Department of Restorative Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
arunitium.edu.myView CV | |
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OBJECTIVE Perform a range of responsibilities as a Professor in Periodontology in teaching, research, clinical duties and contribute towards the institution‘s development to uplift the institution and the profession.
EXPERIENCE WITH EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Current Position: Professor in Periodontology, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya Total experience as an academician in Periodontology - 32 years (from 19.03.1992 up to 17.09.2024) [16 years of experience as a Senior Professor/Professor; 09 years of experience as a Senior Lecturer; 07 years of experience as a Dental Lecturer in the Department of Oral Medicine & Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka].
Special appointments during my sabbatical leave periods:
Other appointments/services/special training exposures:
Teaching experience for undergraduates (for 31 years) and postgraduates (for 21 years) conducting lectures, clinical & laboratory demonstrations, clinical teaching & supervision, tutorial classes, research discussions and research supervision. These were carried out according to the updated curriculum revisions at different times.
i. Functioned as a Council Member of the National Research Council of Sri Lanka, from 2005 to 2018. ii. National Representative and Guest Speaker at the 2nd UKM international symposium in Periodontology held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in October 2007. iii. National Policy Implication Expert in Sri Lanka on Oral Health & General Health, February 2016. iv. Represented Periodontology Discipline in the PGIM Board of Study in Dental Surgery, University of Colombo, from 2007 to 2021.
i. Chairman of Board of Study in Dental Surgery, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM), University of Colombo, from June 2018 to May 2021. ii. Chairman of Proposal-Writing-Team for Self-Evaluation-Report for BDS Study Program Evaluation, conducted by the University Grants Commission (UGC) Sri Lanka in 2019-2020. iii. Chairman, Proposal-Writing-Team for Self-Evaluation-Report for Curriculum Development & Planning at the Institutional Review of University of Peradeniya conducted by the UGC, Sri Lanka - 2021. iv. Chairman of Faculty Quality Assurance Cell (FQAC) from 2015-2018 and member of FQAC from 2018-2021. v. Chairman of the iPURSE (Peradeniya University International Research Sessions) at the Annual Research Presentations (2015). vi. Secretary, Board of Study in Dental Surgery, PGIM from June 2015 to May 2018. vii. Secretary & member of Specialty Board in Restorative Dentistry, PGIM, University of Colombo, from 2009 to 2015. viii. Faculty Representative for Quality Assurance Unit of University of Peradeniya from 2013 to 2016. ix. Representative for the clinical part of the curriculum in the Curriculum Development & Planning Committee from 2015 to 2022. x. Chairman of the Clinical Audit Committee (2009 to 2013). xi. Member of Faculty Research Committee and Faculty Ethics Review Committee (2009 to 2022).
i. Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Experimental Dental Sciences (IJEDS). Appointed in November 2012. ii. Editorial Board Member of Journal of Multi-disciplinary Dental Research (JMDR) from 2020. iii. Editorial Board Member of Sri Lanka Journal of Oral Sciences (SLJOS) -2023. iv. Editor of Sri Lankan Academy of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry from 2008. v. Reviewer of manuscripts for International Dental Journal, (Article Type: Scientific Research Report; Section/Category: Interprofessional Education and Practice); December 2022. vi. Reviewer of the Panel: for proposal defence presentation by clinical doctorate candidate (Doctor in Periodontology), University of Malaya, Academic Session 2022/2023, January 2023. vii. Review Panellist in Asia Pacific Dental Congress (APDC), May 2010. viii. Selection Panellist (as the Senate Nominee) for recruitment/promotion of academic staff for University of Peradeniya. ix. Member of Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology (APSP) from 2001. x. Life Member of Sri Lanka Dental Association (SLDA), Sri Lanka Association of Cosmetic Dentistry (SLACD), College of Dentistry & Stomatology of Sri Lanka (CDSSL) participating and contributing as a resource person at workshops/ conferences/symposia.
8) Research Experience, Publications, Dissemination of Expertise & Awards of Recognition (details are listed separately)
For the last 30 years, I have embarked on several research projects, some with foreign collaborations with the aim of exploring novel areas in clinical dental research. Research findings were disseminated through several scientific publications and communications. Additionally, I have contributed to textbooks with world renowned international publishers. My main research interest and expertise in laboratory cell culture research dates back to 1997 at the King’s College Dental Institute, University of London where I was trained on cell culture research for my PhD. I have also carried out epidemiological and clinical research related to the field of Periodontology and allied disciplines and the publications/ communications are listed in detail as the last part of the CV given below.
9) Other services
PERSONAL SKILLS An ardent academic, diligent and organised in work who value team spirit.
ACADEMIC REFERENCES 1. Emeritus Professor L.P. Samaranayake (Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hong Kong) lakshman@hku.hk 2. Emeritus Professor D.Y.D. Samarawickrama (Conservative Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, University of London) y.d.samarawickrama@qmul.ac.uk 3. Emeritus Professor S.L. Ekanayake (Community Dental Health, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya) lilaniekanayake36@gmail.com
Research Publications and Presentations
Contribution to Text Books
Research Presentations at meetings / Publications in abstract form
Ongoing Research & Supervised Research
Orations, Guest Lectures, Reviewer, Judge Panel and Contribution at Symposia
Contribution in Workshops
Participation in conferences, workshops and other scientific meetings for continuous professional development
Nonsurgical and Surgical Approach for Management of Cyclosporine-A and Nifedipine-Induced Gingival Overgrowth