Curriculum Vitae


Senior Lecturer
  • Department of Economics
    Faculty of Business and Economics
  • yongsl
  • 0379673717


Dr Yong Sook Lu working in Department of Economics and Applied Statistics at University of Malaya, MALAYSIA. She holds PhD (Economics, Lancaster University, United Kingdom), MEcon (Economics, UM, Malaysia) and BEcon (Analytical Economics, UM, Malaysia). Her research expertise includes Industrial Organisation, Microeconomics, Monetary Economics and Public Health.

She has taught several courses at Undergraduate level including:  Microeconomics, Malaysian Economy, Introduction to Mathematical Economics, Industrial Economics, Macroeconomics and Health Economics (at University of Malaya); Principles of Economics, Microeconomics and Econometrics (at HELP University).

She supervised over 50 UG projects including industrial placement projects (at University of Malaya); over 30 Masters Research Projects (at University of Malaya); and 4 PhD (under supervision).  Produced over 15 publications, including book chapters, articles in internationally refereed journals, policy briefs and reports. She has also reviewed several papers for journals and conferences. She has led research projects on: " A Regional Study on Social Protection coverage: ASEAN Countries " (SWRC Grant), "The Impact of Uncertainty on Economic Growth: The Case of ASEAN-5 " (University Grant), “Industrial Organisation and Classification of Firms Listed in Bursa Malaysia” (University Grant) and “Exploring CPI Basket for Identifying Minimum Essentials in Reference Budgets” (SWRC Grant). She is also a co-researcher for projects such as " Rural Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship " (FRGS); “Malaysia Ageing and Retirement Survey” and “Belanjawanku" (SWRC Grant) and " Malaysia: Labelling Regulations on Natural Rubber Condoms and the WTO TBT Agreement " (Australian Government Aids).

She is an Editor for Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies.

She was awarded Certificate of Excellent Service (UM) 2016; Certificate of Excellent Service (UM) 2015; UM Excellence Award, Naib Canselor, 2013; Certificate of Excellent Service (UM) 2013; UM Excellence Award, Naib Canselor, 2011; Certificate of Excellence Service (UM) 2011; Best Oral Presentation at The University of Sheffield Postgraduate Research Workshop, University of Sheffield, 2008, (International); Research and Innovation Expo/Silver Medal (UM) 2007, (National); Certificate of Excellent Service (UM) 2006; Research and Innovation Expo/Silver Medal (UM) 2005 (National) and University Book Award (UM) 2001 (National).



    Applied Social Science And Humanities, Economics, Applied Economics


    Lancaster University, United Kingdom
  • MEc, (Economics)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • BEc (Hons)(Analysis Economics), (EKONOMI ANALISA)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • 10 Sep 2021-
    Pensyarah Kanan
    Jabatan Ekonomi, Fakulti Perniagaan dan Ekonomi


  • Committee Members
    01 Aug 2023 - 31 Jul 2026 (Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics)
  • AJK Kurikulum Fakulti Ijazah Dasar
    07 Aug 2021 - 06 Aug 2024 (Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Pakar Jaminan Kualiti Program
    16 Jan 2021 - 15 Jan 2024 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli Panel Penilai Program Akademik UM
    01 Apr 2021 - 31 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli Panel Penilai Akademik UM (tujuan pengakreditasian)
    06 Apr 2021 - 31 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
  • AJK_KKR_Higher Degree
    08 Jul 2019 - 31 Dec 2021 (Faculty)
  • Felow CPDS
    04 Apr 2013 - 03 Apr 2020 (Faculty)
  • Wakil Penggati Fakulti ke J/K IPS
    24 Jun 2014 - 25 Jun 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Ketua Editor untuk penerbitan buku laporan tahunan FEA 2014
    24 Sep 2014 - 31 Dec 2015 (Faculty)
  • Auditor Dalaman FEA
    17 Nov 2014 - 21 Nov 2014 (Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Auditor Dalaman Universiti Malaya
    01 Jan 2013 - 31 Dec 2013 (University Malaya)


    Since 2004 (National)
    2021 to 2024 (University)


