Department of Chinese Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
teohhooiseeum.edu.myView CV | |
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Dr. Teoh Hooi See currently Senior lecturer at the Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, having joined the University in 2011. Prior to this, she obtained her Bachelor and Master’s degrees from the University of Malaya and her PhD from the University of Peking, Beijing, China. She also was the recipient of the International Students Academic Award (first class) from the University of Peking in 2011. Dr. Teoh’s academic research focuses on classical Chinese drama, modern & contemporary Chinese literature and Mahua Literature. Her published research papers include “Private Assistant, Local Drama and Native Consciousness: The relationship between Yang Enshou's Assistant Career and His Concern in Drama” and “Traditional Women and Qing politics: the Image of Li Xiang Jun in Tao Huashan”. She has also published an anthology of poems entitled “Standing on the other side of forgotten” and a series of essays entitled “Xinshi Honghong”. She has won several literature awards, including Flower Trace (Hua Zhong) of the World Chinese Literature Award, Li He of the Chinese Prose Award, and Chao Qing Youth Literary Award. Currently, Dr. Teoh lectures on classical Chinese drama, modern Chinese literature, and Malaysian Chinese Literature. |
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Perkembangan Akademik Dan Sastera Cina Malaysia Dalam Universiti Malaya (1963-2000) |
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The Study, Writing And Publication Of Sinophone Malaysian Literary Studies : A Critical Reader |
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Kesinambungan Dan Penyesuaian Gaya Hidup: Penulisan Sastera Dan Kebudayaan Diaspora Masyarakat Cina Di Tanah Melayu Pada Awal Abad Ke-20 |
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Teoh Hooi See, Li Mei (2022). “Trauma, Anxiety and Reflections: On Ng Kim Chew’s Dream Narrative in His Early Fiction”. Literatures in Chinese, Vol.162, No.4 (pp.57-64). Guangdong: Shantou University
The Emerge of the Official Knowledge: The Making of Malaya First Generation Chinese Primary School Textbooks
Teoh Hooi See. (2021). “The Imprints of Women's Education in Nanyang: Graphics of Nanyang Female Intellectuals in Early Modern Chinese Pictorials and Magazines and its Significance”.Chung Cheng Chinese Studies 2021.6.v37
The Imprints of Women's Education in Nanyang: Graphics of Nanyang Female Intellectuals in Early Modern Chinese Pictorials and Magazines and its Significance
Teoh Hooi See (2022). Editorial Board. Collected Works of Tay Lian Soo In Classical Chinese Studies. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. ISBN 978-7-5203-8757-6.
EDITORIAL BOARD. Lim, C.B., Fan, P.W., Seng, Y.C., Thock, K.P., Yam, K.K., Teoh, H.S., Ngu, I.K., Ong, S.K., Chai, S.L., Ho, K.C., Ching, T.H., Yeoh, Y.Y. (2018). Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture Vol.6.No.2. Kuala Lumpur: Department of Chinese Studies , University of Malaya Press. ISSN:2289-232X.
EDITORIAL BOARD. Chai, S.L., Ching, T.H., Fan, P.W., Ho, K.C., Ngu, I.K., Ong, S.K., Seng, Y.C., Teoh, H.S., Thock, K.T. (2018). Journals of Sinological Studies. Vol.9.Kuala Lumpur: Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya. ISBN No.2180-4729.
EDITORIAL BOARD. Lim, C.B., Fan, P.W., Seng, Y.C., Thock, K.P., Yam, K.K., Teoh, H.S., Ngu, I.K., Ong, S.K., Chai, S.L., Khoo, K.W., Ching, T.H. (2018). Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture Vol.6.No.1. Kuala Lumpur: Department of Chinese Studies , University of Malaya Press.
Teoh Hooi See(2022). Geographical Encyclopaedia, Science and Travel Consciousness : Malaya Travelogue and Memoirs Writing (1920-1940) .Tee Kim Tong, Ngoi Guat Peng(ed.). Sinophone and the South. Kaohsiung: Unit of Diaspora/Modernity Research and Center for the Humanities, National Sun Yat-sen University.
Teoh Hooi See (2022). "The Influence of Zhi Yan Zhai’s Sentimental Criticism in novel". Chan Kong Choy, Fan Pik Wah (ed.) Literature ,Text and Culture: Multiple-dimensional Perspective and Methodology in Studies on Hong Lou Meng. Kuala Lumpur: Hong Lou Meng Research Centre, University of Malaya. Pp.301-313. ISBN: 978-983-99499-6-4.
Teoh Hooi See (2022). "Bernard Woon Swee Tin, Sirius Poetry Society and the collection of modern poetry ". Tee Kim Tong, Ng Kim Chew, Ko Chia Cian (ed). Sinophone Malaysian Literature, A History through Literary and Cultural Texts. Taipei: China Times Publishing Co. ISBN: 878-335-857-7.
Teoh Hooi See (2022). "Scientific Awareness and Local Knowledge: Characteristics of travelogues by a Chinese Southern Traveller in the 1920s and 1930s". Sinophone Malaysian Literature, A History through Literary and Cultural Texts. Taipei: China Times Publishing Co. ISBN: 878-335-857-7.