Department of Chinese Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Taoism And Chinese Popular Belief In Contemporary Malaysia |
end |
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A Discussion on Laozi Zhigui's View on Life
A Brief Discussion on the Inheritance and Development of Laozi’s Tao in later Taoism
Lun Zhuangzi Yangshengzhu de Xingshen Guan (The Relationship between Body and Spirit in The Quintessence of Nourishing Life of the Zhuangzi)
The Religious Education Meanings and Practices on Chinese Religious Vegetarian in Malaysia
Duoyuan Yiti De Huaren Zongjiao Yu Wenhua (Diversity in Unity: Studies of Chinese Religion and Culture).
Daojiao De Shangdi Guan (The Taoist Concept of God)
Hanxue De Quyu (Areas of Sinology)
The Godhead, Power, and Function of the Taoist Tudi Gong: The Datuk Gong as Differing from the Taoist Tudi Gong.
Taoism in Malaysia
Nilai Integriti dalam Agama Taoisme
Reason, Faith and the Heaven-Human Relationship