Department of Chinese Studies
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Dr Fan Pik Wah, was born in the state of Kedah in Malaysia. Her ancestral home is Zhaoqing, which is a district of the province of Guang Dong, China, making her a member of the Hakka dialect group. Her primary and secondary education was in Chinese schools in Malaysia. After graduating from the University o f Malaya with Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in Chinese Studies, she furthers her PhD study to Peking University, China in Chinese Classical Literature. Now is the associate professor and head of deparment in Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Science in University of Malaya. Her research areas include classical Chinese literature, Malaysian Chinese literature and culture. She has written on literary articles in news paper and academic papers on Chinese Shici, Malaysian Chinese literature and Malaysian Chinese in cultural and society.潘碧华,出生于马来西亚吉打州,祖籍广东肇庆高要,毕业于居林觉民中学、马来亚大学中文系,马大中文系硕士、北京大学古代文学博士,现任教于马来亚大学中文系副教授兼主任,马来西亚华文作家协会会长。专业研究中国古代诗词、马来西亚华文文学和华人文化。