konsultan Kajian Instrumen Ppd), Mampu, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education
    01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2018 (National)
  • Provide Service for Spss and Smartpls Training to Researchers At UNITEN to Research Team from The Faculty of Engineering Headed by Mr Mohd Zakwan Bin Ramli, UNITEN Faculty of Engineering
    01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2018 (National)
  • Expert Advisor for Curriculum Development of Undergraduate Education Programme, Institute of Teacher Education, International Languages Campus (Ipgipba), Ministry of Education, Malaysia, Institute of Teacher Education IPGIPBA, Lembaha Pantai, Kuala Lumpur
    01 Mar 2015 - 01 Mar 2015 (National)
  • Statistics Consultant for UM Academic Staffs, Unit for the Enhancement of Academic Performance (ULPAUM)
    01 Feb 2013 - 01 Feb 2014 (National)
  • Academic Enhancement Program - to Provide Guidance for Lecturers Who Are in The Proses of Doing Their Phd Studies, Unit Lonjakan Pencapaian Akademik, UM
    01 Dec 2010 - 01 Dec 2012 (University)
  • Consultant for Spss Statistical Analysis for Nursing Projects (Gradiate and Postgraduate), department of Nursing sciences, Faculty of Medicine, UM
    01 Sep 2012 - 01 Sep 2012 (National)
  • Consultan for Frgs Project "Enhancing The Function of Music in Tai Chi and Rhythmic Gymnastic", Dr Loo Fung Chiat, University Putra Malaysia
    01 Feb 2011 - 01 Feb 2012 (National)
  • A Twelve Weeks Research Course for Lecturers of The Teacher Education Institute, Malaysia (Kursus Penyelidikan Untuk Pensyarah-Pensyarah Institut Perguruan Malaysia), Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
    01 Jan 2003 - 01 Jan 2009 (National)
  • Consultant of The Publication of Teaching Aid (Printed Overhead Projector Transparencies), Eastview (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd
    01 Dec 2001 - 01 Dec 2005 (National)
  • Consultant for Developing Printed Overhead Projector Transparencies (Teaching Aids) for Primary and Secondary Schools in Malaysia - Subjects: Sciences and Arts, Eastview (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
    01 Sep 2001 - 01 Sep 2004 (National)


  1. Data analysis with SPSS , IEL Workshop Series: , Institute of Educational Leadership, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (National) (14 Jan 2019 - 15 Jan 2019)
  2. SPSS dan SmartPLS di UNITEN for research, Penceramah bagi Training SPSS dan SmartPLS di UNITEN, UNITEN, Putrajaya (National) (29 Oct 2018 - 01 Nov 2018)
  3. STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING USING SMARTPLS 3 WORKSHOP, IEL workshop series, IEL, Faculty of Education, UM (National) (24 Oct 2018 - 25 Oct 2018)
  4. Data Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS, IEL workshop series, IEL, Faculty of Education, UM (National) (29 Aug 2018 - 30 Aug 2018)
  5. Writing high impact journal articles, Invited speaker for generic workshop for lecturer at IAB, Ministry of education, Institut Amirrudin Baki, Ministry of Education (National) (27 Aug 2018 - 27 Aug 2018)
  6. Writing research proposal workshop, Writing research proposal workshop, Faculty of Education, UM (University) (30 Jul 2018 - 30 Jul 2018)
  7. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Using SMARTPLS 3, IEL workshop series, Institute of Educational Leadership (National) (26 Mar 2018 - 27 Mar 2018)
  8. Academic publication workshop and writing high impact journal article, Academic publication workshop and writing high impact journal article , Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) (National) (10 Feb 2018 - 10 Feb 2018)
  9. DATA ANALYSIS WITH SPSS WORKSHOP (PART 1), IEL workshop series, Institute of Educational Leadership (IEL), Faculty of Education (National) (22 Jan 2018 - 23 Jan 2018)
  10. Invited Speaker for Bengkel Kajian Mixed Methods, Workshop UPSI, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (National) (28 Oct 2017 - 28 Oct 2017)
  11. Invited speaker: IEL Workshop Series - Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS by Professor Dr. Chua Yan Piaw, IEL Workshop Series , IKP, UM (University) (16 Aug 2017 - 17 Aug 2017)
  12. Invited Speaker: Workshop - Data Analysis with AMOS, IEL Workshop Series, IKP, UM (University) (30 May 2017 - 31 May 2017)
  13. Invited Speaker: SmartPLS Workshop, IGS Upskill Programme, IGS, University Malaya (University) (18 Apr 2017 - 19 Apr 2017)
  14. Invited Speaker: Workshop - Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS, IEL Workshop Series, IKP, University of Malaya (University) (14 Mar 2017 - 15 Mar 2017)
  15. Invited Speaker: Part 1 Data Analysis With Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Using AMOS & SPSS Data , IGS Upskill Programme, Institute of Graduate Studies (University) (01 Mar 2017 - 02 Mar 2017)
  16. Invited speaker: Data Analysis Using SPSS Workshop Part 2, IGS Upskill Programme for Post-graduates, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (19 Dec 2016 - 20 Dec 2016)
  17. Invited Speaker: Data Analysis using SPSS Workshop (Part 1), Upskill Programme, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (21 Nov 2016 - 22 Nov 2016)
  18. Invited Speaker: Statistics workshop series (for nutritionist, biomechanics and psychologist), Statistics workshop 7, National Institute of Sports, Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia (National) (15 Nov 2016 - 15 Nov 2016)
  19. Invited speaker: Structural Equation Modeling Data Analysis Workshop , for Postgraduate Students., Faculty of Education, UiTM (National) (12 Nov 2016 - 12 Nov 2016)
  20. Invited Speaker: Data Analysis With Structural Equation Modeling, Data Analysis Workshop for Post-graduates, Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia (National) (12 Nov 2016 - 12 Nov 2016)
  21. Invited Speaker: Structural Equation Modeling Data Analysis Using Smart PLS Workshop, Upskill Programme, IGS, UM (University) (26 Oct 2016 - 27 Oct 2016)
  22. Invited Speaker: Statistics workshop series (for nutritionist, biomechanics and psychologist), Statistics workshop 6, National Institute of Sports, Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia (National) (18 Oct 2016 - 18 Oct 2016)
  23. Invited Speaker: Part 1 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Data Analysis Using AMOS Workshop, IGS Upskill Programme, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (05 Sep 2016 - 06 Sep 2016)
  24. Invited Speaker: Statistics workshop series (for nutritionist, biomechanics and psychologist), Statistics workshop 5, National Institute of Sports, Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia (National) (23 Aug 2016 - 23 Aug 2016)
  25. Invited Speaker: Data Analysis Using SPSS Workshop Part 2, IGS Upskill Programme, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (08 Aug 2016 - 09 Aug 2016)
  26. Invited Speaker: Statistics workshop series (for nutritionist, bio-mechanics and psychologist), Statistics workshop 4, National Institute of Sports, Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia (National) (26 Jul 2016 - 26 Jul 2016)
  27. Invited Speaker: Data Analysis using SPSS Workshop (Part 1), IGS Upskill Programme, University of Malaya (University) (25 Jul 2016 - 26 Jul 2016)
  28. Invited Speaker: Statistics workshop series (for nutritionist, biomechanics and psychologist), Statistics workshop 3, National Institute of Sports, Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia (National) (21 Jun 2016 - 21 Jun 2016)
  29. Invited Speaker: Structural Equation Modeling Data Analysis Using Smart PLS Workshop, Upskill Programme, Institute of Graduate Studies, UM (University) (13 Jun 2016 - 14 Jun 2016)
  30. Invited Speaker: Structural Equation Modeling Data Analysis Using Smart PLS Workshop, IGS Upskill Programme, Institute of Graduate Studies, UM. (University) (13 Jun 2016 - 14 Jun 2016)
  31. Invited Speaker: Statistics workshop series (for nutritionist, bio-mechanics and psychologist), Statistics workshop 2, National Institute of Sports, Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia (National) (24 May 2016 - 24 May 2016)
  32. Invited Speaker:, Research Instrument Building and Data Analysis, Teacher Training Division, Ministry of Education, Malaysia (National) (28 Apr 2016 - 28 Apr 2016)
  33. Invited Speaker: Statistics workshop series (for nutritionist, bio-mechanics and psychologist), Statistics workshop 1, National Institute of Sports,  (National) (26 Apr 2016 - 26 Apr 2016)
  34. Invited Speaker, AMOS For Research (Part 2), Workshop for UM academic staffs, Organiser: Academic Development Centre (ADeC) (University) (23 Mar 2016 - 24 Mar 2016)
  35. Invited Speaker: Introduction to Data Analysis by Using SPSS, Quantitative analysis programme for post-graduate students, Organiser: School of Graduate Studies, Asia-e-University, Kuala Lumpur (National) (20 Mar 2016 - 20 Mar 2016)
  36. Invited Speaker: Multivariate Inferential Statistics, Quantitative analysis programme for post-graduate students, Organiser: School of Graduate Studies(SGS), Asia-e-University, Kuala Lumpur (National) (19 Mar 2016 - 19 Mar 2016)
  37. Invited Speaker, Quantitative research methods , Research methods and basic data analysis, Organiser: Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya (University) (14 Mar 2016 - 15 Mar 2016)
  38. Invited Speaker, Structural Equation Modeling Data Analysis Using Smart PLS Workshop, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (07 Mar 2016 - 08 Mar 2016)
  39. Invited Speaker, Part 2- Data Analysis Using SPSS Workshop, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (23 Feb 2016 - 24 Feb 2016)
  40. Invited Speaker, AMOS For Research (Part 1), Workshop for UM academic staffs, Organiser: The Academic Development Centre (ADeC), University of Malaya (University) (26 Jan 2016 - 27 Jan 2016)
  41. Invited Speaker, Part 1: Analysis Of Data Using Spss (Basic Level) workshop, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (20 Jan 2016 - 21 Jan 2016)
  42. Invited Speaker, Part 1 - Data Analysis With Structural Equation., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (16 Dec 2015 - 17 Dec 2016)
  43. Invited Speaker, Part 2: Analysis of Data Using SPSS (Intermediate And Advanced Levels) workshop, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (25 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015)
  44. Invited Speaker, Part 5, SEM modeling analysis with SmartPLS, Statistical workshop series, National Sport Institute of Malaysia (ISN) (National) (18 Nov 2015)
  45. Invited speaker: Quantitative Research workshop. , Research statistics workshop for students of the Postgraduate Office, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, UM., Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, UM. (University) (29 Oct 2015)
  46. Invited Speaker, Part 4, Univariate and multivariate analysis (2-way ANOVA, ANCOVA, SPANOVA, SPACOVA, MANOVA and MANCOVA analysis) , Statistical workshop series, National Sport Institute of Malaysia (ISN) (National) (21 Oct 2015)
  47. Invited Speaker, Part 1: Analysis Of Data Using Spss (Basic Level) workshop, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (12 Oct 2015 - 13 Oct 2015)
  48. Invited Speaker, Part 3, Multiple responses analysis, correlation and regression analysis, Statistical workshop series, National Sport Institute of Malaysia (ISN) (National) (07 Oct 2015)
  49. Invited Speaker, Part 2, Analysis of differences between independent samples and repeated measures, Statistical workshop series, National Sport Institute of Malaysia (ISN) (National) (30 Sep 2015)
  50. Invited Speaker, Structural Equation Modeling Analysis Using SmartPLS, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates , Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (29 Sep 2015)
  51. Invited speaker, Workshop on Quantitative Data Analysis using SPSS, Research statistics workshop for academic staffs and students, Unit for the Enhancement of Academic Performance, UM (University) (14 Sep 2015 - 15 Sep 2015)
  52. Invited Speaker, Part 1, Basic of descriptive and inferential statistics, Statistical workshop series, National Sport Institute of Malaysia (ISN)  (National) (09 Sep 2015)
  53. Invited Speaker, Part 2: Data Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS & SPSS, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (19 Aug 2015 - 20 Aug 2015)
  54. Invited speaker, Data Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS and SmartPLS, PLS - SEM Workshops, School of Graduate Studies (SGS), Asia e University, Kuala Lumpur (National) (15 Aug 2015 - 16 Aug 2015)
  55. Invited Speaker: Quantitative Data Analysis: Multivariate Inferential Statistics, Quantitative analysis programme for post-graduate students, Organiser: School of Graduate Studies(SGS), Asia-e-University, Kuala Lumpur (National) (02 Aug 2015)
  56. Invited Speaker: Quantitative Data Analysis: Univariate Inferential Statistics, Quantitative analysis programme for post-graduate students, Organiser: School of Graduate Studies(SGS), Asia-e-University, Kuala Lumpur (National) (01 Aug 2015)
  57. Invited Speaker, Part 1: Data Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS & SPSS Data Workshop, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (08 Jul 2015 - 09 Jul 2015)
  58. Invited Speaker, Part 2: Analysis of Data Using SPSS (Intermediate And Advanced Levels) workshop, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (22 Jun 2015 - 23 Jun 2015)
  59. Invited speaker, Analysis of Data Using SPSS (Intermediate & Advanced Level), Workshop for academic staffs and students, Unit for the Enhancement of Academic Performance, UM (University) (30 May 2015 - 31 May 2015)
  60. Invited Speaker, Part 1: Analysis Of Data Using Spss (Basic Level) workshop, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (19 May 2015 - 20 May 2015)
  61. Invited Speaker, Part 2: Analysis of Data Using SPSS (Intermediate And Advanced Levels) workshop, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (14 Apr 2015 - 15 Apr 2015)
  62. Invited Speaker, Part 1: Analysis Of Data Using Spss (Basic Level) workshop., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (25 Mar 2015 - 26 Mar 2015)
