Department of Restorative Dentistry
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Associate Professor Dr Chai Wen Lin
BDS (Malaya), MDSc (Malaya), FDSRCS (England), PhD (Sheffield)
Associate Professor Dr Chai Wen Lin graduated from University of Malaya in 1994. She joined Ministry of Health as a dental officer in Ipoh. She then pursued her specialist training and obtained her Fellowship from Royal College of Surgeons of England (FDSRCS) in 1998. With her interest in teaching, she returned to her alma matter to be a lecturer till now. Throughout her tenure as a lecturer, she never stops learning; she started her research journey since then and finally obtained her Master in Dental Science in 2005 and PhD in 2010. She has had experienced in various area of researches, such as endodontic, implant-soft tissue interface and qualitative study. The study topics include the morphology of C-shaped canal, the antimicrobial efficacy of intracanal medicaments in Enterococcus faecalis biofilm, development of an in-vitro tissue-engineered oral mucosal model for the investigation of implant-soft tissue interface and more recently, a qualitative study on patients’ perception. Her researches have brought her multiple local and international awards. She has published numerous articles in local and foreign journals, not only pertaining to her research topics but also on various aspects of dentistry. |