Annual Publications by Category
Summary of Budget vs Expenditure per vote for all research grants
Last 3 Projects
Project Title Progress Status
Unravelling The Novel Role Of Septin 5 Protein In The Pathogenesis Of Influenza A Virus Via Crispr/cas9-mediated Editing
on going
In-Vitro Analysis of Flavonoid Composite of Dendrophthoe Pentandra L. Miq As An Antivirus Agent
on going
Elucidatinq The Role Of Orientin In Inhibitinq Influenza Virus Replication As A Potential Antiviral Treatment
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System
Latest Publication

Avian Influenza Virus Tropism in Humans


Antiviral Activities of Streptomyces KSF 103 Methanolic Extracts against Dengue Virus Type-2


House crows (Corvus splendens): the carrier of pathogenic viruses or the misunderstood bird?


Cytotoxic activity of methanolic extract of Streptomyces sp. strain KSF 83 on growth of human breast and colon cancer cells