Department of Science and Technology Studies
Faculty of Science
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Pembangunan Kerangka Etika-agama Dalam Menangani Impak Kecerdasan Buatan (ai) Terhadap Autonomi Manusia |
on going |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
IBN ARABI AND HIS CHALLENGES ON THE ISSUE OF FREE WILL A Review of the Issue in Light of Two of His Theories
Imago Dei: Ibn 'Arabi's Perspective in LIght of Judeo-Christian Tradition.
Image of God and Image of Human Being: A Philosophical Investigation of the God-Human and Human-Machine Relationships.
The Human Nature: Divinity of Man in Ibn Arabi’s and Shankara’s Perspectives.
Tujuh Ilmu Pilihan dalam Bahasa Melayu Sebelum Abad ke-20 Masihi (Jilid II)
Kepintaran Buatan dalam teknologi robotik menurut perspektif Islam
The Discourse on Science and Islam in Malaysia: Context and Content
Pendidikan Sejarah dan Falsafah Sains di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam
Wacana Sejarah dan Falsafah Sains Sebagai respons Terhadap Kemodenan: Satu Tinjauan Pebandingan antara Wacana Falsafah Sains Barat dan Islam