Department of Syariah and Management
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Dr Fadillah Mansor is an Associate Professor and the Head of Department, Department of Shariah and Management, Academy of Islamic Studies, University Malaya starts from Jan 2019 till current. She joins UM since February 2002. Priorly, she was a lecturer cum Head, Department of Muamalat at Selangor International Islamic University College (KUIS) from 1999 till February 2002. She obtained her PhD (in Islamic finance) from the La Trobe University, Australia. Prior to that, she holds a Bachelor in Shariah (Hons) minor in economics in 1997 and a MBA specialize in Finance in 2001 from the University of Malaya. Her areas of expertise include Islamic finance, Islamic banking, Islamic investments and capital market, takaful and also Islamic management. She has written numerous articles in Islamic finance and her works have been published in International journals and proceedings. In her teaching tasks, she has taught several subjects in in her field encompass Islamic financial system, Islamic capital market, economics for muamalat, Islamic banking operations at undergraduate levels. Her research interest focus on Islamic banking and finance including Islamic mutual fund investments, Islamic financial literacy and Islamic financial planning. She is also interested in research related to halal management. Nationally, she is a member of Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FIMM) from 2005 until 2016. She is also a panel assessor for Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA), an agency that responsible for programme accreditations before the programme is listed under Malaysian Qualifications Register. As MQA assessor, she has experienced to evaluate more than 50 programmes offered by the IPTA and IPTS in Malaysia in the field of Islamic finance, muamalat, Islamic banking and finance, takaful and also Islamic management. Internationally, she serves as an appointed reviewer for refereed journal including International Journal of Emerging Markets; International Journal of Economics and Management; Applied Economics incorporating Applied Financial Economics; Journal of Business Economics and Management; and European Journal of Development Research and many more. She is also actived in the Islamic banking and finance industry as a member of Shariah Committee of Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad.
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Keperluan Nuansa Perancangan Dan Pengurusan Kewangan: Kajian Dan Perspektif Teori Maqasid Syariah Berasaskan Al-quran Dan Al-sunnah Dan Praktis Orang Ramai |
on going |
Factors Influencing the Selection of Unit Trust Fund Managers amongst Muslim Investors in Malaysia |
on going |
Pendidikan Kewangan Dan Celik Kewangan Islam Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Pengguna : Kajian Dari Perspektif Perancangan Kewangan Islam |
end |
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Zakat and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Assessing the Ripple Effect of Obligatory-Alms Spending on Education. Empirical Evidence From Pakistan
Fundamental and Role ESG in Islamic Finance and Business: A Literature Review and Content Analysis
Need for reform in AAOIFI Standards on Murabaha Financing: Evidence from Islamic Banks in Pakistan
Yasir Aziz, Fadillah Mansor, Luqman Bin Haji Abdullah, Najeeb Zada (2023) Antecedents of donors trust and donation behaviour towards charity organisation: empirical evidence from Pakistan , 11 (5), 565
Investment in Islamic Mutual Funds
Mohd Rizal Muwazir dan Fadillah Mansor (2021), (eds) Pengurusan INstitusi Perniagaan dan Kewangan Islam di Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: ,UM Press. (PUBLISHED
BUKU KEWANGAN ISLAM "Dinamisme Kewangan Islam di Malaysia (2014) (e-book). Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit UM.
Dimensi Pengurusan Islam, Mengurus Kerja dan Mengurus Modal Insan (e-book), Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya
Return Provisions Stipulated Investor Holding Periode In Islamic Banking’s Share (Artificial Intelligent VS Panel Approach
Fadillah Mansor dan Mohammad Hafiz Ahmad Ali (2021), “Pengurusan Produk Pembiayaan Mikrokredit di Institusi Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia” dalam Mohd Rizal Muwazir dan Fadillah Mansor (2021), (eds) Pengurusan INstitusi Perniagaan dan Kewangan Islam di Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: ,UM Press, pp.33-59. (PUBLISHED)
Mansor, F., and Bhatti, M. I. (2017). Evidence of Risk return performance of Islamic Mutual Funds: The case of Malaysia Chapter 4, pages 81- 102, in the book entitled, Advances in Islamic Finance, Marketing and management: An Asian prospective, edited by D. Mutum, MM Butt and M. Rashid, emerald publishing
Muhammad Hisyam Bin Mohamad & Fadillah Mansor (2016) “Patuh-Syariah Dan Kesannya Ke Atas Pengurusan Risiko Organisasi: Satu Kajian Awal” Dalam Luqman Hj Abdullah et al. (2016), Maqasid Al-Shari’ah: Aplikasi Dalam Aspek Muamalat Dan Kehartaan (pp. 231-244). Kuala Lumpur: Jabatan Fiqh Dan Usul Fiqh, Universiti Malaya, (ISBN: 978—967-5534-59-1)