  63. Invited Speaker: Quantitative Data Analysis: Multivariate Inferential Statistics, Quantitative analysis programme for post-graduate students, Organiser: School of Graduate Studies(SGS), Asia-e-University, Kuala Lumpur (National) (22 Mar 2015)
  64. Invited Speaker: Quantitative Data Analysis: Introduction to Data Analysis by Using SPSS, Quantitative analysis programme for post-graduate students, Organiser: School of Graduate Studies(SGS), Asia-e-University, Kuala Lumpur (National) (21 Mar 2015)
  65. Invited Speaker, AMOS for Research, Analysis of research models with structural equation modeling technique using AMOS & SPSS, Organiser: Research, Supervision and Mentoring Unit, Academic Development Centre (ADeC), University of Malaya. (University) (10 Mar 2015 - 11 Mar 2015)
  66. Invited Speaker, Part 2: Data Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS & SPSS, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (11 Feb 2015 - 12 Feb 2015)
  67. Invited Speaker, Part 2: Analysis of Data Using SPSS (Intermediate And Advanced Levels) workshop., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (04 Feb 2015 - 05 Feb 2015)
  68. Invited Speaker, Part 1: Data Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS & SPSS Data Workshop., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Organiser: Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (27 Jan 2015 - 28 Jan 2015)
  69. Invited Speaker, Part 1: Analysis Of Data Using Spss (Basic Level) workshop., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (13 Jan 2015 - 14 Jan 2015)
  70. Invited Speaker, Part 2: Data Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS & SPSS Data Workshop., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (17 Dec 2014 - 18 Dec 2014)
  71. Invited Speaker, Part 2: Analysis of Data Using SPSS (Intermediate And Advanced Levels) workshop., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (11 Dec 2014 - 12 Dec 2014)
  72. Invited Speaker, Part 1: Data Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS & SPSS Data Workshop., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (27 Nov 2014 - 28 Nov 2014)
  73. Invited Speaker, Part 1: Analysis Of Data Using Spss (Basic Level) workshop., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (19 Nov 2014 - 20 Nov 2014)
  74. Invited Speaker: Data Analysis With SPSS,, IPS-Upskill programme, Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya. (University) (15 Jan 2014 - 16 Jan 2014)
  75. Invited Speaker, Data Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS & SPSS Workshop., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (18 Dec 2013 - 19 Dec 2013)
  76. Invited Speaker: Creative and critical thinking styles , Professional Day Programme, Institut Aminuddin Baki (IAB), National Institute of Educational Management and Leadership, Ministry of Education. (National) (09 Dec 2013)
  77. Invited Speaker: Introduction to Data Analysis by Using SPSS., Quantitative Data Analysis:, AeU (National) (16 Nov 2013)
  78. Invited Speaker: Data analysis using SPSS, IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Institute of Graduate Studies (University) (06 Nov 2013 - 07 Nov 2013)
  79. Invited Speaker: Research Methodology Course (For Arts & Social Science Based), Research Proposal and Research Framework, Institute of Graduate Studies (University) (11 Oct 2013)
  80. Invited Speaker: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Workshop. , Organised by the Centre of Tropical. Biodiversity Research (CTBR), Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya., Faculty of Science, University of Malaya. (University) (08 Oct 2013 - 10 Oct 2013)
  81. Invited Speaker: Data analysis using SPSS , for post-graduate students, Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (25 Sep 2013 - 26 Sep 2013)
  82. Invited Speaker, Data Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS & SPSS Workshop., IPS-UPSKILL programme - Workshop for postgraduates, Student Development & Writing Unit, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya (University) (23 Jul 2013 - 24 Jul 2013)
  83. Invited Speaker - Quantitative Data Analysis:, Introduction to Data Analysis by Using SPSS , Asia e University (National) (13 Jul 2013)
  84. Invited Speaker: Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS & SPSS workshop for academic staffs / post-graduate students:, Data analysis using AMOS & SPSS., ULPAUM (University) (08 Jul 2013 - 09 Jul 2013)
  85. Invited Speaker: Data analysis with SPSS, IPS Upskill programme: Workshop for postgraduates , Institute of Graduate Studies, UM (University) (17 Jun 2013 - 18 Jun 2013)
  86. Invited Speaker - Intermediate and advanced data analysis using SPSS, - for academic staffs and post-graduate students, Unit for the Enhancement of Academic Performance, University of Malaya (University) (15 Apr 2013 - 16 Apr 2013)
  87. Invited Speaker, Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS & SPSS workshop for academic staffs. , Data analysis using AMOS & SPSS. , Academic Development Centre (ADeC), University of Malaya (University) (02 Apr 2013 - 03 Apr 2013)
  88. Invited Speaker: Research Methodology(For Arts & Social Science Based), Research Proposal and Research Framework, Institute of Graduate Studies, UM (University) (19 Mar 2013)
  89. Invited Speaker - Introduction to Data Analysis by Using SPSS, Quantitative Data Analysis:, Asia e University (National) (16 Mar 2013)
  90. Invited Speaker - Intermediate and advanced data analysis using SPSS , - for academic staffs and post-graduate students, ULPUAM (University) (06 Nov 2012)
  91. Invited Speaker, Education Action Research for Bachelor of Education (PISMP) students, Action Research Workshop, Institute of Teacher Education, IPGMPMMm KPM (National) (17 Jul 2012)
  92. Invited Speaker, Introduction to data analysis using SPSS, Quantitative analysis, Asia e University (National) (14 Jul 2012 - 14 Jul 2012)
  93. Invited Speaker, How to conduct action research and report action research findings, Action Research workshop, Institute of Teacher Education, IPGMPMM. (National) (12 Jul 2012)
  94. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Basic SPSS, Follow-up workshop on SPSS, Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University Malaya (University) (20 Jun 2012)
  95. Invited Speaker, Taking a right action for an action research, International Action Research Seminar - Research leadership: doing, writing & publishing action research, Institute of Educational Leadership, UM (International) (18 Jun 2012 - 19 Jun 2012)
  96. Invited Speaker, Educational research methodology, The survey Design & Correlational research, asia e University (National) (06 Jun 2012 - 06 Jun 2012)
  97. Invited Speaker, Experimental research, Statistics for post-graduate students , Asia e University (National) (06 Jun 2012)
  98. Invited Speaker, Sampling & Instrumentation, Research Designs, Asia e Univerity (National) (05 Jun 2012 - 05 Jun 2012)
  99. Invited Speaker, Advance statistics with SPSS Workshop, SPSS workshop, Universiti Teknologi MARA (National) (31 May 2012 - 02 Jun 2012)
  100. Invited Speaker, Data analysis clinic, Data analysis for postgraduate nursing thesis, Department of Nursing Science, UM (University) (12 Apr 2012)
  101. Invited Speaker, SPSS clinic, Data analysis programme, Department of Nursing Science, UM (University) (10 Apr 2012)
  102. Invited Speaker, Introduction to data analysis by using SPSS, quantitative data analysis, Asia e University (National) (10 Mar 2012 - 10 Mar 2012)
  103. Invited Speaker, Introduction to SPSS, Upskill Programme Series, Institute of Graduate Studies, UM (University) (06 Mar 2012)
  104. Invited Speaker, Statistics workshop for post-graduate students under the project UM-HIR MOHE)D000010-16001, Research statistics & data analysis, Faculty of Engineering, UM (University) (13 Feb 2012)
  105. Invited Speaker, Multivariate inferential statistics I & II, Quantitative data analysis , Asia e University (National) (13 Nov 2011)
  106. Invited Speaker, Exploring the development of psychological test, Psychological testing workshop, Islamic Science University of Malaysia (National) (13 Oct 2011)
  107. Invited Speaker, SPSS workshop, Introduction to univariate and multivariate analysis, Centre for Product design & Manufacturing, Faculty of Engineering, UM (University) (21 Sep 2011)
  108. Invited Speaker, Doing action research, Action research workshop for the Bachelor of Education programme, Institute of Teacher Education (IPGKPMM), Ministry of Education  (National) (08 Sep 2011)
  109. Invited Speaker, Action research for Bachelor of Education (PISMP), Action research workshop,, Ministry of Education (National) (06 Sep 2011 - 07 Sep 2011)
  110. Invited Speaker, Writing a good proposal , Research proposal writing workshop, General Health Institute, Ministry of Health Malaysia (National) (26 Jul 2011 - 28 Jul 2011)
  111. Invited Speaker, Univariate inferential statistics, Quantitative data analysis, Asia e University (National) (16 Jul 2011)
  112. Invited Speaker, SPSS workshop Part 2, Data analysis workshop for academic staffs of University of Malaya, Academic Development Centre, UM (ADEK) (University) (29 Jun 2011 - 30 Jun 2011)
  113. Invited Speaker, Advanced statistics workshop, Data analysis for PhD Programme, Institute of Principalship Studies, UM (University) (15 Jun 2011)
  114. Invited Speaker, Academic Writing (for ISI Journal), Workshop for Academic Staffs, Academy of Malay Studies, UM (University) (01 Jun 2011 - 03 Jun 2011)
  115. Invited Speaker, SPSS workshop Part 1, Data analysis for academic staffs of university of Malaya, Academic Development Centre, UM (ADEK) (University) (18 May 2011 - 19 May 2011)
  116. Invited Speaker, Thinking skills for teaching and learning, In service training course, Technique Secondary School, Kuala Selangor (National) (10 May 2011)
  117. Invited Speaker, Action research workshop, For lecturers of Bachelor of Education programme, Institute of Teacher Education (IPGKPMM), Ministry of Education (National) (03 May 2011)
  118. Invited Speaker, Introduction to data analysis using SPSS, Quantitative data analysis, Asia e University (National) (16 Apr 2011 - 17 Apr 2011)
  119. Invited Speaker, Quality research, A seminar for heads of research and innovation departments , Institutes of Teacher Educations Malaysia, Ministry of Education (National) (12 Apr 2011)
  120. Invited Speaker, Introduction to Basic statistic in Nursing Research, Hand-On Application of SPSS Statistical Software, Nursing research Steering Group (NRSG), Jabatan sains Kejururawatan UM (University) (26 Jan 2011)
  121. Invited Speaker, Basic data Analysis with SPSS, Basic data Analysis with SPSS workshop, Institute of Graduate Studies, UM (University) (18 Jan 2011)
  122. Invited Speaker, Current measurements of creativity: Issues and challenges (Pengukuran semasa kreativiti: Isu dan Cabaran, Creativity and innovation in Islamic approach (Kreativiti dan Inovasi dalam Dunia Pendekatan Islam), Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (National) (09 Nov 2010 - 10 Nov 2010)
  123. Invited Speaker, Findings and analysis: The Interpretation, Invitation as a speaker for Motivation talk, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (National) (17 Jun 2010 - 17 Jun 2010)
  124. Invited Speaker, Introduction to research & design, In-house training for teachers , Seri Serdang Secondary School, Selangor (National) (18 May 2010)
  125. Invited exhibitor, for the invention "Leadership and thinking styles computer-based test", Educational Innovation carnival, Institut Pendidikan Guru Cawangan Ilmu Khas, Cheras (National) (11 May 2010 - 12 May 2010)
  126. Invited Speaker, The functions of need study in scholarly publishing. , Scholarly Publishing Conference 2009 (Persidangan kebangsaan Penerbitan Ilmiah) (National) (18 Apr 2010)
  127. Invited Speaker, Aplication of thinking skill theories in teaching and learning (Penggunaan teori kemahiran berfikir dalam pemgajaran dan pembelajaran), In service training course, SMK Seri Serdang (National) (10 Oct 2009 - 10 Oct 2009)
  128. Invited Speaker, Scholarly writing for research and innovation in Institute of Teacher Education IPGM, A research symposium for the north zone of Malaysian institutes of teacher education, Teacher Training Division, Ministry of Education (National) (30 Jun 2009)
  129. Invited Speaker, The implications of split brain theory & thinking skills on teaching and learning in school, Brain Gym Workshop, Institut Pendidikan Guru kampus IPOH, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (National) (09 Apr 2009 - 10 Apr 2009)
  130. Invited Speaker, Educational psychology for technical instructors, In service training, Institut Pengajian Kepengetuaan UM dan Bahagian Latihan MARA (National) (15 Dec 2008)
  131. Invited Speaker, Thinking and learning skills, In service training course, RJK (C) Maam Kheung, Kuala Lumpur (National) (13 Dec 2008)
  132. Invited Speaker, The split-brain theory and it implications on teaching and learning, A post graduate seminar of the Institute of Principalship, Institute of Principalship Studies, UM (University) (25 Jul 2008)
  133. Invited Speaker, Aplication of pedagogy based on learners skill levels, In service training course, SRJK (C) Maam Kheung, Kuala Lumpur (National) (21 Jun 2008)
  134. Invited Speaker, Action research methods and designs, Research proposal presentation workshop (Pembentangan Proposal Kajian Jabatan, Institut Perguruan Perempuan Melayu Melaka), Institut Perguruan Perempuan Melayu Melaka (National) (01 Apr 2008)
  135. Invited Speaker, Research Methods and Statistics, Format of Thesis writing, Research course for lecturers of institutes of teacher education, Malaysia (a 12-week course), Teacher Training Division, Ministry of Education (National) (03 Mar 2008)
  1. The Influence of Individual Differences and Developmental Trajectories in Affecting the Outcomes of Music and Movement Intervention on the Sensorimotor and Socio-emotional Development of Children - paper presented at the International Special Education Ecosystem Conference & Exhibition 2020 (ISEE 2020) (Conference), International Special Education Ecosystem Conference & Exhibition 2020 (ISEE 2020), (International) (01 Dec 2020 - 10 Dec 2020)
