Department of Decision Science
Faculty of Business and Economics
adilahghaporum.edu.myView CV | |
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Dr. Adilah binti Abdul Ghapor is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Decision Science, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaya in Kuala Lumpur. She completed her Bachelor's Degree in Mathematical Statistics from Purdue University, Indiana, and obtained her Doctoral Degree from Universiti Malaya. Her research interest is in Statistical Modeling in Mathematical Sciences, focusing on Missing Values, Outliers, and Parameter Estimation. She also works on the application of statistics, which includes socio-economic impact assessment and issues related to the gig economy. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
A Socio-economic Impact Assessment Of Water And Sanitation Needs Among Poor Households In Kelantan |
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Identifying Multiple Outliers in Linear Functional Relationship Model Using a Robust Method
Modelling Wind Speed Data in Pulau Langkawi With Functional Relationship
Missing Value Estimation Methods for Data in Linear Functional Relationship Model
A new nonparametric estimation for slope of linear functional relationship model.