  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2024, Universiti Malaya
  • Best Presenter Award
    2021, International Conference on Economics,  (International)
  • Best Teacher Award Under Latifah Merican Cheong Memorial Medal (Lmc-Mm)
    2019, Malaysian Economics Association,  (National)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2016, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2015, Universiti Malaya
  • UM Excellence Award
    2013, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2013, Universiti Malaya
  • UM Excellence Award
    2011, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Award 2011
    2011, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • The University of Sheffield Postgraduate Research Workshop/Best Oral Presentation
    2008, University of Sheffield,  (International)
  • Research and Innovation Expo/Silver Medal
    2007, University of Malaya,  (National)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Research and Innovation Expo/Silver Medal
    2005, University of Malaya,  (National)
  • University Book Award
    2001, University of Malaya,  (National)


Article in Journal
  1. Yong, S.L. et al. (2023). Applying the Pooled Mean Group Panel ARDL Technique to Analyse the Impact of Uncertainty on Economic Growth in the ASEAN-5, International Journal of Economics and Management, 17(1), 125-137.
  2. Goh, L. T., Selvarajan, S. K., Yong, S.L., and Shahabudin, S. M. (2021). The Impacts of External and Internal Uncertainties on Income Inequality in The ASEAN 5 Countries. International Journal of Economics and Management, 15(3). 351-375.
  3. Dong, H.H., Yong, C.C and Yong Sook Lu (2020) China's Service Export Challenges and Future Potential: Benchmarking the USA. Comtemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal, Vol 6, No. 1, April/May 2020, 293-319
  4. Leong, K.Y, T.P.P., L.P.L and Yong S.L. (2018) Exploring the relationship between motivation and science achieveement of secondary students. Pertanika Journal Social Sciences and Humanities, 26(4) 2243-2258.
  5. Tumin, M., Osman, A.F., Abdullah, N., Yong, S.L. (2017). Gender, citizenship and health-related quality of life: An overall perspective from Malaysia. International e-Journal of Science, Medicine and Education, 11(2), 14-23.
  6. Makmor T, NurulHuda MS, Raja Noriza RA, Soo-Kun L, Kok-Peng N, Wan Ahmad Hafiz WMA, Sook-Lu Y. 2016. Attendance And Institutional Facilities of Lonf-term Kidney Donors Follow-up. JUMMEC 19(1).
  7. Tumin, M., Tafran, K., Mutalib,MA., Satar, NM., Said, SM., Adnan, WA., Lu, YS. 2015. Demographic and socioeconomic factors influencing public attitudes toward a presumed consent system for organ donation without and with a priority allocation scheme. Medicine 94(42): e1713.
  8. Bulletin of Economic Research
  9. Tumin, M. et al. 2014. Low organ donation rate in Malaysia: A survey. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine 17(1): 14-17.
  10. Yong, Sook Lu and Ingham, H. 2013 A Latent Class Cluster Analysis Study of Financial Ratios and Industry Characteristics. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 7(11) Sept 2013: 46-53.
  11. Sook Lu Yong and Hilary Ingham. 2012. The Impact of Different Industrial Classification Schemes on Firm Performance: An IVs Analysis. International Journal of Business and Social Science 3(9): 120-132.
  12. The Singapore Economic Review
  13. Yong Sook Lu and Hilary Ingham. 2012. Firm Performance and Industry Homogeneity in Malaysia: A Latent Class Cluster Analysis
  14. Asian Economic Journal
  15. Industrial Managment & Data system
  16. Scottish journal of Political Economy
  17. Goh K.L. & Yong Sook Lu, 2007. "Bank lending and monetary policy: the effects of structural shift in interest rates," Economics Bulletin, vol. 5(5), pp. 1-14.
  18. Goh K.L., Chong C.S. & Yong Sook Lu. 2007, Bank Lending Channel For Monetary Policy Transmission In Malaysia: An ARDL Approach," Applied Econometrics and International Development, Euro-American Association of Economic Development, Vol. 7(2).
  19. Goh K.L., Chong C.S. and Yong Sook Lu. 2004, Bank Lending Channel in Monetary Policy Transmission: The Case of Malaysia, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Business, Rutgers University and Consortium of Thai Universities, Bangkok, B07-5. (ISBN 947-667-456-4).
  1. Dong H.H., Yong C.C., Yong S.L. (2023). The Determinants of China s Services Trade, Chinese Economy. 56(3), 182-193. doi:10.1080/10971475.2022.2132701
  1. Fatimah Kari, Evelyn Devadason, Hanira Hanafi and Yong Sook Lu (eds). 2006, Applied Economic Issues in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, University of Malaya Press.
  2. Fatimah, K., Devadason, E., Hanira, H. and Yong S.K. (eds.) 2006. Applied Economic Issues in Malaysia, University of Malaya Press: Kuala Lumpur.
  3. Yong Sook Lu. 2006, Long-Run Stability Of M1: Case Of Malaysia, in Fatimah Kari, Evelyn Devadason, Hanira Hanafi and Yong Sook Lu (eds), Applied Economic Issues in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, University of Malaya Press, pp.73-90.
  4. Norma Mansor, Nor Hasniah Kasim and Yong Sook Lu. 2005, Malaysia: Labelling Regulations on Natural Rubber Condoms and the WTO TBT Agreement, in Peter Gallagher, Patrick Low and Andrew L. Stoler (eds), Managing the Challenges of WTO Participation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 337-348.
  5. Goh K.L., Chong C.S. and Yong Sook Lu. 2004, Bank Lending Channel for Monetary Policy Transmission in Malaysia: An ARDL Approach, Applied Econometrics and International Development. (Forthcoming)
Chapter in Books
  1. Yong, S.L., Leong, K.E., Lau, P.L. & Tan, P.P. (2023) Rural-Urban and Gender Differences in Mathematics and Science Achievement in Malaysia. In Lau Wee Yeap & Cheah Yong Kang (Eds.). Statistics in Social Science: Population Dynamics, Education and Social Well-being, UUM Press.
  2. Yong, Sook Lu (2023). Non-Price Strategic Behaviour in An Imperfect Market in Economics Made Simple For The Pandemic Era. Lim Thye Goh Et al. , pages 37 - 58, Universiti Malaya Press.
Other Publications
  1. Nik Osman, N.N.A. and Mansor, N (2024). Belanjawanku 2024/2025 Expenditure Guide for Malaysians: Key Findings and Technical Notes. Social Wellbeing Research Centre. - Technical Report
  2. Kuppu et al. (2021) Retirement Planning in Civil Servants, Social Protection Insight, 5(21), 39 -43. - Policy Paper
  3. Kuppusamy Singaravelloo, Muzalwana Abdul Talib, Nurul Liyana Mohd Kamil, Yong Sook Lu, Nurhidayah Abdullah, Norma Mansor with Rashid Ating (2021), Retirement Planning by Civil Servants, In Social Protection Insight: The New Narrative Turning the Tide on Inequality, Vol. 5, 39-43. - Policy Paper