  2. The use of concept test study in writing a series of bestselling academic books., Chua Yan Piaw (2017). Inaugural Lecture. Title: The use of concept test study in writing a series of bestselling academic books. 14 September 2017, 10am-12pm. Auditorium, High Impact Research (HIR) Building, UM. Chair of the inaugural lecture: DVC(R&I) Professor Dr. Noorsaadah Abd. Rahman. , Institute of Educational Leadership, University of Malaya (University) (14 Sep 2017 - 14 Sep 2017)
  3. Presenter, Understanding leadership and thinking styles through a computer-based leadership style test, 23rd International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement , ICSEI and University of Malaya (International) (06 Jan 2010)
  4. Presenter, Understanding school leadership skill dimensions across culture: Malaysian and USA perspectives, 23rd International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement (International) (04 Jan 2010)
  5. Invited Speaker, The effectiveness of IPK program in enhancing keadership skill of the master degree students. (Keberkesanan program IPK untuk meingkatkan kepemimpinan peserta sarjana kepengetuaan), The 6th Seminar of Principalship (Seminar Kepengetuaan Kebangsaan ke-6, 2009), Institute of Principalship Studies, UM (National) (11 Mar 2009)
  6. Presenter, Thinking locally and globally: principal development in USA and Malaysia., 22nd World ICSEI Congress 2009, International Congress for School Effcectiveness and IMprovement (International) (03 Jan 2009 - 08 Jan 2009)
  1. Invited Speaker, Judging panel for educational innovations, National innovation convention for teacher education (National) (31 Oct 2011 - 01 Sep 2011)
  2. Invited exhibitor, for the invention "Understanding leadership and thinking styles through a computer-based leadership style test", University of Malaya Innovation Day Exhibition, Pejabat Timbalan naib cancelor (Penyelidikan & Inovasi) (University) (16 Dec 2010 - 17 Dec 2010)


  1. (2022) Menilai Kertas Cadangan Top Drawer 2021 (Peringkat Fakulti), National, (External Evaluator)
  2. (2021) Penilai Luar Bagi Permohonan Jawatan Profesor Madya (Gred Ds54) UTM - Dr. Corrienna Binti Abdul Talib, National, (External Assessor)
  3. (2021) Review Paper for The 2021 4th International Conference On Future Learning (Icfl 2021), International, (External Evaluator)
  4. (2021) Review Paper for 2021 4th International Conference On Future Learning (Icfl 2021), International, (Reviewer)
  5. (2021) Pelantikan Sebagai Ahli Panel Seminar 1 (Proposal Defence) Calon Sarjana Pendidikan (Pendidikan Matematik) Secara Kursus dan Penyelidikan Aishath Shaina (Pod180007), University, (Internal Examiner)
  6. (2021) Pelantikan Sebagai Ahli Panel (Pembaca) Seminar I : Calon Ijazah Doktor Falsafah Secara Penyelidikan Ahmad Muhaimin Mat Jusoh (Pva190026), University, (Internal Examiner)
  7. (2021) Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tapisan Pelantikan Kenaikanpangkat - Professor Madya, University, (Internal Assessor)
  8. (2021) Menilai Kertas Cadangan Top Drawer 2021 (Peringkat Fakulti), University, (Internal Evaluator)
  9. (2021) Review Article Ms_jgeesi_69779 - Persistent Challenges of Potable Water Supply, Implications and Mitigation Strategies in Limbe, Cameroon., International, (Reviewer)
  10. (2021) External Examiner for Unimas Phd Viva - Candidate Christine Shane Ong Yik Fang, National, (External Examiner)
  11. (2021) Laporan Penilai Luar Bagi Permohonan Jawatan Profesor Madya (Gred Ds54) UTM - Dr. Rohaya Binti Talib, National, (External Assessor)
  12. (2020) Review manuscript journal SCOPUS - Heliyon (1 Feb 2020) - HELIYON-D-19-03571, (Reviewer)
  13. (2020) Extenal examiner - Viva PhD UPSI (3.7.2020), (External Examiner)
  14. (2020) Review manuscript journal SCOPUS - Hindawi (25 Oct 2020) - Article 8878607, (Reviewer)
  15. (2020) Review manuscript of the Normal Lights journal - Philippine Normal University (20.6.20), (Reviewer)
  16. (2020) Review manuscript journal SCOPUS - Heliyon (21 Sept 2020) - HELIYON-D-19-03571R2, (Reviewer)
  17. (2020) Review manuscript journal SCOPUS - Heliyon (18 Aug 2020) - HELIYON-D-20-02983R1, (Reviewer)
  18. (2020) Review manuscript journal SCOPUS - Heliyon (12 June 2020) - HELIYON-D-20-02983 , (Reviewer)
  19. (2020) Review manuscript journal ISI Computers in Human Behavior (20.6.2020) - CHB-D-20-02084, (Reviewer)
  20. (2020) Review manuscript journal ISI Computers in Human Behavior (20.2.2020) - CHB-D-19-03114, (Reviewer)
  21. (2020) Review manuscript journal ISI Computers in Human Behavior (16.9.2020) - CHB-D-20-02909, (Reviewer)
  22. (2020) Review manuscript journal ISI Computers in Human Behavior (16.8.2020) - CHB-D-20-02084R1, (Reviewer)
  23. (2020) Review manuscript journal ISI Cognitive Development (31 Oct 2020) - COGDEV-D-20-00161, (Reviewer)
  24. (2020) Review manuscript journal ISI Computers & Education (1 April 2020) - No. CAE-D-20-00235 , (Reviewer)
  25. (2020) Review Manuscript 4600-2019.R2 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (SCOPUS)2, (Reviewer)
  26. (2020) Review Manuscript 4600-2019.R1 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (SCOPUS)1, (Reviewer)
  27. (2020) Review manuscript Malaysian Journal of Education (26 Oct 2020) - Manuscript No. 3, (Reviewer)
  28. (2020) Review manuscript Malaysian Journal of Education (18 Aug 2020) - Manucript No. 2, (Reviewer)
  29. (2020) Review International Journal of Leadership in Education (SCOPUS) 13.6.20) -TEDL-2020-0081, (Reviewer)
  30. (2020) Panel penilai for Geran Penyelidikan Khas Pasca COVID-19 (application 2 2020) organised by KPTM, (Reviewer)
  31. (2020) Panel penilai for Geran Penyelidikan Khas Pasca COVID-19 (application 1, 2020) organised by KPTM, (Reviewer)
  32. (2020) Panel penilai for Geran Penyelidikan Khas Pasca COVID-19 (application 1 2020), Kementeraian Pendidikan Tinggi, (Reviewer)
  34. (2020) Review Manuscript PHPN-19-0419 for ISI journal - Public Health Nursing (05-Jan-2020), (Reviewer)
  35. (2020) Review manuscript journal SCOPUS - International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies (16 June 2020)- manuscript # IJAPSOA042020-0072, (Reviewer)
  36. (2019) External Examiner for PhD Thesis of Periyar University (India), Name of candidate: Arunachakam, Title of PhD's Thesis: Rigidity and Superstition among higher secondary students in relation to their achievement motivation, 12 January 2019., (External Examiner)
  37. (2019) Review an Article - Pertanika JSSH Special Issue MANUSCRIPT ID. JSSH(S)-1119-2019 (R5)(10 Aug 2019), (Reviewer)
  38. (2019) Reviewer of article for an ISI journal: Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science (MJLIS). Impact Factor: 0.425, manuscript title: "Case studies of statistic characteristics of scholarly publishing", (Journal Reviewer )
  39. (2019) Review an article in Elsevier journal; HELIYON. Paper no: 2019_503. Title: A Comparative Study of Nursing Support Received by Mothers Having Neonates with Newborn Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) with Mothers of Healthy Neonates Hospitalized at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Review report date: 10 January 2019., (Reviewer)
  40. (2019) Review a manuscript for SAGE Open journal (ISI ESCI and SCOPUS journal). No: SO-18-0473.R1, title "Distributive Leadership Functions, Readiness for Change and Teachers Affective Commitment to Change: A Partial Least Squares Analysis" 10 January 2019., (Reviewer)
  41. (2019) External Examiner for PhD Thesis of UPSI university, Name of candidate: Fadilah Abdul Rauf (YHA120008), Title of PhD's Thesis: Effects of augmented reality colouring activities towards creative thinking of preschool students, January 2019. , (External Examiner)
  42. (2018) Asian Journal of University Education, (Advisory board Member)
  43. (2018) Examination Board Meeting for candidate of master of education - Candidate name: Caroline Barnabas (PGP110045) on 25 June 2018. , (Advisory Committee)
  44. (2018) Curriculum Review Committee Meeting for the Master of Educational Leadership (Mix-Mode) program, on 16 May 2018 , (Advisory Committee)
  45. (2018) Host for an international visiting scholar from The Florida Atlantic University, USA - Professor Robert Shockley on 30 July 6 August 2018. , (Host for an international visiting scholar)
  46. (2018) Examination Board Meeting for candidate of master of education - Candidate name: Farah Diana (PGP140023) on 25 June 2018. , (Advisory Committee)
  47. (2018) Curriculum Review Meeting for program Master of Educational Leadership (Mix-Mode) on 10 May 2018 , (Advisory Committee)
  48. (2018) Host for a US Fulbright visiting scholar Prof. Will Barratt to the Institute of Education Leadership, University of Malaya (2018-2019), (Host for a US Fulbright visiting scholar)
  49. (2018) Quality assurance and accreditation meeting towards curriculum review of the Master of Educational Leadership Program, on 13 February 2018 , (Advisory Committee)
  50. (2018) Curriculum Review Meeting for program Master of Educational Leadership (Mix-Mode) on 18 January 2018 , (Advisory Committee)
  51. (2018) Evaluation for six FRGS (Fundamental Research Grant Scheme) research grants (1/2018 phase) for the Institute of Research Management & Monitoring (IPPP UM) , (Research Grant Evaluator)
  52. (2018) Curriculum Review Meeting for program Master of Educational Leadership (Mix-Mode) on 9 January 2018 , (Advisory Committee)
  53. (2018) Curriculum Review Meeting for program Master of Educational Leadership (Mix-Mode) on 4 January 2018 , (Advisory Committee)
  54. (2018) Curriculum Review Meeting for program Master of Educational Leadership (Mix-Mode) on 15 January 2018 , (Advisory Committee)
  55. (2018) Quality assurance and accreditation meeting towards curriculum review of the Master of Educational Leadership Program, on 28 March 2018 , (Advisory Committee)
  56. (2018) Curriculum Review Meeting for program Master of Educational Leadership (Mix-Mode) on 23 May 2018 , (Advisory Committee)
  57. (2017) Host for an international visiting scholar from The Florida Atlantic University, USA - Dr. Maria Vasquez on 17 21 July 2017. , (Host for an international visiting scholar)
  58. (2017) PSAR2 Preparation Meeting on 8 February 2017: Preparing the PSAR2 document for the program Master of Educational Leadership for accreditation evaluation by QMEC and MQA. , (Advisory Committee)
  59. (2017) Curriculum Review Meeting for program Master of Educational Leadership (Mix-Mode) on 12 April 2017 , (Advisory Committee)
  60. (2017) Faculty of Education Higher Education Program: Master and PhD Management Meeting on 7 November 2017 , (Advisory Committee)
  61. (2017) Marketing strategy meeting for the Master of Educational Leadership program, on 18 September 2017 , (Advisory Committee)
  62. (2017) Work as Chairman of Curriculum Committee of the Institute of Educational Leadership, Faculty of education , (Chairman of Curriculum Committee (JKKJ))
  63. (2017) Mesyuarat teknikal pelasaran program IKP dan Fakulti Pendidikan pada 3 Oktober 2017 , (Advisory Committee)
  64. (2017) Curriculum Review Meeting for program Master of Educational Leadership (Mix-Mode) on 7 December 2017 , (Advisory Committee)
  65. (2017) Editorial Board Member for The International Online Journal of Educational leadership (IOJEL) , (Editorial Board Member)
  66. (2017) Host for an international visiting scholar from The Florida Atlantic University, USA - Professor Robert Shockley on 10 April 14 April 2017., (Host for an international visiting scholar)
  67. (2017) As Leader of the visiting team for the Collaborative and Internationalisation Program to Indonesia, leading IKP staffs and students, visited two universities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (The Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta dan Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa) between 11 hingga 13 Ogos 2017 , (Outbound program leader)
  68. (2016) PSAR2 Meeting on 31 May 2016: Preparing the PSAR2 document for the program Master of Educational Leadership for accreditation evaluation by QMEC and MQA. , (Advisory Committee)
  69. (2016) PSAR2 Preparation Meeting on 31 May 2016: Preparing the PSAR2 document for the program Master of Educational Leadership for accreditation evaluation by QMEC and MQA. , (Advisory Committee)
  70. (2015) Internal Examiner for PhD Thesis, Name of candidate: Muhammad Niqab Abdul Aziz (YHA120008), Title of PhD's Thesis: The relationship between principals' leadership skills, organisational citizenship behaviors and intellectual capital in secondary schools in Pakistan, October 2015., (Internal Examiner)
  71. (2015) Internal Examiner for PhD Thesis, Name of candidate: Noor Azzam Shah Bin Mohamed(YHA110001), Title of PhD's Thesis: Implementation of co-curriculum management in secondary schools in Malaysia, November 2015., (Internal Examiner)
  72. (2015) Internal Examiner for PhD Thesis, Name of candidate: Teoh Hong Kean (YHA120002), Title of PhD's Thesis: The relationship between principal leadership practices, teacher commitment and school bureaucracy in Penang secondary schools, August 2015., (Internal Examiner)
  73. (2015) As a chief editor of the Leadership Journal (2015) published by the Institute of Principalship Studies, UM. , (Editor)
  74. (2015) Committee member for PhD Thesis examination, Name of candidate: Mohd Nawawi Omar (YHA120004), Title of PhD's Thesis: The effect of instructional leadership on implementation of production based education, November 2015. , (Advisory Committee)
  75. (2013) Editorial Board Member for The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (ISI WoS Journal - Impact Factor: 0.576) , (Advisory Committee)
  76. (2013) Editor-in-chief for an online journal (Educational Leader) for international publication, invited experts from US, UK, Australia, China, India, etc. as editorial board members., (Editor)
  77. (2013) Participate in an International Research and Innovation Expo, and won a Gold Medal Award, the Invention & Innovation Award for the invention "The Creativity Game" at the Malaysia Technology Expo 2013. , (Inventor)
