Annual Publications by Category
Summary of Budget vs Expenditure per vote for all research grants
Last 3 Projects
Project Title Progress Status
The Fundamental Role Of The Sperm-borne Oocyte Activation Factor, Phospholipase C Zeta (plc?) Protein & Transcriptome Expression In Male-factor Infertility
on going
The Influence Of Microminerals On Embryo Development In Vitro: Determination Of Tolerance Levels And Optimal Concentration
on going
A Study On Spermfuge
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Latest Publications

Cold compared with room temperature compress on the repaired primiparous perineum following injury at normal vaginal delivery: a randomized controlled trial


Eye-mask and earplugs compared with sleep advice leaflet to improve night sleep duration in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial


Watermelon and dietary advice compared to dietary advice alone following hospitalization for hyperemesis gravidarum: a randomized controlled trial


Novel image analyser-assisted morphometric methodology offer unique opportunity for selection of embryos with potential for implantation


Perinatal Infection


Disorders of Ovulation