Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Chemistry
    Faculty of Science
  • jesu
  • +603-79674270/4204


Outline of Work profile:

I was given a scholarship by concerns in England (1974) to complete my higher Secondary education; I then read the Natural Sciences Tripos at Cambridge, specializing in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical and Physical Chemistry. I worked as a researcher with T.K. Lim in University of Malaya examining his Spin Free Q.M.(1980-82) and then went to the University of Georgia, Athens, (USA)  where I wrote my own dissertation in Thermodynamics (1986)  under the supervision of Darwin W Smith.  He  encouraged me never to build on any other person\\\'s foundations, nor to attempt any "me-too" science and fashions, which has become during the intervening years the central  paradigm in the control, management  and administration of science worldwide. This advise seems to have made a permanent impression on me, although  this recommended thorny pathway might  lead one to confront  many a Goliath; others -more pragmatic-  might interpret the recommendation as inviting one to tilt  at windmills.  He seemed to sense that with intense work and hope, communities and peoples could solve their own problems with economy, capability and satisfaction, rather than to opt for   external ordering through  compliance and indifference to whatever resources that could be cultivated and utilized proximately. Perhaps he had overestimated the quality of independence and historical recollection, anamnesis, value-attribution  and cultural coherence  of the many peoples of at least Afro-Asia. I briefly obtained a post-doctoral fellowship at Montana State University where I   studied  Statistical  systems, developing a theory of recoverable transitions. I then returned to Malaysia  (1989),  where I  have worked as an academic  ever since. In the year 1994-1995, I spent my  first sabbatical in K.I.L., Slovenia. In 2000-2001, I  spent my  second sabbatical leave at the Physical Chemistry Institute, Trondheim, Norway. The third sabbatical (2007)   was spent  in (i) the Physics Laboratory (HUT, Helsinki) and (ii) Arrhenius Laboratory, Sweden with Prof. A. Laaksonen  studying charged interactions in MD.

Research Interests:

Up to 2008, I had been working intensely on various fundamental topics in especially thermodynamics and Molecular Dynamics, producing many  new theorems, and critiquing many fundamental ones, such as Liouville\'s theorem, which underpins so much of Quantum and Classical thermodynamics.  In recent times, under the encouragement of Prof Keshav from the Physics Department, I am also supervising students in routine Applied DFT theory, polyelectrolyte simulations and recently, in heavy ion contamination of water sources.  I view these as training programs which has temporarily -I hope- put an end to my own research and thinking, but perhaps it is important to ensure that  people can be trained in part to build manpower capacity , but again suitability of training is a complex issue that cannot be reduced to blind numbers and procedures. I am also keen on communicating with people who are concerned with scientific media development that is accessible and available to communities of especially low financial capability and resources, and of the development of sustainable science based on independent solutions to  actual  problems immediately confronting the researcher  along historical lines and in terms  of  the  value attribution that such endeavors should or could generate. My  awards  and recognitions include a Bronze Medal (Expo Science,2006, U.M.)  and listings in Who’s Who in the World   and Who’s Who in Asia (Marquis 2007). I am also keen in relating to people who have an interest and passion in wishing to investigate some aspect of nature that is within my capability and interests.  All too  often, scholarship has been reduced to predefined mechanical functioning –that can be defined with various Key Performing Indices-   like a component within a pre established machine, whereas  good  scholarship involves movement into the unknown, where there is no pre-established structure and where the risk factor and unpredictability factor are  very high .

Field of Expertise:

  • Thermodynamics, Molecular Dynamics Simulations (using own algorithms), General Theory  of Physical systems

Research interests:

  • Molecular dynamics of hysteresis dimer chemical reaction (to 2006) and theory of chemical interaction
  • from 2006 -2007 (MD of dimer reactions using  conventional potentials without hysteresis)
  • 2007 – 2010 MD  of charged systems and the electromagnetic field



  • Expert training, (WIEN2K Workshop specializing in muffin-tin Plane wave DFT calculations for periodic systems)
    Pennsylvania State University
  • Sabbatical Research III., (Study of state-of -the-art algorithms to cater for charge interactions in MD simulations )
    University of Stockholm, Sweden
  • Workshop in Quantum Chemistry and MD, (Theoretical Chemistry Workshop)
    Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
    Norway Technical University, Norway
  • Sabbatical Research I. KIL (Ljubljana, Slovenia), (Statistical Mechanics)
    University of Georgia, Athens
  • MA(CAMB)(1984), (SAINS)
    Cambridge University, United Kingdom
  • BA(UK)(1980), (SAINS)
    Cambridge University, United Kingdom


  • Reviewer and Referee for major ISI journals and on Board of Reviewers for Mathematical Reviews
    01 Jan 2004 - 01 Jan 2019 (International)
  • Reviewer and referee of ISI journals of Springer, Elsevier etc and on the board of reviewers of Mathematical Reviews
    01 Jan 2006 - 01 Jan 2019 (International)
  • Board member for vetting Physical Chemistry Examination Questions "Ahli Jawaatan Juasa Penyaringan Kertas Soalan 2010-2012" Chemistry Department, University of Malaya
    26 Jul 2010 - 31 Jan 2017 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Chief Invigilator, 3 pm Dewan 3 Examination Hall, UM
    02 Jan 2015 - 02 Jan 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Coordinator
    01 Jun 2013 - 30 Sep 2013 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Supervisor
    01 Jan 2009 - 30 Jun 2012 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Supervisor Year 3 Physical Chemistry teaching lab
    01 Jul 2010 - 30 Jun 2012 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Head of Chemistry Department workshop
    01 Jul 2010 - 30 Jun 2012 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Convenor SCES/P 3130 Course Sem 2 yr 2010/2011
    10 Dec 2010 - 31 Jan 2012 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Supervisor Year 2 Physical Chemistry teaching lab
    01 Jul 2010 - 30 Jun 2011 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Industrial Training Board member
    31 Jul 2010 - 30 Jun 2011 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Convener SCES/P 3130 Sem 2 yr 2010/11
    01 Apr 2011 - 30 May 2011 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Convener SCES2338
    01 Apr 2011 - 30 May 2011 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Coordinator and Convenor SCES/P3130 for entire session 2009/2010 (Semester 1 and 2)
    01 Jun 2009 - 30 Jun 2010 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Convenor or Coordinator for Sem 2 course SCES2338
    01 Apr 2010 - 30 Jun 2010 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Industrial Training Board member entire session 2009/10
    01 May 2009 - 30 Jun 2010 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Supervisor of Year 3 physical chemistry teaching laboratory Session 2009/10
    01 Jul 2009 - 30 Jun 2010 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Supervisor of Year 3 Physical Chemistry teaching laboratory
    01 Jul 2008 - 30 Jun 2009 (University Malaya)


    Since 2020 (University)


  • Sijil Penghargaan Persaraan
    2017, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Member of Majlis Profesor Negara
    2017, Government of Malaysia,  (National)
  • Life Fellow
    2017, Institute of Physics/ Inst. Fizik Malaysia,  (International)
  • Marquis Who's Who Listee
    2016, Marquis's Who's Who inc,  (International)
  • Citation in Malaysia: Who's Who in The Civil Service: The Steel Backbone of The Government- Creme De La Creme
    2015, Kasuya Management Sdn Bhd,  (National)
  • Guest Editor for Special Issue "Modeling and Analysis in Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer"
    2015, HIndawi Publications,  (International)
  • Listing in Marquis' Who is Who
    2015, Marquis bibliography services, USA,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2012, Universiti Malaya
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2009, Universiti Malaya
  • Umrg Grant
    2009, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Elected Member of International Organizing Committee, Icnpaa 2010 World Congress: 8th International Conference On Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
    2009, ICNPAA,  (International)
  • Pjp University Grant
    2008, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Frgs Grant
    2008, MOSTI (Government of Malaysia),  (National)
  • Chairman of Session, Computation Methods and Applications-1, Icdsa5 , Atlanta, Ga, Usa, 2007
    2008, International conference ICDSA_5, Atlanta, U.S.A.,  (International)
  • Entry in Dictionary of International Biography 2008 Cambridge Blue Book (a Selection of The Best Scientists Globally in Their Respective Fields)
    2008, International Biography Centre, Cambridge, England,  (International)
  • Listing in Who is Who in The World 2008
    2008, Marquis,  (International)
  • Pjp Research Grant Rm 8,000
    2007, Univ. Malaya,  (University)
  • Listing Who is Who in Science and Engineering 2007
    2007, Marquis,  (International)
  • Penghargaan Persatuan Juruteknologis Makmal Universiti Malaya
    2006, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Listing in Who's Who in The World; and Listing in Who's Who in Asia (2007)
    2006, Marquis,  (International)
  • Bronze Medal (Expo 2006 Exhibition for Fundamental Research)
    2006, University of Malaya,  (National)
  • Chairman of Session, Mathematical Methods 4, 19/Sept/2005, Icaam 2005 International Conference On Mathematical Methods, Rhodes, Greece.
    2005, ICNAAM 2005,  (International)
  • Scholarship to Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems Seminar and Conference
    2003, Madrid (AECI, FIIAPP & CIEMAT),  (International)
  • Irpa Grant, Rm198,000
    2003, MOSTI, Government of Malaysia,  (National)
  • Pjp Grant, Rm26,000
    2001, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Preprint Pioneer Certificate-for First 1000 Preprints Sent to Preprint Server
    2000, Chemweb, United Kingdom,  (International)
  • Listing - Who is Who in The World
    2000, Marquis,  (International)
  • T.W.a.S. Research Award
    1999, Third World Academy of Science,  (International)
  • Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society (for Excellence in Ph.D Research)
    1986, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, (U.S.A.),  (International)
  • Post Doctoral Fellowship
    1986, Montana State University, Bozeman,  (International)
  • University Teaching Assistant Award
    1985, University of Georgia,  (International)
  • University Teaching Assistant Award
    1983, University of Georgia,  (International)
  • Stipend
    1977, Dorset County Council,  (International)
  • Scholarship
    1974, Bryanston Public School (England),  (International)