  78. (2013) Participate in an International Research and Innovation Expo, and won a Gold Medal Award - Gold medal award, 24th International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition ITEX 2013 - for the project "Building a game to enhance creativity: The Creativity Game" , (Inventor)
  79. (2013) Participate in an International Research and Innovation Expo, and won a Gold Medal Award, PECIPTA 2013. Inventors: Zahra Naimie, Norasmatul Akma , Erkan Sabanovic, Noor Hayaty Abu Kasim, Zeti Adura Che Ab Aziz, Azwatee Abdul Aziz, Chua Yan Piaw. Title: A-EZ Prosthodontics (Creating A Virtual environment to Facilitate the Learning of Crown Constructions for Dental Students) , (Inventor)
  80. (2013) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Rosmini Shaari (Matric no: CGS00556106), Title of Master's Thesis: Perceived teacher affective support in relation to motivation, attitude and achievement in English among Malaysian upper Secondary Students, January 2013, (External Examiner)
  81. (2013) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Lalita Maniam (Matric no: CGS005666 06), Title of Master's Thesis: Readiness to change and intrinsic motivation among nursing students during clinical attachment, January 2013, (External Examiner)
  82. (2012) Reviewer of ISI Web of Science (Tier 2) journal - Computers in Human Behaviour. Impact Factor: 2.293, Review 8 articles from April 2012- July 2013 , (Reviewer)
  83. (2012) Participate in an International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition (UNESCO), and won a Gold Medal Award (facilitator) - The 2012 Japan World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. Awarded by The World Peace Painting And Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Japan Hua Gong Calligraphy Institute., (Facilitator )
  84. (2012) Academic committee meeting (JKA), Institute of Educational Leadership., (Academic committee Member)
  85. (2012) Academic committee meeting (JKA), Institute of Educational Leadership - preparing mock vetting guideline for the Institute., (Academic committee member)
  86. (2012) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Su Mee Nguk (Matric no : CGS00497106), Title of Master's Thesis: Students' motivation orientations and their association with biology achievement: a case study of Sibu town secondary schools, March 2012, (External Examiner)
  87. (2012) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Aminath Nima (Matric no: S101061937), Title of Master's Thesis : Students' perspective of vocational education for limited curriculum programs of a secondary school in Maldives, August 2012, (External Examiner)
  88. (2012) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Maumoona Abdulla (S101061737), Influence of principal's leadership styles on teacher's job satisfaction in two Maldivian schools, April 2012, (External Examiner)
  89. (2012) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Wellington Mujah Anak Philip Mujah (Matric no: CGS00248206), Title of Master's Thesis: Impact of mathematics concept oriented music on mathematics skills pf preschool students, September 2012, (External Examiner)
  90. (2012) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Ho Koon Hock (CGS00327006), Learning styles and strategies between male and female student nurses in Hospital Seberang Jaya, April 2012, (External Examiner)
  91. (2012) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Tarn Shu Shieh (Matric no: CG30047G006), Title of Master's Thesis: The effects of inquiry-based teaching in science through: concept maps to form two students, January 2012, (External Examiner)
  92. (2012) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Ali Hashim (Matric no: CGS00493806), Title of Master's Thesis: An investigation of characteristics of exemplar trainers at INSTEP: A case study, May 2012, (External Examiner)
  93. (2012) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Marina Mahmud, (Matric no: CGS00075006), Title of Master's Thesis: The effect of attitude on academic performance in secondary schools: The Case of Female Students In Kota Baharu, August 2012, (External Examiner)
  94. (2012) Reviewer of the ISI/SCOPUS-cited journal - Pertanika , (Reviewer)
  95. (2011) Participate in an International Research and Innovation Expo, and won a Bronze medal award - the 22nd International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition 2011 , (Solo Inventor )
  96. (2011) Participate in an International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition (UNESCO), and won a Gold Medal Award (facilitator) - The 2011 Taiwan World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition.Awarded by: The World Peace Painting And Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Taiwan Youths Intercommunication Enhancement Association. , (Facilitator)
  97. (2011) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Martin Blawing (Matric no: CGS00435506), Title of Master's Thesis: Parental involvement in education of children in rural primary school in Sarawak, September 2011, (External Examiner)
  98. (2011) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Noor Sa'adah Hasan (Matric no: CGS00469806), Title of Master's Thesis: Effectiveness of computer-based teaching method on essay writing skills, December 2011, (External Examiner)
  99. (2011) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Sumithra Devi D/O Ramu Naidu (Matric no : CGS00464506), Title of Master's Thesis: Factors influencing work life quality among Tamil medium primary school teachers in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, August 2011, (External Examiner)
  100. (2011) External Examiner (Reviewer) for Thesis, Master of Education (Open University of Malaysia) Name of candidate: Tan Yan Yan (Matric no: CGS00474806), Title of Master's Thesis: Identification of exemplary science teachers' practices in a selected secondary school, November 2011, (External Examiner)
  101. (2010) Internal Examiner, PhD thesis; Name of candidate: Che Hashim Bin Hassan (2010). Title of thesis: Fertility level of Malay residents in the peninsular of Malaysia(Paras Fertiliti Penduduk Melayu di semenanjung Malaysia). Faculty: Akademi Pengajian Melayu, UM.(Completed) , (Internal Examiner)
  102. (2010) As a chief editor of the Leadership Journal(2010) published by the Institute of Educational Leadership, UM., (Chief editor)
  103. (2010) Participate in an International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition (UNESCO), and won a Gold Medal Award (facilitator) - The 2010 Singapore World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. Awarded by: The World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Singapore Bukit Timah Community Club. , (Facilitator)
  104. (2010) Participate in an International Research and Innovation Expo, and won a Gold Medal Award, at the 21st International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition 2010 - for the project "The Yanpiaw Brain style test" , (Solo Inventor)
  105. (2009) International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Science: As a reviewer for the article "Towards a national quality assuarance system for the Greek adualt education". , (associate editor and reviewer)
  106. (2009) International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Science: As a reviewer for the article "Modelling of Mathematics values and attitudes of secondary mathematics teachers towards their teaching practices". , (associate editor and reviewer)
  107. (2009) As a reviewer of the book "From literature to developing a conceptual framework and to journal publication" published by the McGraw-Hiil Education in 2010 , (Reviewer)
  108. (2009) As a reviewer of the book "An introduction to structural equation modelling (SEM)using Lisrel output" published by the McGraw-Hiil Education in 2009 , (Reviewer)
  109. (2009) Journal of World Universities Forum: As a reviewer for the article "Extend of science academics familiarity with and understanding of assessment and evaluation vocabularies". , (Associate editor and reviewer)
  110. (2008) As a reviewer of the book "Writng the thesis" published by the Pearson Longman (M) in 2009, (Reviewer)
  111. (2008) As a reviewer of the book "Writng research report" published by the McGraw-Hiil Education in 2009 , (Reviewer)
  112. (2008) As an advisory committee member of the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, for the KBSR mathematics text book (year 5) , (Advisory Committee)
  113. (2008) As a chief editor of the Leadership Journal(2008 published by the Institute of Principalship Studies, UM. , (Chief editor)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2021) 2021 4th International Conference On Future Learning (Icfl 2021), International, (Technical Advisor)
  3. (2020) Moderator bagi proposal tesis PhD- Sunway University (16 Oct 2020), Sunway University , National
  4. (2020) PENGERUSI- MESYUARAT VIVA VOCE - MOHD FAIZAL HASSAN (PVA170019) - 25.8.2020, F. Pendidikan, University
  5. (2020) PENGERUSI -MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA VIVA VOCE PHD- SULTAN FAHD (PHA150044) - 1.12.2020, Faluti Pendidikan, University
  6. (2020) PENGERUSI BAGI SESI VIVA-VOCE CALON PHD - M. STEPHEN (25 Ogos 2020), Fakulti Pendidikan, University
  7. (2020) PENGERUSI - MESYUARAT VIVA VOCE - ZANARIAH HAMID (PHA160013) (13 Jan 2020), Fakulti Pendidikan, University
  9. (2020) Penilai Luar untuk permohonan kenaikan pangkat Gred professor VK7 (30 June 2020), UPSI, National
  10. (2020) Review manuscript for 3rd International Conference on Future Learning (ICFL 2020), ICFL
  11. (2018) Pakar Perunding bagi Perunding Projek Penarafan Instrumen Kecemerlangan Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PKPPD), Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, National
  12. (2018) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a SCOPUS and WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index journal article (JSSH journal; article no: JSSH-3096-2018., UPM Press
  13. (2018) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-18-00535, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  14. (2018) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-18-00321, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  15. (2018) Internationalization activity: Host for a US Fulbright visiting scholar Prof. Will Barratt to the Institute of Education Leadership, University of Malaya (2018-2019), Malaysian American Commission on Educational Exchange (MACEE)
  16. (2018) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (C&E journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.819), article no: CAE-D-18-00651., Computers & Education, Elsevier Netherlands
  17. (2018) Host for an international visiting scholar from The Florida Atlantic University, USA - Professor Robert Shockley on 30 July 6 August 2018., IKP UM
  18. (2017) Self Leadership and Identity Construction Workshop, AKEPT, Ministry of Education, National
  19. (2017) Bertugas sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kurikulum Jabatan (JKKJ) bagi IKP, Fakulti Pendidikan, Fakulti Pendidikan, University
  20. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a SCOPUS and WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index journal article (JSSH journal; article no: JSSH-2362-2017., UPM Press
  21. (2017) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-17-00442., Springer Singapore
  22. (2017) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-17-00442R1. , The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
  23. (2017) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Journal of Pediatric Nursing; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 1.158), article no: JPEDIATRNURS_2017_393, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Elsevier Netherlands
  24. (2017) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Emerald Publishing: Impact factor 2.931), article no: IntR-05-2016-0126.R2, Emerald Publishing United Kingdom
  25. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a SCOPUS and WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index journal article (JSSH journal; article no: JSSH-2834-2017., UPM Press
  26. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a SCOPUS and WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index journal article (JSSH journal; article no: JSSH-2362-2017.R1, UPM Press
  27. (2017) Internationalization Initiative: Host for a delegate (lecturers and post-graduate students) from Jakarta State University visited Institute of Educational Leadership (as the Director of IKP) on Thursday, 21 September 2017. , IEL UM
  28. (2017) Host for an international visiting scholar from The Florida Atlantic University, USA - Professor Robert Shockley on 10 April 14 April 2017., IKP UM
  29. (2017) Host for an international visiting scholar from The Florida Atlantic University, USA - Dr. Maria Vasquez on 17 21 July 2017. , IKP, UM
  30. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a SCOPUS and WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index journal article (JSSH journal; article no: JSSH-2025-2017.R2., UPM Press
  31. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (C&E journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.819), article no: CAE-D-17-00394., Computers & Education, Elsevier Netherlands
  32. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Editorial Board Member for The International Online Journal of Educational leadership (IOJEL) , Faculty of Education, UiTM
  33. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a SCOPUS and WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index journal article (JSSH journal; article no: JSSH-2362-2017, UPM Press
  34. (2017) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-17-00390, Springer Singapore
  35. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a SCOPUS and WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index journal article (JSSH journal; article no: JSSH-2025-2017.R1, UPM Press
