Annual Publications by Category
Summary of Budget vs Expenditure per vote for all research grants
Last 3 Projects
Project Title Progress Status
Clinical Assessments And Risk Factors Analysis Of Bacterial Vaginosis
on going
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Latest Publications

Routine vaginal examination to assess labor progress at 8 compared to 4 hours after early amniotomy following Foley balloon ripening in the labor induction of multiparas: a randomized trial


Self-monitoring of blood glucose two-weekly versus weekly in gestational diabetes on nutrition therapy: A randomized trial


Adjunctive membrane sweeping in Foley catheter induction of labor after one previous cesarean delivery: A randomized trial


Watermelon and dietary advice compared to dietary advice alone following hospitalization for hyperemesis gravidarum: a randomized controlled trial


Caesarean Section on Maternal Request


Prenatal diagnosis of Beckwith–Weidemann syndrome with chromosomal microarray


Can cfDNA test suffice for isolated increased fetal nuchal translucency between 95–99th centile? A retrospective analysis in a centre in North India