Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Faculty of Medicine
tansiklooum.edu.myView CV | |
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I am always looking for motivated PhD or Masters students to join my group. Please get in touch if you have an interest in Email me at tansikloo@ummc.edu.my or tansikloo@um.edu.my |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
The Effect Of Hyperglycemia And Metformin Treatment On Tendon Structure And Biomechanical Properties ? An In Vivo Study In A Streptozotocin-induced Type 2 Diabetic (t2d) Rat Model |
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Growth Differentiation Factor 5-Induced Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Enhance Tendon Healing
A Systematic Review of Human Amnion Enhanced Cartilage Regeneration in Full-Thickness Cartilage Defects
Conduct of body donation and cadaveric dissection training during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges, impacts and mitigation
Psychological consequences of the delay in the Silent Mentor Programme during the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives from family members of silent mentors
Human Amnion as a Cell Delivery Vehicle for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Applications