  36. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-17-01121R2, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  37. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-17-01121, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  38. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a SCOPUS and WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index journal article (JSSH journal; article no: JSSH-2304-2017, UPM Press
  39. (2017) Internationalization Initiative, as Leader of the Collaborative and Internationalisation Program to Indonesia, leading IKP staffs and students, visited two universities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (The Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta dan Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa) between 11 hingga 13 Ogos 2017, Institute of Educational Leadership
  40. (2017) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-17-02580, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  41. (2016) ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR - Adviser for creative multimedia programme and supervise creative multimedia programe PhD student, Multimedia University Malaysia, National
  42. (2016) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Emerald Publishing: Impact factor 2.931), article no: IntR-10-2016-0316, Emerald Publishing United Kingdom
  43. (2016) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a SCOPUS and WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index journal article (JSSH journal; article no: JSSH-1975-2016.R1, UPM Press
  44. (2016) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-16-00938R4, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  45. (2016) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-16-02356, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  46. (2016) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a SCOPUS and WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index journal article (JSSH journal; article no: JSSH-1975-2016, UPM Press
  47. (2016) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-16-00083R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  48. (2016) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-16-00261., The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
  49. (2016) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-16-00083, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  50. (2016) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-16-01746, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  51. (2016) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-16-00476, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  52. (2016) Internationalization Initiative - Advisory Board Member for The Asian Journal of University Education. , Faculty of Education, UiTM
  53. (2015) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-15-01020, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  54. (2015) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-15-00567, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  55. (2015) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-15-00047, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  56. (2015) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-15-00237, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
  57. (2015) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-15-00237R1, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
  58. (2015) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-15-01882R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  59. (2015) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-15-00567R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  60. (2015) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-15-00149, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  61. (2015) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-15-01584, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  62. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00623, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  63. (2014) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-14-00042R1, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
  64. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00796, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  65. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00548R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  66. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00140, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  67. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00140R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  68. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00038R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  69. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00551, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  70. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00548, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  71. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-01031, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  72. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00796R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  73. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00161, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  74. (2014) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-14-00037, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
  75. (2014) Internationalization Initiative - Visiting scholar - University of Washington, USA, University of Washington, USA
  76. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-01584, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  77. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00231R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  78. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00796R2, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  79. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-01510, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  80. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00038, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  81. (2014) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00231, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  82. (2013) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-00938R5, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  83. (2013) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-00682, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  84. (2013) Internationalization Initiative - Editorial Board Member for The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (ISI WoS Journal - Impact Factor: 0.576), Springer
  85. (2013) Internationalization initiative: Participate in an International Research and Innovation Expo, and won a Gold Medal Award - Gold medal award, 24th International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition 2013 - for the project "Building a game to enhance creativity: The Creativity Game", The Minds
  86. (2013) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-00581, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  87. (2013) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-01072, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  88. (2013) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-00924, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  89. (2013) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-00571, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  90. (2013) Internationalization initiative, Editor-in-chief for an online journal (Educational Leader) for international publication, invited experts from US, UK, Australia, China, India, etc. as editorial board members. , Institute of Educational leadrship
  91. (2013) Internationalization initiative: Participate in an International Research and Innovation Expo, and won a Gold Medal Award, the Invention & Innovation Award for the invention "The Creativity Game" at the Malaysia Technology Expo 2013., Malaysian Association Of Research Scientists
  92. (2013) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-01006, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  93. (2013) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-00571R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  94. (2013) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-00608, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  95. (2013) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-00581R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  96. (2013) Internationalization initiative: Participate in an International Research and Innovation Expo, and won a Gold Medal Award, PECIPTA 2013. Inventors: Zahra Naimie, Norasmatul Akma , Erkan Sabanovic, Noor Hayaty Abu Kasim, Zeti Adura Che Ab Aziz, Azwatee Abdul Aziz, Chua Yan Piaw. Title: A-EZ Prosthodontics (Creating A Virtual environment to Facilitate the Learning of Crown Constructions for Dental Students), Pecipta Malaysia
  97. (2012) Appointed as Subject Matter Expert for the course Statistics for Educational Research (Master of Education Programme) , Open University of Malaysia, National
  98. (2012) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-12-00161, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
  99. (2012) Action Research Workshop, IPGM Institute of Teacher Education - Melaka Campus
  100. (2012) Data Analysis Course for Postgraduate students - Engineering Faculty, UM, Project UM-HIR(MOHE), Project No: D0000-10-16001
  101. (2012) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-12-00161R1, Springer
  102. (2012) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-12-00899R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  103. (2012) Internationalization initiative: Participate in an International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition (UNESCO), and won a Gold Medal Award (facilitator) - The 2012 Japan World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. Awarded by The World Peace Painting And Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Japan Hua Gong Calligraphy Institute., The World Peace Painting And Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Japan Hua Gong Calligraphy Institute
  104. (2012) Internationalization initiative -Peer review for a WoS journal article (Publisher: Springer Singapore: Impact factor 0.576), article no: TAPE-D-12-00234, Springer Singapore
  105. (2012) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-12-00200, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  106. (2012) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-12-00007R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  107. (2012) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-12-00007, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  108. (2011) Subject matter expert and facilitator for online postgraduate programme (Master of Education Programme), Open University of Malaysia, National
  109. (2011) Facilitator for Postgraduate Programme (Master of Education Programme), Open University of Malaysia, National
  110. (2011) Appointed as Subject Matter Expert for Statistics for Educational Research (Master of Education Programme), Open University of Malaysia, National
  111. (2011) Conduct data analysis courses for post graduate students, IGS, UM
  112. (2011) Internationalization initiative: Participate in an International Research and Innovation Expo, and won a Bronze medal award - the 22nd International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition 2011, Malaysian Invention And Design Society (minds)
  113. (2011) Action Research Workshop, IPGM Kampus Perempuan Melaka
  114. (2011) National Conference for Teacher Education (KKPG) 2011 - Chief of Judging Board for pedagogical innovation competition , Teacher Education Division and Institute of Teacher Education (IPGM), Ministry of Education
  115. (2011) Writing a good proposal workshop, Centre for Epidemiological Survey Research, General Health Institute, Ministry of Health Malaysia
  116. (2011) Academic Wrtiting (for ISI Journal) Workshop for Academic Staffs, Akademi Pengajian Melayu, UM, Akademi Pengajian Melayu, UM
  117. (2011) Quantitative Data Analysis Workshop 2011, Asia e University
  118. (2011) Quantitative Data Analysis Workshop: Introduction to Data Analysis by Using SPSS, Asia e University
  119. (2011) Design and Innovation Award of the International Invention & Innovation Technology Exhibition, 2011, awarded by the Depty Vice Canselor (Research & Innovation), UM., The MINDS Malaysia
  120. (2011) Appointed as facilitator to conduct Quantitative Data Analysis (Multivariate inferential statistic) for PhD and master students, Asia e University
  121. (2011) Action Research Workshop, IPGM Kampus Perempuan Melaka
  122. (2011) Internationalization initiative: Participate in an International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition (UNESCO), and won a Gold Medal Award (facilitator) - The 2011 Taiwan World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition.Awarded by: The World Peace Painting And Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Taiwan Youths Intercommunication Enhancement Association., The World Peace Painting And Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Taiwan Youths Intercommunication Enhancement Asscociation
  123. (2010) Educational Innovation Carnival 2010, IPGM ILMU KHAS
  124. (2010) Internationalization initiative: Participate in an International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition (UNESCO), and won a Gold Medal Award (facilitator) - The 2010 Singapore World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. Awarded by: The World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Organization & The Singapore Bukit Timah Community Club., The World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Organization
  125. (2010) UM Deputy Vice Canselor (Research & Innovation)'s Invitation for University of Malaya Innovation Day Exhibition, UM Deputy Vice Canselor (Research & Innovation) Office & IPPP, UM
  126. (2010) Provide services, especially expertise to Teacher Training Division of the Ministry of education, Curriculum Restructuring Panel Member for Action Research I and II courses. Awarded as "Research Expert" by the Teacher Training Division (2006).
