Institute of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Science
hidayah.taufekum.edu.myView CV | |
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Dr Norhidayah Mohd Taufek is a senior lecturer at the Institute of Biological Sciences (ISB), Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya (UM). She obtained her PhD from ISB, UM in 2017 with a specialisation in aquaculture nutrition research. She is a researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the aquaculture field on fish nutrition, reproduction endocrinology and aquaculture feed technology. Her current research interests include the development of sustainable solutions for animal feed, including aquatic animals and poultry. Special focus is given to the utilization of local renewable resources such as insects meal, including black soldier fly larvae and crickets as well as mushroom by-products and underutilized crops. She is also actively working with the industries to promote the use of the black soldier fly as a protein source to produce cost-effective and Halal feed as well as for the implementation of circular bioeconomic purposes. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Investigation Of Underutilized Local Plant-based Protein As Feed Ingredient For Striped Snakehead Via Nutritional Study, Stable Isotope And Immunological Gene Expression Analysis. |
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Evaluation Of Biomass Of Microalgae Waste (bmw) As Potential Protein Source For Goat Concentrated Feed |
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Evaluation of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) As a Protein Source for Guppy (Poecilia Reticulata) |
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This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Upcycling of food waste generated from the fresh market by utilising black soldier fly larvae: Influence on growth, bioconversion, and nutritional composition
Evaluation of growth performance, feed efficiency and nutrient digestibility of red hybrid tilapia fed dietary inclusion of black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens)
Upcycling of food waste generated from the fresh market by utilising black soldier fly larvae: Influence on growth, bioconversion, and nutritional composition
Recent advances of Terminalia catappa and its application in fish culture: A review
Food from the ocean
Forest fungi from the jungle to the factory: Recent biofuel developments
Pencarian Sumber Protein Baru Bagi Makanan Ikan