  • Industrial Organization (firm performance, industry homogeneity, ARDL, panel data)


  2. 2015 - 2018, SSRC
    A Regional Study on Social Protection coverage: ASEAN Countries ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2017 - 2018, Social Wellbeing Research Centre
    Exploring CPI Basket for Idendifying Minimum Essentials in Reference Budgets ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2014 - 2017, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Healthcare Accessibility And Quality Of Life: Public Clinic Services Among Malaysian Urban Poor ( Consultant)
  5. 2013 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Policy study of organ shortage: The prospect of opt- out model in Malaysia ( Consultant)
  6. 2013 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Policy Study of Organ Shortage: The Prospect of Opt Out Model Malaysia ( Consultant)
  7. 2008
    The Relative Response of Money and Interest Rate in ASEAN-4.
  8. 2004 - 2005, Waseda University
    Survey on Intergenerational Living Arrangements ( Consultant)
  9. 2004 - 2005, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Survey on the Choice of Courses and Career Aspiration of the First Year Economics Students ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  10. 2004 - 2005, Australian Government Aids
    Malaysia: Labelling Regulations on Natural Rubber Condoms and the WTO TBT Agreement ( Consultant)


  • Assessing Market Conduct That Impedes Competition, World Bank, Washington DC
    01 Aug 2012 - 01 Aug 2012 (International)


