Department of Anthropology and Sociology
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Top Down: Sacred Sites And Sacred Places: The Significance Of Caves, Cave Art And Motifs Among The Batek Of Merapoh, Pahang, Semai Of Gopeng, Perak And Kensiu Of Baling, Kedah |
end |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Hero Melayu: Pemerihalan maskuliniti, penampilan diri dan isu-isu popular terpilih dalam Media sosial (Malay hero: Descriptions of Masculinity, self-appearances and selected popular issues in social media).
An Enchanted Landscape: Rethinking ‘Irrational Ideas’ of Human Relations to Nature
Addressing illegal practices: intergenerational transfer and creative engagement as a way to compensate boomerang effects
Comic book as an educational strategy to communicate fish bombing to schoolchildren
Children in Sabah: Situation Analysis
Collectors and Traders: A Study of Orang Asli Involvement in Wildlife Trade in the Belum-Temengor Complex, Perak
Respectful Listening: The Jakun as Partners in Conservation
We Live Here Too. The Jakun and the Pahang Peat Swamp Forest
An Enchanted Landscape: Rethinking 'Irrational Ideas' of Human Relations to Nature
Isu dan Cabaran Kanak-Kanak Tanpa Document di Malaysia
Kamal Solhaimi Fadzil, Ivan Tracey, Juli edo, Rosilawati Zainol, Siti Nor Awang, and Wan Suzy Wan Ibrahim. 2013. Sociological Studies and Dependence of The Orang Asli Population on Sg Enam Basin.In Abdul Latiff Mohammed (et al.).Proceeding of The 2nd Temengor Scientific Expedition 2012.Petaling Jaya:Pulau Banding Foundation.
Isu dan cabaran dalam merealisasikan Belum-Temenggor sebagai produk ekopelancongan