Institute of Ocean &Amp; Earth Sciences (Ioes)
Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences
khlohum.edu.myView CV | |
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Dr. Loh Kar Hoe (K.-H. L.) is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), University of Malaya. He graduated with a B.Sc. majoring in aquaculture before pursuing his research in fish reproductive for his M.Sc. in NTOU, Taiwan. He obtained his Ph.D. in Fisheries Science from the NTOU in 2009 for doctoral work on taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of moray eels (Mureanidae). After his Ph.D., he spent one year at the Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan as a postdoctoral researcher. He joined IOES July 2011 as a research fellow. He’s team have discovery eight new species eels (Gymnothorax pseudokidako 2021, Gymnothorax pseudomelanosomatus 2015, Neenchelys gracilis 2015, Pylorobranchus hoi 2012, Gymnothorax melanosomatus 2011, Uropterygius oligospondylus 2008, Gymnothorax taiwanensis 2008, Gymnothorax shaoi 2007), and a lot of new recorded fish from Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Japan, and Taiwan. In addition to studying Malaysian fish otoliths, he is also working on the fisheries assessment work on sharks and rays. A total of 47 ISI articles have been published, and 26 technical reports of the IUCN Sciaenidae Red List assessments in 2020. He has collaborative research on the genetic diversity, population genetics of marine organisms; Reef fish diversity and abundance in Malaysian water through DNA barcoding and eDNA in Malaysia. Another study focuses on microplastics in the gill and stomach of fish. He recently secured a research grant to “Resolving systematics of Cephalopods using morphological and molecular approaches in Malaysia”, and “Environment DNA matebarcoding illuminates the diversity of sharks and rays” funded by WWF-Malaysia. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Assessing Fisheries Resources In Malaysian Waters |
on going |
Assessment Of Genetic Diversity Muddy Goby In Surficial Sediments (edna) From A Tropical River-estuary-coastal: A Case Study Of Selangor River, Malaysia |
end |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Chromosome-level genome assembly of the silver pomfret Pampus argenteus
First record of the blue-and-yellow grouper Epinephelus flavocaeruleus (Lacepède 1802) (Perciformes: Epinephelidae) from the Borneo waters, Malaysia.
Abundance of microplastics and its ecological risk assessment in coral reef regions of Peninsular Malaysia
Chromosome-level genome assembly of the silver pomfret <i>Pampus argenteus</i>
Marine Fishes of Kuantan : Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS)
Common coral reef organisms and their distribution Atlas of Xisha Islands
Key to Marine and Estuatial Fishes of China
Common Reef Fishes of Terengganu, Malaysia