  1. Reference Budget for Malaysian, Bengkel Reference Budget for Malaysian, EPF (National) (23 Jan 2019 - 23 Jan 2019)
  1. The Impact of Uncertainty on Economic Growth: The Case of ASEAN-5, 6th ASNet International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference (AIMAC 2023), Asian Scholars Network (International) (11 Feb 2023 - 11 Feb 2023)
  2. The Nexus Between Education and Economic Growth in Malaysia, Persidangan Kependudukan Kebangsaan 2021, LPPKN (International) (16 Nov 2021 - 17 Nov 2021)
  3. The Determinant of Unemployment Rate in Malaysia, The 3rd International Conference on Economic 2021, Universiti Sabah Malaysia (International) (27 Oct 2021 - 28 Oct 2021)
  1. Mechanisms Through Which Happiness Influences Economic Growth: Evidence From World Panel Data, Wenzao International Conference on Southeast Asian Studies , Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages (International) (21 Oct 2022 - 21 Oct 2022)
  1. Perancangan Persaraan Dalam Kalangan Penjawat Awam: Bersediakah Mereka?, Webinar, SWRC, FEP and UM (National) (30 Jun 2020 - 30 Jun 2020)
  2. The Implication of Female Labour Force Participation on Economic Growth in ASEAN, The 15th Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference 2018, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (International) (28 Apr 2018 - 29 Apr 2018)
  3. Firm Profitability: Do Industry Effects Matter?, BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE (BMC) 2016, NEW ERA COLLEGE (National) (08 Dec 2016 - 09 Dec 2016)
  4. Rural-urban differences in Mathematics and Science achievement in Malaysia: From a cognitive domain perspective , 3rd APA International Conference, APA (International) (27 Jul 2015 - 30 Jul 2015)
  5. Latent class regression modelling for firm performance: A new dimension in industrial organisation?, Second International conference on "Innovation Challenges in Multidiciplinary Research & Practice", Global Illuminators Publising (National) (17 Dec 2014 - 18 Dec 2014)
  6. A Latent Class Cluster Analysis Study of Financial and Industry characteristics, 21st Annual Pacific Basin finance Economics Accounting and Management Conference, Deakin University, Australia and Rutgers University, US (International) (04 Jul 2013 - 05 Jul 2013)
  7. Firm Performance and Industry Homogeneity in Malaysia: A Latent Class Analysis, Singapore Economic Review Conference 2011, Singapore Economic Review (International) (04 Aug 2011 - 06 Aug 2011)
  1. South-south Conference on Demography and Population Ageing, South-south Conference on Demography and Population Ageing, UM_UPM_UNFPA (National) (04 Dec 2018 - 05 Dec 2018)
  2. Malaysian Eonomicc Summit Whiter Economic Growth, Towards Sustainable Productivity, Malaysian Eonomicc Summit Whiter Economic Growth, Towards Sustainable Productivity, KASI Institute (National) (16 Oct 2018 - 16 Oct 2018)
  3. Workshop on Spectrum 2.8+, Spectrum 2.8+, ADeC (University) (05 Feb 2015 - 05 Feb 2015)
  4. Basics of Analytics Using R, Training workshop on Basics of Analytics Using R (15 Dec 2014 - 16 Dec 2014)
  5. Social Security Issues, Second International Conference on Social Security 2014, SSRC and UM (National) (03 Dec 2014 - 05 Dec 2014)
  6. Analysis of Time Series using R, Workshop on Analysis of Time Series using R (University) (24 Jun 2014 - 25 Jun 2014)


