Department of Real Estate
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Professor (I) Sr Mohd Khairudin bin Abd Halim FRICS, FISM, FMIPFM, MBVAM, ICVS Professor (Industry) Real Estate Department Faculty of Built Environment
Prof. (I) Sr Mohd Khairudin Bin Abd Halim is currently an Industry Professor at the Real Estate Department, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya, he is a former Director General of Valuation and Property Services Department., Ministry of Finance Malaysia and the Past President of Board of Valuers, Appraisals, Estate Agents, and Property Managers Malaysia.
He is also the Past Deputy President of the Royal Institution of Surveyor Malaysia (2019-2020) and the Past Deputy President of Business Valuers Association Malaysia.
Graduated from UTM in 1983 with B. Surv(Hons), Estate Management and possess his Post Graduate Certificate in Valuation and Property Management from Sheffield Hallam University, UK in 1993.In the year 2019 he obtained Fellowship of Royal Institution Surveyor, Malaysia, and fellowship of the Chartered Royal Institution of Surveying United Kingdom in the subsequent year.
Served the Valuation and Property Services Department for almost 4 decades since 1983. He has been serving in several states namely Pahang, Federal Territory Kuala Lumpur, Sabah, Selangor, and Johor and as the Director and District Valuer. He has also served as the Director of INSPEN before been appointed as the Deputy Director General (Strategic Policy) in Head Quarter. His passion and endeavor on specialized valuation make him as the first Division Director for almost 10 years with the Plant, Machinery and Equipment Valuation Division in the Valuation and Property Services Department, Head Quarter.
His previous experience include valuation of plant, machinery, and equipment for various purposes such as market value, liquidation, purchase, privatization, rental, insurance and capital value to the Federal Government, States, Local Authorities and Statutory Bodies.
He has a wide experience in advising the Malaysia Airport Holding (MAH) on Insurance Valuation for all international and domestic airports and STOL Ports in Malaysia.
He has been involved in various Plant and Machinery valuations such as Quarry Plants, Palm Oil Mill Industry, Nanotechnology and electro chemistry equipment, Technical Training Institute, Airports, Vehicles, Satellite/Aircraft testing equipment, Ferry, Power Generation Plant, Water Treatment Plants, Methanol Plants, and many others.
He has been very actives in giving lectures and talks on PME subjects in various Seminars, conferences, and Short Courses locally and abroad. Involve in the collaboration program with Taqeem, Kingdom Saudi Arabia in provided training and guiding for Saudi accredited program. He has participated in the MTCP (Malaysia Technical Corporation Programme) in providing training to international participants in INSPEN since early 2000.
Apart from his current position he is also the Board Members of LPPSA (Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam), Ministry of Finance since the year 2020. |