Article in Journal
  1. Jesudason,C.G. (2020). Commentary on Third World attempts to improve the intellectual strength of researchers and students in higher education: a cultural and philosophical approach. Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy,May-August, 2(61-84).
  2. Jesudason,C.G., (2018) Steady State NEMD Investigation Of Heat Conduction Of A 1-D Lattice Chain Subjected To A Temperature Gradient And Statement Of A Variational Principle For Second Law Compliance Of Heat Transfer,Jurnal Fizik Malaysia 39(2), p.20020
  3. Nabi, A., Zain, M.D., Jesudason, C.G.,(2018),Densities, ultrasonic speeds, refractive indices, and COSMO analysis for binary mixtures of dichloromethane with acetone and dimethylsulfoxide at T = (298.15, 303.15, and 308.15) K. Chem. Eng. Comm, 205(4),479-491
  4. Yau, C.K. , Jesudason, C.G., (2018) Mathematical modeling of the effects of attenuation and system electronic coupling on the determination of the speed of sound in ultrasonic interferometry, J. Mathematical Chemistry, 56(8), 2392 2417
  5. Jesudason, C.G., & Yau, C.K., (2017) Relevance of the thermodynamic ERAS model for liquid mixtures with components exhibiting a small degree of self association, J. Mol. Liq., 234, 1-8
  6. Jesudason, C.G., (2017).Fourier heat conduction characteristics of a lattice chain arising from considerations in intermolecular potentials and the Second law. Int. J. Thermal Sci. Online 1-17
  7. Jesudason, C.G., Second law considerations in Fourier heat conduction of a lattice chain in relation to intermolecular potentials, AIP Conference Proceedings 1798(1), doi:
  8. Nabi, A., Jesudason, C.G., Malik, M. A., Nabi, F., (2017) Prediction of viscosities and COSMO-RS analyses in binary mixtures of N, N-dimethylformamide with acetone. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 55(2),264-275.
  9. Christopher Gunaseelan Jesudason, (accepted 12 December, 2015) One particle representation of heat conduction described within the scope of the Second law. Plos One PONE-D_14-37980R1
  10. Nabi,A. Yau, C. K. and Jesudason, C. G. (2016) Investigation of molecular interactions in binary mixtures (dichloromethane + aliphatic alcohols) at T= (298.15 to 308.15), 224 , 551-561 K: Experimental, ERAS analyses and COSMO-RS predictions
  11. Ching Koon Yau , Firdosa Nabi , Christopher G. Jesudason.Ultrasonic speeds, refractive indices, and densities of dimethoxymethane + aliphatic alcohols (C1 C4) at (298.15 and 303.15) K with COSMO-RS and ERAS analyses.(2015) Mol Liquids. 212 : 79-89
  12. Gongnan Xie, Christopher G. Jesudason, Di Zhang, Hao- Chun Zhang, and John C. Chai,(2015)Modeling and Analysis in Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 540607, 1 page
  13. FIRDOSA NABI, MAQSOOD AHMAD MALIK, SHAEEL AHMED AL- THABAITI, YAU CHING KOON AND CHRISTOPHER G. JESUDASON. 2014.Excess Molar Volumes, Theoretical Viscosities and Ultrasonic Speeds of Binary Mixtures at 298.15 K and 303.15 K. Asian J. Chemistry
  14. Firdosa Nabi, Ching Koon Yau, Christopher G. Jesudason, Maqsood Ahmad Malik & Shaeel Ahmed Al- Thabaiti. 2014. Densities, Refractive Indices and Ultrasonic Speeds of N,N-dimethylformamide +Acetone Binary Mixtures at Different Temperatures. Chemical Engineering Communications
  15. Firdosa Nabi, Maqsood Ahmad Malik, Christopher Gunaseelan Jesudason, Shaeel Ahmed Al-Thabaiti. 2014.A review of molecular interactions in organic binary mixtures. Korean J. Chemical Engineering 31(9):1505- 1517.
  16. Jesudason, Christopher G. 2014. Numerical Reduced Variable Optimization Methods via Implicit Functional Dependence with Applications. Abstract and Applied Analysis. Article ID 108184, 13 pages
  17. Firdosa Nabi, Christopher Gunaseelan Jesudason, Maqsood Ahmad Malik & Shaeel Ahmed Al-Thabaiti (2013): ESTIMATION OF EXCESS MOLAR VOLUMES, THEORETICAL VISCOSITIES, AND ULTRASONIC SPEEDS OF BINARY LIQUID MIXTURES AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES, Chemical Engineering Communications, 200:1, 77-92
  18. Jesudason, C.G. & Agung, A.J. P. 2013. Reflections on the conformation, topology and thermodynamics of a polyelectrolyte chain in the presence of counterions with plausible applications J. Math. Chem (JOMC) in press
  19. M. Abdus Salam, C.G. Jesudason, Keshav N. Shrivastava, M. Aminul Islam, A structural-feature-based computational approach for toxicity prediction of water-soluble arsenicals, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids , 1 14 (2012) DOI:10.1080/00319104.2010.527841 and
  20. Jesudason,C.G. I. Numerical nonlinear analysis: differential methods and optimization applied to chemical reaction rate determination , J. Math. Chem. Volume 49, Number 7, 1384-1415 (2011)
  21. Nabi,F., Maqsood, A. M. & Jesudason,C. G., Excess functions and evaluation of theoretical viscosity models for binary mixtures of styrene with m, o, or p, xylene and toluene at different temperatures,Asian Journal of Chemistry, 23(9),3898-3904, 2011
  22. Agung Ahmad A. J., Jesudason Christopher and Lyubartsev Alexander P., A Molecular Dynamics Study of Salt Concentration Effects on a Single Polyelectrolyte Chain Simulating nDNA, Special issue of Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment for ICCE4 Conference. p.11- 17, 2010
  23. DFT calculation of vibrational frequencies of FeCoB m- RAM, L. L. Ling, C. Jesudason and K. N. Shrivastava, AIP Conf. Proc. 1250, 257-260 (2010).
  24. Jesudason, C. G. 2008. Focus on the Clausius Inequalities as a Consequence of Modeling Thermodynamic Systems as a Series of Open Carnot Cycles, Math. Comput. Modelling (Elsevier)
  25. Jesudason, C.G. Broad Considerations Concerning Electrochemical Electrodes in Primarily Fluid Environments Int. J. Mol. Sci., 10(5) (2009) 2203- 2251 [doi:10.3390/ijms10052203] (ISI)
  26. Jesudason, C.G. (2009) Thermodynamical Equilibrium And Consequences For Rate Law Expressions For Elementary Chemical And Physical Reactions INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON FRONTIERS OF PHYSICS 2009 (IMFP 2009) (accepted) SCOPUS and AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings indexes
  27. Jesudason, C.G. 2009 Overview of some results in my thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and molecular dynamics simulation research , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications doi: 10.1016/ (ISI)
  28. Jesudason, C.G. 2009. Simulation Algorithm That Conserves Energy and Momentum for Molecular Dynamics of Systems Driven by Switching Potentials, Math Probl Eng. Article ID 215815 Vol 2009
  29. Jesudason, C.G.(Article in Press). Evidence of nonlinearity of chemical rate constant expression from MD simulation. Nonlinear Analysis (in Press)
  30. Jesudason, C.G., Lyubartsev, & Laaksonen, A. 2009. Conformational characteristics of single flexible polyelectrolyte chain.Eur. Phys. J. E 30:341 350
  31. Lee Li Ling, Christopher Jesudason and Keshav N. Shrivastava, Computerized Simulation of Magnetoresistance Random Access Memory Material International Workshop on Advanced Material for New and Renewable Energy AMNRE 2009 Conference Proceeding (under review) SCOPUS and AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings indexes
  32. Nazrul Ahmad Rosli, Hasan Abu Kassim, Christopher G. Jesudason and Keshav N. Shrivastava , DFT CALCULATION OF VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES IN CLUSTERS OF Fe AND As ATOMS , International Workshop on Advanced Material for New and Renewable Energy AMNRE 2009 Conference Proceeding (under review) SCOPUS and AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings indexes
  33. Jesudason, C.G. 2008 The form of the rate constant for elementary reactions at equilibrium from MD: framework and proposals for thermokinetics.Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 43:976-1036
  34. Jesudason, C.G. 2007. New Reaction Kinetic Model Derived from Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data on Non-linearity of Rate Coefficients and Their Relation to Activity Coefficients. ASM Sci. J. 1(1) : 7-18
  35. Jesudason, C.G.2007. Model hysteresis dimer molecule I: Equilibrium properties. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 42(4):859-891
  36. Jesudason, C.G.2007. Model hysteresis dimer molecule II: deductions from probability profile due to system coordinates. JOMC CJ. Math . Chem 42(4):893-908
  39. Jesudason, C.G.2006. The approximate nature of the principle of local equilibrium and examples of non-Gaussian distributions in equilibrium simulations. Jurnal Fizik Malaysia 27(3): 1-14.
  40. Jesudason, C. G. 2005. New entropy and other state functions from analysis of open system Carnot cycle ERRATUM, Nonlinear Analysis (Elsevier), 6(1) (2005) 225-226
  42. Jesudason, C.G.2005. An algebra for scientific equations with applications in computational problems. Malaysian J Science, 24(2) : 79-85
  43. Jesudason, C.G.2005. The Clausius inequality: implications for nonequilibrium thermodynamic steady states with NEMD corroboration. Nonlinear Analysis 63(5-7) : e541-e553
  45. Jesudason, C.G. 2003. Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics of a Model chemical reaction in a steady state with breakdown of the local equilibrium hypothesis everywhere along a region of thereactor volume. Malaysian Journal of Physics 24(2): 85-93
  46. Jesudason, C.G.2003. New-Space Stochastic Equation for Dynamical Systems in Liouville Form Stochastic Analysis and Applications 21(5): 1095-1112
