Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology
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Ts.Dr. Siti Hajar Halili is an Associate Professor at the Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. She is also a Professional Technologist (Ts) from the Malaysian Board of Technology (MBOT). Currently, she is the Head of the Department of Curriculum & Instructional Technology. She was formerly with the Research Division, Prime Minister Department, Malaysia. She holds a Degree in Information System Management from the University Technology MARA, a Master's in Educational Technology, and a Ph.D. in Adult Education Technology from the University Sains Malaysia. Her works are published in ISI, SCOPUS, Malaysian and International journals. She has also published books and chapters in books. She has received awards such as the Deans’ Award, Best of Presentation Award, Excellent Service Award, Gold Award, The Most Outstanding Reviewer, Appreciation Certificate from Jabatan Pendidikan Selangor, and scholarships from MyBrain15 and USM Fellowship. She has broad experience in teaching and training in Instructional Design & Technology. She was Chief Editor of Jurnal Penyelidikan Pendidikan, and article reviewer for several journals and conferences. She is also appointed as the university open distance learning (ODL) expert, Programme Coordinator for the university ODL and Master of Instructional Technology program, Head of Auditor for the faculty of education, and one of the University Malaya Family Research & Development Center committee members. She is active in research and publishes in Instructional Design in Technology-Enhanced Learning (ID-TeL) (Flipped Learning & Open Distance Learning), Open Education and Digital Curriculum. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Developing Non-cognitive Skills In Open And Virtual Learning Environments : An Exploration Of Teachers? Perceptions, Strategies And Chanllenges In Pakistan And Malaysia |
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Assessing Collaboration In Curriculum & Instruction: Short Training Courses And Study Visits At Universiti Malaya |
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Open-badges Learning (obl) - Guideline For The Future Credential |
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This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Unveiling the role of organizational commitment on job satisfaction and job performance in Islamic education
The Influence of Confucian Ethics and Cultural Values on Teacher Motivation in Public Middle Schools in Southern China
Exploring factors affecting the preservice mathematics teachers’ use of digital mathematics learning media during online teaching practice
61. Norshahida Hassan, Rafiza Abdul Razak, Siti Hajar Halili, Amirrudin Kamsin, Sabrina Adia Mohd Sharizal (2024). Determining the challenges in English Learning Speaking Skill for pre-university students, JUKU 12(4), 1-13.
Noormala Anuar Ali, Rafiza Abdul Razak & Siti Hajar Halili (2024). Kesalahan Sebutan dan Latihan Pertuturan Kanak-kanak. Universiti Malaya: UMPress.
Implementasi Fuzzy Delphi Dalam Penelitian: Teori dan Praktek,
Creative Innovations of Interdisciplinary Education
Infographics Of Innovative Designs At Higher Education.
Chapter 10: Implementing Design-Based Research in Developing Mobile Flipped Learning Module at TVET Institution.
Chapter 1: Instructional Framework of Professional Ethics: A Design-Based Research
Designing Flipped Learning for the Digital Age.
The relevance of Emotional Intelligence in Urban Poverty among Secondary School Students in Malaysia.