Institute of Ocean &Amp; Earth Sciences (Ioes)
Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences
Assessment of nine markers for phylogeny, species and haplotype identification of <i>Kappaphycus</i> species and <i>Eucheuma denticulatum</i> (Solieriaceae, Rhodophyta)
Abundance of microplastics and its ecological risk assessment in coral reef regions of Peninsular Malaysia
Comparison of two cultivation methods for domesticating wild red algal eucheumatoids for use in the seaweed industry
Complete mitochondrial genomes of Bactrocera (Bulladacus) cinnabaria and B. (Bactrocera) propinqua (Diptera: Tephritidae) and their phylogenetic relationships with other congeners
Marine Algal Flora of China Tomus II Rhodophyta Volume 5 Ahnfeltiales, Gigartinales, Sebdeniales, Nemastomatales, Plocamiales, Gracilariales, Rhodymeniales
A Guide to Kappaphycus and Eucheuma in Malaysia/ Garis Panduan Mengenai Rumpai Laur Kappaphycus dan Eucheuma di Malaysia.
Taxonomy of South East Asian Seaweeds II. Monograph Series 15
The South China Sea: Sustaining Ocean Productivities, maritime communities and the climate. Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics
Chapter 8: Observation and Visual Identification of Microplastics
The Importance of the Biosecurity Concept for a Resilient Eucheumatoid Aquaculture Industry
Rhodymeniaceae, Faucheaceae
Kallymeniaceae, Cystocloniaceae