Department of English Language
Faculty of Languages and Linguistics
ayeshahsyedum.edu.myView CV | |
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Biography | |
I'm a Senior Lecturer at the English Language Department, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics. After more than two decades of working in language, communication and skills development, I joined UM in 2019 to contribute to progressing the field of health(care) discourse in Malaysia and beyond. In my current role, I teach languages and linguistics courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level, while supervising and conducting research. Research Focus - Improving Health & Wellbeing by Applying a Discursive Toolkit Expertise -Enhancing Language and Communication in Diverse Settings Professional Activities and Leadership I welcome potential collaborations aligned with my expertise and also enjoy connecting with other researchers to learn about their work, gain insight into new contexts, fields and perspectives and explore how I might contribute to their research activities. In terms of postgraduate supervision, I supervise projects that apply discursive approaches to address problems in health-related contexts, focusing on interaction. Note to potential supervisees: I have limited availability for 2025-2026 due to a heavy supervision load. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
MASS: Mobilising Alliances to Enhance Community Capacity Building for SOGIESC-affirming Mental Health Services |
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This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Using decision support tools for treatment decision making about antidepressants in outpatient psychiatric consultations
Narratives of Anxiety and Depression on YouTube: A Corpus-Based Thematic Analysis
English Question Formation: A Comparison of Errors Made by English-Dominant Versus Mandarin-Dominant Learners in a Chinese Medium Primary School
Factors influencing healthcare seeking in patients with dengue: systematic review
Women for Change and Empowerment
Supporting Competing Narratives: A Membership Categorization Analysis of Identity Work in Police-Detainee Talk