  127. (2010) Internationalization initiative: Participate in an International Research and Innovation Expo, and won a Gold Medal Award, at the 21st International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition 2010 - for the project "The Yanpiaw Brain style test", MINDS
  128. (2010) Han-On Application of SPSS Statistical Software, Nursing Research Steering Group (NRSG), University of Malaya
  129. (2010) Provide services, especially guiding the lecturers to get their PhDs, helping them for establishing research methods and data analyses, and writing their thesis., unit of academic enhancement UM (ULPAUM)
  130. (2010) A School R&D programme (Action Research), Sekolah Menengah Seri Serdang
  131. (2010) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-15-01882, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  132. (2010) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-00012, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  133. (2010) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-13-00012R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  134. (2010) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-14-00551R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  135. (2010) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-12-00899, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  136. (2010) Internationalization initiative - Peer review for a WoS Tier 1 journal article (CHB journal; Publisher: Elsevier Netherlands: Impact factor 3.435), article no: CHB-D-17-01121R1, Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier Netherlands
  137. (2008) Facilitator and syllabus content expert for the 12-week research program for 28 Teacher Education Institutes (Ministry of Education), Teacher Education Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia, National


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2022) Prevalence and Determinants of Sarcopenia, and Its Associations with Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Life Among Older Adults in China, ZHANG HAIYAN
  2. (2022) Developing a Model of Pedagogical Leadership for Concept-Based Teaching and Learning among Selected International Baccalaureate Schools in Malaysia, TEE SIOK HOON
  10. (2020) (YHA110005). Effects of student leadership in a peer-to-peer programme on resiliency, self-efficacy and motivation of undergraduate students in a private university (Faculty of Education). Doctor of Philosophy (Educational Leadership). Viva voce on 29-6-2020. Pass with correction.., Christine Wong Siew Kuan
  11. (2020) (RHA 110007). Effectiveness of audiation on singing performance and creativity in song composition among lower secondary school students (Culture Centre, UM). Doctor of Philosophy (Music Education). Viva Voce: 1-7-2020. Pass with correction., Liow Bee Teen
  12. (2020) Relationship Between Quality of Nursing Work Life, Organizational Commitment and Intention to Leave Among Registered Nurses in a Teaching Hospital (PhD, Faculty of Medicine). Viva-Voce: 12.5.2020. Pass., Luma Ghazi Ibrahim Al Zamel
  17. (2019) PhD thesis. School based assessment of the secondary school integrated curriculum (KBSM) of music education in Peninsular Malaysia. (Culture centre). Viva-Voce: 18.12.2019. Pass with minor modification. Convocation: Oct 2020, Lee Soo Mei @ Jake Lina Lee
  20. (2018) (YHA 050009). Kepemimpinan Distributif, Amalan Kepimpinan Dan Efikasi Kendiri Guru di Malaysia. Distributive leadership, leadership practices and teacher efficacy of secondary teachers in Malaysia. Thesis submitted for examination 25 September 2018. Viva 8 April 2019. Pass with minor correction. Convocation October 2019., Rosnarizah Binti Abdul Halim
  21. (2018) A tacit knowledge sharing model to enhance stakeholder engagement in requirements elicitation. Requirements Engineering (Computer Science). Thesis submitted for examination: 20 June 2018. Viva Voce: 3 October 2018. Pass with minor correction. Thesis submitted for graduation: 4 Mac 2019. Graduation: October 2019., Law Foong Li
  22. (2018) The Utilization of Standardized Patient and Eportfolio in Developing Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment and the Use of Lasater Clinical Assessment Rubrics among Undergraduate Nursing Student, NORSIAH BINTI RAHMAT
  23. (2017) (YHA140010), Principals' e-leadership practices, teachers' computer-mediated communication competence, school virtual learning culture and teachers' attitudes toward frog VLE in Klang. Thesis submitted for examination on June 2017. Viva on 24 Nov 2017, Pass with minor correction. GOT. Complete thesis submitted to IGS on 12/12/2017. Convocation: 20 October 2018., Oh Siew Pei
  24. (2017) (YHA 140007). Principal transformational leadership practices, teacher organizational commitment and school culture in primary cluster schools in Malaysia. Thesis submitted for examination on April 2017. Viva Voce: 25-8-2017. Pass. Convocation: October 2017., Jeyasushma Veeriah
  25. (2017) (YHA070001). Developing A Model Of Critical Success Factors For School Improvement Through A Study On Excellent Principals In High Performing Secondary Schools In Malaysia. Thesis submitted for examination on April 2017. Viva Voce: 25 August 2017. Pass. Convocation: 20 October 2018., UMAR BIN MAN
  26. (2017) The impact of combined music and tai chi therapy on depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older people in China (Faculty of Medicine). Thesis submitted for examination. January 2018. Viva Voce: 13 July 2018, pass with minor correction. Convocation: 20 October 2018., Liao Shu Juan
  27. (2017) Leadership Talent and Leadership Direction of Graduates Under the National Professional Qualification For Educational Leaders (NPQEL) Programme (In Malay: Bakat Kepimpinan, Kepimpinan Dan Hala Tuju Sekolah bagi Graduan Program Kelayakan Profesional Kebangsaan Bagi Pemimpin Pendidikan (NPQEL)). Convocation: October 2017., SATHIYABAMA A/P SUPRAMMANIAM (YHA13001)
  28. (2017) Differences of Task Manage Pattern between Male and Female Copreneurs and Its Effects on Developing Entrepreneurs Network Among Children (Kesan keseimbangan corak agihan tugas antara copreneurs wanita dan copreneurs lelaki terhadap pembentukan jaringan usahawan dalam kalangan anak-anak copreneurs. Thesis examination 25 April 2018, Pass with modification. Convocation: 20 October 2018., Raiha Bte Ahmad (AHA 090033)
  30. (2016) (YHA140009) Teachers perceptions of the relationship between principals instructional leadership, school culture and school effectiveness in secondary schools in Pakistan. Start - January 2015; Viva voce - 6 Januari 2017, minor correction, graduated: February 2017. Convocation: October 2017. (Completed the PhD in 2 years)., Niaz Ali
  31. (2016) (YHA 13001). Principal Technology Leadership Practices, Teacher ICT Competency and Teacher Acceptance of School Management System (SMS) in the Negeri Sembilan Secondary Schools. Viva voce - 22 February 2017. Minor correction. Convocation: October 2017., Leong Mei Wei
  32. (2016) (YHA130012). Hubungan Antara Kecergasan Emosi Dan Kepimpinan Instruksional Pengetua Dengan Efikasi Kendiri Guru Sekolah Menengah Di Negeri Sembilan (Relationship between principals emotional intelligence, instructional leadership practices and teachers self-efficacy in secondary schools of the Sembilan State in Malaysia. Viva voce: 22 December 2016; Minor correction Graduated: Januari 2017: Convocation: October 2017. (Graduated on time in 3 years)., Shafinaz binti A. Maulod
  33. (2016) (YHA090002). Pengaruh Peranan Pengetua, Kompetensi Guru, Ibu Bapa, Rakan Sebaya Dan Penggunaan Internet Dalam Membentuk Kefahaman Dan Amalan Sahsiah Pelajar (Effect Of The Role Of The Principal, The Competence Of Teachers, Parents, Peer And Use Of Internet In Developing Understanding And Practice Of Student Conduct). Viva voce - 16 December 2016. Graduate: July 2017, Convocation: October 2017., Yakcop Hj. Jantan
  34. (2016) Stress Experience Difference Between Jordanian And Malaysian Parents With Infants In The Neonate Intensive Care Unit (Nursing department). Viva Voce: 29.12.2016. Minor correction. Convocation: October 2017., Dua'A Fayiz Mohammad Al Maghaireh
  43. (2014) The Impact Of Self-Management On Depression And Quality Of Life Among Community-Dwelling Elderly (Nursing department, Faculty Of Medicine). Viva: July 2018. Minor modification. Senate approval 30 August 2018. Convocation: 20 October 2018., Liao Shujuan
  44. (2014) Teachers' Classroom Control Through Decision-Making: A CAse Study in a Private Secondary School in Selangor (Institute of Educational Leadership). Thesis submitted for examination - June 2015, viva - 21 September 2015 (Pass with minor collection). Convocation: October 2015, Kenny Cheah Soon Lee
  45. (2014) Principals' Technology Leadership, Teachers' Ict Competency And Teachers' Acceptance And Use Of School Management System (Institute of Educational Leadership), Leong Mei Wei
  46. (2014) Mediating effect of instructional leadership on the relationship between school principals' emotional intelligence and teachers' self-efficacy in teaching (Institute of Educational Leadership), Shafinaz Binti A. Maulod
  47. (2014) Effect of performance work system in strategic management on institutional performance under human resources in the Ministry of Education, Sultanate of Oman (Institute of Graduate Studies, UM). Viva voce: 16 Mei 2016, Minor modification, Convocation: October 2016., Saleh Hamood Nasser Al-Sinawi
  48. (2014) Adaptive learning environment for summary writing (Faculty of Computer Science, UM), Chew Chiou Sheng
  49. (2013) Women's Rights Activism: A Comparative Study of the Perception of Female Muslim Undergraduate Students of University of Malaya, Malaysia and University of Karachi, Pakistan (Faculty of Art and Social Sciences, UM) - Thesis submitted for examination on 27 May 2014, Viva on 7 Jan 2015, (pass with modification), Convocation: October 2015, Aurangzaib Alamgir
  50. (2013) The Utilization of Standardized Patient and Eportfolio in Developing Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment and the Use of Lasater Clinical Assessment Rubrics among Undergraduate Nursing Student. Department of Nursing, Norsiah Binti Rahmat
  51. (2013) The Impact Of Multi-Frame Leadership Style On Organizational Climate In A Private University In Malaysia: A Case Study (Institute of Educational Leadership, UM) (viva - 29 April 2014, convocation, October 2014). The thesis was completed in two and half years., Mabel Tan Hwee Joo
