Department of Decision Science
Faculty of Business and Economics
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Household Debt And Loan Default : A Case Study Of Malaysia Urban Population |
end |
Econometric Analysis |
end |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Assessing Countries’ Deceased Organ Donation and Transplantation Performance
Factors Affecting Female Labor Force Participation in the Middle East: An Empirical Evidence from Panel Data Approach
Religiosity and Income among Muslims: A Baseline-Study from Malaysia
Gender, Education Levels and Economic Growth in the Middle East, Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development
Statistics in Finance, Operation Research and Forecasting
Statistics in Research
Investigating the Forecast Ability of the Exponential Smoothing with Regressors Method
The Impact of Population Aging on Economic Growth: Panel Data Evidence from Middle East Countries
Stability and Forecastability Characteristics of Exponential Smoothing with Regressors Methods
Parameter Estimation of the Exponential Smoothing with Independent Regressor Using R