Annual Publications by Category
Summary of Budget vs Expenditure per vote for all research grants
Last 3 Projects
Project Title Progress Status
Carbon Sequestration through Basalt Concrete and Enhanced Rock Weathering: A Sustainable Infrastructure Initiative for UM's Carbon Neutrality Goal
Wp1: Mineral Carbonation For Carbon Capture And Utilisation In Malaysian Basalts Formation And Concrete
on going
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System
Latest Publications

Pharmacological inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress mitigates osteoporosis in a mouse model of hindlimb suspension


Friction Stir Alloying AZ61 Magnesium Alloy and Mild Steel with Zn-CNT Additive


Deconvolving geochemical micro-spatial variability of an unconsolidated aquifer through chemometric and geostatistical techniques


Digital core analysis: Characterizing reservoir quality through thin sandstone layers in heterolithic rocks