  1. (2024) Panel Penilai Bagi Program Sarjana Pembangunan Manusia dan Organisasi, University, (External Assessor)
  2. (2020) Materialism, Over Indebtedness And Financial Fragility: An Empirical Study On Malaysian Civil Servant , (Internal Examiner)
  3. (2020) Improving Student Outcomes Using Advice-giving as a Motivational Nudge , (External Examiner)
  4. (2020) The Impact of APT on ASEAN s Export Industries , (Internal Examiner)
  5. (2020) Demersal Trawl Fishing Management in the Malacca Strait of Malaysia , (Internal Examiner)
  6. (2020) Parental involvement and students' science achievement , (External Examiner)
  7. (2018) Corruption and Economic Growth in Asian Countries, (Internal Examiner)
  8. (2018) Risk Factors of Non-communicable Diseases in Malaysia , (Internal Examiner)
  9. (2018) Immigrants and Bilateral Trade, (Internal Examiner)
  10. (2018) Post Independence Economic Development in Malaysia and Singapore, (Internal Examiner)
  11. (2018) Housing Price in Malaysia, (Internal Examiner)
  12. (2018) The Impact of Capital Market on Economic Development in China , (Internal Examiner)
  13. (2018) Tourism and the Malaysian Economy , (Internal Examiner)
  14. (2018) Impacts of US Federal Rate on the Malaysian Economy , (Internal Examiner)
  15. (2018) Challenges of the Malaysia Rubber Industry, (Internal Examiner)
  16. (2018) Evaluation of Different Social Security Plans in ASEAN-5. , (Internal Examiner)
  17. (2018) Household Debt in Malaysia, (Internal Examiner)
  18. (2015) Socioeconomics factors and helath: the cas of cardiovascular disease in Malaysia, (Internal Examiner)
  19. (2015) Alternative method of pension financing: the profit-share model, (Internal Examiner)
  20. (2015) Performance of Malaysian manufacturing firms: impact of human capital and innovation, (Internal Examiner)
  21. (2015) Foreign direct investment and intellectual property right: global evidence, (Internal Examiner)
  22. (2015) Determinants of education expenditure among urban househpolds in Malaysia, (Internal Examiner)
  23. (2015) Financial stress in the ASEAN-5 Economies measurement, transmission and the role of monetary policy, (Internal Examiner)
  24. (2015) Education inequality, vulnerability and poverty in sub-sahara africa countries: modelling and empirical investigation, (Internal Examiner)
  25. (2015) Energy consumption and economic growth: an empirical study of China, (Internal Examiner)
  26. (2014) Multidimensional evaluation of scientific inputs and outputs in the case of Asean countries , (Internal Examiner)
  27. (2014) Identifying the Determinatns of Energy Intensity, (Internal Examiner)
  28. (2014) The Impact of Malaysia's Capital Market and Other Key Determinants on Economic Growth, (Internal Examiner)
  29. (2014) The Analysis of Risk factor of Non-Communicable Disease in Malaysia, (Internal Examiner)
  30. (2013) Multidimensional evaluation of scientific inputs and outputs in the case of Asean countries, (Panel)
  31. (2013) Stock market declines and market fundamentals., (Panel)
  32. (2013) The contribution of Information Communication Technology (ICT) to Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and Economic Growth , (Panel)
  33. (2013) The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on china's Trade and Investment , (Internal Examiner)
  34. (2013) Effects of foreign labour on economic growth, unemployment and socioeconomic development: A comparative study between Malaysia and Singapore , (Internal Examiner)
  35. (2013) Factors affecting helath behaviour of adults in Malaysia , (Panel)
  36. (2013) Modelling Financial Stress in Malaysia , (Internal Examiner)
  37. (2013) The contribution of Information Communication Technology (ICT) to Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and Economic Growth , (Panel)
  38. (2013) A study of residential housing prices in Malaysia, (Internal Examiner)
  39. (2013) A Case Study on Credit Risk Evaluation of Malaysian Banks , (Internal Examiner)
  40. (2013) The determinants of demand for Alcohol, Tabacco and physical activity in Malaysia, (Panel)
  41. (2012) Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, (Assistant Editor)
  42. (2012) Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, (Assistant Editor)
  43. (2012) House Prices and Economic Fundamentals in Malaysia , (Internal Examiner)
  44. (2012) Consumption and Production of Oil and Gas in the World Economy , (Internal Examiner)
  45. (2012) Spatial Panel Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment in China , (Internal Examiner)
  46. (2012) Geographical Distribution of Talent, Creativity and Regional Development: A Study on south Korea(Monash University Sunway Campus , (External Examiner)
  47. (2012) Convergence in economic growth and its determinants: an empirical analysis , (Panel)
  48. (2012) The Malaysian Economy: Unfolding Growth and Social Change , (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2021) Program Quality Assurance Expert (Pro-QAE), QMEC UM, University
  2. (2015) Auditor Dalaman University of Malaya, QMEC, University