  52. (2013) The Effect of Nursing Education Support Program on The Adaptation to Motherhood and Quality of Life among Primiparous Women (Faculty of Medicine), Institute of Postgraduate Studies, Rasnah Binti Abdul Rahman
  53. (2013) The effect of improvisation and composition activities on creativity and musical achievement ( viva voce 20 January 2014, Convocation - October 2014), Lim Zek Chew
  54. (2013) Technology integration, organisation and faculty's beliefs, and pedagogical innovations in higher education institutions (Viva Voce: 2 August 2013, Convocation: September 2013). The thesis was completed in one and half years., Lu Huong Ying
  55. (2013) Mediating effects of teachers' motivational factors on the relationship between principal's leadership skills and students' performance in co-curriculum (Institute of Educational Leadership), Margaret Lim Pei Tee
  56. (2013) Leadership style of secondary school principals and teachers' stress level in Malacca (Thesis submitted to IGS for examination, February 2014, viva on 12 June 2014 - minor modification, convocation: October 2014), Ibrahim Bin Jari
  57. (2013) Influence of emotional intelligence abilities on leadership skill in cooperation movement in Malaysian schools (Viva Voce: 31 July 2013, Convocation: September 2013), Nik Rashid Bin Ismail
  58. (2013) Effect of musical audiation on quality of creative musical product (Cultural center, UM), Liow Bee Teen
  59. (2013) An Experimental Investigation of Tacit Knowledge in Requirements Elicitation (Faculty of Computer Science, UM), Low Foong Li
  60. (2013) A comparative study of Aural and aural-analysis approaches to the acquisition of higher-order thinking skills in melodic improvisation (viva voce: 5 August 2013; Convocation: September 2013), Cheong Ku Wing
  61. (2013) The Influence of Multi-Frame Leadership Style on Organizational Climate in a Private University in Malaysia: A Case Study, MABEL TAN HWEE JOO
  62. (2012) Influences of creativity and critical problem -solving abilities on the abilities of visual effect skills of a group of multimedia students (Multimedia University of Malaysia), Ng Lynn Sze
  63. (2012) Technology Integration and Pedagogical Innovations in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions, LU HUONG YING
  64. (2011) Development of professional learning community through the peer assisted study session programme (Institute of Educational Leadership, UM), Christine Wong Siew Kuan
  1. (2023) Training Intervention on Breaking Comfort-Zone Barriers for Improving Leadership Effectiveness a Comparative Study of Top and Middle Management Leaders, HARIDAS A/L SUPPIAH
  2. (2019) Facebook group as a tool for enhancing student's learning activities : A case study on Sunway University, RUBIAH BINTI HASAN LATT
  3. (2016) Ethical Leadership and Caring School Leadership of Secondary School Principals in Hulu Langat, Selangor, AHMAD NAJMUDDIN BIN AZMI
  4. (2016) The Influence of Principals' Technology Leadership Practices and Teachers' ICT Competency in Dhaka City Bangladesh, NIGER SULTANA
  6. (2014) The Effect Of Background Music In Advertisement On Young Adults (Cultural Centra, UM), TAM JOO EE
  8. (2012) Multiple intelligences of educational leaders and professional development in the MRSM institutes, Syauqi Mohd Noor
  9. (2012) Multiple intelligences and work motivation of educational leaders in the Mara institutes (In Malay Language), Adanan bin Hussin
  10. (2012) Multiple intelligences and strategic management skills of educational leaders in the Mara institutes (In Malay Language), Khairul Hisham b Abd. Kadar
  11. (2012) Multiple intelligences and curriculum management of educational leaders in the MRSM institutes (In Malay Language), Mohammed Najib bin Othman
  12. (2012) Multiple intelligences and communication skills of educational leaders in the MRSM institutes, Mohd Firdaus bin Abd Razak
  13. (2012) Multiple intelligences and commitment level of educational leaders in the Mara institution, Norhesham Mat Jusoh
  14. (2012) Multiple intelligence and instructional supervision practices of educational leaders in the MRSM institutes (In Malay Language), Zakaria bin Taib
  15. (2011) Multiple intelligences and self-motivation of school leaders in the Seremban District, Negeri Sembilan (In Malay Language), Aribah bt. Ishak
  16. (2011) Multiple intelligences and management skills of school principals in the Pudu Zone, Kuala Lumpur, Theivanai A/P Krishnan
  17. (2011) Multiple Intelligences and leadership skills of school principals in the Tampin District, Negeri Sembilan (In Malay Language), Rohaslizan bt. Muhammad
  18. (2011) Multiple intelligences and curriculum management patterns of school leaders in the Rompin District, Pahang (In Malay Language), Zulkifli bin Ab Kadir
  19. (2011) Multiple intelligences and creativity of education leaders in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan (In Malay Language), Haslina bt. Said
  20. (2011) Multiple intelligences and co-curriculum management skills of school leaders in the Bera District, Pahang, Lee Eng Pee
  21. (2011) Multiple intelligences and accountability of school leaders in financial management in the school life skills committee (In Malay Language), Wan Rosnani binti Wan Kadir
  22. (2011) Communication patterns and multiple intelligences of school principals at secondary schools in Besut,Terengganu, Nor Asmadi bin
  23. (2011) A study on emplyee's motivation in the education industry, VIJAYAKUMARAN S?O KATHIARAYAN
  24. (2010) Verbal communication skills of school principals and teachers' job satisfaction: A Case Study in schools at Kuala Lumpur, Zanariah binti Hamid
  25. (2010) The impacts of a school principal's leadership empowerment on pre-university curriculum implementation at a school in Selangor, Abdul Aziz bin Misngat
  26. (2010) School principals' technology leadership and teachers' ICT competency development in Islamic schools, Kuching, Sarawak, Moktar bin Johar
  27. (2010) School principal's leadership empowerment in co-curricular activities in a FELDA secondary school in Negeri Sembilan, Mazlan bin Latif
  28. (2010) Rabbani leadership practices among effective school principals in the Bachok District, Kelantan (In Malay Language), Zalina binti Yaakob
  29. (2010) Principal Leadership styles and teachers' work stress at a high school in Seremban, Muhamad Fadzli bin Hamid
  30. (2010) Outstanding school principal instructional leadership and teachers' professional development at a secondary school in Kuala Lumpur, Faridah binti A. Rahman
  31. (2010) Impacts of leadership traits of a visionary school principal on teachers' efficacy in the Seremban District, Salmah Binti Hj. Yaacob
  32. (2010) Creative leadership strategies of school principals in the districts of Kota Setar, Zaina binti Said
  33. (2010) Conflicts of headmasters in implementing performance assessment: A Case study on school leaders in an educational office located at Sarawak, Mohamad Hamit bin Jamari
  34. (2010) A case study on principal's multitasking and its impacts on instructional leadership, Ashri bin Idris
  35. (2009) The principal's leadership style and teachers work stress at a school in Melaka, Ibrahim Bin Jari
  36. (2009) Secondary school principals' clinical instructional supervision practices and their relationship with teachers' motivation level, Jackson Apong Anak Abit
  37. (2009) School principals' leadership and professionalism development. A case study on a school principal in Sabak Bernam, Selangor, Zainal Sobdy Surgi
  38. (2009) Relationship between the principal's leadership style and teachers' work commitment level, Hasnita binti Abd. Malek
  39. (2009) Relationship between creative thinking style and leadership style of secondary school principals and primary school headmasters in Perak, Ling Lay Ting
  40. (2009) Principals' instructional leadership skills and teachers' work motivation level at secondary schools in Wilayah Persekutuan, Norazian binti Ab. Razak
  41. (2009) Instructional supervision practices at a cluster school in Wilayah Persekutuan (In Malay Language), SALMAH BINTI ISMAIL
  42. (2009) Impacts of leadership style of a female school principal on work stress of her school teachers at a secondary school in Pahang, ZARAPI BIN MAT YACOB
  43. (2009) Effectiveness of a school principal in solving smoking problem of students at a school in Sarawak, Bolhi bin Narani
  44. (2009) Behaviour and value held by school headmaster in discipline management at a school in Petaling Jaya, LEONG KOK SENG
  45. (2008) The roles of school principals as instructional leaders: From the perspectives of teachers at two schools in the Johor Bahru District, Johor, Woo Lee Fang
  46. (2008) School principals' leadership roles in instructional supervision at two schools in the Raub District, Pahang, Latifah Abdullah
  47. (2008) School principals' leadership practices and teachers' self-efficacy, Syafinaz bt. Maulod
  48. (2008) relationship between principal's instructional supervision practices with teachers' motivation in a religious school, Arman Bin A. Razak
  49. (2008) Participative leadership styles of school principals in decision making and their relationship with work satisfaction of school teachers, Rusidah Mohd Akil
  50. (2008) Leadership style of a school principal and teamwork practices in a school in the Kuantan District, Pahang, Sirojuddin Bin Ibrahim
  51. (2008) Leadership style of a school principal and its relationship with teachers' work commitment, Beritin Anak Empawi
  52. (2008) Impacts of transformational leadership behaviours on motivation of physical and health education teachers in a school at the Bentong District, Pahang, Noor Azhar Bin Mohd Noor
  53. (2008) Functions of the school principal as a change agent in school, Hazura Bt Wan Husain
  54. (2007) Teachers' capacity development at a secondary school in Kuala Lumpur, Nor Aziah Bt Ghazali
  55. (2007) Relationship between principal leadership styles and work motivation of school teachers and supporting staffs, Che Wan Rohaini Bt Ramly
  56. (2007) Relationship between leadership practices of school principals and teacher's teaching efficacy, Nor Amimah Binti Omar
  57. (2007) Principal leadership towards maintaining achievement of a boarding school in Seremban, Mariza Alias
  58. (2007) Level of financial management at a normal day school in the Kulai District, Johor, Mohd Azam Anuar