  47. Jesudason, C.G.2003. Some consequences of an Analysis of the Kelvin-Clausius Entropy Formulation Based on Traditional Axiomatics. Entropy 6 : 1-16
  48. Jesudason C.G. 1999. II. Time's Arrow, detail balance, Onsager reciprocity and mechanical reversibility. Thermodynamical Illustrations. Apeiron 6(3-4) : 172-185
  49. Jesudason, C.G. 1999. I. Time's Arrow, detail balance, Onsager reciprocity and mechanical reversibility. Basic Considerations. Apeiron 6(1-2): 9-24
  50. Jesudason, C.G. 1999. Some Electrode Theorems with Experimental Corroboration, Inclusive of theAg/AgCl System. Internet Journal of Chemistry Special Issues: Vol.2 Article 24
  51. Jesudason, C.G. 1998. On Some Difficulties Concerning Heisenberg Uncertainty And Quantum Mechanical Relations. Physics Essays 11(1): 1-30
  52. Jesudason, C.G.1998. A General Variational Principle with an Application to the Kelvin Thermoelectric equations. ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DIN TIMISOARA SERIA STIINTE FIZICE 37 : 8-17
  53. Jesudason, C.G.1998. Thermodynamics of Fourier-like radiative conduction heat currents, and equilibrium temperature gradients. Indian J. Physics 72(B) (1) : 1-15
  54. Borstnik, B. ,Jesudason, C. G.,Stell, G. 1997. Anomalous Clustering and Equation -of -State Behaviour as the Adhesive -disk limit is approached .J. Chem. Phys 106(23) : 9762 - 9768
  55. Jesudason, C.G.1997. Experimental evidence of Fourier-like radiative conduction heat currents, and equilibrium temperature gradients. Indian J.Physics. 71B(6) : 661-683
  56. Jesudason, C.G.1996. Note on Monte Carlo Methods Without Necessary Detail Balance. J. Stat. Phys.82(3/4):1207-1211
  57. Jesudason, C.G. 1992. Reflections on Uncertainty and Errors. J. of the Indian Institute of Science 72:27-33
  58. Jesudason, C.G.1992. Equipartition,Planck's Radiation Law and Quanta. Malaysian J. of Science 14 : 61
  59. Jesudason, C.G. 1991. Fundamentals of non-equilibrium thermodynamics I. Critique of the Benofy and Quay theory of the steady state. Ind. J. Pure & Applied Physics 28 : 632-637
  60. Jesudason, C.G. 1991. Recoverable systems : A quantum statistical thermodynamic study. Ind. J. Pure Applied Phy 29 : 163-183
  61. Jesudason, C.G.1991. Fundamentals of non-equilibrium thermodynamics III:Applications to systems with new results. Ind. J. Pure & Applied Physics 29 : 88-101
  62. Jesudason, C.G.1991. Fundamentals of non-equilibrium thermodynamics II: Derivation of minimum entropy production principles. Ind. J. Pure & Applied Physics 29:9-18
  63. Jesudason, C.G.1991. Variation principles applied to non-equilibrium processes. J. of Physical Science 2 : 136-156
  64. Jesudason, C.G. 1989. A macroscopic Impulse Theorem. Current Science 58 : 675-677.
  65. Jesudason, C.G.1989. Comments on the Benofy and Quay Theory of Thermomagnetic Effects. Current Science 58 : 1181-1184
  66. Lim, T.K.and Jesudason,C.G. 1982. Waller-Hartree C.I. Calculations. Quantum Chemistry Symposium 16 : 259-264
  1. Jesudason, C.G.. 1996. Primary Abortion (University of Malaya Press, 1996, ISBN 983-99676-1-4)
  2. Jesudason, C.G. 1992. WORDS FROM A TELEPRINTER POEMS written 1980-81. KUALA LUMPUR: ALETHIA ENTERPRISES.ISBN 983-99676-0-6
Chapter in Books
  1. Modelling and Simulating Chemical Reactions, SIAM REVIEW 50 (2008), 347-368 [MR2403055] published in Mathematical Reviews (AMS)
  2. Stefan Emet, Tapio Westerlund `Solving a dynamic separation problem using MINLP techniques'',APPL NUMER MATH 58 (2008), 395-406}[MR2397945] published in Mathematical Reviews (AMS)
  3. M Babaji and S. Baigent , Electron transfer networks, J Math. Chem., 43(4) 2008 1355-1370 [MR 2442294] published in Mathematical Reviews (AMS)
  4. Review of: M.C. Carrisi, S. Pennisi, A. Scanu, "`The exact macroscopic approach to extended thermodynamics with many moments, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 40 (2007), no.2, 209-232 }[ MR2361 651] published in Mathematical Reviews (AMS)
  5. Jesudason,C.G. 2007. Model hysteresis dimer molecule. I. Equilibrium properties in Ezio Venturino and Roger Hosking (Ed.). Aspects of Mathematical Modelling - Mathematics and Biosciences in Interaction, pp. 109-141.Basel/ Switzerland : Birkhauser-Verlag.
  6. Jesudason,C.G. 2007. Model hysteresis dimer molecule II. Deductions from probability profile in Ezio Venturino and Roger Hosking(ed). Aspects of Mathematical Modelling - Mathematics and Biosciences in Interaction, pp. 143-160. Basel/ Switzerland : Birkhauser-Verlag .
  7. Jesudason, C.G. 1998. An Aspect of Heisenberg Uncertainty and de Broglie Waves in Frontiers in Quantum Physics, p. 245. Verlag: Springer.
Article in Proceeding
  1. C. G. Jesudason, Chemical reaction rate determination I.Numerical differential Methods ICNPAA 2010 Conference Proceedings, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, (UK) in press
  2. C.G. Jesudason I. Time Reversibility Concepts, the Second Law and Irreversible Thermodynamics,AAAS Second Law Symposium - Conference Volume 92nd Annual Meeting, June,2011, AIP Conf. Proc. 1411, pp.292-307
  3. C.G. Jesudason, II. The Second Law in Relation to Thermal Radiative Transfer, AAAS Second Law Symposium -- Conference Volume, API Conf. Proc. 1411, pp.308-326
  4. Jesudason,C. G., Chemical reaction rate determination II. Numerical PIPD integral method, ICNPAA 2010 Conference Proceedings, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, (UK)
  5. Rosli AN (Rosli, Ahmad Nazrul); Zabidi NA (Zabidi, Noriza Ahmad); Jesudason CG (Jesudason, Christopher G.); Abu Kassim H (Abu Kassim, Hasan); Shrivastava KN (Shrivastava, Keshav N.)2011.Clusters of Ge and O Atoms and the Raman Spectra of Vitreous GeO(2)MALAYSIA ANNUAL PHYSICS CONFERENCE 2010 (PERFIK-2010)Proceedings Volume: 1328 Pages: 71-73 DOI: 10.1063/1.3573691 Published: 2011
  6. Christopher G. Jesudason. 2010.
  7. Rosli, A..N. , Zabidi N.A., Jesudason,C G., H.A. Kassim, H.A. & K. N. Shrivastava, DFT Calculation of Clusters of Ba and O Atoms and the Raman Spectra of Barium Peroxide, The 4th Asian Physics Symposium- An international Symposium Conference Proceedings, AIP Conference Proceedings Publication 1325, p 194-197 (2010)
  8. Jesudason, C.G.2005. Outline of a new theory of thermo-mechanical coherence with application to the standard states of a dimer reaction. Proceedings International Meeting in Frontiers of Physics.(in press)
  9. Jesudason, C.G. 2004. THE CLAUSIUS INEQUALITIES FOR OPEN SYSTEM THERMODYNAMICS. PERFIK 2004.Malaysian Institute of Physics, Kuala Lumpur. CD
  12. Jesudason, C.G. 2000. Experimental Evidence for variation in electronic chemical potential with size of the metal substrate in a reversible electrode. Proceedings of the International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics 1998, p. 494-498
  13. Jesudason, C. G. 1994. Detailed balance and time reversibility. Fifth Asia-Pacific Physics Conference Proceedings, World Scientific Publishers, Singapore. (1994), Vol 2, last chapter
  14. Jesudason, C. G. 1994. Some electrode theorems with reference to solution electrolytes, National Physics Conference Proceedings (Perfik 2004), Malaysian Institute of Physics, 1994
  15. Jesudason, C.G. 1994 .An alternative to the Boltzmann Equation exemplified by Fourier Heat Conduction. Proceedings in National Physics Conference 1994 (Perfik 2004)Malaysian Institute of Physics .
  18. Jesudason, C.G.1991. Some reflections on Uncertainty and Errors. Proceedings of 1990 National Physics Symposium
Other Publications
  1. C G Jesudason, Tutor/Academic Relations with Students (1 April, 2009) - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  2. C. G. Jesudason, Relations between academics and administrators in higher education: (2 march,2009) - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  3. C G Jesudason, Degree Standards (24 July, 2008) - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  4. C G Jesudason, Dumbing down of academic standards at the undergraduate level: (27 August, 2008) - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  5. C G Jesudason, THES Rankings - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  7. Letter to Four Patriarchs (126 pages), posted at and sent to 1)ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE OF CONSTANTINOPLE 2)H.H. POPE BENEDICT XVI (Rome)3)H.H. PATRIARCH ALEXIS (Moscow) 4) HIS BEATITUDE IGNATIUS IV (Syria) - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  9. Jesudason, C. G. 1997. Maximum consultation in the use of frozen embryo. (Letter of the day, New Straits Times, Monday, 26 May, 1997) - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  11. Jesudason, C.G. 1994. Quantum mechanics and electrodics Lib. of Congress U.S.A. Txu632-026 - Technical Report
  12. Heisenberg Anomalies, Boltzmann s equation and Planck s radiation law ( Txu 486 285 Lib Congress, 20/8/91) - Technical Report
  13. Jesudason, C.G. 1991. Heisenberg Anomalies, Boltzmann s equation and Planck s radiation law, Lib Congress, USA. - Technical Report
  15. Jesudason, C.G. 1991. QUANTUM MECHANICS AND ELECTRODICS.Lib Congress,U.S.A..TXU 632-026 - Technical Report
  16. Jesudason, C.G. 1988. COLLECTED WORKS II. LIB CONGRESS, USA. Txu 317-486 - Technical Report
  17. Jesudason, C.G. 1987. COLLECTED WORKS 1. LIB CONGRESS, U.S.A. Txu 305-374 - Technical Report


