Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling
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Associate Prof. Dr. Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung (Bachelor of Psychology, Master and PhD of Psychology (UKM) is a lecturer in Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. She was appointed as Head of Department, Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling from 2015 - 2017. She is currently a program coordinator in Master of Early Childhood Education, a position she held since 2012. As Editor in Chief, Malaysian Online Journal Psychology and Counselling since 2019 - current. She has been awarded Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (2016) and Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (2021).
She was Editor Guest for Scopus journals, Advanced Science Letter Journal and Education and Information Technology (Springer). Her name is very well-known in CRC Balkema Taylor & Francis Publisher as Editor Books of Economics, Social Sciences and Informational Management (2015), The Role of Service in Tourism & Hospitality Industry (2015), Social Sciences and Inter-diciplinary Behaviour (2016) and Knowledge, Service, Tourism & Hospitality (2016), Managing Service, Education and Knowledge Management in the Knowledge Economic Era (2017), Social Interactions and Networking in Cyber Society (Springer) (2017), Trends and Issues in Inter-diciplinary Behaviour and Social Sciences (2017, 2018), Early Childhood Education in 21st century (2019), The Social Science Empowered (2020). Her most recent contribution is as Author of book of Penyelidikan Dalam Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak(2021), Pembangunan Sumber Manusia: perspektif Psikologi Organisasi (2023), Prinsip Pengurusan Tingkah Laku: teori, amalan dan stategi pengajaran (2025) and Sustainability Consciousness in Esrly Childhood Education (2025) by University Malaya Press.
She is also appointed as Article Review Journal for Scopus Journal such as Pertanika, Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Education and Information Technologies (Springer), Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Malaysian Online Journal of Education Management. Fonny has been involved in about 15 research projects. Her research interest are Preschool Education, Psychology Wellbeing, Cognitive Ability children, Psychosocial wellbeing oral health patients, Psychosocial children with cancer, etc. She have awarded Best Paper Award, Socio Cultural International Conference (2019), Best Paper Award, Icibsos International Conference (2018), Best Paper, The International DIET Conference (2016).
She is actively engage in MOU/MOA between Faculty of Education, UM with international universities in Indonesia (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta, Universitas Islam Negeri, Universitas Negeri Jogjakarta, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta. Universitas Islam Indonesia, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, Universitas Islam Bandung, Universitas Negeri Malang and Universitas Mercubuana Yogyakarta, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia). Among activities involved Inbound-Outbound Program, Collaboration Research, Collaboration Conference, External Examiner Program Study and as Guest Lecturer.
She was also responsible for providing and preparing the documentations for AUN-QA for Bachelor in Early Childhood Program (2017), PSAR03, Curriculum review for under-gaduate (Early Childhood Education and Counseling Programs) and postgraduate (Master in Early Childhood Program) and actively involved in teaching and learning process of undergraduate and postgraduate students. She is appointed as Panel of Interviewer for new students intake (local and international) for Faculty of Education, UM (2013-untill current). She has had been appointed as "visiting professor" in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (2017) and Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Language in China (2019), Adjuct Professor in Lincon University and Universitas negeri Malang Indonesia.
She is regularly invited as Keynote Speaker in International Conference, Invited Speaker for workshops, seminar on topics related to publications, psychometric properties, scientific writing etc. She was invited as speaker in Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Malaysia) with Malaysian Ambassador. She is regularly invited as internal examiner and external examiner for postgraduate students (PhD) of University of Newcastle, Australia, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, and University of Malaya.
She supervised a total of 75 postgraduate students (masters - 30 students, PhD - 45 students), with 19 PhD students was graduated, 4 PhD student waiting for viva and 24 Masters students under her supervision have graduated. She have more than 100 research articles that has been published in ISI, ESCI, Scopus Journals, Chapter in Book and Proceeding Indexing.
She is also active in social and community activities local and abroad as a committee member of Non Government Organizational (Pertubuhan Ihsan Perdana Selangor) and other Public University (UPM) which involves in numerous corporate social responsibilities activities such as motivational talks for school children (Program We Care We Share) (2019), Leadership program in SMK P5(1) Putrajaya (2016), Leadership Program in all boys boarding school in Putrajaya (2020), community engagement for underprivilege community, building mini library UM for indigenous people of Kampung Bumbun, Pulau Carey (2014), Program Bersama Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Rumah Sayang (2015), Program Psikososial kepada Mangsa Banjir di Kelantan (2015), Kembara Membina Insaniah ke Penjara Marang, Terengganu (2013), Committee member of World Teachers Day (2019), Program Pemakanan Seimbang bersama Kanak-kanak Orang Asli (2019). As for international community services, she had engaged in Community Service in Desa Pati , Yogyakarta Indonesia (2016), Islamic Bording Schools in Bandung Indonesia (2019), Islamic Bording Schools in Jogjakarta (2019), Program Kemasyarakatan Bersama Masyarakat Orang Asli Royal Belum, Perak (2024), Program explorasi Ilmu Bersama Kanak-Kanak di Asrama Damai Kuang.She also actively involved in sports, recreation and other activities organized by the Faculty of Education.
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Research Pembelajaran Bidang Sains Dalam Konteks Etno-ssi Kearifan Lokal Indonesia &malaysia Bermedia Virtual Reality Untuk Pencapaian Sdgs |
on going |
Sikap Guru Tentang Program Pendidikan Untuk Siswa Gifted Di Indonesia Dan Malaysia Ditinjau Dari Big Five Personality |
on going |
Development Of Mobile Application Learning Application For Humanistic Buddhism Learning Among Young Adult Based On Addie Model |
end |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Perpetrators to Partners: Juvenile Offenders Perspective on Student Mass Fighting Prevention in Indonesia
The Role of Mindfulness in Mediating State-Trait and Foreign Language Anxiety
The power of emotion regulation: how managing sadness infulences depression and anxiety?
The power of emotion regulation: how managing sadness influences depression and anxiety?
Fostering Sustainability Consciousness in Early Childhood Education
Pembangunan Sumber manusia; Perspektif Psikologi Organisasi
Penyelidikan dalam Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak
Wu Yong, Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung, Hery Yanto The & Mohd Rashid Bin Saad. (2021). English Foreign Language Teachers Well-being and College English Classroom Management: The Moderation Role of Teaching Experience in A Chinese Universities. In Y. P. Chua (Ed.), Contemporary Research Approach: Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Research and Practices (pp.383-412). University of Malaya Press. DOI:10.14425/9789674881757.
Teaching Psychology Around The World,
Education 2