  59. (2007) Level of acceptance and application of information technology among teachers in a rural school in the Kulai District, Johor, Rashid Bin Muhidin
  60. (2007) Leadership practices of a new principal at a school in Kuala Lumpur, Yean Hoor Shian
  61. (2007) Financial management pattern at a day school in the Kulai District, Johor, Norhaimi Bin Abdullah
  62. (2007) effectiveness of financial management in a rural area day school, Ahmad Mokhtar Bin


  1. (2018) PWA8001 - Quantitative Research Approaches in Education
  2. (2018) PXHD7101 - Quantitative Research in Education
  3. (2017) PWA8001 - Quantitative Research Approaches in Education
  4. (2017) PXHD7101 - Quantitative Research in Education
  5. (2017) YVX8001 - Advanced Research Methods in Educational Leadership
  6. (2017) YVX8001 - Advanced Research Methods in Educational Leadership
  7. (2017) YXGB6111 - Quantitative Research Methods
  8. (2016) HXGH6101 - Research Methodology
  9. (2016) YVX8001 - Advanced Research Methods in Educational Leadership
  10. (2016) YVX8001 - Advanced Research Methods in Educational Leadership
  11. (2016) YXGB6111 - Quantitative Research Methods
  12. (2015) CXHB7103 - Data Analysis for Business
  13. (2015) HXGH6101 - Research Methodology
  14. (2015) YVX8001 - Advanced Research Methods in Educational Leadership
  15. (2015) YXGB6111 - Quantitative Research Methods
  16. (2014) HXGH6101 - Research Methodology
  17. (2013) HXGH6101 - Research Methodology
  18. (2013) JXGA6109 - Research Methodology
  19. (2013) YXHA7102 - Advanced Statistics and Data Analysis
  20. (2012) HMEF5113 - Statistics for Educational Research
  21. (2012) HXGH6101 - Research Methodology
  22. (2012) PPGS6111 - Educational Psychology
  23. (2012) YXGA6113 - Management Project I: School-Based Research
  24. (2012) YXHA7101 - Advanced Research Methodology
  25. (2012) YXHA7101 - Advanced Research Methodology
  26. (2012) YXHA7102 - Advanced Statistics and Data Analysis
  27. (2012) YXHA7105 - Guided Study in Principalship Studies
  28. (2012) YXHA7105 - Guided Study in Principalship Studies
  29. (2011) HMEF5113 - Statistics for Educational Research
  30. (2011) YXGA6103 - Research and Statistics for Principals
  31. (2011) YXGA6180 - Management Project Ii: Research Report
  32. (2011) YXHA7102 - Advanced Statistics and Data Analysis
  33. (2010) HMEF5113 - Statistics for Educational Research
  34. (2010) YXGA6103 - Research and Statistics for Principals
  35. (2010) YXGA6113 - Management Project I: School-Based Research
  36. (2010) YXHA7101 - Advanced Research Methodology
  37. (2010) YXHA7105 - Guided Study in Principalship Studies
  38. (2010) YXHA7105 - Guided Study in Principalship Studies
  39. (2009) YXGA6103 - Research and Statistics for Principals
  40. (2009) YXGA6104 - Theories and Research in School Leadership and Management
  41. (2009) YXGA6113 - Management Project I: School-Based Research
  42. (2009) YXGA6180 - Management Project Ii: Research Report
  43. (2009) YXHA7101 - Advanced Research Methodology
  44. (2009) YXHA7102 - Advanced Statistics and Data Analysis
  45. (2009) YXHA7102 - Advanced Statistics and Data Analysis
  46. (2009) YXHA7105 - Guided Study in Principalship Studies
  47. (2008) YXGA6104 - Theories and Research in School Leadership and Management
  48. (2008) YXGA6108 - The Management of Student Personality Development
  49. (2008) YXGA6180 - Management Project Ii: Research Report
  50. (2007) YXGA6104 - Theories and Research in School Leadership and Management
  51. (2007) YXGA6180 - Management Project Ii: Research Report


  • Game Items With Card To Be Sketched (United States of America Patent File No:14/033098; Reference: UM.TNC2/UMCIC/603/417US,
    Patent (International)
  • The Creativity Game
    Patent (National)
  • The self-assess computer-based YBRAINS Test
    Copyright (National)
  • The self-assess computer-based Thinking Leadership Styles Test
    Copyright (National)


  • Invited Speaker for Writing and Publishing High Impact Journal Article (Bengkel Penerbitan & Penulisan Artikel Jurnal Berimpak Tinggi) On 10 February 2018. Organiser: Sultan Idris Educational University (UPSI), (10 Feb 2018 - 10 Feb 2018)
  • Contribute as Reviewer for a Manuscript for The Journal "Internet Research" (Isi Web of Science Journal - Impact Factor: 4.19, Tier 1); Article Number: Manuscript Id Intr-05-2016-0126.R2., (05 Jul 2017 - 20 Jul 2017)
  • Contribute as Reviewer for a Manuscript for The Journal "Computers & Education" (Isi Web of Science Journal - Impact Factor: 2.881, Tier 1); Article Number: Manuscript Id: Cae-D-17-00394., (28 Jun 2017 - 18 Jul 2017)
  • Contribute as Reviewer for a Manuscript for The Journal "Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities" (Isi Web of Science & Scopus Journal); Article Number: Manuscript Id: Jssh-1975-2016., (23 May 2017 - 29 May 2017)
  • Conduct Data Analysis Workshop to Enhance Post-Graduates' Research Skill for Institute of Graduate Studies Upskill Programme "Smartpls Workshop"., (18 Apr 2017 - 19 Apr 2017)
  • Contribute as Panel Reviewer for Evaluation for Bkp Proposal "Student Readiness for Blended Learning in Malaysian Public Higher Education Institutions" (2017 Bkp Fund), (22 Mar 2017 - 23 Mar 2017)
  • Contribute as Panel for Evaluation for Frgs Proposal "Exploring Social Media and Online Purchase Adoption of Japanese and Korean Products in Malaysia" for Equitable Society Research Cluster (Esrc), (12 Mar 2017 - 13 Mar 2017)
  • Conduct Data Analysis Workshop to Enhance Post-Graduates' Research Skill for Institute of Graduate Studies Upskill Programme : Part 1 ­ Data Analysis With Structural Equation Modeling (Sem) Using Amos & Spss Data., (01 Mar 2017 - 02 Mar 2017)
  • Working as Reviewer for Two Manuscripts for The Journal "Computers in Human Behavior" (Isi Web of Science Journal - Impact Factor: 2.880, Tier 1); Article Number: Chb-D-17-01121 and Chb-D-16-02356., (21 Jan 2017 - 03 Jul 2017)
  • Helping Primary & Secondary Schools in Klang Valley to Collect School Building Fund by Selling My Calligraphy Works. This Yearly Activity Helped Schools to Collect Approximately Rm50,000., (02 Jan 2017 - 14 Feb 2017)
  • Contribute as Reviewer for a Manuscript for The Journal "Internet Research" (Isi Web of Science Journal - Impact Factor: 4.19, Tier 1); Article Number: Manuscript Id: Intr-10-2016-0316., (20 Dec 2016 - 04 Jan 2017)
  • Work as a Reviewer for a Tier 1 Isi Social Science Citation Index Journal "Internet Research", Impact Factor = 3.017 (November - Disember 2016)., (27 Nov 2016 - 31 Dec 2016)
  • Invited Speaker for Structural Equation Modeling Data Analysis Workshop for Postgraduate Students At The Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA., (12 Nov 2016 - 12 Nov 2016)
  • Invited as One of The Instructors for The Research Methodology (Hxgh6101) Course, Institute of Graduate School, UM for Semester I 2016-2017., (10 Nov 2016 - 10 Nov 2016)
  • Invited Speaker for a Symposium On Building Research Expertise in Creative Multimedia and Informatics. Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya., (03 Nov 2016 - 04 Nov 2016)
  • Contribute as Reviewer for a Manuscript for The Journal "International Journal of Research & Method in Education" (Scopus Journal ); Article Number: Manuscript Id: Cwse-2016-0070., (25 Aug 2016 - 28 Sep 2016)
  • Work as a Reviewer for An Isi Social Science Citation Index Journal Transactions On Learning Technologies Impact Factor = 1.129 (August - September 2016)., (10 Aug 2016 - 14 Sep 2016)
  • Contribute as Reviewer for a Manuscript for The Journal "The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (Tape)" (Isi Web of Science Journal - Impact Factor: 0.573); Article Number: Manuscript Id: Tape-D-16-00261., (20 Jul 2016 - 26 Aug 2016)
  • Work as Trainer of Statistics for Psychologists, Bio-Mechanics, Nutritionists for National Athletes and Staffs At The National Institute of Sport, Bukit Jalil, Malaysia from from April to November 2016., (01 Apr 2016 - 30 Nov 2016)
  • Invited for Statistics Training for Post-Graduate Students At The Asia-E University, Kuala Lumpur. (March and September 2016), (19 Mar 2016 - 19 Nov 2016)
  • Work as Panel for Master Research Proposal of (Title: The Relationship Between Occupational Participation and Meaningful Activity On Quality of Life of Colorectal Cancer Survivors - Use of Pls Analyses), Dept of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya., (16 Mar 2016 - 16 Mar 2016)
  • Contribute as Reviewer for a Manuscript for The Journal "IEEE Transactions On Learning Technologies" (Isi Web of Science Journal - Impact Factor: 2.267, Tier 1); Article Number: Manuscript Id: Tlt-2015-09-0163.R2., (07 Mar 2016 - 25 Mar 2016)
  • Work as Panel for Phd Research Proposal of Maryam Kheirollahpour (Hhc140025), Institute of Graduate School, UM., (24 Feb 2016 - 10 Mar 2016)
  • Receive The Recognised Reviewer Award - Awarded by Elsevier for The Contribution for Reviewing Papers of a Tier 1 Isi Social Citation Index Journal "The Computers in Human Behavior., (15 Feb 2016 - 15 Feb 2016)
  • Helping Primary & Secondary Schools in Klang Valley to Collect School Building Fund by Selling My Calligraphy Works. This Yearly Activity Helped Schools to Collect Approximately Rm50,000., (05 Jan 2016 - 29 Feb 2016)
  • Helping Schools (Pj and Seri Kembangan) Raising Fund Through Selling Calligraphy, (15 Jan 2014 - 15 Feb 2014)
  • Conduct Data Analysis Course (Hands-On Application of Spss) for Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, UM, (26 Jan 2011 - 26 Jan 2011)
  • Organising Committee Member for The Sixth National Seminar of Principalship (2009). Organised by The Institute of Principalship Studies, UM On 10-12 March 2009., (10 Mar 2009 - 12 Mar 2009)
  • Chairperson for The Forum Entitled "School Improvement: Building Principal Capacity" (Speaker: Ygbhg. Dato' Seri Dr Abdul Shukur Abdullah) At The 3rd International Conference On Prinsipalship and School Management 2008 (13 March 2008), Organised by The Institute of Principalship Studies, UM. Venue: The Legend Hotel, Kl., (10 Mar 2008 - 13 Mar 2008)
  • Higher Institutions in Malaysia - Provide Service for Data Analysis to Students and Learners, (01 Jan 2006 - 31 Dec 2010)
  • Work as a Facilitator and Instructor for Students of Primary School and Secondary Schools At Seri Kembangan, (03 Jan 1994 - 31 Dec 2010)
  • Helping Primary Schools in Klang Valley to Collect School Building Fund by Selling My Calligraphy Works. This Yearly Activity Helped Schools to Collect More Than Rm500,000, (03 Feb 1993 - 02 Jan 2020)