  • 2007 - 2010 MD of charged systems and the electromagnetic field in cooperation with Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden (Coulombic interactions)
  • From 2006 -2007 (MD of dimer reactions using conventional potentials without hysteresis). (Using normal LJ and harmonic potentials and Switches)
  • Routine DFT studies of molecules and extended systems (2009-2011) (Glasses, MRAM material development, Materials for Photovoltaic materials)


  1. 2016 - 2019, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    Theoretical and experimental investigation of drugs and surfactants in aqueous and non aqueous media. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2014 - 2016, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Liquid State Experimental And Theoretical Studies Utilizing Classical And Quantum Computer Simulation Algorithms ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2003 - 2006, Mosti(IRPA) IRPA 09-02-03-EA0151
    Molecular dynamics of hysteresis dimer chemical reaction (to 2006) and theory of chemical interaction. ( Director)
  1. 2008 - 2011, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Theoretical and Numerical Computer Simulation Studies of Systems Inclusive of Coulombic Interactions ( Director)
  2. 2008 - 2010, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Quantum Density Functional calculations and molecular dynamics simulation of systems with Coulombic interactions. ( Director)
  3. 2008 - 2010, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Quantum Density Functional calculations and molecular dynamics simulation of systems with Coulombic interactions. ( Director)
  4. 2008 - 2010, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Quantum Density Functional Calculations And Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Systems With Coulombic Interactions ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  5. 2008, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Experimental verification via numerical simulation of the variational principles postulated in earlier work ( Director)
  6. 2008, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Molecular Dynamics (MD Study of shape of the potential functions on the standard heat of reaction in a dimeric chemical reaction) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  7. 2003 - 2006, IRPA 09-02-03-EA0151
    Building home made computer clusters to run code ( Director)
  8. 2006, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    MD studies of internal distribution of molecular states ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  9. 2006, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    MD studies of shape distribution pattern of molecules during a reaction rate ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  10. 2003, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    MD study of the influence of change of shape of intermolecular potential on the phase diagram of L.J fluid ( Consultant)
  11. 2000 - 2001, UM funded sabbatical research
    Sabbatical research in NEMD ( Researcher)
  12. 1999 - 2001, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Basic study of time reversibility and its impact on thermodynamics ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2009 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    DFT and experimental studies of heavy metal water solution clusters ( Consultant)
  2. 2005 - 2008, IRPA 09-02-03-EA0151
    Model of non-reversible hysteresis molecule and its thermodynamical properties ( Director)
  3. 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    MD studies of reaction rates ( Director)
  4. 2008, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    MD study of the shifted force potential and how it affects dynamical properties ( Consultant)
  5. 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Research deriving new exact results fundamental to thermodynamics and molecular dynamics and publication of results in ISI open access journals ( Director)
  6. 2006 - 2007, IRPA 09-02-03-EA0151
    Studies in Grid cluster computing ( Director)
  7. 2006 - 2007, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Molecular Dynamics (MD Study of shape of the potential functions on the standard heat of reaction in a dimeric chemical reaction) ( Director)
  8. 2005 - 2006, IRPA 09-02-03-EA0151
    Theoretical investigation of the basis of the Taft and Hammett equations used in Free Energy Relations ( Director)
  9. 2006 - 2006, IRPA 09-02-03-EA0151
    Detailed study of scaling in scientific equations ( Director)
  10. 2005 - 2005, IRPA 09-02-03-EA0151
    Investigation of energy interchanges in a chemical reaction by MD simulation ( Director)
  11. 2001 - 2004, IRPA
    Critical studies in local equilibrium hypothesis ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  12. 2004 - 2004, IRPA09-02-03-EA0151
    Derivation of new theorems in open system equilibrium thermodynamics ( Director)
  13. 2004 - 2004, IRPA 09-02-03-EA0151
    Initial studies of simulation by examination of reduced units and temperature parameter ( Director)
  14. 2004 - 2004, IRPA 09-02-03-EA0151
    Open system Carnot cycle ( Director)
  15. 2001 - 2003, IRPA
    Entropy and nonequilibrium; studies in connection with traditional axiomatics ( Director)
  16. 2000 - 2003, IRPA IRPA09-02-03-EA0151
    Studies in basic Statistical Mechanics of irreversible processes ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  17. 2003, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    NEMD study of the influence of the change of shape of the LJ potential on transport properties of nonreactive fluids ( Director)
  18. 1995 - 2002, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Electromagnetic Fourier heat conduction radiation from experimental observation and new theories of electromagnetic heat transfer theories ( Director)
  19. 1998 - 2001, Self funding
    Basic theoretical studies of the foundations of Quantum theory ( Director)
  20. 1999 - 2001, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Electrode Theorems in electrochemical interfaces ( Director)
  21. 1999 - 2001, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Basic study of time reversibility and its impact on thermodynamics ( Director)
  22. 2000 - 2001, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    New variational principles for nonequilibrium thermodynamics ( Director)
  23. 2000, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Electrochemical impedance lab and general lab for building physical chemistry experiments. ( Director)


  • External Examiner for Ph.D. Thesis, Bharathiar University
    01 Jun 2017 (International)
  • Evaluation of Lecturer for Promotion to Associate Professor, University of Jordan
    01 Jun 2017 - 01 Jun 2017 (International)
  • Review On Behalf of Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society
    01 Jun 2017 - 01 Jun 2017 (International)
  • Editorial Board, Pertanika, University Putra Malaysia
    01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2017 (International)
  • Editor Ifm Bulletin, members of Insititut Fizik Malaysia
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2016 (National)
  • Reviewer, PLOS One
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (International)
  • Council Member, Institut Fizik Malaysia, Institut Fizik Malaysia
    01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2015 (National)
  • Member of Board of Reveiwers for Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society
    01 Jan 2014 - 01 Jan 2015 (International)
  • Evaluation for Promotion to Assoc Prof., University of Jordan, Amman
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (International)
  • Reviewer: Mr3255037, Mathematical Reviews
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (International)
  • Reviewer for Mr3344393, Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society,
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (International)
  • Reviewer for Taibah U Journal for Science: Jtusci-D-15 00288, Elsevier Publications
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (International)
  • Project No 8 in UM-Mimos Centre of Excellence in Grid Computing and Applications, UM and MIMOS
    01 Nov 2009 - 01 Nov 2009 (National)
  • Coordination With Mimos in Using Their Computer Systems for Research in University of Malaya; Also Coordinating With Mimos to Source Experts from UM for Mimos Projects, MIMOS
    01 Nov 2009 - 01 Nov 2009 (University)
  • Thermodynamics of Rocket Propulsion, Astronomical Society of Malaysia (ASM) now renamed AASM
    01 Nov 2004 - 01 Nov 2005 (National)


