Music Department
Faculty of Creative Arts
adiljoum.edu.myView CV | |
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ADIL Johan is Deputy Executive Director (Academic and Student Affairs) at the Asia-Europe Institute and senior lecturer at the Faculty of Creative Arts, Universiti Malaya (UM). His research on music and popular culture considers interculturalism, cosmopolitanism, intimacy, affect and gender, focussing on the Malay world and Southeast Asia. He is author of Cosmopolitan Intimacies, a book on Independence-era Malay film music (NUS Press, 2018) and is co-editor of Made in Nusantara: Studies in popular music (Routledge, 2021). He has also published articles in the Journal of Intercultural Studies (2019); Kajian Malaysia (2019); JATI-Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (2022), Indonesia and the Malay World (2023) and Popular Music and Society (2025). He is currently the elected Chair for the Southeast Asian branch for the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-SEA). ADIL Johan ialah Timbalan Pengarah Eksekutif (Akademik dan Hal Ehwal Pelajar) di Institut Asia-Eropah dan pensyarah kanan di Fakulti Seni Kreatif, Universiti Malaya (UM). Kajiannya mengenai muzik dan budaya popular mempertimbangkan antara budaya, kosmopolitanisme, keintiman, pengaruh dan jantina, memfokuskan kepada alam Melayu dan Asia Tenggara. Beliau adalah pengarang Cosmopolitan Intimacies, sebuah buku mengenai muzik filem Melayu era Kemerdekaan (NUS Press, 2018) dan merupakan penyunting bersama buku Made in Nusantara: Studies in popular music (Routledge, 2021). Beliau juga telah menerbitkan artikel dalam Journal of Intercultural Studies (2019); Kajian Malaysia (2019); JATI-Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (2022), Indonesia and the Malay World (2023) dan Muzik dan Popular Music and Society (2025). Beliau kini merupakan Pengerusi yang dipilih untuk cawangan Asia Tenggara bagi International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-SEA). |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
The Soft Power Of Malaysian Popular Music: A Preliminary Study Of Sheila Majid?s Popularity In Indonesia And Japan During The 1980s And 1990s |
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Eluding the State, Reimagining Malaysia: Controversy and Multicultural Heteroglossia in Namewee’s Music Videos
Eluding the State, Reimagining Malaysia: Controversy and Multicultural Heteroglossia in Namewee's Music Videos
Pendidikan Seni di Malaysia: Satu Penelitian Awal Terhadap Visi, Misi Dan Pelaksanaan Program Permata/Genius Seni
Sartorial Strategies of Female Punks in Malaysia’s Socio-Religious Landscape
Made in Nusantara: Studies in Popular Music
Cosmopolitan Intimacies: Malay Film Music of the Independence Era
Keintiman Silang Budaya: Muzik Popular Malaysia 1970-an dan 1980-an
Somewhere they belong: Metal, ethnicity, and scenic solidarities in Malaysia's underground scenes (1990s to 2000s)
Sustaining adaptability: the impact of Covid-19 on independent Klang Valley musicians