Department of Social Administration and Justice
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
noralinaum.edu.myView CV | |
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Dr Noralina Omar is a senior lecturer at the Department of Social Administration and Justice, University of Malaya. Her core area of expertise is Family Social Work. Over 10 years, she has been involved in research and publications focusing on family and children. Her research interests focus on child well-being, family ecology and parent-child relationship. ORCID ID: https//orcid.org/0000-0003-0539-5956 Web of Science Researcher ID: P-8104-2019 SCOPUS ID: 55214672200 |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Initiating Business Activity Among B40's Entrepreneurs In Food (chips) Trading |
end |
The Cultural Perception On Alcohol Consumption Among Orang Asli |
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This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
The Influence of the Microsystem Context on the Well-Being of Left-Behind Children in Sichuan Province, China
Opening Routes to Re-Employment Behaviour of Older Women: How do family-related Factors Affect?
Advocating women entrepreneurs’ success in a developing country: An explanatory analysis
Menangani Ketaksamaan Gender dalam Keusahawanan: Cabaran Usahawan Wanita dari Kumpulan Berpendapatan Rendah (B40)
Praktis Kerja Sosial Gerontologi
Pentadbiran sosial: penyampaian perkhidmatan sosial di Malaysia
Gerontologi: memahami konteks sosial penuaan
Restorative Justice in Malaysia: Law and Social Work
Teori Interaksi Simbolik. (Bab 11 Buku Teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial)
Moving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG-5) Forward: Challenges, Enablers, and Policy Implications for Mumpreneurs in Developing Countries
Community-Based Rehabilitation Programs for the Acid Victims’ Community in Bangladesh: A Conceptual Analysis Aiming to Including the Excluded Into the SDGs Regime
The importance of social assistance in fulfilling the needs of children's right in Malaysia