Nanotechnology Catalysis Research Centre
dr.zaira.chowdhuryum.edu.myView CV | |
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Dr. Zaira Zaman Chowdhury is working as a Senior Lecturer in Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT), a potential National HICOE and UM COE. Earlier, she was appointed as Senior Research Fellow under the same institution. She has completed her Post Doctoral Research Fellowship from 1/10/2013-31/03/2015 in Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT), University Malaya. Previously, she was appointed as Research Officer in Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT), University Malaya from 1/04/2013 to 30/09/2013. She has started her career with University Malaya from November 2008 Research Assistant in the Department of Chemistry under supervision of Prof. Dr. Sharifuddin Mohd. Zain. She received her PhD in Environmental Analytical Chemistry from University of Malaya in 2013, whilst MSc. In Polymer Engineering and Technology from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2003, and BSc. in Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Technology from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2001 and Bachelor in Education (BEd.) in 2007 from Royale University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She has completed her training in Environmental Analytical Chemistry from TAFE, Sydney, Australia. She has received Cambridge International Diploma for Teacher & Trainers (CIDTT) from Cambridge University, UK with “Distinction” in 2006-2007. She has experience in the development of fiber polymer composites, waste water treatment and adsorbent preparation for batch and fixed bed adsorption system. She has worked for synthesis of micro and nano structured carbon and biomass processing using catalyst. She has conducted some research to illustrate the catalytic application of carbon as well as extraction of nano and micro dimensional cellulose. She has contributed more than 117 papers in ISI & Scopus top ranking journal with 95 international Conference Proceedings. At present she is guiding 12 PhD and 11 Mphil scholars. She has 49,715.65 RM International Grant achieved from International Industries and Universities. As a Principal investigator, she had 163,336 RM earlier. At present (2021) she had internal funding of 3,56,000 RM and external funding of 3,37,215.86 RM as PI and co-researcher. She has 2 International Patent having H index 25. Dr. Zaira has received several esteemed award such as Dr. Zaira has received several esteemed award such as International Education Excellence Award in nanotechnology 2021 from CPAC from UK, , Distinguished Researcher Award in Nano-catalyis and Water Treatment, Excellent Scientific Award in 2020 for "Carbon Chemistry and Water Treatment, IMRF Brezileius Award in Nanotechnology and Catalysis 2019, India; Best Researcher Award in Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 2019, India; ISPA Gunasekaran Award 2018, India; Best Scientist Award in Nanotechnology 2018, India; Elsevier’s Atlas award in 2015, Gold Award and Silver Award from Malaysian Inventions and Design Society (MINDS) and University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP, 2013). She has received CIMA Appreciation Award from Malaysian Inventions and Design Society (MINDS) and University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP, 2013). Recently she has received Bronze Award from International Engineering Innovation and Invention Exhibition (IENVEX), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP 2014). In 2016, she has received best paper award on Fourth Generation Nanoantioxidant Synthesis from New Zealand.
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Strengthening Community Based Initiatives For Pollution Mitigation And Policy Implementation Using Functionalized Smart Nanomaterials: A Nexus Between Energy And Environmental Aspect And Its? Impact On Circular Economy |
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Carbon nanomaterials in coatings: A review focusing thin film photovoltaic solar cells
Evolution of structural and electronic properties standardized description in rhenium disulfide at the bulk-monolayer transition
Application of carbon nanofluids in non-concentrating solar thermal collectors: A critical review of experimental investigations
Two Step Synthesis and Application of Porous Carbon for Removal of Copper (II) from Wastewater: Statistical Optimization and Equilibrium Isotherm Analysis
EDITED RESEARCH BOOK (INTERNATIONAL): Food Microbial and Molecular Biology: From Fundamentals to Applications). CRC PRESS, TAYLORS AND FRANCIS. PUBLISHED 2023.
Preparation of Adsorbent materials using Central Composite Design (CCD) and its application in waste water treatment
Devnath, R., Chowdhury, Z. Z.*, & Mitra, A. (2024).:Nanocellulose Based Composites for Food Packaging: Part II, Chapter 12, Biobased nanomaterials: Applications in biomedicine, food industry, agriculture, and environmental sustainability (Part III: Chapter 12). Springer. ISBN 978-981-97-05-492-9. http//doi.org/10.1007/979-981-97--0542-9.
Chapter 11: Quantitative Determination of Food Toxins of Plant Origin by GC-MS, Book: Analysis of Naturally Occurring Food Toxins of Plant Origin, CRC Press, Taylors and Francis, UK, DOI: 10.1201/9781003222194-14..
Integration of Microbial Treatment for Advanced Biological Treatment of Wastewater, (2023). R. Reevenishaa Ravi Chandran, Zaira Zaman Chowdhury, Masud Rana, Ahmed Elsayid Ali, Rahman Faizur Rafique, Md. Mahfujur Rahaman and Karthickeyan Viswanatha, Book: Wastewater Treatment Using Green Synthesis, ISBN: 978-1-032-37966-1 (hbk), Taylors and Francis, UK, 2023. Published.
Chapter 24: Biobased materials in removing organic dyes from water (2023). Paul Thomas, Chin Wei Lai, Mohd Rafie Johan, and Zaira Zaman Chowdhury, Advanced Application in Biobased Materials, Food, Biomedical, and Environmental Applications, Elsevier, UK, ISBN: 978-0-323-91677-6, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-91677-6.00012-X. page no 570-591. Published.