  1. Conservation of Energy and momentum algorithms in non-synthetic MD simulations (2 lectures), Workshop on Nanophysics 2008, Physics Department, Univ of Malaya; I was a member of the organising committee (National) (27 May 2008 - 28 May 2008)
  1. public lecture by Nobel Laureate Professor Sir Martin Evans entitled Mice, Men and Medicine , ASM Public Lecture Series, ASM (International) (18 Feb 2009 - 18 Feb 2009)
  2. Discussion Panel, member of Univ Malaya Chemistry Dept. panel meeting with Prof Dr. Harno Dwi Pranowo (Theoretical Chem), Dr Roto (Analytical chemistry) and Dr Nurul Hidayat (Enviromental Chem) from Gadja Madah University , Indonesia on to discuss collaboration between these two departments , Gadja Madah University, University of Malaya (International) (22 Dec 2008 - 22 Dec 2008)
  1. Steady State NEMD Investigation of the Energetics and Temperature Distribution of a 1-D Lattice Chain Subjected to a Temperature Gradient, IMFP2017, IFM (International) (03 Dec 2017 - 06 Dec 2017)
  2. Second law considerations for Fourier heat conduction in relation to intermolecular potentials, ICNPAA 2016 World Congress : 11th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science, Seenith Sivasundaram (USA), Svetlin Georgiev, Local Organizer (International) (05 Jul 2016 - 08 Jul 2016)
  3. Fourier heat conduction as a phenomenon described within the scope of the second law, ICNPAA 2014 Congress, International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace and Narvik University College (International) (15 Jul 2014 - 18 Jul 2014)
  4. Numerical reduced variable optimization methods with an application, 4th International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics (IMFP2013), Institute of Physics, Malaysia, Univ. Malaya, Ministry of Education, malaysia (International) (27 Aug 2013 - 30 Aug 2013)
  5. Chemical Reaction Rate Determination. Numerical PIPD Integral Method, A bilateral Seminar between Department of Chemistry, U.M. and School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Office of the Vice Chancellor and Chemistry Department, Univ. Malaya  (International) (26 Oct 2010 - 26 Oct 2010)
  6. DETERMINATION OF RATE CONSTANT OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS BY SIMPLE NUMERICAL NONLINEAR ANALYSIS, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications (RAMSA-09), Gayatri Vidya Parishad Institutions and International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts (International) (19 Dec 2009 - 22 Dec 2009)
  7. Internal Thermodynamical Equilibrium And Consequences For Rate Law Expressions For Elementary Chemical And Physical Reactions, International Meeting in Frontiers of Physics 2009, Govt of Malaysia, Univ of Malaya and International Committee (International) (13 Jan 2009 - 18 Jan 2009)
  8. Research and discovery in fundamental physical principles, WCNA2008: World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts 2008, IFNA (International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts) (International) (02 Jul 2008 - 09 Jul 2008)
  9. Conservation of momentum and energy algorithms in non-synthetic molecular dynamics simulation, NANOPHYS08 - WORKSHOP ON NANOPHYSICS 2008, Physics Department, University of Malaya (National) (27 May 2008 - 28 May 2008)
  10. A Conservation of Energy and Momentum Algorithm Using Switching Potentials Suitable for Molecular Dynamics of Thermodynamical Systems, Fifth International conference on dynamical systems wand Applications (International) (30 May 2007 - 02 Jun 2007)
  11. Equilibrium properties of a hysteresis dimer molecule from MD simulations using two-body potentials, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ESCMCE (European Society of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering) (International) (16 Sep 2005 - 20 Sep 2005)
  12. Chemical reaction simulation, Polish Academy of Science Seminar special invitation by Prof. Jerzy Gorecki , Polish Academy of Science (International) (15 Nov 2004 - 15 Nov 2004)
  13. The Clausius inequality: implications for Non-equilibrium entropy state functions and thermodynamic steady states with NEMD corroboration, W.C.N.A. 2004, W.F.N.A. and Mathematics Department, F.I.T., Florida, USA (International) (30 Jun 2004 - 06 Jul 2004)
  14. Analysis of Open System Carnot Cycle and State Functions, Malaysian Science and Technology Congress 2003 (MSTC 2003), Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (National) (23 Sep 2003 - 25 Sep 2003)
  15. Criteria for local equilibrium in a chemical reactor in a temperature gradient investigated by NEMD simulation by S Kjelstrup, C Jesudason and B Hafskjold, ECOS 2003 16th International conferenceon efficiency,costs,optimization,simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, (International) (30 Jun 2003 - 02 Jul 2003)
  16. Results of nonequilibrium chemical reaction simulations , Departmental Seminar, Dept of Physical Chemistry, NTNU (International) (05 Oct 2001 - 05 Oct 2001)
  17. Results of equilibrium chemical reaction simulations, Departmental Seminar NTNU (Norway) Dept of Physical Chemistry (International) (02 Jun 2001 - 02 May 2001)
  18. Nonlinear nature of thermodynamic recoverable processes and phase space considerations of the Boltzmann equation method, W.C.N.A 2000 World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, WFNA (World Federation of Nonlinear Analysts) (International) (01 Jun 2000 - 05 Jun 2000)
  19. For presentations before 2000, please consult previous records of work: I attended 5 international conferences and about 10 local ones from 1989-1999 during my standing as lecturer; from the years 2000-present, I have also attended numerous seminars not mentioned here such as the one concerning the state of Malaysian Universities featuring Dato Musa Hitam, Prof. Syed Hussein Alatas etc.. and several such open meetings, and many other seminars and talks within the University, too numerous to list down., Conference participation, Univ Malaya (Others) (01 Jul 1989 - 01 Dec 2000)
  1. Effects of Attenuation on the Determination of Speed of Sound from Ultrasonic Interferometry, 45th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, IUPAC (International) (07 Aug 2015 - 13 Aug 2015)
  2. Research and discovery in fundamental physico-chemical principles, Meeting of students and academics from Radboud University , Nijmegen, Netherlands with faculty and students of Chemistry Department , Faculty of Science , U.M. and Radboud University , Netherlands (International) (28 Apr 2008 - 28 Apr 2008)
  3. Novel hysteresis dimer reaction with applications to a new principle of energy interconversion for the determination of standard states, Alumni Balik Kampus research presentation (Chemistry Department), Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science (University) (02 Feb 2008 - 03 Feb 2008)
  4. Novel hysteresis dimer reaction with applications to a new principle of energy interconversion for the determination of standard states, Expo 06 University of Malaya (Bronze medal winner), UM (University) (18 Jul 2006 - 20 Jul 2006)
  5. Criteria for local equilibrium in a chemical reactor in a temperature gradient investigated by NEMD simulations, 100th anniversary Onsager Conference, N.T.N.U. (Dept. of Physical Chemistry)  (International) (01 Jun 2003 - 06 Jun 2003)
  1. A Generalized Second Law for Heterogeneously Coupled Energy Systems that Exhibit Equilibrium Temperature Differentials and Comments on Time Reversibility and Entropy, 92nd annual Meeting, Pacific division of AAAS, AAAS (National) (17 Jun 2011 - 23 Jun 2011)
  2. II. The Second Law in Relation to Thermal Radiative Transfer, 92nd annual Meeting, Pacific division of AAAS (International) (17 Jun 2011 - 23 Jun 2011)
  3. Chemical reaction rate determination I.Numerical differential Methods, ICNPAA 2010 , World Federation of Non-Linear analysis (International) (30 Jun 2010 - 03 Jul 2010)
  4. Chemical reaction rate determination II. Numerical PIPD integral method, ICNPAA 2010, World Federation of Non-Linear Analysts (International) (30 Jun 2010 - 03 Jul 2010)
  5. presented Poster with discussion TItle: "Ab initio Calculation of The Vibrational Frequencies og AgGeSe Glass". Authors: Nazrul Ahmad Rosli, Hasan Abu Kassim, Christopher G. Jesudason and Keshan Shrivastava, WIEN2K Workshop, Materials Research Institute, Penn State  (International) (23 Jun 2009 - 26 Jun 2009)
  6. Effective conservation of energy and momentum algorithm using switching potentials suitable for molecular dynamics simulation of thermodynamical systems, Chemistry Department Seminar, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science (University) (07 Mar 2008 - 07 Mar 2008)
  7. MD simulation of hysteresis dimer molecule: equilibrium properties using two-body potentials., Departmental Seminar, Chemistry Department, University of Malaya (University) (14 Dec 2005 - 14 Dec 2005)
  8. The approximate nature of the principle of local equilibrium and examples of non-Gaussian distributions in equilibrium simulations., International Meeting in Frontiers of Physics, Malaysian Physics Institute (International) (25 Jul 2005 - 29 Jul 2005)
  9. Outline of a new theory of thermo-mechanical coherence with application to the standard states of a dimer reaction, International Meeting in Frontiers of Physics, Malaysian Institute of Physics (International) (25 Jul 2005 - 25 Jul 2005)
  10. The Clausius Inequalities for open system thermodynamics, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2004 (PERFIK 2004), Malaysian Institute of Physics (National) (05 Oct 2004 - 07 Oct 2004)
  11. Some new fundamental theorems in multicomponent thermodynamics including a principle of correlation between open and closed thermodynamical systems, Departmental Seminar lecture, Chemistry Department, University of Malaya (University) (17 Sep 2004 - 17 Sep 2004)
  12. Illustration of a new 2-body potential to introduce a chemical reaction in Molecular Dynamics simulations, Departmental Seminar, Chemistry Department, Univ. of Malaya (University) (17 Sep 2004 - 17 Sep 2004)
  13. Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics of a Model chemical reaction in a steady state with breakdown of the local equilibrium hypothesis everywhere along a region of the reactor volume, National Physics Conference 2002, Malaysian Institute of Physics (National) (21 Dec 2002 - 22 Dec 2002)
  1. Ultrasonic speed in liquids from ultrasonic interferometer, 8th Mathematics and Physical Science Graduate Congress, ASEAN Postgraduate network (International) (08 Dec 2012 - 10 Dec 2012)
  2. Experimental ultrasonic speed, refractive index, and density of binary mixtures dimethoxymethane + 1-alcohols with predictions of some thermodynamic properties from COSMO-RS, 17th Malaysian Chemical Congress, Malaysian Institute of Chemistry  (International) (15 Oct 2012 - 17 Oct 2012)
  3. Panel Discussion Member, UM-CU-NUS Trilateral Mini Symposium & Scientific Meeting 2010, Universities of Malaya, N.U.S. and Chulalongkorn (International) (14 Dec 2010 - 15 Dec 2010)
  4. Clusters of Ge and O Atoms and the Raman Spectra of Vitreous GeO(2), MALAYSIA ANNUAL PHYSICS CONFERENCE 2010 (PERFIK-2010) , Minist Sci, Technol & Innovat Malaysia, (International) (27 Oct 2010 - 30 Oct 2010)
  5. The European Union and the Emerging Asian Powers (China and India) by Prof. Dr Rajendra K. Jain, Asia-Europe Institute Seminar Series, Asia-Europe Institute  (International) (27 Jan 2010 - 27 Jan 2010)
  6. DFT Calculation of Vibrational Frequencies of FeCoB m-RAM, PROGRESS OF PHYSICS RESEARCH IN MALAYSIA, PERFIK2009 , Ministry Sci, Technol & Innovat, State Govt Malacca, Malaysia Acad Sci, (International) (07 Dec 2009 - 09 Dec 2009)
  7. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -University of Malaya panel discussion , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -University of Malaya panel discussion , Bah. Hubungan Antarabangsa (International) (26 Nov 2009 - 26 Nov 2009)
  8. MOODLE (Quizzes) , MOODLE WORKSHOP, ADEC consortium, Universiti Malaya (National) (13 Aug 2009 - 13 Aug 2009)
  9. MOODLE BASICS, University of Malaya Moodle workshop , ADEC group , UNiv Malaya (University) (16 Jul 2009 - 16 Jul 2009)
  10. Computerized Simulation of Magnetoresistance Random Access Memory Material by Lee Li Ling, Christopher Jesudason and Keshav N. Shrivastava, , The International Workshop on Advanced Material for New and Renewable Energy (AMNRE) 2009 , Research Center for Physics - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)  (International) (08 Jun 2009 - 11 Jun 2009)
  11. DFT CALCULATION OF VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES IN CLUSTERS OF Fe AND As ATOMS by Nazrul Ahmad Rosli, Hasan Abu Kassim, Christopher G. ,Jesudason and Keshav N. Shrivastava, The International Workshop on Advanced Material for New and Renewable Energy (AMNRE) 2009, Research Center for Physics - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)  (International) (08 Jun 2009 - 11 Jun 2009)
  12. on Development of New Synthetic Methods and Concept in Organic Synthesis , Inaugural Lecture of Professor Dr Loh Teck Peng F.A.Sc. School of Physical and Mathematical Science Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, A.S.M Malaysia (National) (06 Jun 2009 - 06 Jun 2009)
  13. The Global Economic Crisis & Moral Changes, talk by Prof Dr. Arthur Kleinman of Harvard Medical School (physician and anthropologist) , MCA Chamber of Commerce, TAR University (International) (28 Mar 2009 - 28 Mar 2009)
  14. BASIC BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH DRIVES THE DISCOVERY OF NEW TREATMENTS FOR HUMAN DISEASE, Lecture by Nobel Laureate Professor H. Robert Horvitz, Univ of Malaya (International) (17 Mar 2009 - 17 Mar 2009)
  15. Climate Change, Rising Asian Powers and the Energy Imperative by Mr Joschka Fischer, Lecture, University of Malaya (International) (29 Jan 2009 - 29 Jan 2009)
  16. MOSTI seminar on rejuvenating research in Malaysia , Brain Gain Seminar, MOSTI, Government of Malaysia and University Malaya (National) (01 Dec 2008 - 01 Dec 2008)
  17. Introduction to New Policies by New Vice Chancellor, Meeting of Vice Chancellor with Science Faculty, Univ of Malaya (University) (17 Nov 2008 - 17 Nov 2008)
  18. My vision for Youth, Visit by H.E. AJP Kalam, Govt of India and Univ. of Malaya (International) (29 May 2008 - 29 May 2008)
  19. I discussed the possibility of benchmarking all physical chemistry teaching laboratories in Univ. Malaya according to a SIRIM proposed standard to ensure quality. , Seminar from Department of standards Malaysia SIRIM (MOSTI), TNC (Research and Innovation)  (National) (05 May 2008 - 05 May 2008)
  20. E-learning module II, E-learning module II, University of Malaya (University) (06 Mar 2008 - 06 Mar 2008)
  21. UM-Expert module I, UM-Expert module I, University of Malaya (University) (05 Mar 2008 - 05 Mar 2008)
  22. E-learning module I, E-learning module I, University of Malaya (University) (21 Feb 2008 - 21 Feb 2008)
  23. discourse on Science, Religion and Development, Dialogue on Ethics, Science and Sustainability, Pusat Dialog Peradaban, Universiti Malaya (University) (10 Aug 2006 - 10 Aug 2006)
  24. Theoretical Chemistry, Study seminar with academics from University of Nancy (Henri Poincare) on Quantum mechanics calculations and MD simulations., USM (International) (10 May 2006 - 20 May 2006)
  25. Q&A participant and attendee of all talks, International Conference on Occidentalism and Orientalism , Cambridge University and University of Malaya (International) (14 Sep 2004 - 16 Sep 2004)
  26. Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, University of Malaya (University) (13 Sep 2004 - 16 Sep 2004)
  27. Seminar On Decentralized Energy Systems, Seminar On Decentralized Energy Systems, CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) (International) (13 Oct 2003 - 24 Oct 2003)
  28. Theoretical Studies Laboratory Expository Lecture Series I, Theoretical Studies Laboratory Expository Lecture Series I, Univ Putra Malaysia (National) (09 Jan 2003 - 10 Jan 2003)


