Department of Syariah and Management
Academy of Islamic Studies
mrmklum.edu.myView CV | |
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Dr. Mohd Rizal Muwazir is currently a senior lecturer at the Department of Shariah and Management, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. Mohd Rizal completed his PhD from Cardiff Business School, UK in 2012. He holds a BA in Shariah and Management (2003), and an MBA in accounting (2006) from the Universiti Malaya. He also holds a Prosgraduate Diploma in Social Science Research Methods from Cardiff University in 2007. Mohd Rizal's area of expertise are Islamic banking, Islamic corporate governance, CSR, Islamic accounting and auditing, and financial sustainability in halal industry. He is a member of the Shariah Committe of OCBC AL-Amin Bank Berhad. In addition, he is also a research team member at Gulf One Lab for Computational and Economic Research (GOLCER), Lancaster University Management School, UK. |