Department of Economics
Faculty of Business and Economics
yongslum.edu.myView CV | |
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Dr Yong Sook Lu working in Department of Economics and Applied Statistics at University of Malaya, MALAYSIA. She holds PhD (Economics, Lancaster University, United Kingdom), MEcon (Economics, UM, Malaysia) and BEcon (Analytical Economics, UM, Malaysia). Her research expertise includes Industrial Organisation, Microeconomics, Monetary Economics and Public Health. She has taught several courses at Undergraduate level including: Microeconomics, Malaysian Economy, Introduction to Mathematical Economics, Industrial Economics, Macroeconomics and Health Economics (at University of Malaya); Principles of Economics, Microeconomics and Econometrics (at HELP University). She supervised over 50 UG projects including industrial placement projects (at University of Malaya); over 30 Masters Research Projects (at University of Malaya); and 4 PhD (under supervision). Produced over 15 publications, including book chapters, articles in internationally refereed journals, policy briefs and reports. She has also reviewed several papers for journals and conferences. She has led research projects on: " A Regional Study on Social Protection coverage: ASEAN Countries " (SWRC Grant), "The Impact of Uncertainty on Economic Growth: The Case of ASEAN-5 " (University Grant), “Industrial Organisation and Classification of Firms Listed in Bursa Malaysia” (University Grant) and “Exploring CPI Basket for Identifying Minimum Essentials in Reference Budgets” (SWRC Grant). She is also a co-researcher for projects such as " Rural Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship " (FRGS); “Malaysia Ageing and Retirement Survey” and “Belanjawanku" (SWRC Grant) and " Malaysia: Labelling Regulations on Natural Rubber Condoms and the WTO TBT Agreement " (Australian Government Aids). She is an Editor for Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies. She was awarded Certificate of Excellent Service (UM) 2016; Certificate of Excellent Service (UM) 2015; UM Excellence Award, Naib Canselor, 2013; Certificate of Excellent Service (UM) 2013; UM Excellence Award, Naib Canselor, 2011; Certificate of Excellence Service (UM) 2011; Best Oral Presentation at The University of Sheffield Postgraduate Research Workshop, University of Sheffield, 2008, (International); Research and Innovation Expo/Silver Medal (UM) 2007, (National); Certificate of Excellent Service (UM) 2006; Research and Innovation Expo/Silver Medal (UM) 2005 (National) and University Book Award (UM) 2001 (National).
Applying the Pooled Mean Group Panel ARDL Technique to Analyse the Impact of Uncertainty on Economic Growth in the ASEAN-5
The Determinants of China’s Services Trade
The Impacts of External and Internal Uncertainties on Income Inequality in The ASEAN 5 Countries
China's Service Export Challenges and Future Potential: Benchmarking the USA.
Fatimah, K., Devadason, E., Hanira, H. and Yong S.K. (eds.) 2006. Applied Economic Issues in Malaysia, University of Malaya Press: Kuala Lumpur.
Rural-Urban and Gender Differences in Mathematics and Science Achievement in Malaysia
Non-Price Strategic Behaviour in An Imperfect Market