  1. (2016) I evaluated a candidate for promotion to Associate Professor at the University of Amman, (Evaluation of Dr Khaled G. Bodoor for promotion)
  2. (2015) Examiner for PhD thesis at Barathiar University, (External Examiner)
  3. (2009) Applied Chemistry Industrial Training Report and Presentation by Farhana Yusuf (SEC070117) Ei Hwee Ping (SEC080010) and Nge Chai Shiah (SEC080038) Session Sem 2, Year 2009/2010 for B. Sc. Honors graduation requirement, (Internal Examiner)
  4. (2008) Industrial chemistry training project and report. Internal examiner for 1) Nik Khairatul Azma bt Nik Ab Kadir SES060439 (MARDI) 2) Izzati Binti Abdul Aziz SEC070033 (Hicom-Teck See Manuf. Bhd) for B Sc Hons graduation., (Internal Examiner)
  5. Industrial Training Report (Institut Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI), Ibu Pejabat MARDI, Serdang, Selangor) by Nik Khairatul Azma Bt Bik Ab Kadir SES060439 Year 2008/9
  6. Characterization of Lithium Ferum Phosphate as the cathode material for rechargeable Lithium Batteries Didi Eismanto bin Sulaiman SES990172 2002/3 , (External Examiner)
  7. Industrial training report Plastic film properties Year by Irine Dee SES 010640 2002/3
  8. Industrial training report Rubber Compounding by Asmalinah Mohd Arus SES 000449 Year 2003
  9. Industrial training report : South Asia Textiles Industries Pte Ltd. by Chua Bak Chien SES 020131 Year 2003/2004
  10. Industrial Training Report On Plastic Colour Technology by Yeap Sue Thiem SES020972 Year 2003/2004
  11. Industrial Training Report (Baneng Industries Sdn. Bhd) by Ong Ai Ling SES020670 Year 2003/2004
  12. Industrial Training Report (Tohei Paint (M) Sdn. Bhd.) by Ong Lee Chyn SES020676 Year 2003/2004
  13. Industrial training report from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) by Kay Huck Lee SES030230 Year 2004/5
  14. Industrial training report from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) by Lim Hon Choong SES030339 Year 2004/5
  15. Industrial training report from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) by Tan Suet Li SES030662 Year 2004/5
  16. Industrial training report Plastic Colour Technology by Jong Chau Chien SES020269 Year 2003/2004
  17. Industrial training report (Water quality and management in canning industry ) by Ngan Ang Nee SES030447 Year 2004/5
  18. Industrial training report on Binder technology (Texchem Malaysia Sdn Bhd )by Geam Boon Gen SES030162 Year 2004/2005
  19. Industrial training report Wastewater treatment system (Earthcare Env. Tech.) Chong Sur Ling SES030100 Year 2004/2005
  20. Industrial training report on Agricultural Chemicals (M) Sdn. Bhd. By Ooi Suei Inn SES 030536 Year 2004/2005
  21. Industrial training report on Nickel-Chrome Electroplating (Atotech Malaysia Sdn Bhd) by Yusliza binti Abu Bakar SES020988 Year 2004/2005
  22. Industrial training report on CITC Enterprise Sdn. Bhd; CITC Converter Sdn. Bhd. by Tan Kang Wei SES030643 Year 2004/2005
  23. Industrial training report Applications in routine and non-routine measurement of organic compounds and water (MTBE/Polypropylene Sdn. Bhd by Norsalizah binti Abd Ghani SES030480 Year 2005/6
  24. Industrial training report Correlation between percentage of carbon in mesocarp and oil extraction rate of palm oil by Anis Natasha binti Azahar SES030020 Year 2005/2006
  25. Industrial training report A study on the pulp and paper quality improvement at recycled fiber mill of Malaysian newsprint industries (MNI) by Lee Yien Chong SES04355 Year 2005/2006
  26. Industrial training report Analytical screening on biological specimens and drugs by Cirnie Primus-Juis SES040134 Year 2005/6
  27. Industrial Training Report ( Hin Getah (M) Sdn. Bhd, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur) by Wong Siew Fun SES060772 Year 2007/8
  28. Industrial Training Report (Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 50603 Kuala Lumpur) by Nurulain binti Osman SES050677 Year 2007/8
  29. Industrial training report (Epson Toyocom Malaysian Bhd, Sg. Buloh, 52200 Kuala Lumpur) by Nuraeiniati binti Ismail SES060523 Year 2007/8
  30. Industrial training report (Consolidated Laboratory (m) Sdn Bhd, Jalan Klang Lama, 58000 Kuala Lumpur)) by Wilson Lee Wai Heng SES060252 Year 2007/8
  31. Industrial training report Plastic Colour Technology by Jong Chau Chien SES020269 Year 2003/2004
  32. Industrial training report Intermetallic and Cratering Test by Foo Mei Hwe SES010148 Year 2002/3
  33. Industrial Training Report (Hospital Tuanku Ja afar Jln. Rasah, 70300 Seremban, Negri Sembilan ) by Lim Mei Wan SEC070046 Year 2008/9report by by Lim Mei Wan SEC070046 Year 2008/9
  34. Industrial Training Report (Hospital Tuanku Ja afar Jln. Rasah, 70300 Seremban, Negri Sembilan ) by Nuruljanniah Ayop SES060557 Year 2008/9
  35. Preparation and characterization if Lithium Ferum Phosphate as Cathode Materials for Lithium ion batteries by Shariman bin Othman SES990174 Year 2002/2003 , (External Examiner)
  36. Industrial Training Report (Hicom-Teck See Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, Lot 76-75A 27/91, Sec 27 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor) by Izzati binti Abdul Aziz SEC070033 Year 2008/9
  37. Industrial training report from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) by Goh Pei Leng SES030169 Year 2004/5
  38. Industrial training report Analytical study of biological specimens by Alice Yong Sun Tyng SES040017 Year 2005/2006
  39. Industrial Training Report (Choon Huat Sdn. Bhd.) by Law Jin Mee SES020324 Year 2003/2004
  40. Industrial Training Report :Plastics by Nisreen Ghazali SES020540 Year 2003/2004
  41. Preparation of Lithium iron diphosphate based on solid state by Hairul Hisyam bin Abdul Samad SES 990205 Year 2002/2003 , (External Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2016) Scientific Exchange Program, Dept. of Geology and Chemical Sciences, UNiv of Cagliari, International
  2. (2014) Guest Editor in Modeling and Analysis in Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer for journal "Mathematical problems in Engineering", Hindawi publications
  3. (2012) Scientific Exchange Program, Atomistic Simulation Center, Queens' University of Belfast, International
  4. (2011) Editorial Board Member, Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology
  5. (2010) Panel of reviewers for Mathematical Reviews , American Mathematical Society
  6. (2009) UM-MIMOS Centre of Excellence Collaboration , Univ Malaya- MIMOS (Malaysia), National
  7. (2009) Relationship with MIMOS to tap their computer facilites for research in UM, University of Malaya and MIMOS, Malaysia, National
  8. (2009) Reviewer for BioSystems (Elsevier publication)ISI/SCOPUS indexed, (Elsevier Journal publication)
  9. (2009) Reweiver for Math. Comput. Model. (Elsevier) ISI\\\\SCOPUS indexed , Elsevier Journal publication
  10. (2009) Reviewer for Conference Proceedings for International Meeting in Frontiers of Physics 2009 (Gentings Highland , January, 2009) (SCOPUS indexed), Government of Malaysia, International Science Societies
  11. (2008) Joint Postgraduate Research with Physics Department, University of Malaya, University of Malaya, University
  12. (2008) Initiated M.O.U. with Arrhenius Laboratory , Stockholm University (with Profs. Aatto Laaksonen and A. Lubartsev whom I did research with during my 2007 Sabbatical studies) and Universiti Malaya. The documents are being studied carefully in Sweden from a legal standpoint to ensure compliance with human rights and protection of individuals involved in scholarly activities between these two institutions. The reference M.O.U. sent to them was that between Chulalongkorn, NUS and UM. (March to present, 2008), Arrhenius Laboratory, Sweden and University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur
  13. (2008) Journal Academy of Science Malaysia , Academy of Science Malaysia
  14. (2008) Scientific Journals International , Minnesota-based Global Commerce & Communication, Inc. (GCCI)
  15. (2008) Campaigning through letters to the Dean of Science and higher authorities to ensure that swift action would be taken to ensure that the noise pollution due to the installation of a venting system with scrubbers for a research laboratory unit placed on the roof of the Tahap 1 Physical chemistry laboratory is eliminated. At present, the full time attendants for this Lab. cannot use their rooms for long periods of time, and students too cannot use the resource room due to the noise pollution which is an occupational health and pedagogical issue. , University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur
  16. (2008) Workshop on Nanophysics 2008,Organiser and lecturer, Dept. of Physics, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur
  17. (2008) Liaising with SIRIM in response to their seminar I attended at the IPS on 5 May, 2008 so that they may come up with a Laboratory standard for the physical chemistry and possibly other teaching laboratories in UM so that high standards of experimentation and training can be maintained for our undergraduate students, SIRIM (Standards Malaysia MOHE,
  18. (2007) MD of charged systems including using ENUF algorithms , Arrhenius Laboratory, University of Stockholm, Sweden, International
  19. (2007) Simulation reseach with ionic systems, H.U.T. (Helsinki Insitute of Technology), International
  20. (2006) Elected to the board of Reviewers for ISI published literature in mathematical sciences, Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical Society)
  21. (2005) Research ideas exchange with Prof. J.C. Rasaiah, University of Maine at Orono, International
  22. (2005) (a) Sem 2, 2005/2006 Phys Chem Lab., I technically contributed as follows: Repaired both the traveling microscope system for the CO2 phase diagram experiment with the help of Prof Quek of Physics Department, repaired a bomb-calorimeter with the help of the Physics Dept. workshop, procured a new low cost polarimeter, replaced the cooling units with local ones after testing for performance and afficacy and refurbished the thermostating heat controllers for the water bath. I also got the best deals for the new refractometers for the department. (b) Experimented extensively on the experiment on partition functions with I2 to replace the solvent CCl4 with no success as yet because of reaction with bonds containing hydrogen. I have ensured that all the other experiments are running well. I propose to modify the experiment rather than discard it. Probably another spectroscopic method is required to rehabilitate this experiment. (May-Dec, 2006), Chemistry Department, Univ. of Malaya
  23. (2005) Reviewer/Referee, International conference on Frontiers of Physics
  24. (2004) reviewer, Apeiron journal (
  25. (2004) Reviewer, WNCA 2004 conference (Orlando, Fl)
  26. (2003) Training and research in supercomputer methods , High Performance Computing and Networking Center, Kasertsart University, Thailand
  27. (2003) Founding Editorial board member, Nonlinear Analysis and Phenomena journal (2003-2007) now under traditional title "Nonlinear Studies" , official journal of IFNA under American supervision with first issue in June, 2008
  28. (2003) Reviewer/Referee, Malaysian Journal of Physics
  29. (2003) Reviewer, Malaysian Journal of Science
  30. (2003) PKAUM-Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik Universiti Malaya, University of Malaya , 50603 Kuala Lumpur
  31. (2001) Molecular dynamics and NEMD, Physical Chemistry Insitute (N.T.N.U., Trondheim, Norway), International
  32. (2000) reviewer, Internet Journal of Chemistry
  33. (1995) Statistical Mechanics and MD and Monte Carlo methods in determining system properties , K.I.L. (Llubljana, Slovenia), International


