Institute of Ocean &Amp; Earth Sciences (Ioes)
Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences
wee.cheahum.edu.myView CV | |
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Dr Cheah graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia with a BSc (Hons) in 2003 and a MSc in 2007. He obtained his PhD in Oceanography from University of Tasmania in Australia in 2012 under a scholarship from the Australian Government’s Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre. After submitting his PhD thesis in 2011, he was offered a postdoctoral position at Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Germany where he lived in Bremerhaven until 2013. He then moved to Taiwan in 2014 after securing a two-year Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Scholar award. In 2016, he was again awarded another Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Scholar award and spent another two years at Academia Sinica. In the same year, he won the best oral presentation award for the Asian Region category at the 34th Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Open Science Conference. Since 2018, he has been a Senior Lecturer at University of Malaya’s Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences. His current research focuses on the changes in the atmosphere, land and ocean, and how these changes are affecting the oceans and marine organisms. He has participated in various international research voyages on board Australian, German, and Taiwanese research vessels including four in the Southern Ocean, two in the South China Sea, and one each in the North Pacific and Indian Oceans. |
The Biology of Diatom and Potential Usage for Value-Added Products
Aquatic Role of Diatoms: From Primary Producers and Aquafeeds