Department of Primary Care Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
tongwentingum.edu.myView CV | |
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Wen Ting Tong is a trained implementation researcher who obtained her PhD from the University of Malaya. Her doctoral research focused on developing an effective implementation strategy to integrate patient decision aids into primary care practice, with the aim of facilitating shared decision making. Following her PhD, she joined the National University of Singapore as a research fellow in the Centre for Behavioural and Implementation Science Interventions (BISI). Currently, she holds the position of senior lecturer at the Department of Primary Care Medicine, Universiti Malaya. Wen Ting's research vision revolves around achieving high-quality healthcare by applying implementation and behavioUral sciences to improve the adoption of evidence-based interventions in healthcare practices. Her research is situated within the multidisciplinary realm of implementation science, evidence-based practice, and patient-centered care. In addition to implementation science, her work encompasses other areas such as epidemiology, e-health, and medical education. Wen Ting also has a keen interest in topics such as sexual and reproductive health, mental health, and health ethics. Apart from her research contributions, Wen Ting has valuable experience in designing and developing online courses on massive open online course (MOOC) platforms, including OpenLearning and FutureLearn. Her courses, "Introduction to Research for Healthcare Professionals" (OpenLearning) and "Manuscript Writing Made Easy" (OpenLearning), have garnered significant enrolment numbers and continue to be highly sought after by clinicians and healthcare researchers. Wen Ting's research has been published in prestigious journals such as Implementation Science. She has also co-written book chapters published by renowned publishers such as Routledge London, and Springer. Moreover, she has received several research awards at international conferences in recognition of her work. |
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Development And Evaluation Of An Implementation Intervention To Improve Teleconsultation Uptake In An Academic Primary Care In Malaysia |
on going |
Mental Health And Coping Strategy Among Nursing Students : A Cross Country Comparative Study In Malaysia And Indonesia |
end |
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Developing an implementation intervention, and identifying strategies for integrating health innovations in routine practice: A case study of the implementation of an insulin patient decision aid
Factors Related to, and Effective Interventions for, Vaccination Uptake Among Older Adults in Two Asia-Pacific Countries: A Rapid Review
Developing an implementation intervention, and identifying strategies for integrating health innovations in routine practice: A case study of the implementation of an insulin patient decision aid
The impact of social media on mental health among young people
Issues of Safe Abortions in Malaysia: Reproductive Rights and Choice
Chapter 2: Respect for Persons: Cases and Perspectives Case 2.7. Privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity in healthcare research.
Chapter 4 Justice: Cases and Perspectives Case 4.3. Fair inclusion and exclusion criteria in a study involving psychological intervention.
Chapter 5 Integrity and Trustworthines: Cases and Perspectives Case 5.4. Criteria for authorship, and Case 5.5. Plagiarism and publication ethics.
Chapter 3 Beneficence: Cases and Perspectives Case 3.1. Beneficence: Doing good - benefit to society, benefit to participants.