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2010) Industrial training at Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Kementerian Sains,Teknologi dan Inovasi Malaysia) Bangi, 4300 Kajang 2 reports by (a)Nurliyana binti Abd Rahman SEC080043 and (b) Norfaraain Abd Karim SEC080043
  2. (2009) Industrial Training with Report: Zan Zafirah Zainal(SEC070112) Tai Yen Ching( SEC080082) and Woon Tua Loong (SEC080093)
  3. (2008) Industrial Training with Thesis/Report. 1)Lim Mei Wan SEC070046 (Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar, Jln rasah, 70300 Seremban) 2) Nuruljannah Ayop SES060557 (Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar, Jln rasah, 70300 Seremban)
  4. (2007) B.Sc Applied Chemistry Final Year Industrial Training 2 Theses 1) Wong Siew Fun SES060772 (Hin Getah (M) Sdn Bhd Kepong 52100 K.L. ) 2)NURULAIN BTE MUSTAFA SES050677 (Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya, 50603 K.L.)
  5. (2005) B.Sc Applied Chemistry Final Year Industrial Training 3 Theses
  6. (2004) B.Sc Applied Chemistry Final Year Industrial Training 5 Theses
  7. (2003) Program Peralihan Pembantu Makmal
  8. (2003) B.Sc Applied Chemistry Final Year Industrial Training 2 Theses
  9. (2002) B.Sc Applied Chemistry Final Year Industrial Training 1 Thesis
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2014) Physicochemical and thermodynamic proper ties of binary and ternary liquid mixtures, Arshid Nabi
  2. (2012) Modelling of selected physical and thermodynamical proper ties of binary liquid mixtures of dimethoxymethane with aliphatic alcohols, YAU CHING KOON
  3. (2012) Experimental fluid state studies(Post Doc), Firdosa Nabi
  4. (2011) Thermodynamical Studies in fluid state-converted to PHD program, Yau Ching Koon
  5. (2008) DFT Studies of Arsenic and heavy metal contamination in Water, Mohamad Abdus Salam
  1. (2014) Withdrawn: The role of intermolecular forces in determining the physico-chemical properties of liquid and liquid crystal mixtures determined by experimental measurement, Shiling Li
  2. (2012) Design of electrostatic potential algorithms for MD simulationsComputer, Ahmad Anggraria jaya Agung
  3. (2008) MD studies of Polyelectrolyte solutions, Ahmad Anggraria Agung
  4. (2008) INvestigation of MRAM materials by DFT calculations, Li Li Ling
  5. (2006) Parallel Computing in a Grid Environment (Co-supervisor), Khawaja Mohammad Ali Qamar (Computer Science Department)