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2018) Graduate Exercise - Topics in Economics
  2. (2014) Latihan Industri: Symphony EEE110052: Lim Chee Yee
  3. (2014) Latihan Industri: Sunny Days EEE110049: Lee Mei Hoong
  4. (2014) Latihan Industri: Spring Waves EEE110701: Jimbel Nwabueze EEE100701: Chime Godwin
  5. (2014) Latihan Industri: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China EEE100711: Hao SiQi
  6. (2014) Latihan Industri: Globalkonx Sdn Bhd EEE110036: Heng Jin Wei
  7. (2014) Latihan Industri: Bank of China Limited EEE110710: Kong Kun
  8. (2014) Laithan Industri: Rui Estate Development Co. Ltd. EEE100713
  9. (2013) Latihan Industri: Malaysia Hoya Lens Sdn Bhd EEE1000153: Tan Li Fung
  10. (2013) Latihan Industri: Lembaga Getah Malaysia EEE100012: Aqilah EEE100135: Siti Aisyah
  11. (2013) Latihan Industri: Citibank Berhad EEE100050: Lew Jia Mun EEE100096: Ng Wei Cheng
  12. (2013) Latihan Industri: Bank simpanan Nasional EEE100081: Mugilan EEE100173: Zul Karnain
  13. (2010) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Pascorp Paper Industries Berhad EEE090111: Norain Binti Zainal
  14. (2010) Latihan Industri Pelajar: K.F. Yap Company Chartered Accountants EEE090199: Yong Jia Min
  15. (2010) Latihan Industri Pelajar: HLT Motors Sdn Bhd. EEE090065: Loke Mei Fong
  16. (2010) Latihan Industri Pelajar: AgroBank cawangan Raub EEE090079: Mohd Faizi Bin Zainudin
  17. (2006) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Wong Chan & Associates EEE050116: Loy Liang Wee
  18. (2006) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Unit Perancangan Ekonomi Negeri Pahang EEE040135: Norlihazreen binti Abd Manan
  19. (2006) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Seri Malaysia Temerloh EEE050130: Mohd Hanapi b. Othman
  20. (2006) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Seri Malaysia Temerloh EEE050125: Mohamad Yunos B. Musa
  21. (2006) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Pasdec Corporation, Kuantan EEE040121: Noor Azreen binti Aluyi
  22. (2006) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Pascorp Paper Industrial Bhd Bentong EEE050037: Chew Shan chin
  23. (2006) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia, Negeri Pahang EEE040047: Jauhariah binti Rehan
  24. (2006) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Bank Pertanian Malaysia, Raub EEE050282: Zuraini binti Rawi
  25. (2005) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Pejabat Daerah Kuala Lipis EEE040040: Hindumathi a/p Jayer Raman
  26. (2005) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Majlis Daerah Lipis EEE040141: Nurul Liyana binti Muihamad Amin
  27. (2005) Latihan Industri Pelajar: Colgate-Palmilive (M) Sdn Bhd EEE040070: Lee Soo Ming
Postgraduate Student
  1. (2020) Cost efficiency of shared services centre in selected developing countries, Tay Zhia Wen
  2. (2019) Fiancial planning for post retirement among urban Malaysia, Nadisha A/P Ganesan
  3. (2019) Air Transport Demand in Selected Asean Countries, Ho Ngai Gee
  4. (2018) Macroeconomics, Yeow Zhon Chen
  5. (2018) Labour Economics, Sharmala Narasingam
  6. (2015) Industrial Economics, Nor Hanis
  7. (2015) Economics of Education, Nur Syafiqa
  8. (2014) Macroeconomics, Adla Abduallah Saeed
  9. (2013) Industrial Organisation, Nurul' Ain binti Mohad Tahir
  10. (2011) Falling Firm Doctrine as the Defense of AA-MAS Alliance, Aw Jit Way
  11. (2011) An Analysis of Saving Determinants in Malaysia, Hoo Heap Kgen


  1. (2011) EDHA7104 - Seminar Series in Economics
  1. (2019) EIA1002 - Microeconomics I
  2. (2019) EIB3006 - Industrial Economics
  3. (2014) EGEE2103 - Malaysian Economy
  4. (2013) EEEE2101 - Introduction to Mathematical Economics
  5. (2013) EGEE2103 - Malaysian Economy
  6. (2012) EGEE2103 - Malaysian Economy
  7. (2012) EXEE2103 - Microeconomics Iia
  8. (2012) EXEE2104 - Macroeconomics Iib
  9. (2011) EGEE2103 - Malaysian Economy


  • Fundamental Academic Writing Protocols
  • Literature Review Process, Annotated Bibliography & Writing
  • What's wrong with my problem statement?
  • Questionnaire for survey study on "Retirement Planning by Civil Servants in Malaysia" (Bahasa Malaysia & English Version)


  • Kuiz Ekonomi Piala Dekan-Dekan Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pentadbiran 2018, (25 Sep 2017 - 07 Apr 2018)
  • Reviewer for International Journal of Institutions and Economies, (12 Nov 2013 - 13 Dec 2013)
  • Reviewer for Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies (Mjes), (26 Jul 2013 - 31 Dec 2018)


Internal/ External Course
  1. ECONOMIC AND PUBLIC FINANCE CONFERENCE, Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara, Bukit Kiara (31 Jul 2024 - 01 Aug 2024)