Department of Geography
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Rosmadi Fauzi is a Professor at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. He obtained a Degree in Social Sciences (Political Science) in 1998, Master of Science (M. Sc.) in 1999 and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in 2008 from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Pulau Pinang. He serves as a lecturer since 2004 and was promoted to an Associate Professor in 2014 and became a Professor in 2022. He was the Deputy Dean of Research and Development at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, from 2017 to 2020. Prior to that, he served as the Head of Geography Department from 2015 to 2017. Rosmadi Fauzi is an associate member of National Antarctic Research Centre. In 2008, under the Malaysian Antarctic Research Program (MARP) collaboration with Institute of Antarctica of Ecuador (INAE), Rosmadi Fauzi has joined the scientific expedition journey to the continent of Antarctica with other 22 South American Antarctic researchers to explore the mysteries of the continent. He has successfully carried out his scientific expedition and held a talk at the Scientific Antarctica Expedition Symposium at The State University Santa Elena Peninsula in Ecuador, South America. He has also been invited as a special guest and GIS experts for technical meeting, workshop and visit to INAE by the Institute of Antarctica of Ecuador (INAE) and has attended the 4th Latin American Symposium and 7th Chilean Meeting on Antarctic Research in ValparaÍso, Chile. He is also a member of UM Centre of Election and Democracy (UMCEDEL) where he is actively contributing his expertise in GIS to the center’s strategic researches on the nation’s social, electoral and political subjects. Rosmadi Fauzi broad academic interests involve Geographical Information System, Spatial Politics and Electoral, Social Geography and Spatial Social Sciences. He has collaborated with local and international researchers and produced more than 170 publications including in Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus Journals, books, chapters, conferences papers, technical reports and newspapers. He has been appointed as manuscript assessor, external examiner for thesis to several universities both locally and internationally. He was also Chief Editor for Malaysian Journal Tropical Geography (MJTG) and was appointed as reviewer for several international journals. Rosmadi Fauzi was also an evaluator for the Malaysia Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Research Grant Scheme (2012-2015) and a committee member for the Malaysian Ministry of Education Research Grant Scheme (2019-2020). As an active researcher and the principal investigator in a number of research projects, Rosmadi Fauzi has worked on GIS application, spatial model of voting, people’s perception and social impacts studies in Malaysia. The research work has been funded by local and international research grant such as Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Impact Oriented Interdisciplinary Research Grant (IIRG), University of Malaya Research Grant (UMRG), Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Top-down Research Grant, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) grant and others, with cumulative research funding in excess of RM 2.2 million to date. He is also actively involved as a project consultant in numerous GIS Mapping research projects. His highest achievement was producing the first Malaysian National Atlas, a consultant project under Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM), Ministry of Water, Land and Natural Resources. His other notable consultation works include GIS and BIG Data Project for FGV Prodata Systems, the IT arm of FELDA Group of Companies; Environment Sensitivity Index Mapping for one of the world largest oil and gas companies, Shell Berhad as well as reviewer for Malaysian General Election Atlas and Electoral Research Project of the 13th,14th and 15th General Election for Malaysia’s pay television news channel Astro AWANI, and more. Rosmadi Fauzi is also actively involved in contribution to society. He is the President of The Parent Teacher Association (PIBG) of Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Langat, Banting and the Vice Chairman of Masjid as Syariff Telok Datok, Banting. Apart from that, he is actively appeared in the mass media and wrote in local newspapers and often invited as guest speaker to discuss on contemporary topic and current issues of the country at local and international media. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Pembentukan Indeks Politik Negara Pasca Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 |
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Pemodelan Ruangan Keputusan Pilihan Raya Di Malaysia: Kajian Kes Negeri Selangor |
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Keupayaan Perniagaan Skala Kecil Bertahan Dan Berevolusi Semasa Dan Selepas Covid-19 Dari Perspektif Geografi |
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This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Ethnics in coalition: An analysis of stronghold state level party's performance and trend
Using Virtual Reality to Enhance Twenty-First-Century Skills in Elementary School Students: A Systematic Literature Review
Current Trends Transforming Learning in Elementary Schools through ChatGPT: A Systematic Literature Review
Measuring the Struggle of Small-Scale Businesses in the COVID-19 Environment
Kuala Lumpur – Perbandaran dan Persepsi Kualiti Hidup Masyarakat PPR
Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14: Isu dan Cabaran Malaysia Baharu
Merentasi Sempadan yang Melewati Zaman: Kumpulan Esei Sempena Persaraan Profesor Dato' Dr. Mohammad Redzuan Othman
Antartika: Pengembaraan Malaysia ke benua Ais
Kesejahteraan Hidup dari Perpektif Geografi Islam
Calon Cita Rasa Rakyat Dari Perspektif Geografi di Parlimen Lembah Pantai
Sokongan Politik Kepada Barisan Nasional Semasa Pra-PRU14 di Felda Chiku, Gua Musang
Kedah dari Perspektif Sistem Informasi Geografi (GIS).