  1. (2017) SCES3130 - Sces3130d Physical Chemistry Practical
  2. (2017) SCES3130 - Statistical Mechanics and Chemical Kinetics
  3. (2016) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry III Kinetics
  4. (2015) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry III M3130d
  5. (2015) SCES3130 - Stat Mechs and Kinetics
  6. (2015) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry III (M3130b)
  7. (2015) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry III Stat Mech and Kinetics
  8. (2014) M1230P - Practical Chemistry 1
  9. (2014) M3130B - Practical Chemistry 3
  10. (2014) M3130T - Practical Chemistry 3
  11. (2014) SCES3130 - Kimia Fizik 3
  12. (2014) SCES3130 - Kimia Fizik 3
  13. (2014) SCES3130 - Stat Mech. and Kinetics
  14. (2013) SCES2230 - Kimia Fizik 2
  15. (2011) M3130C - Practical Year 3
  16. (2011) SCEP3130 - Physical Chemistry III
  17. (2011) SCEP3130 - Physical Chemistry III
  18. (2011) SCES2338 - Solid State Chemistry
  19. (2011) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry III
  20. (2010) M3130D - Practical Physical Chemistry Year 3
  21. (2010) M3130R - Practical Physical Chemistry Year 3
  22. (2010) SCES233 - Solid State Chemistry
  23. (2009) M1230P - Practical Physical Chemistry Year 1
  24. (2009) M3130D - Practical Physical Chemistry Year 3
  25. (2009) M3130R - Practical Physical Chemistry Year 3
  26. (2009) M3152Y - Practical Physical Chemistry Year 3
  27. (2009) SCEP3130 - Physical Chemistry 3
  28. (2009) SCEP3130 - Physical Chemistry III
  29. (2009) SCEP3130 - Physical Chemistry III
  30. (2009) SCEP3152 - Y Practical Group
  31. (2009) SCES2338 - Solid State Chemistry
  32. (2009) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3
  33. (2009) SCES3130 - Practical B,T Group
  34. (2008) SCEP1230 - Kimia Asas 1
  35. (2008) SCEP3130 - Physical Chemistry 3
  36. (2008) SCEP3152 - Kimia Asas 3
  37. (2008) SCES1230 - Basic Chemistry 1 M1230n
  38. (2008) SCES2230 - Q,R Practical Group
  39. (2008) SCES2338 - Solid State Chemistry
  40. (2008) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3
  41. (2008) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3 M3130s
  42. (2008) SCES3130 - A, Practical
  43. (2008) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3
  44. (2006) SCEP1230 - Physical Chemistry 1 M1230y
  45. (2006) SCEP2251 - Kimia Asas 2
  46. (2006) SCEP3130 - Physical Chemistry 3
  47. (2006) SCEP3152 - Basic Chemistry 3 M3152y
  48. (2006) SCEP3152 - Kimia Asas 3
  49. (2006) SCES1230 - Physical Chemistry 1 M1230n, E
  50. (2006) SCES2230 - Physical Chemistry 2 M2230b
  51. (2006) SCES2230 - Physical Chemistry 2 M2230x
  52. (2006) SCES2338 - Solid State Chemistry
  53. (2006) SCES3152 - Basic Chemistry 3 M3152y
  54. (2005) SCEP2251 - Kimia Asas 2
  55. (2005) SCEP3130 - Physical Chemistry 3 M3130d
  56. (2005) SCES1230 - Physical Chemistry 1 M1230n
  57. (2005) SCES2230 - Physical Chemistry 2 M2230d
  58. (2005) SCES2230 - Physical Chemistry 2 M2230c
  59. (2005) SCES2252 - Basic Chemistry 2 M2252y
  60. (2005) SCES2338 - Solid State Chemistry
  61. (2005) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3 M3130t
  62. (2005) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3 M3130d
  63. (2005) SCES3130 - Practical Gp D
  64. (2005) SCES3152 - Basic Chemistry 3 M3152y
  65. (2004) GXEX1406 - Thinking and Communication Skills
  66. (2004) SCEP3130 - Physical Chemistry 3
  67. (2004) SCES1230 - Physical Chemistry 1 M1230p
  68. (2004) SCES2338 - Solid State Chemistry
  69. (2004) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3 M3130p & D
  70. (2004) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3 M3130q, R , T
  71. (2003) SCEP1230 - Physical Chemistry 1 M1230p, Q, R
  72. (2003) SCEP1230 - Physical Chemistry 1 M1230q
  73. (2003) SCEP1252 - Basic Chemistry 1 M1252e
  74. (2003) SCEP2230 - Physical Chemistry 2 M2230s
  75. (2003) SCEP3151 - Kimia Asas 3
  76. (2003) SCES1101 - Basic Mathematics for Chemistry M1101q
  77. (2003) SCES1201 - Mathematics for Chemistry M1201b, C, P, Q
  78. (2003) SCES1230 - Chemistry Physics 1 M1230p, Q, R
  79. (2003) SCES1230 - Chemistry Physics 1 M1230j
  80. (2003) SCES2338 - Solid State Chemistry
  81. (2003) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3 M3130b, D, D
  82. (2003) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3 Kinetic
  83. (2003) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3 Stat Mech
  84. (2003) SCES3130 - M3130p
  85. (2003) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3
  86. (2003) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3 M3130p
  87. (2002) SCEP1230 - Physical Chemistry 1 1f5, 1f10
  88. (2002) SCEP2230 - Physical Chemistry 2
  89. (2002) SCES1251 - Basic Chemistry 1 M1251s
  90. (2002) SCES2230 - Physical Chemistry 2 2f5
  91. (2002) SCES2230 - Physical Chemistry 2
  92. (2002) SCES2338 - Solid State Chemistry
  93. (2002) SCES3130 - Physical Chemistry 3
  94. (2000) SCES1230 - Chemistry Physics I
  95. (2000) SCES1230 - Physical Chemistry 1 1p1, 1p10
  96. (2000) SCES2230 - Basic Chemistry 2
  97. (2000) SCES3130 - Basic Chemistry 3
  98. (2000) SCES3170 - Amali Tahap 3 M3170p


  • Primary Abortion
    Copyright (National)
  • Collected Works II
    Copyright (International)
  • Heisenberg Uncertainty and Quantum Mechanical Relations
    Copyright (International)
  • Experimental evidence of radiative conduction heat currents, a theoretical justification thereof and proposed extensions to the laws of Kirchoff and Thermodynamics
    Copyright (International)
  • Words from a Teleprinter
    Copyright (International)
  • Collected Works 1
    Copyright (International)
  • Various academic works bearing copyright
    Copyright (International)
  • Draft of a book entitled "Homily on the Third World with reference to the First World 120 page
    Copyright (International)


  • Board of Directors and Editorial Board, (18 Jun 2020 - 31 Dec 2030)
  • Member of Local Organizing Committee (All Council Members of Ifm Are Part of Local Organizing Committee), Appc14 Conference Kuching, 2019, (17 Nov 2019 - 22 Nov 2019)
  • Associate Editor, Jurnal Fizik Malaya, (01 Oct 2018 - 31 Dec 2020)
  • Council Member, Ifm, (01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2021)
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Science and Technology (Jst) in Isi Scopus Core Journal List, (01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2020)
  • Supporter of Spastic Association, Selangor, (01 Dec 2009 - 31 Dec 2014)
  • Member of Board of Reviewers for Mathematical Reviews and of Many Isi Listed Journals from Publishers Such as Elsevier, Springer . Etc. Publonns Has Some Data On My Most Recent Reviewing Activity, (01 Jan 2004 - 31 Dec 2021)
  • Supporter of Wwf, (01 Jun 2003 - 31 Dec 2014)
  • Visits and Support to Selangor Spastic Society, (01 May 2003 - 01 Dec 2009)
  • Sang Bass in Bruckner'S Mass in E Minor (2001)) in Trondheim Domkirk Choir , Trondheim, Norway, (06 Aug 2001 - 05 Jun 2001)
  • Sang Bass in Elgar'S King Olaf in Trondheim Domkirk Choir , Trondheim, Norway, (01 May 2001 - 01 Jul 2008)
  • Sang Bass in "Grease" Selangor Philharmonic Sciety Choir, (01 May 1998 - 02 Jun 1998)
  • Sang Bass Section in Selangor Philharmonic Society International Redering of The Creation by Haydn, (01 May 1997 - 01 Dec 1997)