Department of Computer System &Amp; Technology
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology CV | |
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Noorzaily Mohamed Noor currently a Lecturer at the Department of Computer System, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT), University of Malaya, Malaysia. He received his BSc degree in Physics and Master in Computer Science degree from the University of Malaya, Malaysia, in 1996 and 2000 respectively. His research interests are Internet of Things, Image Processing, Embedded System and Optimization Algorithm. He also a members of FCSIT’s IoT group research. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Security Mechanism for Detecting and Curing Blackhole in Internet of Things (IoT) Networks |
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Measurement Of The Flood Waste Volume Based On The Digital Image |
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Internet of Drones Security and Privacy Issues: Taxonomy and Open Challenges
A hybrid flood waste classification model using 3D-wavelet transform and support vector machines techniques
Accelerating FPGA-SURF Feature Detection Module By Memory Access Reduction
An automatic zone detection system for safe landing of UAVs
Mobile Application of Al-Quran and Arabic Language for Interactive and Self Learning Assistant for support in j-QAF Learning: A Survey
Parallel Matrix Multiplication Design for Monocular SLAM
High-Speed Shortest Path Co-processor Design
An FPGA Design for Lane Detection & Tracking