Department of Malaysian Languages and Applied Linguistics
Faculty of Languages and Linguistics
thanalachimeum.edu.myView CV | |
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Biography | |
Dr. Thanalachime Perumal joined academic life as a senior lecturer in Faculty Languages and Linguistics at The University of Malaya since 15 July 2016. Currently, she is a lecturer for Tamil Program at the Department of Malaysian Languages and Applied Linguistics. She completed her Doctoral degree (Discourse Analysis) at University Putra Malaysia; her Masters of Modern Languages at the University of Malaya, her Diploma in Language & Culture at University Malaya and completed teaching certificate (Tamil) at Raja Melewer Teaching College. Her main research interests are Discourse Analysis, Tamil teaching, and learning, Media discourse, and translations. Her teaching interests are broadly within Discourse Analysis (esp Media discourse), Sociolinguistic and Translation. She welcomes proposal for Ph.D. or Master research project on any aspect of Global Tamil, areas of particular interest include: Tamil language in higher education, Language ideological debates relating to global Tamil, Intelligibility issues relating to the spread of Tamil, Attitudes towards Tamil Language, Tamil language in higher education contexts around the world, Tamil Special Purpose (CSP) in Mass Media and Language structure-Tamil syntax. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Projek Penyelidikan Sajak Klasik Bahasa Tamil Patirruppattu |
on going |
Projek Menterjemah 5000 Istilah/kosa Kata Bahasa Tamil Ke Dalam Bahasa Inggeris |
end |
Translation Of Culture Elements In Billboards Advertisement At Indian Street, Brickfields |
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This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Crisis Communication through Social Media Platforms by Malaysian Indian Agencies
(De)legitimizing the 2021 Budget Allocation for Tamil Schools in a Talk Show
Communication Strategies of a Malaysian politician in Tamil during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Communication Strategies in COVID-19 Pandemic Related Facebook Posts
New Perspectives in Tamil Linguistics.
Emerging Trends in Multi-Languages & Linguistic
Literary Works and Social Sciences. Malaysia
New Perspective in Linguistics and Language Teaching
(De)legitimizing the 2021 Budget Allocation for Tamil Schools in a Talk Show
Information Uptake of the Covid-19 Pandemic by the Semai Community
Word formation in Translated "Go Shop" Advertisement
The Advertising Language Used in Malaysia Nanban