Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science
jesuum.edu.myView CV | |
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Outline of Work profile: I was given a scholarship by concerns in England (1974) to complete my higher Secondary education; I then read the Natural Sciences Tripos at Cambridge, specializing in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical and Physical Chemistry. I worked as a researcher with T.K. Lim in University of Malaya examining his Spin Free Q.M.(1980-82) and then went to the University of Georgia, Athens, (USA) where I wrote my own dissertation in Thermodynamics (1986) under the supervision of Darwin W Smith. He encouraged me never to build on any other person\\\'s foundations, nor to attempt any "me-too" science and fashions, which has become during the intervening years the central paradigm in the control, management and administration of science worldwide. This advise seems to have made a permanent impression on me, although this recommended thorny pathway might lead one to confront many a Goliath; others -more pragmatic- might interpret the recommendation as inviting one to tilt at windmills. He seemed to sense that with intense work and hope, communities and peoples could solve their own problems with economy, capability and satisfaction, rather than to opt for external ordering through compliance and indifference to whatever resources that could be cultivated and utilized proximately. Perhaps he had overestimated the quality of independence and historical recollection, anamnesis, value-attribution and cultural coherence of the many peoples of at least Afro-Asia. I briefly obtained a post-doctoral fellowship at Montana State University where I studied Statistical systems, developing a theory of recoverable transitions. I then returned to Malaysia (1989), where I have worked as an academic ever since. In the year 1994-1995, I spent my first sabbatical in K.I.L., Slovenia. In 2000-2001, I spent my second sabbatical leave at the Physical Chemistry Institute, Trondheim, Norway. The third sabbatical (2007) was spent in (i) the Physics Laboratory (HUT, Helsinki) and (ii) Arrhenius Laboratory, Sweden with Prof. A. Laaksonen studying charged interactions in MD. Research Interests: Up to 2008, I had been working intensely on various fundamental topics in especially thermodynamics and Molecular Dynamics, producing many new theorems, and critiquing many fundamental ones, such as Liouville\'s theorem, which underpins so much of Quantum and Classical thermodynamics. In recent times, under the encouragement of Prof Keshav from the Physics Department, I am also supervising students in routine Applied DFT theory, polyelectrolyte simulations and recently, in heavy ion contamination of water sources. I view these as training programs which has temporarily -I hope- put an end to my own research and thinking, but perhaps it is important to ensure that people can be trained in part to build manpower capacity , but again suitability of training is a complex issue that cannot be reduced to blind numbers and procedures. I am also keen on communicating with people who are concerned with scientific media development that is accessible and available to communities of especially low financial capability and resources, and of the development of sustainable science based on independent solutions to actual problems immediately confronting the researcher along historical lines and in terms of the value attribution that such endeavors should or could generate. My awards and recognitions include a Bronze Medal (Expo Science,2006, U.M.) and listings in Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Asia (Marquis 2007). I am also keen in relating to people who have an interest and passion in wishing to investigate some aspect of nature that is within my capability and interests. All too often, scholarship has been reduced to predefined mechanical functioning –that can be defined with various Key Performing Indices- like a component within a pre established machine, whereas good scholarship involves movement into the unknown, where there is no pre-established structure and where the risk factor and unpredictability factor are very high . Field of Expertise:
Research interests:
Commentary on Third World attempts to improve the intellectual strength of researchers and students in higher education: a cultural and philosophical approach
Densities, ultrasonic speeds, refractive indices, and COSMO analysis for binary mixtures of dichloromethane with acetone and dimethylsulfoxide at T = (298.15, 303.15, and 308.15) K.
Mathematical modeling of the effects of attenuation and system electronic coupling on the determination of speed of sound in ultrasonic interferometry
Steady State NEMD Investigation Of Heat Conduction Of A 1-D Lattice Chain Subjected To A Temperature Gradient And Statement Of A Variational Principle For Second Law Compliance Of Heat Transfer,
\"Primary Abortion\"
entry [MR2397945]
entry [MR2403055]
entry [MR 2442294]
entry [ MR2361 651]