Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
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Rozana Othman received her BSc (Hons) in Chemistry in 1995, and PhD degree in 2010 from Universiti Malaya. She joined the Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, in 1999 as a lecturer. She became a Senior Lecturer in 2007 and Associate Professor in 2016. She achieved top five Merck Young Scientist Award 2009, and was also awarded with the Bioinno Award in 2010 by Biotech Corp, Malaysia, The Jenesys Programme by The Japan Foundation in 2010, and the Asian Core Program Lectureship Award in 2014. Rozana initiated and worked towards the setting-up of the computational research lab in the faculty, which is now known as INSPirE (In Silico Pharmaceutical Suite). Currently, Rozana is the Head of the External Linkage Division under the Faculty of Pharmacy. She is also the Deputy Head for the Centre of Natural Products Research and Drug Discovery (CENAR), a founding member of the Drug Design and Development Research Group (DDDRG) Universiti Malaya, an associate member of the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry, and a member of the Malaysian Natural Products Society. Rozana was the Deputy Dean of Research & Development (2019-2021), Deputy Dean of Research, Value Creation and Enterprise (2022-2023) and Deputy Dean of Student Affairs (2023). Her research interest revolves around the area of Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry and Computational Chemistry. Till date, she has supervised more than 16 PhD and 8 Masters by research students.
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Deep Learning In Molecular Descriptors Mining And Optimization For Drug-potentials Targeting G Protein-coupled Receptors |
on going |
In silico, In vitro and In vivo Anticancer Activity of Posterior Salivary Gland Toxin from the Cuttle Fish Sepia pharaonis. |
on going |
Development Of Active Targeting Nanoparticle Drug Delivery System For Lung Cancer Treatment |
end |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Malaysia's progress in achieving the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) through the lens of chemistry
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of bark and fruit extracts of Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. Chev: A perspective from bio-prospecting assays to scientometric approach
Comparative Study on Biological Activities and Chemical Profiling of Mushroom (Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel.) Cultured on Lignocellulosic Agro Wastes
Comparative Study on Biological Activities and Chemical Profiling of Mushroom (Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel.) Cultured on Lignocellulosic Agro Wastes
Functional Foods and Natural Products for Obesity Management
Use of Henna in The Malay World: From Traditional Uses to Scientific Approaches
Medieval Plants in Islamic Manuscripts for MSS 2515: An Analysis of Zingiberaceae Familia and its Usage in the Old Malay Traditions.
Idhkhir According to Hadiths, Science and Current Study.